2:21-cv-00291 | Texas Eastern District Court

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Division Marshall
Judge District Judge Rodney Gilstrap
Filed July 30, 2021
Terminated Dec. 22, 2021
Magistrate Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne
Nature of Suit 830 Patent
Cause 15:1126 Patent Infringement
Jury Demand Plaintiff
Last Updated: 3 years, 1 month ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
12/22/2021Notice of Filing of Patent/Trademark Form (AO 120) at termination of case. AO 120 mailed to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (nkl, ) (Entered: 12/22/2021)
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)Granted
ORDER DISMISSING CASE. Signed by District Judge Rodney Gilstrap on 12/21/2021. (nkl, ) (Entered: 12/22/2021)
12/17/2021STIPULATION of Dismissal Corrected by DATREC, LLC. (Ramey, William) (Entered: 12/17/2021)
12/16/2021NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by DATREC, LLC (Ramey, William) (Entered: 12/16/2021)
  • Motion to StayGranted
ORDER granting 10 Motion to Stay. The stay is extended to December 16, 2021. It is further ORDERED that, absent a showing of good cause, the Parties will submit dismissal papers no later than December 16, 2021. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/9/21. (bga) (Entered: 12/10/2021)
  • Motion to Stayby Δ
Joint MOTION to Stay re 9 Order on Motion to Stay [Joint Motion to Extend Stay Pending Settlement] by INTUIT, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Sacksteder, Michael) (Entered: 12/02/2021)
  • Motion to StayGranted
ORDER granting 8 Motion to Stay All Deadlines and Notice of Settlement. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 11/3/2021. (nkl, ) (Entered: 11/03/2021)
  • Motion to Stayby Δ
Joint MOTION to Stay ALL DEADLINES AND NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT by INTUIT, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Sacksteder, Michael) (Entered: 11/02/2021)
  • Order
ORDER - Scheduling Conference set for 11/18/2021 09:00 AM before District Judge Rodney Gilstrap. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 10/22/2021. (ch, ) (Entered: 10/25/2021)
10/19/2021Defendant's Unopposed SECOND Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for INTUIT, INC. to 11/2/2021. 15 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( ch, ) (Entered: 10/19/2021)
10/18/2021Defendant's Unopposed Second Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re INTUIT, INC..( Sacksteder, Michael) (Entered: 10/18/2021)
9/14/2021Defendant's Unopposed FIRST Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for INTUIT, INC. to 10/18/2021. 30 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( ch, ) (Entered: 09/14/2021)
9/14/2021Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re INTUIT, INC..( Sacksteder, Michael) (Entered: 09/14/2021)
9/14/2021NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Michael J Sacksteder on behalf of INTUIT, INC. (Sacksteder, Michael) (Entered: 09/14/2021)
8/23/2021CASE REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (ch, ) (Entered: 08/23/2021)
7/30/2021In accordance with the provisions of 28 USC Section 636(c), you are hereby notified that a U.S. Magistrate Judge of this district court is available to conduct any or all proceedings in this case including a jury or non-jury trial and to order the entry of a final judgment. The form Consent to Proceed Before Magistrate Judge is available on our website. All signed consent forms, excluding pro se parties, should be filed electronically using the event Notice Regarding Consent to Proceed Before Magistrate Judge. (nkl, ) (Entered: 07/30/2021)
7/30/2021SUMMONS Issued as to INTUIT, INC. c/o Registered Agent. (nkl, ) (Entered: 07/30/2021)
7/30/2021Case Assigned to District Judge Rodney Gilstrap. (nkl, ) (Entered: 07/30/2021)
7/30/2021Notice of Filing of Patent/Trademark Form (AO 120). AO 120 mailed to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (Ramey, William) (Entered: 07/30/2021)
  • Complaint
COMPLAINT against INTUIT, INC. ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number 0540-8516580.), filed by DATREC, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit US8381309, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(Ramey, William) (Entered: 07/30/2021)