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Displaying 24-27 of 27 results

1007 Exhibit: USP 6,482,332 Malach

Document IPR2016-00117, No. 1007 Exhibit - USP 6,482,332 Malach (P.T.A.B. Oct. 30, 2015)

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1005 Exhibit: USP 5,064,835 Rabenbauer

Document IPR2016-00117, No. 1005 Exhibit - USP 5,064,835 Rabenbauer (P.T.A.B. Oct. 30, 2015)
An air—conditioned pet bed wherein a portable unit is provided with an insulated bottom portion containing re-usable, pre-frozen, chemical ice-packs and atop por- tion which fits over the bottom portion and has a planar, perforated surface to provide an area for a pet to recline and prevent direct contact with the ice-packs, thereby providing cooling of the pet through the perforations in the top portion.
The perforated planar surface pro- vides an area on which the pet reclines and simulta-_ neously prevents direct contact with the aforemen- tioned ice-packs.
The body heat from the pet passes to the ice packs through the perforations 5 in the upper portion 4.
These and other advantages of the invention may be seen in the details of operation and construction set down in the ensuing specification.
The lower portion 30 1 is made of material such as wood or plastic, and is of sufficient strength to support the weight of a pct, as shown in dotted lines in FIG. 3.
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Docket 12/760,045, U.S. Patent Application (Apr. 14, 2010)
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Report on the filing or determination of an action regarding a patent

Document PRESSURE ACTIVATED RECHARGING, 12/760,045, No. JBDUGGLKRXEAPX1 (U.S. Pat. App. Dec. 19, 2017)
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