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The People of the State of California vs WILLIAMS, MATTHEW VALENTINO
02/19/2025 | 02/19/2025 *Sentence BAIL: $115,000 NTW 1-22-25 NO ARBUCKLE |
01/22/2025 | 01/22/2025 01-22-25-Preliminary_Hearing *Preliminary Hearing BAIL $ 115,000 NTW - 010825 VIDEO Hearing Held at 1:30 PM CR Minute OrderMIN 012225 |
01/15/2025 | 01/15/2025 01-15-25-Preliminary_Hearing_Confirmation Preliminary Hearing Confirmation BAIL $ 115,000 W/O PREJ BAIL / OR NTW - 010825 VIDEO Hearing Held... |
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The People of the State of California vs PHILLIBER, CYNTHIA LEANNE
11/12/2024 | 11/12/2024 11-12-24-Preliminary_Hearing *Preliminary Hearing BAIL $ 175,000 W/O PREJ BAIL / OR NTW - 102924 LIVE Hearing Held at 9:00 AM CR Minute Order... |
11/04/2024 | 11/04/2024 11-04-24-Preliminary_Hearing_Confirmation Preliminary Hearing Confirmation BAIL $ 175,000 W/O PREJ NTW - 102924 VIDEO Hearing Held at 9:00 AM... |
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08/15/2024 | 08/15/2024 84198687 ORDER OF COMMITMENT BOND AMOUNT $100,000+STAY AWAY |
08/09/2024 | 08/09/2024 84195427 JP/MUNICIPAL COURT ISSUED WARRANT BOND AMOUNT $100,000.00 |
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The People of the State of California vs PHILLIPS, KASSANDRA JANE
09/03/2024 | 09/03/2024 09-03-24-Preliminary_Hearing-2 *Preliminary Hearing CCP 170.6 - PEKIN NTW 8-19-24 BAIL: $115,000 1 HR EST / NO INT Hearing Held at 1:30 PM CR... |
09/03/2024 | 09/03/2024 *Preliminary Hearing BAIL $ 115,000 NTW - 081924 LIVE |
08/27/2024 | 08/27/2024 08-27-24-Preliminary_Hearing_Confirmation Preliminary Hearing Confirmation BAIL / OR BAIL $ 115,000 NTW - 081924 VIDEO Hearing Held at 9:00 AM... |
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11/19/2024 | 11/19/2024 In-Custody Bail amount $215,000.00 |
10/08/2024 | 10/08/2024 In-Custody BAIL AMOUNT: $215,000 |
08/20/2024 | 08/20/2024 In-Custody BAIL AMOUNT $215,000.00 |
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The People of the State of California vs. Edward Dashawn Ray, III
08/07/2024 | 08/07/2024 Bail Bond FiledComment: FCS500-2789762 / $300,000 |
The People of the State of California vs MILLER, DEVYN BLAKE
10/15/2024 | 10/15/2024 *Trial: Jury BAIL $ 130,000 NTW - 081524 LIVE |
10/10/2024 | 10/10/2024 10-10-24-Motion_In_Limine Motion In Limine BAIL $ 130,000 NTW - 081524 LIVE Hearing Held at 1:30 PM CR Minute OrderAMD MIN 10/10/24 |
10/03/2024 | 10/03/2024 10-03-24-Pretrial_Conference-2 *Pretrial Conference BAIL $130,000 LIVE Hearing Held at 1:30 PM CR Minute OrderMINS 10-3-24 |
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The People of the State of California vs HOAGLIN, NATHAN LITTLEBEAR
08/26/2024 | 08/26/2024 08-26-24-Preliminary_Hearing *Preliminary Hearing $115,000 Hearing Held at 9:00 AM CR Minute OrderMIN 082624 |
07/29/2024 | 07/29/2024 07-29-24-Preliminary_Hearing *Preliminary Hearing BAIL $ 115,000 TW - 10 DAYS LIVE Hearing Held at 9:00 AM CR Minute OrderMIN 072924 |
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