Patent Trial and Appeal Board
(Aug. 9, 2019)
Frances Ippolito, Jon Jurgovan, Mitchell Weatherly, Timothy Goodson, presiding
Case Type | Inter Partes Review |
Patent | 7065936 |
Patent Owner | Provisur Technologies, Inc. |
Petitioner | Weber, Inc. |
Cite Docket
Weber, Inc. v. Provisur Technologies, Inc., IPR2019-01462 (P.T.A.B.)
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Missouri Western District Court
(Feb. 22, 2019)
District Judge Stephen R. Bough, presiding
Division | St. Joseph |
Cause | 35:271 Patent Infringement |
Case Type | 830 Patent |
Tags | 830 Patent, 830 Patent |
Patent | 6320141; 6669005; 6997089; 7065936; 7533513; 8322537; 9399531, 6320141, 6669005, 6997089, 7065936, 7533513, 8322537, 9399531 |
Plaintiff | Provisur Technologies, Inc. |
Defendant | Weber, Inc. |
Defendant | Textor, Inc. |
Cite Docket
Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:19-cv-06021 (W.D.Mo.)
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Patent Trial and Appeal Board
(June 1, 2018)
Bart Gerstenblith, Hyun Jung, Richard Smith, presiding
Case Type | Inter Partes Review |
Patent | 9586011 |
Patent Owner | Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH |
Petitioner | West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. |
Cite Docket
West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. v. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, IPR2018-01159 (P.T.A.B.)
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Patent Trial and Appeal Board
(June 1, 2018)
Bart Gerstenblith, Hyun Jung, Richard Smith, presiding
Case Type | Inter Partes Review |
Patent | 9352099 |
Patent Owner | Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH |
Petitioner | West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. |
Cite Docket
West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. v. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, IPR2018-01162 (P.T.A.B.)
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Patent Trial and Appeal Board
(May 24, 2018)
James Mayberry, Kevin Cherry, Richard Marschall, presiding
Case Type | Inter Partes Review |
Patent | 8308395 |
Patent Owner | Wirtgen America, Inc. |
Petitioner | Caterpillar Inc. |
Cite Docket
Caterpillar Inc. v. Wirtgen America, Inc., IPR2018-01091 (P.T.A.B.)
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Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 634 (W.D.Mo. Feb. 3, 2025)
HONORABLE Stephen R. Bough presiding at Kansas City, Missouri.
Plaintiff: Jeffrey Simon, Craig Martin, Taylor Hausmann, Sara T Horton, Ren-How H. Harn Defendant: Adam Prescott Seitz, Caroline A Bader Remarks: At 8:27 a.m. Court is in session and direct examination of witness Jim Farrell begins.
The Jury returns at 11:09 a.m., Defendant’s witness Mr. Philip Kahl is sworn, and direct testimony begins.
Court reconvenes and takes up matters on the record outside the presence of the jury at 12:55 p.m.
The Jury returns at 1:05 p.m. and cross examination of witness Kahl begins.
Cite Document
Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 634 (W.D.Mo. Feb. 3, 2025)
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Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 628 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 30, 2025)
HONORABLE Stephen R. Bough presiding at Kansas City, Missouri.
Plaintiff: Jeffrey Simon, Craig Martin, Taylor Hausmann, Sara T Horton, Ren-How H. Harn Defendant: Adam Prescott Seitz, Caroline A Bader Remarks: Parties appear outside the presence of the jury at 8:28 a.m. and take up matters off the record.
The jury is called in at 8:29 a.m., and the video testimony of Plaintiff’s witness Gregg Cissell begins at 8:30 a.m. Plaintiff’s witness Carsten Reitz’s video testimony begins at 8:41 a.m. Plaintiff’s witness Jorg Schmieser is sworn, and direct examination begins at 8:55 a.m. Court recesses for morning break and dismisses the jury at 9:49 a.m. Court reconvenes at 10:03 a.m., and direct of witness Schmieser continues.
At 11:24 a.m. witness Schmieser is dismissed, and the Court excuses the jurors for a break.
Witness is dismissed and Court breaks at 2:50 p.m. Court reconvenes at 3:05 p.m. Plaintiff’s witness Tobias Weber is sworn, and direct testimony begins.
Cite Document
Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 628 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 30, 2025)
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Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 627 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 29, 2025)
Cite Document
Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 627 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 29, 2025)
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Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 626 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 28, 2025)
Cite Document
Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 626 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 28, 2025)
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Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 625 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 27, 2025)
Cite Document
Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 625 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 27, 2025)
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Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 619 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 24, 2025)
Cite Document
Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 619 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 24, 2025)
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Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 604 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 10, 2025)
Cite Document
Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 604 (W.D.Mo. Jan. 10, 2025)
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Willow Innovations, Inc. v. Chiaro Technology, Ltd., 2:23-cv-00229, No. 157 (E.D.Tex. Jan. 10, 2025)
Cite Document
Willow Innovations, Inc. v. Chiaro Technology, Ltd., 2:23-cv-00229, No. 157 (E.D.Tex. Jan. 10, 2025)
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Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 597 (W.D.Mo. Dec. 30, 2024)
Cite Document
Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 597 (W.D.Mo. Dec. 30, 2024)
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Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 583 (W.D.Mo. Dec. 23, 2024)
Cite Document
Provisur Technologies, Inc. v. Weber, Inc. et al, 5:21-cv-06113, No. 583 (W.D.Mo. Dec. 23, 2024)
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