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Document KELLEY BRENNAN v. UA PROPERTIES LLC et al, 604966/2022, 18 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Jun. 20, 2023)
having applied to this Court to be admitted pro hac vice to represent defendant,
a member of the Bar of the State of New York and attorney of record for Woodcrest Estates et al, an affidavit of the applicant, a Certificate of Good Standing from the Supreme Court of the State ofNevada, a letter from the Nevada Bar Office of Professional Conduct, and her and said application for admission been and the Court resume, having unopposed, having reviewed the foregoing submissions and due deliberation having been had; it is now therefore
shall at all times be associated herein with counsel who is a member in good standing of the Bar of the State of New York and is attorney of record for the party in question; and it is further
shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of New York with respect to any acts occurring during the course of his participation in this matter; and it is further
that MARY HUGGINS shall notify the Court immediately of any matter or event in this or any other jurisdiction that affects his standing as a member of the Bar.
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Document Anthony Alleva v. Trent Ryan Austin et al, 150967/2020, 114 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County May. 24, 2023)
Pursuant to a Decision and order dated september 2, 2022, Plaintiff served a Supplemental Summons and Amended complaint upon Amazon 150961/2020 ALLEVA, ANTHONY vs. AUSTIN, TRENT RyAN Prge I of4 Morion No. 002 Logistics, Inc. adding Amazon Logistics, Inc. as a defendant.
The Amazon Defendants complied with the statutory procedure for changing venue by serving a written demand with its answer and thereafter moving to change venue to Nassau County within 15 days after service ofthe demand (CPLR 5ll [a]-[b]).
Here, Same Day Delivery, Inc. is a domestic business corporation with its county designated as Rockland in its statement filed with the New York Secretary of State.
There is no evidence that Same Day Delivery, Inc. or any ofthe corporate Defendants effectuated any change with the Department of State prior to the commencement of this action, within the applicable time period pursuant to CpLR 503 [a].
There is no 1509.61D020 ALLUVA, ANTIiONy vs. At:S.IN, t.Rf,NT RYAN llotion No. 002 PBge J of4 dispute that Defendant Austin and Plaintiff are both residents of Nassau County.
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Docket 805171/2016, New York State, New York County, Supreme Court (Apr. 27, 2016)
George J. Silver, presiding
Case TypeTorts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice
TagsTort, Civil, Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice, Malpractice
Plaintiff - Petitioner Frederick Saludo
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Document D. F. et al v. The City of New York et al, 719390/2021, 40 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Sep. 25, 2024)
annexed the thereto dated September 9, 2024 (NYSCEFDOC had herein, and proceedings the heretofore # 39), and the and upon all the pleadings will move this Court, before the Hon.
Tracy Catapano-Fox, Supreme Court, Queens County, Courtroom 48, located at 88-11 the courthouse at Jamaica, NewYork, on the 9th day of October 2024 at 9:30 A.M., or as counsel may be heard, an Infant's for an Order scheduling an Infanis Compromise Order in connection with the Compromise Hearing and issuing undersigned Sutphin Boulevard, as soon thereafter Justice of the settlement of this action, and granting such other and further relief which this Court deems just and proper.
This is an action to recover damages for personal injuries arising out of negligent supervision.
that pursuant to CPLR 2214(b), answering affidavits, if any, are to be served upon the undersigned within seven (7) days prior to the return date of the within application.
Acting Corporation Counsel for Defendants - THECITY OFNEWYORKand THE DEPARTMENT Attorneys
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Document D. F. et al v. The City of New York et al, 719390/2021, 41 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Sep. 25, 2024)
MARBER,an attorney duly admitted to practice the State of New York, hereby affirms to be true, the following law before the Courts of under the penalties of perjury:
this proceeding, I am a partner with THE ROSATOFIRM, PC, attorneys and I am fully matter based upon a thorough familiar with the facts and circumstances review of the file maintained in my office.
I submit this Affirmation in support of the instant motion for an Order an Infanes Compromise Order an Infants Compromise Hearing and issuing action, and granting such other and further scheduling in connection with the settlement of this which this Court deems just and proper.
As this Court is aware, all of the documents necessary See the Affirmation to schedule relief the of Paul A. requested hearing have already been e-filed and submitted.
submitted This motion was made necessary due to an error the request was initially to and should ameliorate
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LETTER / CORRESPONDENCE TO JUDGE Motion Submission Form Motion No. 2

Document DESIRE U RODRIGUEZ v. METRO TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, A/K/A MTA et al, 704492/2023, 61 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Sep. 24, 2024)
Desire Rodriguez -against- Plaintiff Arjan Gazaferi, United Parcel Service, Kristin Forbes Inc. and Defendant 704492/2023 Index No. Motion Sequence No. Mojgan Lancman Hon.
IA Part Motion calendar date 9/25/24
attorney), All parties or movant's/cross-movant's has been received; (the movant/cross-movant Michael Mutarelli do attest to the following: have been served by NYSCEFand no opposition to cross motion] ¡ [Reply] ¡ [Cross Motion]¡ to cross motion] ¡ papers have been filed and served; [Opposition [Opposition] and [Reply Adjournment requested and briefing attached stipulation;* Adjournment request by schedule agreed to by all parties per the Parties do not consent.
Please provide Name Phone E-Mail Any additional E-Mail E-Mail Date Please e-mail calendared 9/24/24 form to I.A.
Part 20_no later this date and time.
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EXHIBIT(S) - B Copy of Action 1 Answer

Document DESIRE U RODRIGUEZ v. METRO TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, A/K/A MTA et al, 704492/2023, 50 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Aug. 14, 2024)
Deny that they have the knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegation(s) contained in paragraph(s) 1, 4, 34, 35 and 43 of the verified complaint.
Deny, upon information and 9 of the Verified Complaint and belief, the allegation(s) except admits that: A certain contained in paragraph(s) 7, 8 of office to be a notice paper purporting
Deny, upon information and belief, 10, 11, the allegation(s) contained in paragraph(s) 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 of the Verified except admit that Complaint, the defendant(s) NEWYORKCITY TRANSITAUTHORITYowned, on September 15, 2022, and repaired a 2018 Newflyer bus bearing NewYork State managed, maintained, inspected, license plate number BA6760.
Deny, upon information and belief, contained in paragraph(s) 17, 25, the allegation(s) 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 of the Verified Complaint except admits on September 15, defendant BERNARDSTROMAN 2022, and at all times mentioned in the verified complaint, operated a 2018 Newflyer bus bearing NewYork State license plate number BA67608, within defendant(s) METROPOLITANTRANSPORTATION the scope of his employment with AUTHORITYand NEWYORKCITY TRANSITAUTHORITY,and with the knowledge, and consent, permission express or within the County of of his employers, Queens, City and State of NewYork.
Deny, upon information and belief, the allegation(s) contained in paragraph(s) 44 of the Verified Complaint and refer all questions of law to this Honorable Court.
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Document DESIRE U RODRIGUEZ v. METRO TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, A/K/A MTA et al, 704492/2023, 52 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Aug. 14, 2024)

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Document DESIRE U RODRIGUEZ v. METRO TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, A/K/A MTA et al, 704492/2023, 48 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Aug. 14, 2024)

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Document DESIRE U RODRIGUEZ v. METRO TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, A/K/A MTA et al, 704492/2023, 47 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Aug. 14, 2024)

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Document A. V. v. Erica Jacovetty et al, 60352/2017, 288 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Westchester County Mar. 2, 2023)

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Document D. F. et al v. The City of New York et al, 719390/2021, 27 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Feb. 9, 2023)

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Document Anthony Alleva v. Trent Ryan Austin et al, 150967/2020, 86 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jan. 30, 2023)

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Joyce Rosinger v. Ocean Harbor Club Owners, Inc. et al

Docket 600051/2016, New York State, Nassau County, Supreme Court (Jan. 6, 2016)

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Document Horace Barrow v. James Sheridan et al, 600683/2020, 87 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Jan. 17, 2023)

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