Deny that they have the knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegation(s) contained in paragraph(s) 1, 4, 34, 35 and 43 of the verified complaint.
Deny, upon information and 9 of the Verified Complaint and belief, the allegation(s) except admits that: A certain contained in paragraph(s) 7, 8 of office to be a notice paper purporting
Deny, upon information and belief, 10, 11, the allegation(s) contained in paragraph(s) 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 of the Verified except admit that Complaint, the defendant(s) NEWYORKCITY TRANSITAUTHORITYowned, on September 15, 2022, and repaired a 2018 Newflyer bus bearing NewYork State managed, maintained, inspected, license plate number BA6760.
Deny, upon information and belief, contained in paragraph(s) 17, 25, the allegation(s) 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 of the Verified Complaint except admits on September 15, defendant BERNARDSTROMAN 2022, and at all times mentioned in the verified complaint, operated a 2018 Newflyer bus bearing NewYork State license plate number BA67608, within defendant(s) METROPOLITANTRANSPORTATION the scope of his employment with AUTHORITYand NEWYORKCITY TRANSITAUTHORITY,and with the knowledge, and consent, permission express or within the County of of his employers, Queens, City and State of NewYork.
Deny, upon information and belief, the allegation(s) contained in paragraph(s) 44 of the Verified Complaint and refer all questions of law to this Honorable Court.