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ARBAssessment of Arbitration Fee 14959960 1-ARBAssessment_of_Arbitration_Fee_14959960

Document LARRY JAMALL KINARD VS CHW GROUP INC, 23CVD010135-590, ARBAssessment of Arbitration Fee 14959960 1-ARBAssessment_of_Arbitration_Fee_14959960 (North Carolina St., Meckle...
Name And Adaress Of Party L] Pantiatly indigent|Name And Address Of PartyL] tnatigent CL) inaigent L] Partially indigent
Pro Rata Share Miscellaneous Judgment Docket No. Signature OfArbitrator Name Of Arbitrator (Type Or Print) James Wilson Young Date Of Notice
The party's pro rata share shall be indicated in the appropriate block and the appropriate percentage reduction will be calculated by the cashier.
NOTE TO ARBITRATOR: Upon completionofarbitration hearing, date, sign, and print your nameonthis form.
On this form, enter the “M” numberfor each judgmentin the column above headed “Miscellaneous Judgment Docket No.” Each party should have a separate “M” number.
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Legacy Complete Case Scan 14957332 1-Legacy_Complete_Case_Scan_14957332

Document LARRY JAMALL KINARD VS CHW GROUP INC, 23CVD010135-590, Legacy Complete Case Scan 14957332 1-Legacy_Complete_Case_Scan_14957332 (North Carolina St., Mecklenburg Co., D...
Name And Address Of Plaintiff's Attorney (if none, Address Of Plaintiff) Time "Col Q [ 23 Alec Covington McGuireWoods LLP 201 N. Tryon Street, Ste.
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ARBArbitration Award Filed 14969050 1-ARBArbitration_Award_Filed_14969050

Document LARRY JAMALL KINARD VS CHW GROUP INC, 23CVD010135-590, ARBArbitration Award Filed 14969050 1-ARBArbitration_Award_Filed_14969050 (North Carolina St., Mecklenburg Co., Distr...
... Filed) Until Satisfied LI [ ] Plus Costs Of This Action ( ] Plus Costs Of This Action Name(s) Of Party(ies) From Whom Award Recoverable Date Of Award | Copy HandedToAll Parties On Date Of Award 3/7/24 Signature Of Arbitrator None ...
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Arbitration 14391558 1-Arbitration_14391558

Document LARRY JAMALL KINARD VS CHW GROUP INC, 23CVD010135-590, Arbitration 14391558 1-Arbitration_14391558 (North Carolina St., Mecklenburg Co., District Ct. Mar. 7, 2024)
Any continuance must be approved by the Trial Court Administrator's Office and will be granted only upon written motion and a showingof a strong and compelling reason to do so.
Traditional rules of evidence and procedure will not apply, but shall be considered as a guide toward full and fair developmentof the facts.
This fee will be returned only if there is a trial in which, in the judge’s opinion, the demanding party's position is improved overthe arbitrator's award [Rule 9(b1)].
Casesstill pending after the 30-day rejection period in which no demandfortrial de novo is filed will have the award ofthe arbitrator entered by the Court asits judgment, which cannot be appealed.
Follow QR codes on any of the posters, card handouts, printed materials Please see the next page for IMPORTANTInstructions for filing documents with the Court.
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No. 14 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Chiaro ...

Document Willow Innovations, Inc. v. Chiaro Technology, Ltd., 2:23-cv-00229, No. 14 (E.D.Tex. Jun. 9, 2023)
Motion to Extend Time
Case 2:23-cv-00229-JRG Document 14 Filed 06/09/23 Page 1of1PagelD #: 584
Unopposed Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint Attach this form to the Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint event.
Civil Action No.: 2:23-cv-—00229-JRG Is this the first application for extension of time in this case?
Nameofparty requesting extension: Chiaro Technology, Ltd. [v] Yes [] No [_] Second [_] Third [_] Other If no, please indicate which application this represents: Date of Service of Summons: 6/7/2023 Numberof days requested: [] 30 days [] 15 days [v] Other 45___days New Deadline Date: 3/12/2023 (Required)
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No. 10 MOTION for Service of Process by Mail by Willow Innovations, Inc

Document Willow Innovations, Inc. v. Chiaro Technology, Ltd., 2:23-cv-00229, No. 10 (E.D.Tex. May. 25, 2023)
Plaintiff Willow Innovations, Inc. (“Willow”) requests the assistance of the Clerk of Court in serving Defendant Chiaro Technology, Ltd. (“Defendant”), an entity based in the United Kingdom (“UK”).
Service by mail is appropriate because it is (1) expressly permitted under the Federal Rules, (2) not prohibited by international agreement, and (3) reasonably calculated to give notice to Defendant of this lawsuit.
Accordingly, service by mail to Defendant’s principal place of business in the UK is proper and reasonably calculated to give Defendant notice of this lawsuit.
Pursuant to Rule 4(f)(2)(C)(ii), Willow will provide to the Clerk a pre-addressed envelope with pre-paid postage, along with the Complaint and Summons, for transmission by Federal Express to Defendant’s principal office in the UK at the address below, with signed receipt requested.
Chiaro Technology, Limited 63-66 Hatton Garden, Second Floor London, United Kingdom, EC1N 8LE Dated: May 25, 2023
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No. 1 COMPLAINT for Patent Infringement against Chiaro Technology, Ltd. ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt ...

Document Willow Innovations, Inc. v. Chiaro Technology, Ltd., 2:23-cv-00229, No. 1 (E.D.Tex. May. 24, 2023)
Elvie also is liable for contributory infringement of the ’816 Patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c) by selling or offering for sale the Accused Products and/or other components (e.g., breast pump accessories, mobile applications, etc.) in the United States and importing the Accused Products and/or other components (e.g., breast pump accessories, mobile applications, etc.) into the United States with knowledge that they are especially designed or adapted to operate in a manner that infringes the ’816 Patent and are not a staple article or commodity of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use.
Elvie also is liable for contributory infringement of the ’228 Patent under 35 U.S.C § 271(c) by selling or offering for sale the Accused Products and/or other components (e.g., breast pump accessories, mobile applications, etc.) in the United States and importing the Accused Products and/or other components (e.g., breast pump accessories, mobile applications, etc.) into the United States with knowledge that they are especially designed or adapted to operate in a manner that infringes the ’228 Patent and are not a staple article or commodity of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use.
Elvie also is liable for contributory infringement of the ’005 Patent under 35 U.S.C § 271(c) by selling or offering for sale the Accused Products and/or other components (e.g., breast pump accessories, mobile applications, etc.) in the United States and importing the Accused Products and/or other components (e.g., breast pump accessories, mobile applications, etc.) into the United States with knowledge that they are especially designed or adapted to operate in a manner that infringes the ’005 Patent and are not a staple article or commodity of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use.
Elvie also is liable for contributory infringement of the ’624 Patent under 35 U.S.C § 271(c) by selling or offering for sale the Accused Products and/or other components (e.g., breast pump accessories, mobile applications, etc.) in the United States and importing the Accused Products and/or other components (e.g., breast pump accessories, mobile applications, etc.) into the United States with knowledge that they are especially designed or adapted to operate in a manner that infringes the ’624 Patent and are not a staple article or commodity of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use.
Elvie also is liable for contributory infringement of the ’619 Patent under 35 U.S.C § 271(c) by selling or offering for sale the Accused Products and/or other components (e.g., breast pump accessories, mobile applications, etc.) in the United States and importing the Accused Products and/or other components (e.g., breast pump accessories, mobile applications, etc.) into the United States with knowledge that they are especially designed or adapted to operate in a manner that infringes the ’619 Patent and are not a staple article or commodity of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use.
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SBI Fingerprint Card

Document STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA VS SHARNELL M GRANT, 23CR454289-910, 12815953 (North Carolina St., Wake Co., District Ct. Nov. 8, 2023)
If this block is checked, a copy of the final disposition reflecting the original judgement must be attached.]
(Copy of Certified C ourt Order Must Be Attached and Submitted by Arresting Agency]
Days Months Years Active Sentence Probation Suspended Cost:
[Submit copy of this form and retain original until final judgement after Appeliate decision.)
CT AssistantCSC Clerk of Superior Court C3 Deputy if additional space is needed, check © and continue on reverse side of form.
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Civil License Revocation (30)

Document STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA VS SHARNELL M GRANT, 23CR454289-910, 12821737 (North Carolina St., Wake Co., District Ct. Nov. 8, 2023)
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SBI Fingerprint Card

Document STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA VS CAPRISSA VONCHETTA HUNTER, 23CR444063-910, 12598773 (North Carolina St., Wake Co., District Ct. Oct. 27, 2023)
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Docket 1:14-cv-00398, North Carolina Middle District Court (May 15, 2014)
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No. 56 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT indicating no Corporate Parents and/or Affiliates

Document Shenzhen Root Technology Co Ltd v. Chiaro Technology Ltd, 2:23-cv-00631, No. 56 (W.D.Wash. Jun. 7, 2023)
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No. 6 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Laura M Burson on behalf of Willow Innovations, Inc

Document Willow Innovations, Inc. v. Chiaro Technology, Ltd., 2:23-cv-00229, No. 6 (E.D.Tex. May. 25, 2023)
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No. 8 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Carolyn Wall on behalf of Willow Innovations, ...

Document Willow Innovations, Inc. v. Chiaro Technology, Ltd., 2:23-cv-00229, No. 8 (E.D.Tex. May. 25, 2023)
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No. 5 SUMMONS Issued as to Chiaro Technology, Ltd

Document Willow Innovations, Inc. v. Chiaro Technology, Ltd., 2:23-cv-00229, No. 5 (E.D.Tex. May. 25, 2023)
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