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14 Order Conduct of Proceeding: CONDUCT OF THE PROCEEDINGExpunging Unauthorized New Evidence37 CFR ¿¿ 427

62 Order: DECISIONDenying Patent Owner¿¿¿s Request for Rehearing37 CFR ¿¿ 4271d

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58 Termination Decision Document: Termination Decision Document

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13 Termination Decision Document: Termination Decision Document

57 Order Conduct of Proceeding: Denying Authorization for Patent OwnerMotion to file Supplemental Information37 CFR sec 425a sec 42123b

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56 Order: Order Adjusting One Year Pendency Due to Joinder

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55 Hearing Transcript: Hearing Transcript

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44 Order: Order Conduct of the Proceeding Modifying Schedule

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40 Order: ORDER Oral Hearing

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39 Order: ORDER Granting Patent Owner¿¿¿s Motion for Additional Discovery37 CFR ¿¿ 4251b2
- Motion to Seal - Granted
- Motion for Additional Discovery - Granted
- - Granted
- Motion for Protective Order
- ...

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35 Order: DECISION Granting Institution of Inter Partes Review 35 USC ¿¿ 314 Granting Motion for Joinder 35 USC ¿¿ 315c, 37 CFR ¿¿ 42122

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12 Institution Decision: Trial Instituted Document


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10 Order: ORDERAuthorizing Reply to Preliminary Response to Petitionerand Sur reply to Patent Owner37 CFR ¿¿ 42108c

66 Mandatory Notice: Patent Owner Almirall, LLCs Updated Mandatory Notices Under 37 CFR Section 428

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