Blackbird Tech LLC v. Incapsula, Inc.

18-1648 | U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit

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Filed March 5, 2018
Nature of Suit 830 Patent
Original Case 3:17-cv-06883
Last Updated: 6 years, 11 months ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
3/21/201814CLERK'S OFFICE QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE: re:attorney entry of appearance Docket No. [13], ERROR: document was filed in a consolidated appeal. CORRECTION: if document has been submitted in the lead appeal, no further action is required. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. [506864] [SMJ] [Entered: 03/21/2018 09:57 AM]
3/20/2018Amended Entry of appearance for Christopher Freeman as of counsel for Appellant Blackbird Tech LLC. Service: 03/20/2018 by email. [506812] [18-1648] [Stamatios Stamoulis] [Entered: 03/20/2018 10:00 PM]
3/20/201812CLERK'S OFFICE QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE: re: docketing statement Docket No. [11], certificate of interest Docket No. [10], attorney entry of appearance Docket No. [9], certificate of interest Docket No. [8], docketing statement Docket No. [7], attorney entry of appearance Docket No. [6], attorney entry of appearance Docket No. [5], attorney entry of appearance Docket No. [4], ERROR: documents are submitted in a consolidated appeal. CORRECTION: if documents have been submitted in the lead appeal, no further action required. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. [506529] [SMJ] [Entered: 03/20/2018 10:28 AM]
3/19/2018Docketing Statement for the Appellee Incapsula, Inc.. Service: 03/19/2018 by email. [506411] [18-1648] [Virginia DeMarchi] [Entered: 03/19/2018 11:30 PM]
3/19/2018Certificate of Interest for the Appellee Incapsula, Inc.. Service: 03/19/2018 by email. [506410] [18-1648] [Virginia DeMarchi] [Entered: 03/19/2018 11:27 PM]
3/19/2018Entry of appearance for Michael J. Sacksteder as principal counsel for Appellee Incapsula, Inc.. Service: 03/19/2018 by email. [506409] [18-1648] [Virginia DeMarchi] [Entered: 03/19/2018 11:24 PM]
3/19/2018Certificate of Interest for the Appellant Blackbird Tech LLC. Service: 03/19/2018 by email. [506397] [18-1648] [Stamatios Stamoulis] [Entered: 03/19/2018 09:25 PM]
3/19/2018Docketing Statement for the Appellant Blackbird Tech LLC. Service: 03/19/2018 by email. [506396] [18-1648] [Stamatios Stamoulis] [Entered: 03/19/2018 09:22 PM]
3/19/2018Entry of appearance for Wendy Verlander as of counsel for Appellant Blackbird Tech LLC. Service: 03/19/2018 by email. [506395] [18-1648] [Stamatios Stamoulis] [Entered: 03/19/2018 09:19 PM]
3/19/2018Entry of appearance for Christopher Freeman as of counsel for Appellant Blackbird Tech LLC. Service: 03/19/2018 by email. [506394] [18-1648] [Stamatios Stamoulis] [Entered: 03/19/2018 09:17 PM]
3/19/2018Entry of appearance for Stamatios Stamoulis as principal counsel for Appellant Blackbird Tech LLC. Service: 03/19/2018 by email. [506393] [18-1648] [Stamatios Stamoulis] [Entered: 03/19/2018 09:15 PM]
3/9/20183Note to file: The following cases are associated:18-1644 (lead) with 18-1648 (consol.). FURTHER ENTRIES WILL BE ADDED TO THE LEAD APPEAL ONLY. [503919] [18-1644, 18-1648] [SMJ] [Entered: 03/09/2018 03:21 PM]
  • Order
ORDER consolidating appeals, modifying the official caption. Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [503909] [18-1644, 18-1648] [SMJ] [Entered: 03/09/2018 03:15 PM]
3/5/2018Appeal docketed. Received: 02/27/2018. [502516]
Entry of Appearance due 03/19/2018. Certificate of Interest is due on 03/19/2018. Docketing Statement due 03/19/2018. Appellant/Petitioner's brief is due 05/04/2018. [SMJ] [Entered: 03/05/2018 12:54 PM]