Page 1
`- - - - - - - - - - - -x
`INC, :
` Petitioner, :
`v. : No. PGR 2020-00086
`LLC, : 10,583,155
` Patent Owner. :
`- - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Telephonic Conference before
` Monday, February 8, 2021
` 11:30 a.m.
`Reported by:
`Cassandra E. Ellis, RPR
`Job No.: SY001343
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`Page 2
` Telephone conference, held before
`agreement, before Cassandra E. Ellis,
`Certified Shorthand Reporter - Hawaii,
`Certified Shorthand Reporter - Virginia,
`Certified Court Reporter - Washington,
`Registered Professional Reporter and Notary
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`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` JUDY HE, ESQUIRE (via phone)
` 180 N LaSalle Street
` Suite 2215
` Chicago, Illinois 60601
` (312) 216-1632
` 3200 RBC Plaza
` 60 South Sixth Street
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` (612) 337-2509
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` C O N T E N T S
` 5
`Page 4
` E X H I B I T S
` (none)
`4 5 6 7 8
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`Page 5
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` EXAMINER JENKS: Good morning.
` MR. GABRIC: Good morning.
` morning. This is conference call
` for PGR 2020-0086, involving US
` Patent No. 10,583,155.
` So I'm Judge Jenks, and I'm
` joined -- with me -- joining me on
` this conference call is Judge
` Mitchell, Judge Paulraj is also on
` the panel, but he is in another
` meeting right now. He may or may
` not join us during this conference
` call. If he joins us then I will
` let you know.
` So maybe we can --
` EXAMINER RICE: This is Judge
` Paulraj. I'm on the call. I'm
` joining from a cell phone, but I
` will mute myself, but I am on the
` call.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Excellent.
` Thank you so much.
` So can we have roll call?
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`Page 6
` We'll begin with the appearances of
` counsel. Who do I have on the call
` for petitioner and who will be
` speaking?
` MR. GABRIC: Good morning,
` Your Honors, you have Ralph Gabric
` on the call for petitioner, and I
` will be speaking on behalf of the
` petitioner.
` And we do have a court
` reporter on the line.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Excellent.
` And will you be filing a transcript
` of the call?
` MR. GABRIC: That's the plan,
` unless somebody tells me otherwise,
` yes.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Excellent.
` Thank you so much. We would
` appreciate it.
` Patent owner, who's on the
` call for patent owner?
` MS. HE: Your Honor, this is
` Judy He, also on the line for
` petitioner.
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`Page 7
` MR. GABRIC: Thank you, Judy.
` MS. HE: Mm-hmm.
` Great.
` MS. WHELAN: And good morning,
` Your Honor, this is Dorothy Whelan.
` I'm appearing on behalf of the
` patent owner, and I will be
` speaking.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Excellent.
` Petitioner, so you requested
` this call seeking authorization to
` supplement -- supplement the record
` with a copy of the rehearing
` requests in two related PGR filings,
` and respond -- you wanted to respond
` to patent owner's particularity
` challenge and patent owner's
` preliminary response, and also to
` respond to patent owner's request
` for discussion or denial on the
` preliminary response.
` To make sure we're all on the
` same page, I just -- I went through
` the record, and what I saw is that
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`Page 8
` you had about three-week's time
` between patent owner filing its
` preliminary response in the related
` '064 PGR, and you filing your
` petition in this particular one.
` So with that in mind, can you
` please let us know why a response
` and supplementation is necessary at
` this point in time, petitioner?
` MR. GABRIC: Yes, Your Honor,
` and I just make sure I understood
` something, the current petition was
` filed after the preliminary response
` in the '453 patent petition; is that
` what you just said?
` the -- it's in the -- it's the PGR,
` it's 2020-00064.
` MR. GABRIC: Okay.
` remember --
` MR. GABRIC: Okay. Yeah, I
` think you're right. I think you're
` correct.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Those are --
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`Page 9
` those are -- you're wanting to --
` because you filed a hearing request
` in that, but I think in that one,
` and I can't remember the other,
` there's one more --
` MR. GABRIC: Right.
` EXAMINER JENKS: -- case.
` MR. GABRIC: Yeah, okay, well,
` yeah, let me -- let me address that,
` and -- and I think the Board has the
` context. There's -- there were
` three petitions filed to related
` patents, the '453 patent, the '155
` patent, and this petition was
` strict, the '719 patent.
` And the panel denied
` institution on the first two
` petitions, and what -- what we --
` what the patent owner has done is --
` and let me back up -- and we filed
` requests for rehearing in December,
` on the first two denials, where we
` explained where we thought the panel
` overlooked the misapprehended
` certain facts.
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`Page 10
` So in the current petition, in
` the patent owner's preliminary
` response, the patent owner has cited
` to those institution decisions
` denying institution as additional
` support as to why the Board should
` adopt the reasoning in those
` decisions in this current petition,
` and finding lack of expectation of
` success and a lack of particularity.
` And in fairness, we responded
` in our motions for rehearing, with
` respect to the first petition, the
` '064 petition, we explain why we
` think the Board made a mistake in
` finding a lack of expectation of
` success, and why the Board made a
` mistake in finding a lack of
` particularity.
` In our rehearing request on
` the second denial, the '068
` petition, that was based solely on
` lack of expectation of success. And
` we explained why we think the Board
` misapprehended, overlooked some
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`Page 11
` facts there.
` So basically what we have is a
` situation where the patent owner in
` the preliminary reply said, hey,
` look at your two institution
` decisions, you got it right there,
` apply the same reasoning in this
` petition.
` And all we think -- without
` prejudicing our motion for
` rehearing, and without mentioning
` the fact that we filed these motions
` for rehearing, so in fairness, to
` complete the record, we believe that
` the Board should have the benefit of
` our rehearing requests, where we
` explain why we think the Board made
` a mistake on expectation of success
` in particularity. And hopefully, in
` our view, that mistake is made again
` in this current petition. So in
` fairness, the record should be
` completed.
` So that's the primary reason
` why we're asking to supplement the
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`Page 12
` record with our request for
` rehearing. I hope I've answered
` your question.
` have.
` Patent owner, what is your
` position?
` MS. WHELAN: Thank you, Your
` Honor. I -- I have to confess that
` I found the request to supplement
` the record with a request for
` rehearing, which is an attorney
` argument, somewhat odd. It made me
` wonder whether those were not true
` requests for rehearing but rather
` including new arguments never before
` the Board in the first place,
` because this seemed to me to be the
` reason to supplement.
` But I don't -- but even beyond
` that, I don't see any need to
` supplement the record with those
` additional arguments. I mean,
` again, it's attorney argument, the
` Board is -- the Board is aware of
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`Page 13
` what the arguments are, so I don't
` see a need to -- to formally place
` those requests for rehearing in the
` record.
` Petitioner, do you have any further
` response to what patent owner just
` let us know?
` MR. GABRIC: I don't agree
` with it, I can probably assume that,
` but, you know, in all seriousness,
` the -- it just -- it's just not
` right. It's not fair for the patent
` owner to say, yeah, look at your
` institutions decisions, apply that
` same reasoning here, not say
` anything about the fact that we
` filed motions for rehearing where we
` explained why maybe that reasoning
` isn't sound, and the portion of the
` benefit of that reasoning why we --
` of our argument, why we think that
` reasoning isn't sound.
` And in those rehearing
` statements we cite chapter and verse
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`Page 14
` where the arguments for the original
` petition, to the extent patent owner
` is suggesting there's something new
` in those rehearing requests, I
` disagree with that, certainly.
` EXAMINER JENKS: All right.
` Well, thank you for your
` information. Let me put the parties
` on hold. Let me refer with my panel
` here real quick.
` (Recess.)
` EXAMINER JENKS: Good morning.
` This is Judge Jenks. We're back. I
` just want to make sure the panelist
` is still here. The petitioner is
` still here?
` MR. GABREC: Petitioner is
` still here, yes.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Patent owner?
` MS. WHELAN: I'm still here.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Excellent.
` So we conferred, and we decided that
` we will allow the additional
` briefing, and bringing in the copies
` from your -- from the other PGRs.
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`Page 15
` Now, petitioner, we would like
` you to make sure, if you're wanting
` to bring in this information, please
` let us know where you have support
` for everything in your current
` petition, because we want to make
` sure you're not bringing in new
` arguments, that would not be fair.
` And we will give you ten pages
` for your petitioner's reply, and
` then we will also give patent owner
` sur reply, the same length, ten
` pages to respond, and each getting
` seven days. Does that work for the
` parties?
` MR. GABRIC: I'm just checking
` the calendar on seven days.
` days, I think, if I'm counting,
` starting count tomorrow would be --
` MR. GABRIC: Okay.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Is that the
` 16th?
` MR. GABRIC: 16th? Yeah.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Yeah, no, say
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`Page 16
` the 16th, that's, I guess, eight
` days, then.
` MR. GABRIC: Yeah.
` EXAMINER JENKS: And that's --
` MR. GABRIC: Sorry.
` EXAMINER JENKS: I'm sorry.
` MR. GABRIC: I didn't mean to
` cut you off. Could I get until the
` 17th?
` MR. GABRIC: Yeah.
` EXAMINER JENKS: And then the
` 25th for patent owner's response?
` MR. GABRIC: I think the Judge
` is asking you, Dorothy. Hello?
` EXAMINER JENKS: All right.
` So it's 10 pages, and we said the
` 17th.
` MR. GABRIC: That's fine for
` petitioner. I think I lost
` everybody for a second.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Patent owner?
` MS. WHELAN: That's fine, but
` Your Honor, could you please, just
` one clarification, the request for
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`Page 17
` the reply listed four topics, would
` the reply include all four of those
` topics?
` EXAMINER JENKS: I believe so,
` right? They want to supplement the
` record.
` MR. GABRIC: Yes, Your Honor,
` that's --
` EXAMINER JENKS: With the --
` with the -- yeah, four topics,
` the -- I'm just looking at it,
` looking at it again, one was to -- I
` understand that you want to bring
` copies of your request for the
` rehearing from the other files into
` this one?
` MR. GABRIC: Correct.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Is that my --
` is my understanding correct?
` MR. GABRIC: Correct.
` EXAMINER JENKS: Then you said
` you wanted to respond to patent
` owner's particularity challenge?
` MR. GABRIC: Correct.
` EXAMINER JENKS: And to patent
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`Page 18
` owner's request for discretionary
` denial?
` MR. GABRIC: Correct.
` EXAMINER JENKS: And you're
` saying there that regardless how we
` interpret it, but I mean this should
` already have been in your petition
` file, you know, how we would
` interpret the label.
` MR. GABRIC: Right. So --
` right. So the first request is to
` bring in the request for rehearing,
` the second request two and three are
` related to that, to explain why
` what's in that rehearing statement,
` how it applies specifically with
` citation to the record previous
` arguments to the '719 patent, then
` the last one is the discretionary
` denial.
` again, I mean, the arguments you're
` going to let me know, were in the
` record we find these -- because
` you're basically trying to bring in
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`Page 19
` the same arguments you had in the
` request for rehearing at this point
` in time. But you need to be sure
` that you can support it in your
` original filings petition here.
` MR. GABRIC: Totally
` understood, yes.
` EXAMINER JENKS: All right.
` Okay. All righty.
` Patent owner, are you okay
` with the -- with what did we just
` say, the 25th?
` MS. WHELAN: Yes. Yes, Your
` Honor, the briefing schedule is
` fine.
` Excellent.
` All right.
` Is there any -- does any --
` anybody else need -- want to say
` anything else at this point in time?
` MR. GABRIC: No. Petitioner
` just thanks the panel for their time
` this morning.
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`Page 20
` patent owner, do you have any --
` MS. WHELAN: The patent owner
` has nothing to add.
` EXAMINER JENKS: So I want to
` thank the parties for the attention
` and attendance this morning. And in
` this case I will not be issuing an
` order memorializing the conference
` call because we're going to have a
` copy of the transcript. So the call
` is hereby adjourned. Thank you so
` much.
` MR. GABRIC: Thank you, Your
` Honors.
` MS. WHELAN: Thank you.
` (Whereupon, the conference
` call was concluded at 11:47 a.m.)
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`Page 21
` I, Cassandra E. Ellis, Registered
`Professional Reporter, the officer before
`whom the foregoing proceedings were taken,
`do hereby certify that the foregoing
`transcript is a true and correct record of
`the proceedings; that said proceedings were
`taken by me stenographically and thereafter
`reduced to typewriting under my supervision;
`and that I am neither counsel for, related
`to, nor employed by any of the parties to
`this case and have no interest, financial or
`otherwise, in its outcome.
` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
`my hand this 8th day of February 2021.
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`add 20:3
`additional 10:5
`12:23 14:23
`address 9:9
`adjourned 20:11
`adopt 10:7
`agree 13:9
`agreement 2:4
`allow 14:23
`answered 12:2
`anybody 19:20
`appearances 6:1
`appearing 7:7
`applies 18:16
`apply 11:7 13:15
`appreciate 6:20
`argument 12:13,24
`arguments 12:16
`12:23 13:1 14:1
`15:8 18:18,22
`asking 11:25 16:15
`assume 13:10
`attendance 20:6
`attention 20:5
`attorney 12:12,24
`authorization 7:12
`aware 12:25
`a.m 1:18 20:17
`B 4:8
`back 9:20 14:13
`based 10:22
`basically 11:2
`behalf 3:2,14 6:8
`believe 11:14 17:4
`benefit 11:15 13:21
`beyond 12:20
`Board 1:1 9:10
`11:15,17 12:17,25
`BOONE 3:5
`briefing 14:24
`bring 15:3 17:13
`bringing 14:24
`C 3:1 4:1 5:1
`calendar 15:17
`call 5:5,10,15,19,22
`5:25 6:2,7,14,22
`7:12 20:9,10,17
`case 9:7 20:7 21:12
`Cassandra 1:24 2:4
`CCR-WA 21:21
`cell 5:20
`certain 9:25
`certainly 14:5
`Certified 2:5,6,7
`certify 21:5
`challenge 7:18
`chapter 13:25
`checking 15:16
`Chicago 3:8
`1:16 2:3
`citation 18:17
`cite 13:25
`cited 10:3
`clarification 16:25
`complete 11:14
`completed 11:23
`concluded 20:17
`conference 1:13
`2:1 5:5,10,14 20:8
`conferred 14:22
`confess 12:9
`context 9:11
`copies 14:24 17:14
`copy 7:14 20:10
`correct 8:24 17:17
`17:19,20,24 18:3
`counsel 6:2 21:10
`count 15:20
`counting 15:19
`court 2:7 6:10
`CSR-HI 21:21
`CSR-VA 21:21
`current 8:12 10:1,8
`11:21 15:5
`cut 16:8
`D 5:1
`day 21:15
`days 15:14,17,19
`December 9:21
`decided 14:22
`decisions 10:4,8
`11:6 13:15
`denial 7:21 10:21
`denials 9:22
`denied 9:16
`denying 10:5
`disagree 14:5
`discretionary 18:1
`discussion 7:21
`Dorothy 3:15 7:6
`E 1:24 2:4 3:1,1 4:1
`4:8 5:1,1 21:2,21
`eight 16:1
`Ellis 1:24 2:4 21:2
`employed 21:11
`ESQUIRE 3:3,4,15
`ETON 1:3
`everybody 16:21
`1:15,16 2:2 5:2,4
`5:18,23 6:12,18
`7:3,10 8:16,20,25
`9:7 12:4 13:5
`15:18,22,25 16:4
`18:4,21 19:8,16
`19:25 20:4
`Excellent 5:23 6:12
`6:18 7:10 14:21
`EXELA 1:7
`expectation 10:9
`10:16,23 11:18
`explain 10:14
`11:17 18:14
`explained 9:23
`10:24 13:19
`extent 14:2
`fact 11:12 13:17
`facts 9:25 11:1
`fair 13:13 15:8
`fairness 10:11
`February 1:17
`file 18:8
`filed 8:13 9:2,12,20
`11:12 13:18
`files 17:15
`filing 6:13 8:2,4
`filings 7:15 19:5
`financial 21:12
`find 18:24
`finding 10:9,16,18
`fine 16:19,23 19:15
`first 9:17,22 10:13
`12:17 18:11
`FISH 3:16
`foregoing 21:4,5
`formally 13:2
`found 12:10
`four 17:1,2,10
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`further 13:6
`G 5:1
`GABREC 14:17
`Gabric 3:3 5:3 6:5
`6:6,15 7:1 8:10,19
`8:22 9:6,8 13:9
`15:16,21,24 16:3
`18:3,10 19:6,22
`getting 15:13
`give 15:9,11
`going 18:23 20:9
`good 5:2,3,4 6:5 7:5
`Great 7:4
`guess 16:1
`H 4:8
`hand 21:15
`Hawaii 2:5
`hearing 1:14,15,16
`2:2 5:4 9:2
`held 2:1
`Hello 16:15
`hereunto 21:14
`hey 11:4
`hold 14:9
`Honor 6:23 7:6
`8:10 12:9 16:24
`17:7 19:14
`Honors 6:6 20:14
`hope 12:2
`hopefully 11:19
`Illinois 3:8
`include 17:2
`including 12:16
`information 14:8
`institution 9:17
`10:4,5 11:5
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`institutions 13:15
`interest 21:12
`interpret 18:6,9
`involving 5:6
`issuing 20:7
`Jenks 1:14 2:2 5:2
`5:4,8,23 6:12,18
`7:3,10 8:16,20,25
`9:7 12:4 13:5
`15:18,22,25 16:4
`18:4,21 19:8,16
`19:25 20:4
`Job 1:25
`join 5:14
`joined 5:9
`joining 5:9,20
`joins 5:15
`Judge 5:8,10,11,18
`14:13 16:14
`Judy 3:4 6:24 7:1,3
`know 5:16 8:7 13:8
`13:11 15:4 18:8
`label 18:9
`lack 10:9,10,16,18
`LaSalle 3:6
`length 15:12
`line 6:11,24
`listed 17:1
`LLC 1:8
`LLP 3:5
`look 11:5 13:14
`looking 17:11,12
`lost 16:20
`mean 12:23 16:7
`meeting 5:13
`mentioning 11:11
`mind 8:6
`Minneapolis 3:19
`Minnesota 3:19
`9:24 10:25
`mistake 10:15,18
`Mitchell 1:15 2:3
`Mm-hmm 7:2
`18:21 19:16
`Monday 1:17
`morning 5:2,3,5
`6:5 7:5 14:12
`19:24 20:6
`motion 11:10
`motions 10:12
`11:12 13:18
`mute 5:21
`N 3:1,6 4:1,1 5:1
`necessary 8:8
`need 12:21 13:2
`neither 21:10
`never 12:16
`new 12:16 14:3
`Notary 2:8 21:24
`O 4:1 5:1
`odd 12:13
`officer 21:3
`okay 7:3 8:19,22
`9:8 13:5 15:21
`order 20:8
`original 14:1 19:5
`outcome 21:13
`overlooked 9:24
`owner 1:9 3:14
`6:21,22 7:8 8:2
`9:19 10:3 11:3
`12:6 13:7,14 14:2
`14:19 15:11 16:22
`19:10 20:1,2
`owner's 7:17,18,20
`10:2 16:13 17:23
`P 3:1,1 5:1
`page 4:2 7:24
`pages 15:9,13
`panel 5:12 9:16,23
`14:9 19:23
`panelist 14:14
`particular 8:5
`particularity 7:17
`10:10,19 11:19
`parties 14:8 15:15
`20:5 21:11
`patent 1:1,7,9 3:14
`5:7 6:21,22 7:8,17
`7:18,20 8:2,14
`10:2,3 11:3 12:6
`13:7,13 14:2,19
`15:11 16:13,22
`17:22,25 18:18
`19:10 20:1,2
`patents 9:13
`Paulraj 1:16 2:3
`petition 8:5,12,14
`9:14 10:1,8,13,14
`10:22 11:8,21
`14:2 15:6 18:7
`petitioner 1:5 3:2
`6:3,7,9,25 7:11
`8:9 13:6 14:15,17
`15:1 16:20 19:22
`petitioner's 15:10
`petitions 9:12,18
`PGR 1:6 5:6 7:15
`PGRs 14:25
`phone 3:3,4,15
`place 12:17 13:2
`plan 6:15
`Plaza 3:17
`please 8:7 15:3
`point 8:9 19:2,21
`portion 13:20
`position 12:7
`prejudicing 11:10
`preliminary 7:19
`7:22 8:3,13 10:2
`previous 18:17
`primary 11:24
`probably 13:10
`proceedings 4:2
`Professional 2:8
`Public 2:9 21:24
`pursuant 2:3
`put 14:8
`question 12:3
`quick 14:10
`R 3:1 5:1
`Ralph 3:3 6:6
`RBC 3:17
`real 14:10
`reason 11:24 12:19
`reasoning 10:7
`11:7 13:16,19,21
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -
`Page 23
`Recess 14:11
`record 7:13,25
`11:14,22 12:1,11
`12:22 13:4 17:6
`18:17,24 21:6
`reduced 21:9
`refer 14:9
`regardless 18:5
`Registered 2:8 21:2
`rehearing 7:14
`9:21 10:12,20
`11:11,13,16 12:2
`12:12,15 13:3,18
`13:24 14:4 17:15
`18:12,15 19:2
`related 7:15 8:3
`9:12 18:14 21:10
`remember 8:21 9:4
`reply 11:4 15:10,12
`Reported 1:23
`reporter 2:5,6,7,8
`6:11 21:1,3
`request 7:20 9:2
`10:20 12:1,10,11
`16:25 17:14 18:1
`18:11,12,13 19:2
`requested 7:11
`requests 7:15 9:21
`11:16 12:15 13:3
`respect 10:13
`respond 7:16,16,20
`15:13 17:22
`responded 10:11
`response 7:19,22
`8:3,7,13 10:3 13:7
`RICE 5:18
`right 5:13 8:23 9:6
`11:6 13:13 14:6
`16:16 17:5 18:10
`18:11 19:8,18
`righty 19:9
`roll 5:25
`Eton Ex. 1124
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`Eton Pharmaceuticals v. Exela Pharma Sciences - PGR2020-00086


`Page 24
`2020-00064 8:18
`2020-00086 1:6
`2020-0086 5:6
`2021 1:17 21:15
`216-1632 3:9
`2215 3:7
`25th 16:13 19:12
`312 3:9
`3200 3:17
`337-2509 3:20
`453 8:14 9:13
`5 4:3
`55402 3:19
`60 3:18
`60601 3:8
`612 3:20
`719 9:15 18:18
`8 1:17
`8th 21:15
`RPR 1:24 21:22
`S 3:1 4:1,8 5:1
`saw 7:25
`saying 18:5
`schedule 19:14
`second 10:21 16:21
`see 12:21 13:2
`seeking 7:12
`seriousness 13:11
`set 21:14
`seven 15:14,17,18
`Shorthand 2:5,6
`situation 11:3
`Sixth 3:18
`solely 10:22
`somebody 6:16
`somewhat 12:13
`sorry 16:5,6
`sound 13:20,23
`South 3:18
`speaking 6:4,8 7:9
`specifically 18:16
`starting 15:20
`statement 18:15
`statements 13:25
`Street 3:6,18
`strict 9:15
`success 10:10,17,23
`suggesting 14:3
`Suite 3:7
`supervision 21:9
`supplement 7:13
`7:13 11:25 12:10
`12:19,22 17:5
`support 10:6 15:4
`sur 15:12
`sure 7:23 8:11
`14:14 15:2,7 19:3
`SUSAN 1:15 2:2
`SYSTEMS 21:23
`SY001343 1:25
`T 4:1,1,8
`taken 21:4,8
`Telephone 2:1
`Telephonic 1:13
`tells 6:16
`ten 15:9,12
`thank 5:24 6:19 7:1
`12:8 14:7 20:5,11
`thanks 19:23
`think 8:23,23 9:3
`9:10 10:15,24
`11:9,17 13:22
`15:19 16:14,20
`thought 9:23
`three 9:12 18:13
`three-week's 8:1
`time 8:1,9 19:3,21
`tomorrow 15:20
`topics 17:1,3,10
`Totally 19:6
`transcript 6:13
`20:10 21:6
`TRIAL 1:1
`true 12:14 21:6
`trying 18:25
`two 7:15 9:17,22
`11:5 18:13
`typewriting 21:9
`ULRIKE 1:14 2:2
`understand 17:13
`understood 8:11
`v 1:6
`verse 13:25
`view 11:20
`Virginia 2:6
`want 14:14 15:6
`17:5,13 19:20
`wanted 7:16 17:22
`wanting 9:1 15:2
`Washington 2:7
`went 7:24
`We'll 6:1
`we're 7:23 11:25
`14:13 20:9
`Whelan 3:15 7:5,6
`12:8 14:20 16:23
`19:13 20:2,15
`WHEREOF 21:14
`WITNESS 21:14
`wonder 12:14
`work 15:14
`x 1:2,10 4:8
`yeah 8:22 9:8,9
`13:14 15:24,25
`16:3,11 17:10
`064 8:4 10:14
`068 10:21
`10 16:17
`10,583,155 1:8 5:7
`11:30 1:18
`11:47 20:17
`155 9:13
`16th 15:23,24 16:1
`17th 16:9,10,18
`180 3:6
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -
`Eton Ex. 1124
`24 of 24
`Eton Pharmaceuticals v. Exela Pharma Sciences - PGR2020-00086

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