USA v. Joseph Fuchs, III

22-3269 | U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit

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Judge Rovner
Filed Dec. 22, 2022
Original Case 3:21-cr-30054
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Filing Date # Docket Text
10/8/2024Final Opinion by Judge Rovner (criminal)
8/7/2023ORDER issued GRANTING motion to extend time to file appellee's brief. [29] Appellee's brief due on or before 09/13/2023 for United States of America. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 10/04/2023 for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs III. CDH [30] [7327889] [22-3269] (CG) [Entered: 08/07/2023 02:29 PM]
8/7/2023Motion filed by Appellee USA to extend time to file appellee brief. [29] [7327741] [22-3269] (Burns, Alexandria) [Entered: 08/07/2023 10:07 AM]
7/24/202328Paper copies of appellant brief filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III. [28] [7325195] [22-3269] (LCP) [Entered: 07/24/2023 11:51 AM]
7/17/2023NOTICE: Attorney Mr. Michael Gross for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III will not be available for oral argument October 24-25, November 15, November 20-24, December 5-12. [27] [7323919] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 07/17/2023 10:28 PM]
7/17/2023NOTICE: Attorney Alexandria Burns for Appellee USA will not be available for oral argument August 7-11, 2023, August 22-September 9, 2023, and October 15-23, 2-23. [26] [7323709] [22-3269] (Burns, Alexandria) [Entered: 07/17/2023 10:19 AM]
7/14/2023Appellant's brief filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III. Paper copies due on 07/21/2023. REMINDER: If a case is designated to proceed to oral argument, hearing notices will be mailed shortly before the date of oral argument. Please note that counsel's unavailability for oral argument must be submitted by letter, filed electronically with the Clerk's Office, no later than the filing of the appellant's brief in a criminal case and the filing of an appellee's brief in a civil case. See Cir. R. 34(b)(3). The court's calendar is located at Once scheduled, oral argument is rescheduled only in extraordinary circumstances. See Cir. R. 34(b)(4), (e). [25] [7323658] [22-3269] (GW) [Entered: 07/17/2023 08:44 AM]
7/14/2023Re-Submitted appellant brief by Michael Gross for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III. [24] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7323645] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 07/14/2023 10:51 PM]
7/14/2023ORDER re: 1. Motion for extension of time within which to file appellant's brief. 2. Motion for leave to file untimely appellant's brief. To the extent that the appellant seeks to file the electronically tendered opening brief instanter, IT IS ORDERED that the request is DENIED because the tendered brief is procedurally deficient. Counsel for the appellant shall electronically resubmit, by no later than July 21, 2023, a brief and required short appendix that complies with the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and the local Circuit Rules. Specifically, the brief must include a disclosure statement directly after the cover page and before the table of contents. See Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(1). Further, the table of authorities must be alphabetically arranged. Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(3). Finally, the brief must include the certification required by Circuit Rule 30(d). For more information, counsel may contact the clerk’s office. The complete briefing schedule is as follows: [22] Appellant's brief due on or before 07/14/2023 for Joseph Albert Fuchs III. Appellee's brief due on or before 08/14/2023 for United States of America. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 09/05/2023 for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs III. CDH [23] [7323476] [22-3269] (ER) [Entered: 07/14/2023 11:55 AM]
7/13/2023Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to file untimely appellant's brief. [22] [7323180] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 07/13/2023 12:50 PM]
7/13/2023Submitted appellant brief by Michael Gross for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III. [21] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7323179] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 07/13/2023 12:47 PM]
7/12/2023Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to extend time to file appellant brief. [20] [7323038] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 07/12/2023 09:02 PM]
6/15/2023Order issued GRANTING motion to extend time to file appellant's brief. [17] [18] Appellant's brief due on or before 07/12/2023 for Joseph Albert Fuchs III. Appellee's brief due on or before 08/11/2023 for United States of America. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 09/01/2023 for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs III. Given the number of extensions of time given in this matter, counsel is expected to meet this deadline. CDH [19] [7317201] [22-3269] (HTP) [Entered: 06/15/2023 10:32 AM]
6/14/2023Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to extend time to file appellant brief. [18] [7317107] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 06/14/2023 07:06 PM]
6/14/2023Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to extend time to file appellant brief. [17] [7317106] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 06/14/2023 07:03 PM]
5/24/2023ORDER re: 1. Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time Within Which to File Appellant’s Brief [14]. 2. Affidavit in Support of Motion for Extension of Time Within Which to File Appellant’s Brief [15]. The motion is GRANTED. Briefing will proceed as follows: Appellant's brief due on or before 06/21/2023 for Joseph Albert Fuchs III. Appellee's brief due on or before 07/21/2023 for United States of America. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 08/11/2023 for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs III. CDH [16] [7312701] [22-3269] (MAN) [Entered: 05/24/2023 02:50 PM]
5/23/2023Affidavit in support of Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to extend time to file appellant brief. [15] [7312477] [22-3269]--[Edited 05/23/2023 by PS - to reflect full document title.] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 05/23/2023 04:52 PM]
5/23/2023Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to extend time to file appellant brief. [14] [7312476] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 05/23/2023 04:49 PM]
5/3/2023ORDER re: 1. Motion for Extension of Time Within Which to File Appellant's Brief [11]. 2. Affidavit in Support of Motion for Extension of Time Within Which to File Appellant's Brief [12]. The motion is GRANTED. Briefing will proceed as follows: Appellant's brief due on or before 05/31/2023 for Joseph Albert Fuchs III. Appellee's brief due on or before 06/30/2023 for United States of America. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 07/21/2023 for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs III. CDH [13] [7307979] [22-3269] (MAN) [Entered: 05/03/2023 12:05 PM]
5/2/2023Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to extend time to file appellant brief. [12] [7307867] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 05/02/2023 07:16 PM]
5/2/2023Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to extend time to file appellant brief. [11] [7307866] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 05/02/2023 07:14 PM]
3/31/2023Order issued GRANTING motion to extend time to file appellant's brief. [9] Appellant's brief due on or before 05/10/2023 for Joseph Albert Fuchs III. Appellee's brief due on or before 06/09/2023 for United States of America. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 06/30/2023 for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs III. SCR [10] [7301263] [22-3269] (FP) [Entered: 03/31/2023 05:17 PM]
3/31/2023Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to extend time to file appellant brief. [9] [7301137] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 03/31/2023 01:30 PM]
3/8/2023Order issued GRANTING motion to extend time to file appellant's brief [7]. Appellant's brief due on or before 04/07/2023 for Joseph Albert Fuchs, III. Appellee's brief due on or before 05/08/2023 for United States of America. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 05/30/2023 for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III. Counsel for the appellant is reminded that motions for extension of time should be filed seven days before the brief is due. See Cir. R. 26. CDH [8] [7295947] [22-3269] (MAN) [Entered: 03/08/2023 11:42 AM]
3/7/2023Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to extend time to file appellant brief. [7] [7295785] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 03/07/2023 04:20 PM]
2/1/2023ORDER issued GRANTING motion to extend time to file appellant's brief. [5] Appellant's brief due on or before 03/07/2023 for Joseph Albert Fuchs III. Appellee's brief due on or before 04/06/2023 for United States of America. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 04/27/2023 for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs III. CDH [6] [7288507] [22-3269] (PS) [Entered: 02/01/2023 02:28 PM]
1/31/2023Motion filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III to extend time to file appellant brief. [5] [7288331] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 01/31/2023 06:12 PM]
1/6/2023Filed Seventh Circuit Transcript Information Sheet by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III. [4] [7283188] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 01/06/2023 12:06 PM]
12/27/2022Docketing Statement filed by Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III. Prior or Related proceedings: No. [3] [7281363] [22-3269] (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 12/27/2022 11:01 AM]
12/27/2022Circuit Rule 26.1 Disclosure Statement and Appearance filed by Attorney Michael Gross for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs, III. [2] [7281362] (L-Yes; E-Yes; R-Yes) [22-3269] --[Edited 12/27/2022 by JAD to add Attorney Michael Gross for party Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs III, in case 22-3269 per disclosure statement. (Gross, Michael) [Entered: 12/27/2022 10:46 AM]
12/22/2022Criminal case docketed. Fee paid. Transcript information sheet due by 01/05/2023. Docketing Statement due for Appellant Joseph Albert Fuchs III by 12/29/2022. Appellant's brief due on or before 01/31/2023 for Joseph Albert Fuchs III. [1] [7281200] [22-3269] (AD) [Entered: 12/23/2022 02:57 PM]