Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 1 of 20
`February 7, 2020
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`For the Plaintiff:
`For Defendant LG:
`For Defendant Samsung:
`Charles L. Ainsworth, Esq.
`Parker, Bunt & Ainsworth, P.C.
`100 East Ferguson, Suite 418
`Tyler, TX 75702
`Andres Healy, Esq.
`Steven M. Seigel, Esq.
`Susman Godfrey L.L.P.
`1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3800
`Seattle, WA 98101
`Elizabeth M. Chiaviello, Esq.
`Morgan Lewis and Bockius LLP
`1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 4000
`Houston, TX 77002
`Melissa Richards Smith, Esq.
`Gillam and Smith, LLP
`303 South Washington Avenue
`Marshall, TX 75670
`Jared Frisch, Esq.
`Covington & Burling LLP
`One CityCenter, 850 Tenth Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20001-4956
`Court Reporter:
`Kristie M. Davis
`United States District Court
`PO Box 20994
`Waco, Texas 76702-0994
`Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography, transcript
`produced by computer-aided transcription.


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 2 of 20
`(February 7, 2020, 3:00 p.m.)
`THE COURT: Good morning. It's Alan Albright.
`MS. MILES: Hi, Judge. It's Suzanne.
`MR. AINSWORTH: Hello, Judge Albright.
`THE COURT: Good afternoon.
`MR. AINSWORTH: This is Charley Ainsworth and Andres Healy
`for the plaintiff Ancora.
`THE COURT: Good afternoon.
`MR. FRISCH: Good afternoon. You have Jared Frisch of
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Covington & Burling for defendant Samsung.
`THE COURT: Okay. Anyone else that is going to be
`MS. CHIAVIELLO: Good afternoon, Your Honor. This is
`Elizabeth Chiaviello from Morgan Lewis on behalf of LG.
`THE COURT: Okay. Good afternoon to you.
`Anyone else?
`Okay. I'm not sure why I'm here, but I'm happy to help.
`Whoever is going to start, please feel free to go.
`MR. HEALY: Thank you, Your Honor. This is Andres Healy
`of Susman Godfrey on behalf of the plaintiffs. I'm happy to
`report that we reached agreement with defendant on all but one
`issue, and that one issue is what we're hoping to get Your
`Honor's guidance on today.
`MR. HEALY: The issue is that the number of pages of


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 3 of 20
`source code that plaintiffs -- I guess either parties would be
`entitled --
`MR. HEALY: And I apologize. I'm getting a little bit of
`feedback. So hopefully Your Honor can hear me.
`THE REPORTER: This is Kristie. I'm having a hard time
`hearing you. I'm the court reporter.
`(Brief off-the-record discussion.)
`MR. HEALY: Your Honor, plaintiff's position on the sole
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`issue in dispute is simple. We have received from Mr. Albright
`what we understand to be the Court's model protective order or
`default protective order, and plaintiff's preference is to
`stick to the Court's default. That provides that we are
`entitled, or I guess any party is entitled to 250 pages -- to
`print 250 pages per accused architecture. That's what we'd
`prefer to stick with. Defendant's position is they'd like to
`change that language and instead limit plaintiffs to 250 pages
`per chip set vendor.
`So what that effectively means is that, if of the hundreds
`of products at issue in this case, if they're all, for example,
`equipped with a Qualcomm chip set, that we would be limited to
`250 pages of printed code across all those products regardless
`of whether they actually include different code, different
`functionality or entirely different products.
`And so just very simply, Your Honor, we have two reasons


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 4 of 20
`why we ask the Court to reject defendants' request to depart
`from the default. Number one, as plaintiffs have explained to
`defendant, we understand the Court's limit of per accused
`architecture to take into account the fact that different
`products have different codes. As a result, we've told them,
`look. If two or three or a hundred products all have the same
`relevant code, we understand that the Court's default limits us
`to 250 pages across all those products because they share the
`same relevant architecture and code. We have no issue with
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`that. Frankly, we hope that's the case. If all the code is
`the same, that makes our job a lot easier, and we frankly have
`no interest in reviewing, much less printing duplicative code.
`But defendants have told us that the code is likely not
`the same, that different products and different chip sets may
`have different code. And that leads me to number two, Your
`Honor, is defendants also told us that the code is going to be
`the best source of proof in this case. In fact, Samsung's
`counsel told us during the meet and confer process that there's
`not a whole lot of technical documents that go into the details
`of the functionality at issue and that they think that we're
`going to have to get those details from the code.
`So to limit us to 250 pages of code across so many
`different products, so many different chip sets seems to us to
`be an unreasonable limitation, and we prefer to remain with
`what the Court has established as a -- rule.


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 5 of 20
`Unless the Court has any questions, that's my -- I'm done
`for now, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okie-dokie.
`MR. FRISCH: Your Honor, if I may, this is Jared Frisch
`from Covington for defendant Samsung.
`THE COURT: Yes, sir.
`MR. FRISCH: Yes. So to just address a few of those
`points, you know, we do think there is going to be, you know,
`source code that needs to be produced, and we do think that
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`it's going to be relevant to the accusations that plaintiffs
`have made.
`The issues that we see, Your Honor, with the language that
`Ancora is asking for is that in the present context, we think
`of that kind of giving Ancora free reign and the real upper
`limit on the amount of code that's going to be printed. And
`what we would like in the present instance is just some sort of
`clarity on the presumptive limit for the time being.
`Now, as we have said to Ancora a few times in meet and
`confers, we'd be happy, you know, after they've reviewed the
`code to discuss any reasonable increases in the number of pages
`that would be necessary. But we're not sure right now what's
`really being staged as the number of accused architectures.
`As Mr. Healy, I think, stated, there's hundreds of accused
`products in these cases, the two cases. In the infringement
`contentions we've only received charts -- you know, one set of


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 6 of 20
`charts for mobile devices, one set of charts for television.
`We had originally said, well, maybe it made sense to give
`you 250 pages of source code for the televisions and 250 pages
`of source code for the mobile devices. Our understanding is
`that they believe that there's more than just those two accused
`architectures and that they probably lie somewhere in between
`that set of sequence, the number of accused products.
`But it's not clear to us how many they believe there are
`and essentially what that multiplier is for the 250 pages.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`That's why we then came back with the offer that Mr. Healy
`discussed that, well, maybe it makes sense for us to give
`250 pages per chip set vendor.
`And the reason that's important, Your Honor, is that there
`are third parties who have code that's going to be implicated
`in this case. And we are going to need to receive permission
`from them in order to produce their code. And we've already
`started that process of reaching out to them; however, as you
`can imagine, they want to see a PO, and they're going to want
`clarity on this issue as well.
`So that's why we're trying to find kind of an upper bounds
`here for the interim of how much code can be printed, with the
`understanding, of course, that the parties could work together
`if necessary to provide more code later.
`THE COURT: Anyone else?
`MR. HEALY: Your Honor, this is Mr. Healy. I'm happy to


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 7 of 20
`respond, but I defer to LG's counsel if they have anything to
`say in the interim.
`MS. CHIAVIELLO: This is Elizabeth Chiaviello for LG.
`We're aligned with Samsung on this issue.
`THE COURT: Okay. And I'm happy to hear again from the
`MR. HEALY: Thank you, Your Honor. This is Mr. Healy,
`Susman Godfrey, on behalf of the plaintiff. I just want to
`briefly respond to two points. Number one, we believe that the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Court's default does provide the objectives clarity that
`defendants state that they're seeking. The requirement is per
`accused architecture. We've explained to defendants, and I'm
`happy to put it on the record now again, that what we
`understand that to be is per relevant code base.
`You know, again, if the two products share the same code,
`that's one accused architecture. There's no need for us to
`double up on pages for what is effectively identical code. If
`multiple products have the same chip set vendor and those chip
`sets also have the same code, again, we don't need duplicative
`codes. But the tying the number of pages to the chip set
`vendor has no correlation to what that code actually is, has no
`correlation to the distinctions between the code, and it's
`really just an arbitrary number -- an arbitrary measuring
`We've told defendants, and we're happy to say it to them


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 8 of 20
`again, if two versions of a product share the same code, then
`that's one architecture. That's an objective measure. And
`again, I frankly am uninterested in differences in code that
`aren't related to our architecture. We provided, you know,
`hundreds of pages of claim charts. I don't think there's any
`real dispute as to what the accused functionality is.
`And, you know, our understanding of the Court's default
`and what we're happy to agree to is that if the code is the
`same, then there's no need for duplication.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`THE COURT: Well, let me tell you guys how I see the
`world, which I guess is important to you. You know, the
`limitation of pages is obviously to make sure that the LG's and
`Samsung's and Qualcomm and other third parties of the world who
`are already skitzy about -- I'm not sure how -- let me repeat
`that because I'm not sure my court reporter can put down
`"skitzy," but who are already concerned about y'all getting one
`page of it and leaving. You know, they feel like there has to
`be a limit, and I get that.
`And so the 250 is a truly, truly arbitrary effort to, you
`know, get plaintiffs enough and keep companies from worrying
`it's too much. And so it's very arbitrary.
`So let me start with the plaintiff here. If I were to say
`it's 250 pages per architecture, would that work for you?
`MR. HEALY: Per architecture, Your Honor?
`THE COURT: Yes, sir.


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 9 of 20
`MR. HEALY: Yes. We're more than happy with the Court's
`default which you just expressed, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Well, I thought that was -- and maybe I missed
`it. Was -- and so it's the defendants that want 250 per chip?
`And is that the limitation here?
`MR. FRISCH: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. Okay. So let me start over. Let me
`put this burden on -- let me put the burden on the defendants.
`Let me see -- let me just start off with this. What is it that
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`the defendant thinks would be -- what would you guys want it to
`MR. FRISCH: So the last offer that we had made, Your
`Honor, was that we would allow 250 pages to be printed per
`vendor that's providing chip sets in the accused product, under
`the theory that, you know, the code from a particular vendor
`would likely be very similar.
`THE COURT: Okay. Now, let me -- so let me ask you this,
`because you're concerned that you're the one who's probably
`going to be dealing with the third parties. Is it -- is it the
`defendant that's going to be dealing with a third-party vendor
`to make arrangements to get the source code, or is the
`plaintiff going to be working directly with the third-party
`MR. FRISCH: Your Honor, I think it may depend on the
`circumstances. In the present circumstances, at least for


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 10 of 20
`Samsung, we have already collected certain code that has
`third-party code in it, and we have already started working
`with the third parties to try to get, you know, permission.
`And they would like to see it. So we've been talking to them
`about that.
`There may be those that come from third parties that we
`don't have in our possession that'll come into play in this
`case later on. At that point I imagine plaintiffs might be
`reaching out to them.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`THE COURT: So if you tell -- here's my concern: So if
`you tell third-party X that it's going to be 250 pages per chip
`and the plaintiff needs more, what do we do?
`MR. FRISCH: I think -- so for a particular party, if they
`say that they need more from that vendor, I think we would have
`to go back to that vendor to discuss. I'm concerned that in
`the present instance they might -- you know, once we put the PO
`in, if it's too ambiguous at this -- they're going to try to
`come in with lots of different amendments, which is, you know,
`a possibility either way. But we're trying to get clarity for
`them so that they don't have to request too many amendments to
`deal with the first instance.
`THE COURT: Well, but you're really -- you're playing my
`thing out, which is, I'm -- I feel a little bit like what we're
`doing is kind of a bait and switch with them. I don't mean
`this pejorative. I've been in your shoes. But I feel like if


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 11 of 20
`I say 250 pages per chip and the plaintiff needs more and even
`if you agree it needs more, then we're going to be revisiting
`this, and what do we do then?
`MR. FRISCH: Yeah. I think we would have to revisit it
`with that particular vendor at that point, if they needed more.
`And just to clarify one point, Your Honor, our proposal
`had been 250 pages for that vendor --
`MR. FRISCH: -- per chip.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`THE COURT: Well, in that case it's even a little more
`strict then, right? I mean, it's even a smaller universe that
`the plaintiff is going to have access to then, right?
`MR. FRISCH: Well, yeah, for printing. They'll have
`access to the whole universe of code to review obviously.
`THE COURT: So here's where I'm headed on this: I don't
`really care at one level what the number of pages is. And what
`I mean by that is, I know the plaintiff's firm. They're not
`going to, in my opinion, take any more pages of anything than
`they need to have. Now, I know that doesn't satisfy anyone on
`the defendants' side, but what I'm trying to figure out here
`is -- and so I could on the one hand -- for example, if it's
`Samsung's stuff or it's LG's stuff directly, you know, I could
`say to the plaintiff, I'm going to meet you at 50 pages, and if
`you need more, you know, ask defense counsel, and if they won't
`give it to you, contact me, and if you're being reasonable,


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 12 of 20
`I'll let you have more. You know, that's about a 15-minute --
`that gets it solved in about 15 minutes.
`What I'm trying to figure out here is -- and I'm going to
`really need the defendants' help here, is what is the right
`amount to guarantee to the plaintiff -- I get that they're
`going to have access to all of it, but what is -- what is the
`way to protect the plaintiff if they could convince me that
`they needed more than whatever the number is versus whatever
`the unit is? What is -- what gives the plaintiff comfort and
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`me comfort that that won't seriously delay the case and delay
`the plaintiff's ability to get the information? And by get it,
`I mean be able to take copies of it.
`MR. FRISCH: Sure. I mean, I think it's that we're also
`obviously willing to be as reasonable as we can. I mean, I
`think part of the problem is the issue of whether or not they
`will need more code beyond the limit. I think it could come up
`in both proposals, to be honest.
`I mean, under the 250 accused architecture, if they define
`architecture in a certain way and they've gone above that with
`respect to one of the third parties, I think we'd find
`ourselves in the same situation where we would have to go back
`to that third party if they need more code.
`THE COURT: Okay. But -- I get that, but what I'm saying
`is, is you guys are the ones who are trying to persuade me to
`be more restrictive than what I am in the default order. And


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 13 of 20
`so now to obtain that, I need to know what we're doing to make
`sure -- not with you guys. Not with Samsung and not with LG
`because those are companies I have direct power over -- not
`that I even need to exercise it, but, I mean, if I tell you
`that they've got to do something, I'm not going to worry that
`that will take very long for you to tell your clients what
`they've got to do.
`Again, if we're talking about restricting the plaintiff's
`ability to have this -- to be able to get pages of this
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`information, what -- how do we do that in a way that the third
`party -- if we have to go back and tell them it's subsequently
`different, I want to avoid that. I don't want to -- you know,
`I could make it a million, and then there'd be no problem
`because it's not going to -- you know. But I'm struggling to
`figure out what the right number and unit size is to make sure
`that a third party can't -- and maybe what you can represent on
`behalf of Samsung is that if you were to -- that you feel that,
`in your opinion and having worked with these third parties and
`given their relationship with Samsung or LG, that they would be
`highly likely to very quickly exceed whatever I ordered they
`do, then we may not have a problem, and we can just really try
`and figure out the number and the units right now.
`If we can't, if you can't make that representation, then
`I'm reluctant to change the default order.
`MR. FRISCH: I don't know that I can make that


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 14 of 20
`representation on behalf of all the third parties today. I
`mean, I can tell you that we've been in touch with the relevant
`third parties and that they have been, you know, extremely
`I think they're going to want -- all of them have, you
`know, currently objected obviously to providing source code
`without a protective order, and they're going to want to see
`whatever gets ruled on. Our concern actually was with the
`default language, that they would come back to us and say that
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`it's not clear to them what an accused architecture is.
`And that's our concern as well, is we're not sure in the
`present context what is going to differentiate one accused
`architecture from another. You know, Mr. Healy talked about
`relevant source code basis, but we're not clear as to what kind
`of changes between the codes he's going to -- architecture.
`MR. HEALY: Your Honor, this is Mr. Healy.
`THE COURT: Yes, sir.
`MR. HEALY: I apologize.
`THE COURT: No. I was going to ask you to chat, please.
`MR. HEALY: Thank you, Your Honor. Again, Mr. Healy on
`behalf of Ancora. And I hope we maybe can have two quick
`solutions to the problems the Court has raised.
`Again, number one, as far as an objective measure, to
`counsel's point, we frankly have -- and again I'll tell you on
`the call certainly are more amenable to a more restrictive


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 15 of 20
`limit than just per chip set, per chip set vendor with respect
`to the responses limited. But if it's better for defendants if
`we agree to per chip set and per the accused architecture,
`we're happy to make that compromise.
`Number two, Your Honor, with respect to what other
`procedures are in place that would allow someone to make an
`objection or raise an issue if, you know, they believe we're
`printing excessive code, the agreed portions of the protective
`order that we have negotiated with defendants allows defendants
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`or any other third party, frankly, that if they believe, even
`if we're within the 250 page limit, that we're being excessive
`or that we're printing code that we shouldn't or printing code
`for an improper purpose, even within the 250 page limit,
`they're entitled to object and raise an issue.
`And the -- what I am concerned about is that we would send
`a code reviewer to review code. They would be there. They'd
`be reviewing code, and then if an issue arises because we're
`limited to some arbitrarily small number, that in order to get
`the code, we'd have to have a dispute with Your Honor. We'd
`then have to go back. We'd have to print the code. There
`could be all the issues Your Honor noted about third parties --
`you know, a bait-and-switch scenario; whereas, the current
`procedures in the Court's default order already provide for
`these. We have a default limit of 250 pages. We can agree
`that that would be per chip set if that's what defendants


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 16 of 20
`prefer because of Your Honor's default.
`And then if there's an issue before we'd be able to get
`the code but we would have already been able to print it, it'd
`be ready and waiting, they can file -- you know, whoever has a
`concern can file -- can raise it with the Court, and the Court
`can address it.
`But it avoids that situation that's misleading the third
`party. It avoids that situation of having a very interrupted
`process that's not efficient and not cost effective for anyone.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`THE COURT: I'll tell counsel for the defendant, it does
`make -- and I know -- look. It's easy for me to say because
`you're the ones who have got to hang up and talk to your
`clients and the third parties and explain what a crazy judge in
`Waco is doing to you and also, you know, try and talk to third
`parties. What does make sense to me -- and, again, I've talked
`about it sort of in the sense that if the plaintiffs needed
`more, I would be available. I can tell you -- and it may mean
`nothing to your client, but, you know, I tend to favor the
`proposal that was just made of sticking with the default of the
`protective order. But certainly I think you can represent to
`your clients that if they have a specific issue with anything
`that is being done by the plaintiffs in terms of the amount of
`what they want to do, I think you can represent to them, as I
`showed today that -- I mean, I think you guys contacted the
`Court today and said, we have an issue, and I was able to take


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 17 of 20
`care of it literally on the same day. And so far within about
`a 24-hour time period, I've been able to do that the entire
`time I've been on the bench. And that's probably what I would
`prefer to do here, is keep things as they are but make sure
`that you're able to give your clients that comfort.
`And I'll just say I'm -- I don't -- I hope I'm not
`lecturing to the plaintiff's lawyer. Certainly I don't mean to
`lecture anyone. But, I mean, I'm putting all this on the
`record so that were there to be an issue down the road, you
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`know, defense counsel -- you know, defense counsel can show
`that I've just said this to the third parties and their clients
`and also -- and that way, again, if there's any problem with --
`before the plaintiffs would be allowed to take -- you know, do
`anything that would upset the third parties, they would have
`to -- the third parties would have an opportunity for me to
`decide whether that was okay or not.
`MR. FRISCH: Thank you, Your Honor. We appreciate that
`clarification. And after the protective order is entered, you
`know, we would be -- we would obviously share that with the
`third parties, and then I think they would independently raise
`any concerns that they have if they have them.
`THE COURT: Well, I'm sorry if I interrupted you. I
`didn't mean to. But part of the reason I just said all that is
`I would be happy, you know, for you guys to get a copy of this
`transcript, you know, and be able to actually, you know,


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 18 of 20
`provide it to those folks and make it clear they -- you would
`also have to make sure they know that -- I mean, I'm sure they
`have these experiences where they have these problems and
`there's just no one -- you know, there's no one in my seat who
`is willing to give them any relief if they feel they need
`relief. And so, you know, if that would help, or you can just
`tell them. I have -- well, actually, it's been a million
`years. I mean, I actually, you know, represented Samsung, you
`know, forever ago, and so, you know, I have some understanding
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`of, you know, what everyone's dealing with. And that's what
`I'm trying to do is give you guys some cover to let them know
`that they'll be protected in this process as well.
`MR. FRISCH: Thank you, Your Honor. We appreciate that.
`THE COURT: So that -- you know, basically I'm okay with
`the default. Is there anything else we needed to take up?
`MR. HEALY: This is Mr. Healy on behalf of Ancora. No,
`Your Honor. Thank you.
`THE COURT: Okay. Anything on behalf of the defendants?
`MR. FRISCH: Nothing else on behalf of Samsung, Your
`MS. CHIAVIELLO: Nothing, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. Well, I sure -- I hope you guys have a
`wonderful weekend, and I hope -- if y'all need me, just give me
`a holler.


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 19 of 20
`MR. HEALY: Thank you, Your Honor.
`MR. FRISCH: Thank you, Judge.
`(Hearing adjourned at 3:27 p.m.)
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 41 Filed 02/10/20 Page 20 of 20
`I, Kristie M. Davis, Official Court Reporter for the
`United States District Court, Western District of Texas, do
`certify that the foregoing is a correct transcript from the
`record of proceedings in the above-entitled matter.
`I certify that the transcript fees and format comply with
`those prescribed by the Court and Judicial Conference of the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`United States.
`Certified to by me this 10th day of February 2020.
`/s/ Kristie M. Davis
`Official Court Reporter
`800 Franklin Avenue, Suite 316
`Waco, Texas 76701
`(254) 340-6114

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