Godfrey v. Eunice City Court

24-30518 | U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit

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Filed Aug. 9, 2024
Terminated Sept. 30, 2024
Nature of Suit 4190 Contract - Other
Original Case 6:24-cv-00410
Last Updated: 5 months ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
10/2/2024DOCUMENT RECEIVED - NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the Notice of Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons received from Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. because the case is closed and the document is captioned to the Northern District of California [24-30518] (MRW) [Entered: 10/03/2024 11:31 AM]
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)Granted
COURT ORDER granting Motion to dismiss appeal filed by Appellees Mr. Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook [32], granting Motion to dismiss appeal filed by Appellees City of Eunice and City of Ville Platte [23]; denying Motion to appoint counsel filed by Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. [26]. Mandate issue date is 10/22/2024. [24-30518] (RAJ) [Entered: 09/30/2024 04:54 PM]
9/23/2024DOCUMENT RECEIVED - NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the civil cover sheets received from Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. the appellant must address to district court [24-30518] (RAJ) [Entered: 09/24/2024 02:27 PM]
9/16/2024LETTER filed by Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. [24-30518] (RAJ) [Entered: 09/19/2024 03:14 PM]
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)
PRO SE RESPONSE filed by Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. to the Motion to dismiss appeal filed by Appellees Mr. Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook in 24-30518 [32]Response/Opposition deadline satisfied.. [24-30518] (RAJ) [Entered: 09/18/2024 04:17 PM]
  • Motion
OPPOSED MOTION filed by Appellees Facebook and Mr. Mark Zuckerberg to dismiss the appeal [32]. Response/Opposition due on 09/16/2024. [24-30518]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: MOTION filed by Appellees Facebook and Mr. Mark Zuckerberg to dismiss the appeal [32]. Date of service: 09/04/2024 via US mail - Appellant Godfrey; email - Attorney for Appellees: Keiser, Rabalais, Shumsky [24-30518] (Eric Shumsky ) [Entered: 09/04/2024 03:42 PM]
9/4/202430APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Eric Shumsky for party(s) Appellee Facebook Appellee Mark Zuckerberg, in case 24-30518 [24-30518] (SH) [Entered: 09/04/2024 03:02 PM]
9/4/2024APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [24-30518] (Eric Shumsky ) [Entered: 09/04/2024 09:57 AM]
9/3/2024 BRIEFING NOTICE ISSUED A/Pet's Brief Due on 10/15/2024 for Appellant Johnny Godfrey Jr.. [24-30518] (DDL) [Entered: 09/03/2024 12:20 PM]
9/3/202427 ELECTRONIC RECORD ON APPEAL FILED. Admitted Exhibits on File in District Court? No. Video/Audio Exhibits on File in District Court? No Electronic ROA deadline satisfied. [24-30518] (DDL) [Entered: 09/03/2024 12:19 PM]
  • Motion
MOTION filed by Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. to appoint counsel [26]. [24-30518] (RAJ) [Entered: 08/28/2024 02:57 PM]
8/23/2024 DOCUMENT RECEIVED - NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the multiple motions received from Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. because we are unable to determine the relief you are seeking [24-30518] (RAJ) [Entered: 08/28/2024 02:50 PM]
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)
PRO SE RESPONSE filed by Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. to the Motion to dismiss appeal filed by Appellees City of Eunice and City of Ville Platte in 24-30518 [ 23 ]Response/Opposition deadline satisfied.. [24-30518] (RAJ) [Entered: 08/28/2024 02:37 PM]
  • Motion
OPPOSED MOTION filed by Appellees City of Eunice and City of Ville Platte to dismiss the appeal [23]. Response/Opposition due on 08/29/2024. [24-30518]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: MOTION filed by Appellee City of Ville Platte to dismiss the appeal [23]. Date of service: 08/19/2024 via US mail - Appellant Godfrey; email - Attorney for Appellees: Keiser, Rabalais [24-30518] (Randall B. Keiser ) [Entered: 08/19/2024 02:03 PM]
8/19/2024 INITIAL CASE CHECK by Attorney Advisor complete. Action: Case OK to Process. [22] Initial AA Check Due satisfied. [24-30518] (RA) [Entered: 08/19/2024 01:34 PM]
8/15/2024 DOCUMENT RECEIVED - NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the Brief Description of myself, details of what happened to me, & reason why I am suing and Brief Description for need(s) received from Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. because we re unable to determine the relief you are seeking [24-30518] (MRW) [Entered: 08/16/2024 11:00 AM]
8/15/202417 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Randall B. Keiser for Appellee City of Ville Platte in 24-30518 [24-30518] (RA) [Entered: 08/15/2024 02:22 PM]
8/15/202416 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Joy C. Rabalais for Appellee City of Eunice in 24-30518 [24-30518] (RA) [Entered: 08/15/2024 02:21 PM]
8/15/2024 CASE CAPTION updated. Additional appeal filed. [13] NOA filed by Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr.. [13] [24-30518] (RA) [Entered: 08/15/2024 10:34 AM]
8/14/2024 DOCUMENT RECEIVED - NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the Brief Description received from Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. because we are unable to determine the relief you are seeking [24-30518] (MRW) [Entered: 08/16/2024 10:58 AM]
8/14/2024 APPEARANCE FORM received from Mr. Randall B. Keiser for City of Ville Platte for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [24-30518] (Randall B. Keiser ) [Entered: 08/14/2024 02:53 PM]
8/14/2024 APPEARANCE FORM received from Ms. Joy C. Rabalais for City of Eunice for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [24-30518] (Joy C. Rabalais ) [Entered: 08/14/2024 02:19 PM]
8/13/2024 DOCUMENT RECEIVED - NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the Reason for Appeal received from Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. because we are unable to determine the relief you are seeking [24-30518] (MRW) [Entered: 08/16/2024 10:54 AM]
8/13/202410 ELECTRONIC RECORD ON APPEAL REQUESTED from District Court for 6:24-CV-410. Electronic ROA due on 08/28/2024. [24-30518] (RA) [Entered: 08/13/2024 03:15 PM]
8/13/2024 INITIAL CASE CHECK by Attorney Advisor complete. Action: Case OK to Process. [9] Initial AA Check Due satisfied. [24-30518] (RA) [Entered: 08/13/2024 03:11 PM]
8/9/2024 CASE CAPTION updated. Additional appeal filed. [4] NOA filed by Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr.. [4] [24-30518] (RA) [Entered: 08/09/2024 04:10 PM]
8/9/2024 PRIVATE CIVIL DIVERSITY CASE docketed. NOA filed by Appellant Mr. Johnny Godfrey, Jr. [24-30518] (RA) [Entered: 08/09/2024 04:00 PM]