`7/15/202011213 AM
`Kellie Juricek DEPUTY
`Josie Viola Lemell,
`In the District Court of
`Case No. DC-19-o7035
`Dallas County, Texas
`Joenika Sharday Brown,
`162nd Judicial District
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Now comes, Plaintiff Josie Lemell (“Lemell”), through her undersigned attorney,
`and for Lemell’s Reply in support of her Motion for Traditional Summary Judgment
`against Defendant Joenika Sharday Brown (“Brown”) on the issue of liability, shows the
`Court the following:
`Plaintiff Lemell’s Summary Judgment Motion
`is uncontroverted.
`Plaintiffs summary judgment motion is uncontroverted because Brown’s counter-
`affidavits are incompetent and therefore fail to create a fact issue. Accordingly, the Court
`must grant Plaintiffs Summary judgment Motion. Si Republic National Leasing V.
`Schindler, 717 S.W.2d 606, 607 (Tex.1986) (affirming trial court’s finding that plaintiffs
`summary judgment affidavit was readily controvertible and defendant’s failure to present
`summary judgment evidence warranted judgment for plaintiff); Kimble V. Aetna Gas. and
`Sur. C0,, 767 S.W.2d 846 (Tex. App. 1989)
`(affirming summary judgment
`insurer upon finding evidentiary record presented
`uncontroverted affidavits).
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Page 1 of 10


`Plaintiff Lemell’s Reconstruction Engineering
`Expert Brent Munyon’s conclusions that Lemell had
`reasonable clearance from approaching traffic, that
`Brown was speeding, never turned, never applied her
`uncontroverted and the Court should therefore issue
`an order granting Plaintiff Lemell a summary
`Plaintiffs reconstruction engineer expert Brent Munyon concluded that Brown
`caused the collision. E Plaintiffs Exhibit 1. Munyon opined that Lemell had reasonable
`clearance from approaching traffic when she turned left toward Wintergreen and that
`Brown was speeding and took no evasive action to avoid the collision, such as slowing or
`turning her steering wheel. E-
`Underlying Brent Munyon’s opinion is digital data which his firm A&M Forensics
`and Engineering, Inc, retrieved from Brown’s automobile. m. at pp. 7. Said data showed
`Brown was driving 68-72 miles per hour when she collided with Lemell, while 40 was the
`speed limit. m. Because Brown was driving so fast, Brown reached Lemell’s automobile
`much faster than Brown would have had Brown been obeying the law.
`I_d. Brown’s
`attorney Randall Meredith attended the inspection during which Brent Munyon’s firm
`secured digital data from Brown’s car, providing Brown with equal access to retrieve
`Brown’s digital data.
`Engineer Brent Munyon’s opinion satisfies the material element of causation for
`Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s negligence claim. And because Brent Munyon’s conclusions are
`uncontroverted, summary judgment is immediately warranted. Si Tex. R. Civ. P.
`166(a)c; Anderson V. Snider, 808 S.W.2d 54, 55 (Tex.1991) (“an expert's affidavit can
`support summary judgment if the subject matter is such that a fact finder would be guided
`solely by the opinion of the testimony of experts if the evidence is clear, positive, direct,
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Page 2 of 10


`otherwise credible and free from contradiction and inconsistencies, and could have been
`readily controverted.”); Si Fitzgerald V. Caterpillar Tractor Co., 683 S.W.2d 162, 163—65
`(Tex. App. 1985) (finding lay plaintiff’s own affidavit incompetent to create a fact issue on
`product defect claim where defendant presented the counter-affidavit of an
`uncontroverted licensed engineer).
`Plaintiffs engineering expert Brent Munyon’s conclusion that Brown caused the
`May 5, 2019 collision because she was speeding is clear, positive, credible, consistent, and
`free from contradiction. Brown offers no controverting expert, the Court having stricken
`her designation of Officer Tyrone Melton as a liability expert and Brown otherwise
`provides no competent testimony to controvert Brent Munyon. Sfl Tex. R. Civ. P. 166a(c)
`(“A summary judgment may be based on [...] subject matter concerning which the trier of
`fact must be guided solely by the opinion testimony of experts, if the evidence is clear,
`positive and direct, otherwise credible and free from contradictions and inconsistencies,
`and could have been readily controverted); Anderson V. Snider, 808 S.W.2d 54 (Tex. 1991)
`(holding after an expert witness presents legally sufficient evidence in support of a motion
`for summary judgment, the opposing party must produce other expert testimony to
`controvert the claims).
`Defendant Joenika Brown’s deposition testimony and Officer Melton’s deposition
`and corresponding Report are incompetent summary judgment evidence—neither
`witness is an expert or accident reconstructionist. Accordingly, Brent Munyon’s
`uncontroverted expert opinion that Brown caused the collision because she was speeding
`and failed to take evasive action shows summary judgment on the issue of liability is
`immediately warranted.
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Page 3 of 10


`Brent Munyon’s opinions and conclusions are
`Defendant Brown never noticed her Motion to Strike Plaintiffs liability expert
`Brent Munyon. However, Brown incorporated her Motion to Strike Brent Munyon into
`her summary judgment opposition. As her response, Lemell submits that because Brent
`Munyon’s opinions and conclusions are reliable, the Court should deny Brown’s Motion
`to Strike him as an expert.
`Rule 702 of the Texas Rules of Evidence, titled "Testimony by Experts," provides,
`“[a] witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or
`education may testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise if the expert's scientific,
`technical, or other specialized knowledge will help the trier of fact to understand the
`evidence or to determine a fact in issue.” Si Tex. R. Evid. 702.
`A two-part test governs whether expert testimony is admissible: (1) the expert must
`be qualified and (2) the testimony must be relevant and based on a reliable foundation.
`& Helena Chem. Co. v. Wilkins, 47 S.W.3d 486, 499 (Tex. 2001).
`In determining reliability, the trial court "should undertake a rigorous examination
`of the facts on which the expert relies, the method by which the expert draws an opinion
`from those facts, and how the expert applies the facts and methods to the case at hand."
`fl Mack Trucks Inc. v. Tamez, 206 S.W.3d 572, 579 (Tex. 2006).
`Foundation of Brent Munyon’s opinions.
`Brent Munyon lists, in his Report, the following 15 items, including a scene
`inspection, as the information forming the foundation of his opinions:
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Page 4 of 10


`Texas Peace Officer’s Crash Report #1?059600.1r’20192l7585, dated 05505190] 9;
`Gongie earth aerial image;
`Googlc earth street view;
`VinLinkTM for 20] ] Honda Civic;
`Expert AuroStats® for 201 1 Honda Civic;
`‘w’inlinkTM for 2009 Ford Escape;
`Expert AutoSlatsCtU for 2009 Ford Escape;
`Bosch CDR download data for 2009 Ford Escape;
`. Show Cause Order;
`10. State of 'l‘exas Subpoena;
`l 1. Photographs received from attorney;
`12. Deposition ot‘Jo-sie Viola 1.,emell;
`l3. Deposition offlfiicer 'l‘yrone Melton;
`l4. A&M Forensic and Engineering, Inc. vehicle inspection M2009 Ford Escape on
`15. fi&M Forensic and Engineering, Inc. scene inspection on 021’] ”2019 and
`16. A&M Forensics and Engineering, Inc. reconslruction.
`E Plaintiff’s Exhibit 1 at p. 2.
`Brown’s failure to acknowledge some of the materials forming the foundation of
`Brent Munyon’s opinions fails to advance her effort to survive summary judgment.
`Brent Munyon’s calculations are well-
`founded and reliably based on math and
`Brent Munyon made calculations and applied principles of physics. Si Exhibit 1
`at 1313- 3-7-
`For example, he measured the collision scene. E. He also applied Newton’s Laws
`of Motion and the mathematical relationship of Newton’s Laws. I_d. He calculated vehicle
`parameters. I_d. He calculated scene parameters. E. He calculated to determine speed,
`time, and distance relationships. E.
`And Brown’s speed in the moments before impact is not the product of an
`“exaggerated assumption” by Brent Munyon. Rather, Brent Munyon based his conclusion
`about Brown’s speed on a Bosch CDR data download from Brown’s automobile. Si
`Exhibit 1 at pp. 6—7. Through her Counsel Randall Meredith, Brown attended the
`inspection during which Brent Munyon secured the Bosch CDR data download from
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Page 5 of 10


`Brown’s automobile, dispelling the myth that Brown’s downloaded data was somehow
`concealed or withheld from Brown.
`Brent Munyon opinions were subject to
`being readily controverted.
`Omissions from Brent Munyon’s Preliminary Report of Lemell’s speed and
`whether skid marks were present at the collision scene simply underscore the fact that
`Munyon’s opinions were subject to being readily controverted. Si TeX. R. Civ. P. 166(a)c.
`Nothing prevented Brown from presenting a controverting affidavit addressing speed or
`skid marks.
`Again, Brown’s failure to controvert Brent Munyon is fatal to her effort to survive
`summary judgment.
`this Court
`found Officer Melton
`reconstructionist, his causation opinions found in
`his report and deposition are incompetent to create
`a fact issue.
`On June 23, 2020, this Court entered an order striking Officer Tyrone Melton as
`an accident reconstruction expert. Thus, Brown is collaterally estopped from presenting,
`as summary judgment evidence, Officer Melton’s testimony or reported containing his
`opinions as to fault, his claim that Lemell failed to yield, his conclusion that Lemell ran a
`stop sign, and his opinion as to how the collision occurred.
`Officer Melton and his corresponding Report are both incompetent to create a fact
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Page 6 of 10


`Brown’s testimony fails to
`create a fact issue.
`Given the state of the record evidence on summaryjudgment, the Court must reject
`any effort by Brown to state how the collision occurred or to otherwise reconstruct the
`collision. & Fitzgerald V. Caterpillar Tractor Co., 683 S.W.2d 162, 163-65 (Tex. App.
`1985) (finding lay plaintiff’s own affidavit incompetent to create a fact issue on product
`defect claim where defendant presented the counter-affidavit of an uncontroverted
`licensed engineer); 808 S.W.2d 54, 55 (Tex. 1991) ("Lay testimony is insufficient to refute
`an expert's testimony."). Adair v. Veritas DGC Land Inc. No. 14—06—00254—CV (Tex. App.
`8/9/2007) (Tex. App. 2007).
`Further, Brown’s testimony is irreconcilable with both the physical evidence and
`common sense and is therefore insufficient to establish causation. Under Texas law, when
`common sense does not enable a person to determine causation, expert testimony is
`required. & Mack Trucks Inc. v. Tamez 206 S.W.3d 572, 583 (Tex. 2006). Lay
`testimony is only sufficient to support a finding of causation in “limited circumstances
`where both the occurrence and conditions complained of are such that the general
`experience and common sense of laypersons are sufficient to evaluate the conditions and
`whether they were probably caused by the occurrence.” Guevara v. Ferrer 247 S.W.3d
`662, 668 (Tex. 2007). Common sense requires a lay person to logically anticipate one
`event following another. Parker v. Employers Mutual Liabilim Insurance Co., 440 S.W.2d
`43, 46 (Tex. Sup. 1969).
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Page 7 of 10


`In her deposition, Brown testified she was traveling northbound on N. Houston
`School Road and did not plan on making any turns.
`nulls-1M mummbmflwm. mt
`h—du‘flnlm. unsmnnwtxwm “4......
`_ H
`i Accident report attached and marked Exhibit 2; and Excerpts from Brown Deposition
`attached and marked Exhibit 3 at p. 46. Brown alleges Lemell came out from a stop sign
`on W. Wintergreen Road and hit the driver side of Brown’s vehicle. Exhibit 3 at pp. 46-
`47. Taken as true, if Brown traveled north on N. Houston School Road, W. Wintergreen
`Road would have been located on the right side of Brown’s vehicle, as referenced in the
`above Report field diagram.
`In alleging Lemell came out from a stop sign on W.
`Wintergreen Road, it is impossible to reconcile how Lemell could hit the driver side of
`Brown’s vehicle, which is what Brown claims happened.
`This impossibility satisfies the commonsense standard set forth under Texas law
`as no lay person could anticipate a car striking the driver side of one vehicle when
`approaching said vehicle from the right.
`It is equally impossible for the collision to
`happen the way Brown claims it did, based on the physical evidence. Because such
`causation cannot be established through Brown’s lay testimony, competent expert
`testimony is required, which Brown fails to produce.
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Page 8 of 10


`L Conclusion.
`Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s summary judgment motion is uncontroverted.
`Reconstruction engineering Brent Munyon opines the collision happened because,
`while Lemell had reasonable clearance from approaching traffic, Brown was speeding
`toward Lemell’s automobile, never turned, never applied her brakes and collided with
`Lemell’s car causing the collision.
`Because Brent Munyon’s opinions are all
`uncontroverted, the Court should issue an order granting Plaintiff Lemell a summary
`2825 Oak Lawn Avenue, No. 190365
`Dallas, Texas 75219—9998
`Phone: (214) 871-9000
`Facsimile: (214) 871-9004
`[31E Lynette Stone
`E. Lynette Stone
`Tex. Bar No. 24057683
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Josie Lemell
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Page 9 of 10


`Case No. DC-19-o7035
`In the District Court of
`Dallas County, Texas
`162nd Judicial District
`) ) )
`) )
`) )
`Josie Viola Lemell,
`Joenika Sharday Brown,
`Proof of Service
`Attorney E. Lynette Stone, or someone in her stead with her authority, served this
`Proof on July 15, 2020 along with a copy of the appended Reply in Support of Plaintiff
`Josie Lemell’s Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment upon the following individual
`using the identified method:
`Randall L. Meredith
`2825 Oak Lawn Avenue, No. 190365
`Dallas, Texas 75219—9998
`Phone: (214) 871—9000
`Facsimile: (214) 871-9004
`/s/E. Lynette Stone
`E. Lynette Stone
`Tex. Bar No. 24057683
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Josie Lemell
`Reply in Support of Plaintiff Josie Lemell’s
`Traditional Motion for Summary Judgment
`Page 10 of 10




`fl SUPPLEMENT gggga ZONE h. I
`I2 9mm
`Tans Peace Officer's Crash Report (Form CR4 11112018)
`Mail lo: Texas Department of Transportation. Crash Dale and Analysls. P.0. Box 149349, Austin. TX 78714. Quesfions? Call M4I274-7457
`Refer Io Attached Code Sheet for Numbered Fields
`‘=These fields are required on all additional sheets submitted for this crash (ex; addluonalvehicles. occupants. Injured. elc.).
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`Joenika Sharday Brown
`CAUSE NO. DC19—O7035
`JANUARY 27, 2020
`as a witness duTy sworn by me at the instance Of the
`taken in the above—styTed
`and —numbered cause on the 27th day Of January, 2020,
`from 10:20 a.m.
`to 11:28 a.m., before Car1a Shanks
`GonzaTez, Certified shorthand Reporter No. 5054 in and
`for the State of Texas, at the offices of Godsey Martin,
`Tocated at 15000 Surveyor Bou1evard,
`in the City of
`Addison, Texas,
`in accordance with the Texas Ru1es Of
`Civi1 Procedure and the provisions stated on the record.
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`3811 TurtTe Creek BouTevard
`Suite 1950
`Da11as, Texas
`(469) 916—2552
`2101 Cedar Springs Road
`Suite 1050
`DaTTas, Texas
`A150 Present: Ms. Jocie VioTa Leme11
`15000 Surveyor BouTevard
`Addison, Texas
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`Examination by Mr. Cude
`Examination by Ms. Stone
`Records from Pro—Care
`Injury & Rehab
`witness's Signature Page/Corrections
`Reporter's Certificate
`E X H I B I T S
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`having been first du1y sworn, testified as f0110ws:
`Good morning, Ms. Brown.
`Good morning.
`My name is Chris Cude.
`I'm one of the
`attorneys that represents Jocie Leme11 in this matter.
`I represent Ms. Leme11 in the capacity in which you sued
`I'm defending her. We're going to have another
`attorney present today, and she represents Ms. Leme11 in
`the capacity of bringing the 1awsuit against you. Does
`that make sense?
`Yes, sir.
`Very good. Have you ever given a deposition
`No, sir.
`And, Ms. Brown, if you couid go ahead and
`spe11 your name for the record, piease.
`J—O—E—N—I—K—A, 1ast name Brown.
`And, Ms. Brown,
`I'm sure your attorney did a
`good job covering some ground ru1es of what our time is
`going to 100k 1ike, but I just want to cover a few
`things so we're on the same page moving forward.
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`understand that you have taken an oath to te11 the truth
`that has the same weight and effect as if you're in
`front of a judge and jury, correct?
`Yes, sir.
`And we're going to be pretty
`conversationa1 today, but if I ask you a question that
`you don't understand, p1ease ask me to rephrase it.
`more than happy to do 50.
`Is that fair?
`Yes, sir.
`If you do answer the question, I'11 be under
`the impression that you understood it, correct?
`If you need to take a break at any time, just
`1et us know.
`I'm more than happy to do so.
`It's very
`important —— you're doing a great job so far.
`Just make
`sure you answer yes, no. Try to stay away from any head
`nods. That's just to keep the reporter having a c1ean
`record for us, okay?
`Yes, sir.
`And she's going to be taking down everything
`that we say.
`In order to make sure, again,
`that we have
`a c1ean record,
`I wou1d ask that you wait unti1 I finish
`my question before answering, and in return,
`I wi11 wait
`for you to finish your answer before I ask my next
`question, okay?
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`Yes, sir.
`Ms. Brown, have you ever been a part of any
`other 1awsuit before?
`No, sir.
`Okay. Have you ever given a deposition
`No, sir.
`And aside from any conversations you
`had with your attorney, what did you do to prepare for
`today's deposition?
`Just came here, prayed. That's it. Not much.
`And you 1ive in Boston now?
`No, I do not.
`where do you 1ive now?
`I'm sorry.
`I 1ive in New Jersey.
`New Jersey,
`I apoiogize. what is your address
`938 Vine Street, Camden, New Jersey.
`Thank you.
`And most importantiy, she's
`the most important gir1 in the room right now, so we
`want to make sure that a11 of our conversations are
`directed toward her,
`just to make sure she's ab1e to
`take everything down, okay?
`Uh—huh. Yes, sir.
`And who do you current1y 1ive with in New
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`My grandmother.
`what is your grandmother's ——
`Pear1 Brown.
`And how iong have you 1ived with your
`I just moved back to New Jersey,
`about I'd say 1ike six months.
`And what was your address prior to moving to
`New Jersey?
`1407 West wheatiand Road.
`How 10ng did you reside at 1407 West wheatiand
`A year.
`where did you 1ive before that?
`I was in New Jersey my wh01e 1ife.
`what brought you to Texas?
`So my girifriend, we decided to be
`and I moved with her.
`Is she from Texas?
`Are y'a11 sti11 together?
`Off and on, yes.
`Does she sti11 1ive in Texas?
`same address.
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`Have you ever been married?
`Do you have any chi1dren?
`No, sir.
`Do you have any driver's 1icense other than
`current driver's 1icense that has been produced in
`what do you do up in New Jersey?
`Right now I work at American Honda.
`what do you do for American Honda?
`I'm at the shipping warehouse, so I just ship
`out parts
`and stuff 1ike that for the Honda vehic1e.
`And is that the on1y job you have had since
`you moved
`back to New Jersey?
`Yes, sir.
`what did you do for work whenever you 1ived
`back here
`in Da11as for a year?
`I was working at the Home Depot, Cedar Hi11.
`what did you do at the Home Depot?
`Overnight stocking.
`Was that your on1y job?
`Okay. Was that the on1y job that you had when
`you 1ived
`in Da11as?
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`No, I had quite a few.
`what eise did you do?
`I worked at the Da11as Cowboy —— it was 1ike a
`So it wou1d probabiy be easier, we'11 take
`them in order, if you want to do it that way. whenever
`you first moved to Da11as from New Jersey, where did you
`That was the first one I had, yeah.
`The Cowboys or Home Depot?
`The Cowboys.
`And how iong did you work at Cowboys for?
`A coup1e of months.
`what did you do for them?
`Just the ciothing.
`They have —— we just ship
`out c10thing, 1ike the appare1.
`Do you reca11 when you started with them, what
`I don't know.
`But you said you worked there for about three
`where did you work after that?
`A sma11 restaurant.
`Do you reca11 the name of that restaurant?
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`Do you reca11 how iong you worked there for?
`About four and a haif months,
`I be1ieve.
`where was that restaurant iocated?
`Cedar Hi11 too.
`And then where did you work?
`The Home Depot. That was the 1ast job I had.
`And you worked at Home Depot unti1 you moved
`And what month did you move to New Jersey?
`I rea11y —— I don't know. Let's see.
`I wouid
`wou1d be about six months back.
`So this is January, so approximateiy sometime
`I don't know what —— I rea11y don't know the
`Do you remember it being hot?
`Pretty much, yes.
`Like if you're moving in Texas in the summer,
`you remember it being hot.
`50 if you were in Da11as for a year, you wou1d
`say you first came to Da11as in summer of 2018 rough1y?
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`I came to Da11as in January, January.
`Of 2018?
`Okay. Was it pretty soon after the incident
`that you moved to New Jersey?
`Can you repeat the question?
`The accident happened in May of 2019.
`Was it pretty soon after the accident that you remember
`moving to New Jersey?
`A coup1e months after.
`Okay. After you finished up treating and
`everything here?
`Okay. Did you go to high schooi
`in New
`Yes, sir.
`where did you go to high schooi up there?
`Leap Academy Charter University High Schooi.
`Any additionai education after that?
`what did you do after you graduated?
`I was just working from job to job.
`Any particu1ar industry?
`Not rea11y.
`what was your first job out of high schooi?
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`One East.
`How 1ong did you work at One East for?
`A coup1e of months.
`where did you work after that?
`How 10ng were you at Wai—Mart for?
`About a year.
`what about after that?
`How 10ng were you at Lowe's for?
`Four years.
`where did you work after Lowe's?
`That's when I came to Texas.
`So a11 the jobs that we got.
`How 01d are you current1y?
`And I'm going to ask you some questions
`about —— you're going to have to he1p me with this
`pronunciation, Fatimah Muhammad.
`Fatimah Muhammad.
`And who is Fatimah Muhammad?
`My girifriend.
`And she sti11 1ives in Da11as, correct?
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`And you said your re1ationship has been off
`when did that start,
`the re1ationship?
`We been seeing each other now for about four
`And y'a11 were 1iving together at that time?
`How did y'a11 meet?
`Facebook, actua11y.
`How iong did y'a11 correspond on Facebook
`before y'a11 actua11y met?
`MR. MEREDITH: Objection,
`You can
`go ahead and answer if you know.
`I don't know.
`How often wou1d you come to Da11as to
`see her before you moved here?
`Quite a few times.
`A month —— I try to come
`down 1ike every coup1e months,
`I guess. And then she
`wi11 come to see me.
`On March 5th, 2019,
`the day of the incident,
`do you reca11 your re1ationship with Fatimah at that
`Yeah, we were sti11 —— she was sti11 my
`Yes, sir.
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`who eise 1ived with y‘a11?
`Her son, Chase Muhammad.
`Do you know how 01d Chase Muhammad is?
`He's four.
`I apoiogize,
`that was a bad question.
`Is he
`four now, or was he four at the time of the accident?
`He's four now.
`So he was three at the time of the
`Did you he1p Fatimah with Chase at a11?
`Yes, sir.
`And what were some of your roies in he1ping
`with Chase?
`Just 1ike a parent wou1d be there for him,
`wash him up,
`feed him,
`take him to schooi.
`And when you 1ived in Da11as —— actua11y,
`strike that.
`what does Fatimah do for a 1iving?
`Right now she works at 1ike a suite or
`something. She's the cieaning supervisor,
`I guess you
`can say.
`Do you know the iocation?
`Is it a hote1?
`I be1ieve it's —— no, it's more 1ike a studio,
`apartment—type bui1ding.
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR


`Joenika Sharday Brown
`Do you know how iong she's worked there
`No, I don't know.
`Has she worked there for the entirety of
`y'a11's re1ationship?
`for a job?
`when you first met Fatimah, what was she doing
`who are her other chi1dren?
`Eric, Jeremiah, Cameron, Chase.
`Eric is the oidest one?
`Do you know approximateiy how 01d he is?
`Kim D. Carrell, CSR
`She worked at a warehouse.
`Do you reca11 what she did after that?
`C1eaning. Other jobs was just c1eaning jobs.
`And do you know Fatimah's date of birth?
`Do you know how 01d she is?

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