Jacobson v. Bassett

22-0692 | U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit

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Filed April 1, 2022
Terminated Nov. 15, 2022
Nature of Suit 3440 Civil Rights - Other
Original Case 22-cv-00033
Last Updated: 18 hours ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
  • Motion for Judgment
JUDGMENT MANDATE, ISSUED.[3431578] [22-692] [Entered: 12/06/2022 09:58 AM]
11/15/2022SUMMARY ORDER AND JUDGMENT, the judgment and order of the district court is affirmed, by JAC, GEL, BR, FILED.[3419701] [22-692] [Entered: 11/15/2022 09:53 AM]
11/15/2022NEW CASE MANAGER, Margaret Lain, ASSIGNED.[3419694] [22-692] [Entered: 11/15/2022 09:51 AM]
10/25/202278CASE, before JAC, GEL, BR, HEARD.[3407006] [22-692] [Entered: 10/25/2022 10:15 AM]
10/18/2022INSTRUCTIONS FOR ARGUMENT, to attorneys/parties, TRANSMITTED. Note: Listed counsel must log on to CM/ECF in order to view the attachment. [3402998] [22-692] [Entered: 10/18/2022 04:25 PM]
10/17/2022NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellee Mary T. Bassett, FILED. Service date 10/17/2022 by CM/ECF. [3401912] [22-692] [Entered: 10/17/2022 03:41 PM]
10/17/2022NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 10/17/2022 by CM/ECF. [3401904] [22-692] [Entered: 10/17/2022 03:37 PM]
10/17/2022REVISED ARGUMENT NOTICE, to attorneys/parties, TRANSMITTED.[3401224] [22-692] [Entered: 10/17/2022 08:51 AM]
9/22/2022NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 09/22/2022 by CM/ECF. [3387193] [22-692] [Entered: 09/22/2022 05:08 PM]
9/22/2022NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellee Mary T. Bassett, FILED. Service date 09/22/2022 by CM/ECF. [3386613] [22-692] [Entered: 09/22/2022 10:11 AM]
9/21/2022ARGUMENT NOTICE, to attorneys/parties, TRANSMITTED. Note: Listed counsel must log on to CM/ECF in order to view the attachment. [3386225] [22-692] [Entered: 09/21/2022 03:15 PM]
9/21/202265CASE CALENDARING, for argument on 10/25/2022, A Panel, SET.[3385825] [22-692] [Entered: 09/21/2022 09:57 AM]
  • Order
ORDER, directing appeals 22-692 and 22-622 to be heard in tandem, FILED.[3385824] [22-692] [Entered: 09/21/2022 09:56 AM]
  • MotionGranted
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to assign to same panel [59] filed by Appellee Mary T. Bassett, 22-692 is transferred to the October 25, 2022 A Panel. The appeals are designated to be heard in tandem, FILED. [3385820][63] [22-692] [Entered: 09/21/2022 09:55 AM]
  • Motion
MOTION, to assign to same panel, on behalf of Appellee Mary T. Bassett, FILED. Service date 09/15/2022 by CM/ECF. [3382864] [22-692] [Entered: 09/15/2022 01:11 PM]
9/1/2022NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 09/01/2022 by CM/ECF. [3375603] [22-692] [Entered: 09/01/2022 05:06 PM]
9/1/2022ARGUMENT NOTICE, to attorneys/parties, TRANSMITTED.[3375236] [22-692] [Entered: 09/01/2022 11:03 AM]
8/25/202256CASE CALENDARING, for argument on 10/25/2022, B Panel, SET.[3371559] [22-692] [Entered: 08/25/2022 12:04 PM]
7/25/202255CASE CALENDARING, for the week of 10/24/2022, PANEL B, PROPOSED.[3353448] [22-692] [Entered: 07/25/2022 11:51 AM]
  • Reply
REPLY BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 07/05/2022 by CM/ECF. [3342216] [22-692] [Entered: 07/05/2022 05:43 PM]
6/29/2022LETTER, on behalf of Amicus Curiae National Medical Association, American Medical Association, Medical Society of the State of New York, American College of Physicians, American Public Health Association, The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Infectious Diseases Society of America, 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, Community Service Society of New York, Housing Works, Doctor Denis Nash, Doctor Diana Romero, Doctor Joseph Osmundson, Doctor Oni Blackstock, Doctor Robert L. Cohen and Justin M. Feldman, informing Court that both sets of parties have consented to the filing of their amicus brief, RECEIVED. Service date 06/29/2022 by CM/ECF.[3339920] [22-692] [Entered: 06/29/2022 10:48 AM]
6/29/202248NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae National Medical Association, American Medical Association, Medical Society of the State of New York, American College of Physicians, American Public Health Association, The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Infectious Diseases Society of America, 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, Community Service Society of New York, Housing Works, Denis Nash, Diana Romero, Joseph Osmundson, Oni Blackstock, Robert L. Cohen and Justin M. Feldman, ADDED.[3339913] [22-692] [Entered: 06/29/2022 10:41 AM]
6/28/2022NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of National Medical Association, American Medical Association, Medical Society of the State of New York, American College of Physicians, American Public Health Association, The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Infectious Diseases Society of America, 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, Community Service Society of New York, Housing Works, Denis Nash, Diana Romero, Joseph Osmundson, Oni Blackstock, Robert L. Cohen and Justin M. Feldman, FILED. Service date 06/28/2022 by CM/ECF. [3339624] [22-692] [Entered: 06/28/2022 04:09 PM]
6/28/2022AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of National Medical Association, American Medical Association, Medical Society of the State of New York, American College of Physicians, American Public Health Association, The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Infectious Diseases Society of America, 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, Community Service Society of New York, Housing Works, Denis Nash, Diana Romero, Joseph Osmundson, Oni Blackstock, Robert L. Cohen and Justin M. Feldman, FILED. Service date 06/28/2022 by CM/ECF. [3339622] [22-692] [Entered: 06/28/2022 04:08 PM]
6/28/2022NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of National Medical Association, American Medical Association, Medical Society of the State of New York, American College of Physicians, American Public Health Association, The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Infectious Diseases Society of America, 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, Community Service Society of New York, Housing Works, Denis Nash, Diana Romero, Joseph Osmundson, Oni Blackstock, Robert L. Cohen and Justin M. Feldman, FILED. Service date 06/28/2022 by CM/ECF. [3339618] [22-692] [Entered: 06/28/2022 04:05 PM]
6/27/2022ORAL ARGUMENT STATEMENT LR 34.1 (a), on behalf of filer Attorney Beezly J. Kiernan, Esq. for Appellee Mary T. Bassett, FILED. Service date 06/27/2022 by CM/ECF. [3338284] [22-692] [Entered: 06/27/2022 10:05 AM]
6/24/2022ORAL ARGUMENT STATEMENT LR 34.1 (a), on behalf of filer Attorney Mr. John Michael Connolly, Esq. for Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 06/24/2022 by CM/ECF. [3337845] [22-692] [Entered: 06/24/2022 01:47 PM]
6/21/2022BRIEF, on behalf of Appellee Mary T. Bassett, FILED. Service date 06/21/2022 by CM/ECF. [3335724] [22-692] [Entered: 06/21/2022 03:37 PM]
6/1/2022ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee Mary T. Bassett, FILED. Service date 06/01/2022 by CM/ECF.[3324632] [22-692] [Entered: 06/01/2022 01:40 PM]
5/17/2022JOINT APPENDIX, volume 1 of 1, (pp. 1-214), on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 05/17/2022 by CM/ECF.[3316930] [22-692] [Entered: 05/17/2022 05:30 PM]
5/17/2022BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 05/17/2022 by CM/ECF.[3316929] [22-692] [Entered: 05/17/2022 05:26 PM]
4/27/202225ATTORNEY, Jonathan F. Mitchell for William A. Jacobson, in case 22-692, [24], ADDED.[3304434] [22-692] [Entered: 04/27/2022 10:50 AM]
4/26/2022NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 04/26/2022 by CM/ECF. [3304162] [22-692] [Entered: 04/26/2022 11:55 PM]
4/15/202223ATTORNEY, Jeffrey Matthew Harris for William A. Jacobson, in case 22-692, [22], ADDED.[3297511] [22-692] [Entered: 04/15/2022 09:45 AM]
4/15/2022NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 04/15/2021 by CM/ECF. [3297412] [22-692] [Entered: 04/15/2022 08:22 AM]
4/14/2022LOCAL RULE 31.2 NOTICE, placing this appeal on the Court's Expedited Calendar, setting appellant's brief due date as 05/19/2022, appellee's brief due date as 06/23/2022, TRANSMITTED.[3297145] [22-692] [Entered: 04/14/2022 03:24 PM]
4/14/2022NEW CASE MANAGER, Dana Ellwood, ASSIGNED.[3297114] [22-692] [Entered: 04/14/2022 03:11 PM]
4/13/2022ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee Mary T. Bassett, FILED. Service date 04/13/2022 by CM/ECF.[3296141] [22-692] [Entered: 04/13/2022 01:08 PM]
4/13/202214ATTORNEY, Beezly J. Kiernan, [13], in place of attorney Barbara D. Underwood, SUBSTITUTED.[3296107] [22-692] [Entered: 04/13/2022 12:26 PM]
4/13/2022NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS SUBSTITUTE COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellee Mary T. Bassett, FILED. Service date 04/13/2022 by CM/ECF. [3296091] [22-692] [Entered: 04/13/2022 12:13 PM]
4/12/2022FORM D, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 04/12/2022 by CM/ECF.[3295555] [22-692] [Entered: 04/12/2022 03:48 PM]
4/12/2022FORM C, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 04/12/2022 by CM/ECF.[3295553] [22-692] [Entered: 04/12/2022 03:47 PM]
4/12/2022ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. Service date 04/12/2022 by CM/ECF.[3295547] [22-692] [Entered: 04/12/2022 03:43 PM]
4/1/2022ELECTRONIC INDEX, in lieu of record, FILED.[3290032] [22-692] [Entered: 04/04/2022 10:04 AM]
4/1/20223PAYMENT OF DOCKETING FEE, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, district court receipt # ANYNDC-5857118, FILED.[3290031] [22-692] [Entered: 04/04/2022 10:04 AM]
4/1/2022DISTRICT COURT MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER, dated 03/25/2022, RECEIVED.[3290030] [22-692] [Entered: 04/04/2022 10:03 AM]
4/1/2022NOTICE OF CIVIL APPEAL, with district court docket, on behalf of Appellant William A. Jacobson, FILED. [3290015] [22-692] [Entered: 04/04/2022 09:56 AM]