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`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 45-20 Filed 03/20/20 Page 1 of 4


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 45-20 Filed 03/20/20 Page 2 of 4
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`Richly Illustrated in Full Color
`fourth edition


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 45-20 Filed 03/20/20 Page 3 of 4
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`Library oJ Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
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`ISBN 0-395-82517-2 (hardcover) - ISBN 0-618-08230-1
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`1. English language-Dictionaries
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`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 45-20 Filed 03/20/20 Page 4 of 4
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`Rome equivalent to about 12 ounces. IMiddle English, fromLatin ltbra.]
`Li.bra (lerbra, l1r-) n. 1. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere
`near Scorpius and Virgo. Also called I alance, Scales. 2a. The seventh sign
`of the zodiac in astrology. Also called Balance, Scales. b. One who is born
`under this sign. [Middle English, from Latin Libra, from libra, balance,
`the constellation Libra.j
`Li.bran (lc/bran, lir-) n. One who is born under the sign of Libra.
`liofo16voio66 (li-brirre-an) r. 1. A person who is a specialist in li-
`brary work. 2. A person who is responsible for a collection of specialized
`or technical information or materials, such as musical scores or computer
`ip/ 2.
`documentation. -lie[16v/ir26o5ft
`li.brar.y (lirbr6r'€) n., pl. -ies 1a. A place in which literary and ar-
`tistic materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets,
`prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference, or lending. b.
`A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged.
`c. A room in a private home for such a collection. d. An institution or
`foundation maintaining such a collection. 2. A commercial establish-
`ment that lends books for a fee. 3. A series or set of books issued by a
`publisher. 4. A collection of recorded data or tapes arranged for ease of
`use. 5. A set of things similar to a library in appearance, function, or
`organization: a library of computer progtams 6. Genetics A collection of
`cloned DNA sequences whose location and identity can be established by
`mapping the genome of a particular organism. IMiddle English llbrarie,
`from Anglo-Norman, from Latin librdrium, bookcase, from neuter of
`librdrius, oI books, from liber, libr-, book.l
`library science n. The principles, practice, or study of library ad-
`li.bra.tion (libralshan) n, A very slow oscillation, real or apparent,
`of a satellite as viewed from the larger celestial body around which it re-
`volves. lLatin librdtio, librdian-, oscillation, frcm hbrAtus, past participle
`of ltbrare, to bala'nce, fromlibra, balance.] -li.bra'tionoal adj. -lit-
`brarto/ry (-bra-t6r/e, -tort c) adj,
`li.bret.tist (lY-br€trlst) n. The author of a libretto.
` (li-brdtro) fl., pL -bret.tos or -bret.ti (-brEtrc) 1. The
`text of a dramatic musical work, such as an opera. 2. A book containing
`such a text, [Italian, diminutive of libro,book, from Latin liber, libr-.)
`Li.bre.ville (1e/bra-vil/, -v€U) The capital and largest city of Gabon,
`in the northwest part of the country on the Gulf of Guinea, Founded as
`a French trading post in 1843, it was named Libreville after freed slaves
`settled there ( 1848). Population: 235,700.
` (lYbrr€-am) A trademark used for the drug chlordiaze-
`poxide hydrochloride.
`Lib.y.a (libre-a) A country of northern Africa on the Mediterranean
`Sea. Controlled at various times by Carthage, Rome, Arabia, and Spain,
`the area was part of the Ottoman Empire from 155 I to 191 L It was sub-
`sequently seized by Italy and became an Italian colony during World War
`II, achieving independence as a kingdom in 1951. In 1969 Col. Muam-
`mar al-Qaddafi took power in a coup d'6tat, establishing a socialist dic-
`tatorship. Tripoli is the capital and the largest city. Population: 4,899,000.
` (libre-on) adj. Of or relating to Libya or its people, language,
`or culture. .i. r, 1. A native or inhabitant of Libya. 2. A Berber language
`of ancient northern Africa,
`Libyan Desert A desert of northeast Africa in Egipt, Libya, and
`Sudan. It is the northeast section of the Sahara Desert.
`lice (lis) n. Plural of louse (sense l).
`li.cence (lirsans) n. & v. Chiet'ly British Yariant of license.
`li.cense (li/sans) n. 1a. Official or legal permission to do or own a
`specified thing. See synonyms at permission. b. A document, plate, or
`tag that is issued as proof oI official or legal permission: a driver's license.
`2. Deviation from normal rules, practices, or methods in order to achieve
`a certain end or effect. 3, Latitude of action, especially in behavior or
`speech, See synonyms at freedom. 4a. Lack of due restraint; excessive
`freedom: "When liberty becotnes license, dictatorship is near" (W|IL Dv
`rant). b. Heedlessness for the precepts of proper behavior; licentious-
`ness. * t,'./. -censed, -cens. ing, 1. To give or yield permis-
`sion to or for. 2. To grant a license to or for; authorize. See synonyms at
`authorize. [Middle English licence, fuom Old French, from Medieval
`Latin licentia, authorization, from Latin, freedom, from lic€ns,
`present participle of licEre, tobepernitted,l -lilcens. aoble adj. -lit-
`, li/cen.sorf (-san-s6rr) n.
`li.censed practical nurse (li'sanst) n' Abbr. LPN A nurse who
`has completed a practical nursing program and is licensed by a state to
`provide routine patient care under the direction of a registered nurse or
`a physician.
`licensed vocational nurse /r. Abbr, LYN A licensed practical
`nurse in California or Texas.
` (li'san-se/) n. One to whom or to which a license is grant-
`license plate fl, A rectangular, usually metal plate that bears a se-
`quence of numbers, letters, or both and is issued by a governlnent to
`identify an officially registered vehicle.
`li.cen.sure (li/san-shar, -sho-or') n. The act or an instance of grant-
`ing a license, usually to practice a profession.
`lio6g6ofiosfs (li-sEnrsh€-it) n. 1. onewho is granted a licensebyan
`authorized body to practice a specified profession. 2a' A degree from
`certain European and Canadian universities ranking jrrst below that of a
`doctor. b. One holding such a degree. IMiddle English, from Medieval
`L"tin [icentiatus, from past participle of licentiAre, to allow, front /lr.rltirr,
`authorization. See LlcENsE. ]
`li.cen.tious (li-sEn/shas) adj. 1, Lacklng moral discipline or ignor-
`ing legal r€straillt, especially in sexual concluct. 2' I'Iaving no regard for-
`accepted rules or standirrds. fLatin licentilsrts, fron liccntia, freedom, li-
`liSogvoqloi5rn (li!/or-aliz/am, librra-) n. 1. The state or quality of
`being liberal. 2a. A political theory founded on the natural goodness of
`humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and po-
`litical liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and
`protection from arbitrary authority. b. often Liberalism The tenets or
`policies of a Liberal parry 3. Ar economic theory in favor of laisscz-
`iaire, the free market, and the gold standard. 4, Liberalism a. A l9th-
`century Protestant movement that favored free intellectual inquiry,
`stressed the ethical and humanitarian content of Christianity, and de-
`emphasized dogmatic theology, b. A l9th-century Roman Catholic
`movement that favored political democracy and ecclesiastical reform but
`was theologically orthodox. r. -li$rglo3lri3/{i6 (-li5r-
`rik) arlj.
`fi!oslo6loiofy (lib/e-ril,i-te) n., Pl. -ties 1. The quality or state of
`being liberal or generous. 2. An instance of being liberal.
`filosvr6f oi2s (lib/ar-e-1iz/, librra-) v. -ized, ', 'iz'es -tr'
`To make liberal or more liberal: "Our standards of private conduct have
`been greatly liberalized , . . over recent years" (Meg Greenfield) . -intr. To
`(-li-zdrshan) n,
`become liberal or more liberal. -li$/g1o6loir26,tion
`-li$l2yozloi2r s1 n.
` (libra-rdt/) tt.t. -at ed, -ates 1. To set free, as
`from oppression, confinement, or foreign control. 2. Chemistry To re'
`lease (a gas, for example) from combination. 3. Slarg To obtain by illegal
`or stealthy action: fried to sell appliances that were liberated during the riot.
`lLatin liberdre, Iiberdt-, from liber, free. See leudh- in Appendix I.l
`-f i!/gvo3f /i1'lgoly adv. -libt er. at lor n.
`lifoogro6rfi66 (Ifu'a-rarshan) n. 1. The act of liberating or the state
`of being liberated. 2. The act or process of trying to achieve equal rights
`and status, n.
`liberation theology n. A school of theology, especially prevalent
`in the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America, that finds in the Gospel
`a call to free people from political, social, and material oppression. -lib'
`eration theologian ,,
`A city of north-central Czech Republic north-
` (l€rba-r€ts/)
`northeast of Prague, Founded c. 1350' it has been a textile center since
`the 16th century. Population: 101,048.
`lio$golios (li-birre-a) A country of west€rn Africa on the Atlantic
`Ocean, It was founded (1821) through the e{forts of the American Col-
`onization Society and settled mainly by freed slaves from 1822 to the
`1860s. Liberia is the oldest independent country in Africa (established
`1847). A military coup in 1980 initiated a period of despotic government
`and civil unrest leading to full-scale civil war in 1990. A cease-fire agree-
`ment was reached in 1996, and elections were held in 1997. Monrovia is
`the capital and the largest city. Population: 2,700,000. -lirlsrlioan
`adj. & n.
`lilrsvrf3vo I o66 (lib/ar-tdr/€-an) n. 1. One who advocates maximiz-
`ing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state. 2' One who
`believes in free will. IFrom LIBERTY.] -libf elo{61/io311 adj. -libter'
`t6y/ir31oig6 4.
`li!rgnfinrqgg (librar+ernij) n. Libertinism.
` (librar-t€n/) z, 1, One who acts without moral restraint;
`a dissolute person. 2. One who defies established religious precepts; a
`freethinker. .1. atlj. Morally unrestrained; dissolute. [Middle English,
`freedman, from Latin libertinus, from libertus, from ltber, free. See
`leudh- in Appendix Ll
`lilr grof in o i5rn (librar-t€-nizram) n. 1, The state or quality of being
`libertine. 2. The behavior characteristic of a libertine; promiscuity.
` (librsrtc ) n., pl. -ties 1 a. The condition of being f ree from
`restriction or control. b. The right and power to act, believe, or express
`oneself in a manner of onet own choosing. c. The condition of being
`physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.
`see s)'nonyms at freedom, 2, Freedom from unjust or undue govern-
`mental control. 3, A right or irnmunity to engage in certain actions with-
`out control or inter ference: the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights. 4a,
`A breach or overstepping of propriety or social convention, Often used
`u the plural. b. A statement, attitude, or action not warranted by con-
`ditions or actualitie s: a historical novel that takes liberties with chronology.
`t. An unwarranted risk; a chance: took Joolish liberties on the ski slopes,
`5.. A period, usually short, during which a sailor is authorized to go
`ashore. -idiortti at liberty 1. Not in confinement or under con-
`strainti free. 2. Not employed, occupied, or in use. [Middle English lib-
`1rte, from Old French, from Latin hbertas, from liber, lree. See leudh-
`tn Appendix I- I
`liberty cap'n. A brimless, limp, conical cap fitting snugly around the
`nead and given to a slave in ancient Rome upon manumission. It was
`used as a J mbol of libertv bv the French revolutionaries and was also
`worn in thi Unired Stares before 1800. Also called Phrygiau cap.
`Itb.'St'ty Island (libr:r-te) Formerly Bed.loe's tsland (bEdrloz).
`nn tsland of southeast New York in Upper Nerv York Bay southwest of
`'{anhaltxn. The Statuc of Libertv was placed on the island in 1885, using
`rhe starshaped Fort Wood (buiit in t'aat) as a base. Congress officialf
`lfnaned the island in 1956.
`t',bid' ;.nsrs (li-bid/n-as) atlj. Having or exhibiting lustf ul desires;
`'orctvious. IMiddle Enslish, from bld Frenlch libitlineux, from Latin libt-
`l',no',,t fro- libtdo, Ii6tu1in-,lust, desire. See r.rBrro.l -lir$idrirn6uso
`rY adv. -_li.bidri.nous.ness ,/.
`l'"'^!i'Oo (li-bcrdd, -bit-) n., pl. -dos 1. The psychic and emotional
`l',tr8r associatecl wiih insrincruil biological drivei, 2a. Sexual desire. b.
`'rdntestation of the sexual drive. [Lafi; libi(lo, desire. See leubh- in Ap-
`iiTo t I -ti.Uiar;.n61 1-5i,1r,,-31y ndj.
`it,Bo (tc, bor) see Li po.
`'f 'bra (li'brr)
`t t., pl. -brae( -brc' )
`lb. A unit of rveight in .rncicnt

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