ALO, LLC v. Renée Greenstein

92070442 | Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

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Filed Jan. 14, 2019
Proceeding Type Cancellation
Respondent Mark AIRBRUSHER No. 86181579
Case Type Cancellation
Status Terminated
Interlocutory Attorney YONG OH (RICHARD) KIM
Last Updated: 4 years, 1 month ago
Filing Date # Docket Text
10/9/2019Board Decision: Can Denied without Prejudice
10/3/2019Withdraw of Pet for Cancellation
10/3/2019ALO, LLC Motion to Suspend with Consent Pending Settlement Negotiations
8/29/2019ALO, LLC Motion to Suspend with Consent Pending Settlement Negotiations
7/3/2019Extension of Time Granted
7/3/2019Renée Greenstein Motion for Ext with Consent
6/4/2019Extension of Time Granted
6/4/2019Renée Greenstein Motion for Ext with Consent
5/2/2019Extension of Time Granted
5/2/2019Renée Greenstein Motion for Ext with Consent
4/4/2019Extension of Time Granted
4/4/2019ALO, LLC Motion for Ext with Consent
3/5/2019Extension of Time Granted
3/5/2019Renée Greenstein Motion for Ext with Consent
1/25/2019Notice and Trial Dates Sent; Answer Due: 3/6/2019
1/14/2019Filed and Fee