Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 44-13 Filed 03/20/20 Page 1 of 5
`Exhibit 12


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`Case 2:16-cv-01919-RAJ Document 61-2 Filed 09/23/19 Page 132 of 186
`5E UL' 16-54% CUM.”IJTLE'AL I‘dfiiiEflLEHCE
`with online updates
`- Extensive coverage of hardware, software, the
`Internet, and more!
`0 (5| IOI‘I
`- Three new appendixes, including Y2K, file
`extensions, and Internet domains
`- Searchable text on CD-ROM
`o Detailed illustrations and diagrams for easy reference
`- 554 -
`ANCA 3383


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 44-13 Filed 03/20/20 Page 3 of 5
`Case 2:16-cv-01919-RAJ Document 61-2 Filed 09/23/19 Page 133 of 186
`GawzllMMQQémADWmtttfld-lfilefiiwmflD/Mgé’afie BfOI
`1 i
`ANCA 3384
`Microsoft Press
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-m-Puhlication Data
`Microsoft Computer Dictionary. -- 4th ed.
`p. cm.
`Previous eds. published under title: Microsoft Press computer
`ISBN 0—7356-0615-3
`2. Microcomputers Dictionaries.
`1. Computers Dictionaries.
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`- 555 -


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 44-13 Filed 03/20/20 Page 4 of 5
`Case 2:16-cv-01919-RAJ Document 61-2 Filed 09/23/19 Page 134 of 186
`Advanced Digital Network
`Advanced Digital Network :1. A dedicated line ser-
`vice capable of transmitting data. video. and other
`digital signals with exceptional reliability. offered as
`a premier service by communications companies.
`Usually Advanced Digital Network refers to speeds
`at or above 56 kilobits per second (Kbps). See also
`dedicated line.
`Advanced Interactive Executive :1. See AIX.
`Advanced Mobile Phone Service in. See AMPS.
`Advanced Power Management in. An application
`programming interface developed by Microsoft and
`Intel to monitor and conserve power on a PC—based
`system, particularly a battery-pOWered laptop com-
`puter, by enabling programs to communicate their
`power requirements so that the system can route
`power away from unused hardware components.
`Acronym: APM. See also application programming
`Advanced Program-to-Program Communication 1:.
`See APPC.
`Advanced Research Projects Agency Network it.
`Advanced RISC :1. Short for Advanced Reduced
`Instruction Set Computing. A specification for a
`RISC microchip architecture and system environ-
`ment designed by MIPS Computer Systems to pro—
`vide binary compatibility amoug software
`applications. See also RISC.
`Advanced RISC Computing Specification in. The
`minimum hardware requirements enabling a RISC-
`based system to comply with the Advanced Comput-
`ing Environment standard. See also Advanced RISC.
`Advanced SCSI Programming Interface :1. An inter-
`face specification developed by Adaptec. Inc., for
`sending commands to SCSI host adapters. The inter-
`face provides an abstraction layer that insulates the
`programmer from considerations of the particular
`host adapter used. Acronym: ASP]. See also adapter.
`Advanced Streaming Format n. An open file format
`specification for streaming multimedia files contain-
`ing text, graphics, sound, video. and animation. ASF
`does not define the format for any media streams
`within the file. Rather. it defines a standardized, ex»
`tensible file “container" that is not dependent on a
`particular operating system or communication proto-
`col. or on a particular method {such as HTML or
`MPEG-4) used to compose the data stream in the
`file. An ASF file consists of three objects: a Header
`object containing information about the file itself; a
`Data object containing the media streams; and an
`optional Index object that can help support random
`access to data within the file. The ASF specification
`has been submitted to the ISO (International Stan-
`dards Organization) for consideration. Acronym:
`ASF. See also streaming.
`adventure game e. A role-playing computer game in
`which the player becomes a character in a narrative.
`In order to complete the game. the player must solve
`problems and avoid or overcome attacks and other
`forms of interference from the game‘s environment
`and other characters. The first adventure game was
`called "Adventure." It was developed in 1976 by Will
`Crowther of Bolt. Baranelr & Newman. See also role-
`playing game.
`AE n. Acronym for application entity. In the ISOr‘OSI
`reference model, one of the two software parties in-
`volved in a communications session. See also ISO!
`08] reference model.
`AFC it. See Application Foundation Classes.
`AFDW it. See Active Framework for Data Warehous-
`AFIPS \a‘fips\ n. Acronym for American Federation
`of Information Processing Societies. An organization
`formed in 1961 for the advancement of computing
`and information-related concerns. The U.S. represen-
`tative of the International Federation of Information
`Processing, AFIPS was replaced by the Federation on
`Computing in the United States (FOCUS) in 1990.
`AFK adv. Acronym for away from keyboard. A
`phrase occasionally seen in live chat Services on the
`Internet and online information services as an indica—
`tion that one is momentarily unable to answer. See
`also chat1 (definition 1).
`AFS n. Acronym for Andrew File System. A distrib-
`uted file system for facilitating accessibility to re-
`mote files in large networks. Owned and maintained
`by Transarc Corporation. AFS was originally devel-
`oped as part of the Andrew project at the Information
`Technology Center at CarnegiewMellon University.
`agent a. 1. A program that performs a background
`task for a user and reports to the ma when the task
`is done or some expected event has taken place. 2. A
`program that searches through archives or other re—
`positories of inf
`user. Agents of 1
`Internet and are
`single type of ir
`postings on Use
`agent used on ti
`agent. See also :
`lions, a process
`the server. 4. In
`col (SNMP). a [
`See also SNMP.
`AGP n. Acronyn
`high-quality dis
`oped by Intel Cr
`point-to-point o
`[roller and main
`enables AGP-ca
`ible chip sets to
`system memory
`ages more quick
`displayed when
`over the system'
`lows for storing
`texture maps in
`need for large a'
`itself. AGP runs
`bun—and can st
`533 Mb per sec:
`Al n. See artifici-
`.aiff n. The file e
`the sound forms
`con Graphics (S
`AIFF n. The sou
`and Silicon Graj
`waveform files i
`AlX n. Acronym
`A version of the
`and maintained
`and PCs.
`alarm n. A visna
`alerting the user
`alcrl n. 1. In mar
`(graphical user i
`that signals an e
`50ft. See also a1.
`Chronous notific
`- 556 -
`Ancii '3385


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 44-13 Filed 03/20/20 Page 5 of 5
`Case 2:16-cv-01919-RAJ Document 61-2 Filed 09/23/19 Page 135 of 186
`211MVGQ©Q§4RADADarlenmern14a-ltalefiilmlmtwmgé’aee Swiss
`aliasing bug
`cam in the
`cts: a Header
`.e file itself; 8
`ans; and an
`gport random
`2 Specification
`ational Stan-
`. Acronym:
`nputer game in
`- in a. narrative.
`ayer must solve
`c‘xs and other
`s environment
`.ure game was
`in 1976 by Will
`m. See also role-
`. In the ISOIOSI
`ware parties in-
`See also ISO!
`Data Warehous—
`ican Federation
`;. An organization
`t of computing
`'he U.S. represen—
`n of Information
`the Federation on
`)CUS) in 1990.
`Keyboard. A
`it services on the
`vices as an indica—
`e to answer. See
`lystem. A distrib-
`:essibility to re-
`ed and maintained
`; originally devel—
`t at the Information
`ellon University
`is a background
`Iscr when the taSk
`is taken place. 2- A
`:hives or other re—
`positories of information on a topic specified by the
`user. Agents of this sort are used most often on the
`Internet and are generally dedicated to searching a
`single type of information repository. such as
`postings on Usenet groups. Spiders are a type of
`agent used on die Internet. Also called intelligent
`agent. See also spider. 3. 1n clientlserver applica—
`tions. a process that mediates between the client and
`the server. 4. In Simple Network Management Proto-
`col {SNMP}, a program mat monitors network traffic.
`See also SN'MP.
`AGP n. Acronym for Accelerated Graphics Port. A
`high-performance bus specification designed for fast.
`high—quality display of 3-D and video images. Devel-
`oped by Intel Corporation, AGP uses a dedicated
`point—tOApoint connection between the graphics con«
`troller and main system memory. This connection
`enables AGP-capable display adapters and compat-
`ible chip sets to transfer video data directly between
`system memory and adapter memory. to display im—
`ages more quickly and smoothly than they can be
`diSplayed when the information must be transferred
`over the system‘s primary (PCI) bus. AGP also al—
`lows for storing complex image elements such as
`texture maps in system memory and thus reduces the
`need for large amounts of memory on the adapter
`itself. AGP runs at 66 MHz—twice as fast as the PCI
`bus—and can support data transfer speeds of up to
`533 Mb per second. See also PCI local bus.
`AI :1. See artificial intelligence.
`.aiff n. The file extension that identifies audio files in
`Ihe sound format originally used on Apple and Sili-
`con Graphics (SGI) computers.
`AlFF n. The sound format originally used on Apple
`and Silicon Graphics (SGI) computers. AlIFF stores
`waveform files in an 8-bit monaural format. See also
`ALX n. Acronym for Advanced Interactive Executive.
`A version of the UNIX operating system developed
`and maintained by IBM for its UNIX workstations
`and PCs.
`alarm a. A visual or auditory signal from a computer
`alerting the user to an error or hazardous situation.
`alert a. 1. In many operating systems with GUls
`(graphical user interfaces), an audible or visual alarm
`that signals an error or represents a warning of some
`sort. See also alert box. 2. In prograrruning. an asyn-
`chronous notification sent by one thread to another.
`The alert interrupts the recipient thread at defined
`points in its execution and causes it to execute an
`asynchronous procedure call. See also asynchronous
`procedure call, thread (definition 1).
`alert box :1. An on-screen box. in a GUI (graphical
`user interface), that is used to deliver a message or
`warning. Compare dialog box.
`ALGOL \al‘gal. al’géil\ n. Acronym for Algorithmic
`Language. The first structured procedural program-
`ming language. developed in the late 1950s and once
`widely used in Europe.
`algorithm :1. A finite sequence of steps for solving a
`logical or mathematical problem or performing a
`algorithmic language a. A programming language,
`such as Ada, Basic, C, or Pascal. that uses algorithms
`for problem solving.
`Algorithmic Language a. See ALGOL.
`alias rt. 1. An alternative label for some object, such
`as a file or data collection. 2. A name used to direct
`e-mail messages to a person or group of people on a
`network. 3. A false signal that results from the digiti—
`zation of an analog audio sample.
`aliasing n. In computer graphicsI the jagged appear—
`ance of curves or diagonal lines on a display screen,
`which is caused by low screen resolution. See the
`Alluring. The lower resolution oftlte image on the right
`reveals the aliasng efiect
`aliasing bug n. A class of subtle programming errors
`that can arise in code that performs dynamic alloca—
`tion. If several pointers address the same chunk of
`storage. the program may free the storage using one
`of the pointers, but then attempt to use another one
`(an alias). which would no longer be pointing to the
`desired data. This bug is avoidable by the use of allo-
`cation strategies that never use more than one copy
`of a pointer to allocated core memory, or by the use
`of higher-level languages. such as LISP. which em-
`ploy a garbage collection feature. Also called stale
`pointer bug. See also alias, dynamic allocation. gar—
`bage collection.
`ANCA 3386
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