11/12/2021 | 11-12-2021-Board | |
10/18/2021 | 10-18-2021-Petitioner | |
9/20/2021 | 09-20-2021-Board | |
9/9/2021 | 09-09-2021-Petitioner | |
8/19/2021 | 08-19-2021-Board | |
8/18/2021 | 08-18-2021-Petitioner | |
5/12/2021 | 05-12-2021-Patent_Owner | |
5/12/2021 | 05-12-2021-Petitioner | |
4/26/2021 | 04-26-2021-Petitioner | |
3/30/2021 | 03-30-2021-Patent_Owner | |
3/25/2021 | 03-25-2021-Patent_Owner | |
3/18/2021 | 03-18-2021-Patent_Owner | |
3/15/2021 | 03-15-2021-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2011: Model Order Focusing Patent Claims and Prior Art to Reduce Costs, U.s. District Court for the EDTX
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2012: Order, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00200, Dkt. 243 (EDTX March 11, 2021)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2013: March 11, 2021 Email Correspondence from law Clerk to Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap, U.s. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Order of Trials for March 2021, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. Action Nos. 2:19-cv-00200, -237, -310, -311 (EDTX)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2014: March 11, 2021 Email Correspondence from Melissa Smith to Law Clerk to Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Order of Trials for March 2021, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. Nos. 2:19-cv-00200, -23, -310, -311 (EDTX)
3/10/2021 | 03-10-2021-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1032: Exhibit 1032: Email from Michael Morlock to Fenwick & West, February 22, 2021 regarding reduction to claims at issue, GREE, Inc. v. Supercell Oy, ED Texas Case Nos. 2:19-cv-00200, -00237, -00310, -00311
- Petitioner Exhibit 1033: Exhibit 1033: Email from Adrienne Dellinger, Law Clerk to Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap, Feb. 25, 2021, regarding Order of Trials for March 2021 (ED Texas)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1034: Exhibit 1034: Email from Taylor Mauze, Law Clerk to Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap, March 2, 2021, regarding March 15, 2021 Jury Selection and Trial Procedures (ED Texas)
2/9/2021 | 02-09-2021-Patent_Owner | |
2/2/2021 | 02-02-2021-Petitioner | |
1/29/2021 | 01-29-2021-Petitioner | |
1/26/2021 | 01-26-2021-Board | |
11/4/2020 | 11-04-2020-Petitioner | |
10/9/2020 | 10-09-2020-Petitioner | |
10/5/2020 | 10-05-2020-Board | |
9/21/2020 | 09-21-2020-Petitioner | |
9/17/2020 | 09-17-2020-Board | |
8/13/2020 | 08-13-2020-Patent_Owner | |
8/3/2020 | 08-03-2020-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1020: Exhibit 1020: Scott McKeown, Congress Urged to Investigate PTAB Discretionary Denials, Patents Post-Grant (June 30, 2020)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1021: Exhibit 1021: Scott McKeown, District Court Trial Dates Tend to Slip After PTAB Discretionary Denials, Patents Post-Grant (July 24, 2020)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1022: Exhibit 1022: Declaration of Tomoki Umeya
- Petitioner Exhibit 1023: Exhibit 1023: Third Docket Control Order, entered July 28, 2020, Case Nos. 19-cv-000161, 19-cv-00172, 19 cv-00200, and 19-cv-000237 (E.D. Texas)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1024: Exhibit 1024: Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Relief re Governmental Restrictions re COVID-19 (19-00161), Dkt. 102
- Petitioner Exhibit 1025: Exhibit 1025: Supplemental Declaration of Dr. Mark Claypool Regarding Mastermind Exhibit
- Petitioner Exhibit 1026: EXPUNGED
- Petitioner Exhibit 1027: Exhibit 1027: Evidence Corroborating Clash
7/15/2020 | 07-15-2020-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2001: Amended Docket Control Order, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00200, Dkt. 113 (EDTX May 14, 2020)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2002: Supercell's Motion for Relief in View of Governmental/Public Health Restrictions in Response to COVID-19 Virus Impact, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00200, Dkt. 100 (EDTX April 23, 2020)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2003: Second Amended Complaint, Gree v. Supercell, C.. No. 2:19-cv-00200, Dkt. 13 (EDTX June 25, 2019)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2004: Defendant Supercell's Preliminary Ineligibility Contentions, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00200 (EDTX November 13, 2019)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2005: Defendant Supercell's Invalidity Contentions and Disclosures Under Local Patent Rules 3-3 and 3-4, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00200 (EDTX December 6, 2019)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2006: Exhibit F-13 to Defendant Supercell's Invalidity Contentions and Disclosures Under Local Patent Rules 3-3 and 3-4, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:1-cv-00200 (EDTX December 6, 2019)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2007: Exhibit F-10 to Defendant Supercell's Invalidity Contentions and Disclosures Under Local Patent Rules 3-3 and 3-4, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00200 (EDTX December 6, 2019)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2008: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition (2007)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2009: Excerpts of the Expert Report of Mark Claypool, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00071 (EDTX May 4, 2020)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2010: Defendant Supercell's First Supplemental Objections and Responses to Plaintiff's Third Set of Interrogatories, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00071 (EDTXS February 7, 2020)
7/1/2020 | 07-01-2020-Petitioner | |
6/12/2020 | 06-12-2020-Petitioner | |
4/15/2020 | 04-15-2020-Board | |
4/14/2020 | 04-14-2020-Patent_Owner | |
3/24/2020 | 03-24-2020-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1001: Exhibit 1001: U.S. Patent No. 10,328,347 to Eda
- Petitioner Exhibit 1002: Exhibit 1002: File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,328,347 (Part 3 of 3)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1002: Exhibit 1002: File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,328,347 (Part 1 of 3)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1002: Exhibit 1002: File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,328,347 (Part 2 of 3)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1003: Exhibit 1003: U.S. Patent No. 9,597,594 to Eda
- Petitioner Exhibit 1004: Exhibit 1004: File History of U.S. Patent No. 9,597,594
- Petitioner Exhibit 1005: Exhibit 1005: The History of Chess, From the Time of the Early Inventions of the Game in India, till the Period of its Establishment in Western and Central Europe, Duncan Forbes, LL.D. (Wm. H. Allen & Co. 1860) (selected pages)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1006: Exhibit 1006: Correspondence Chess in America, Bryce C. Avery (2000) (selected pages)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1007: Exhibit 1007: Microsoft Computer Dictionary, 4th Ed. (1999)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1008: Exhibit 1008: Declaration of Mark L. Claypool, Ph.D.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1009: Exhibit 1009: Curriculum Vitae for Mark Claypool, Ph.D.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1010: Exhibit 1010: Declaration of Antti Takala Regarding Clash of Clans Version 4.120 ("Clash")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1011: Exhibit 1011: Declaration of Sean Olesiuk [Mastermind's In-Game Builder Idea (with LOADS of pictures!) ("Mastermind")]
- Petitioner Exhibit 1012: Exhibit 1012: U.S. Patent No. 9,079,105 to Jeong Hun Kim et al. ("Kim")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1013: Exhibit 1013: Gratuitous Space Battles Manual, Version 1.1, and related links ("GSB")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1014: Exhibit 1014: U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2007/0105626 to Cho et al. ("Cho")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1015: Exhibit 1015: Review of Clash of Clans by PocketGamer
- Petitioner Exhibit 1016: Exhibit 1016: Declaration of Christopher Butler and associated Internet Archive materials
- Petitioner Exhibit 1017: Exhibit 1017: Eastern District of Texas Standing Order Regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1018: Exhibit 1018: Eastern District of Texas General Order 20-03