2.2(a) – (h), Plaintiff The Green Pet Shop Enterprises, LLC (“Green Pet” or “Plaintiff”) hereby discloses its initial infringement contentions and identifies the accompanying document production for U.S. Patent No. 8,720,218 (the “’218 Patent”).
for any purpose, on the assertion that its own or its licensee’s apparatus, product, device, process, method, act, or other instrumentality practices the claimed invention, the party must identify, separately for each asserted patent, each such apparatus, product, device, process, method, act, or other instrumentality that incorporates or reflects that particular claim, including whether it is marked with the patent number.
Our Client is a company that aims to provide eco—friendly products that lend themselves to recycling and reducing the environmental impact or the carbon footprint.
Our Client’s products are easy to use, affordable, unique, and serve improve or enhance the emotional, mental and physical well being of the community.
afsdf June 16, 2014 Page 2 Please review the attached materials to assess the scope of the the ‘21 8 Patent and whether such a license would benefit Hugs.