2/3/2025 | 02-03-2025-Patent_Owner | |
1/31/2025 | 01-31-2025-Board | |
1/30/2025 | 01-30-2025-Board | |
12/5/2024 | 12-05-2024-Board | |
12/2/2024 | 12-02-2024-Board | |
9/9/2024 | 09-09-2024-Board | |
9/5/2024 | 09-05-2024-Petitioner | |
9/5/2024 | 09-05-2024-Patent_Owner | |
8/28/2024 | 08-28-2024-Petitioner | |
8/12/2024 | 08-12-2024-Board | |
8/5/2024 | 08-05-2024-Petitioner | |
7/29/2024 | 07-29-2024-Petitioner | |
7/24/2024 | 07-24-2024-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2007: EX2007
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2008: EX2008
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2009: EX2009
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2010: EX2010
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2011: EX2011
7/24/2024 | 07-24-2024-Petitioner | |
7/3/2024 | 07-03-2024-Board | |
7/1/2024 | 07-01-2024-Petitioner | |
7/1/2024 | 07-01-2024-Patent_Owner | |
6/25/2024 | 06-25-2024-Petitioner | |
6/21/2024 | 06-21-2024-Patent_Owner | |
6/17/2024 | 06-17-2024-Petitioner | |
6/7/2024 | 06-07-2024-Petitioner | |
4/17/2024 | 04-17-2024-Petitioner | |
4/2/2024 | 04-02-2024-Board | |
3/28/2024 | 03-28-2024-Board | |
3/13/2024 | 03-13-2024-Petitioner | |
3/13/2024 | 03-13-2024-Patent_Owner | |
2/22/2024 | 02-22-2024-Board | |
2/13/2024 | 02-13-2024-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2003: EX2003
2/6/2024 | 02-06-2024-Board | |
1/31/2024 | 01-31-2024-Patent_Owner | |
1/26/2024 | 01-26-2024-Patent_Owner | |
1/23/2024 | 01-23-2024-Patent_Owner | |
1/22/2024 | 01-22-2024-Board | |
1/18/2024 | 01-18-2024-Petitioner | |
1/16/2024 | 01-16-2024-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1044: EX1044 Patent Assignment for U.S. Patent No. 7,436,980 (Serial No. 11/135,210)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1045: EX1045 Patent Assignment for U.S. Patent No. 7,436,980 (Serial No. 16/286,993)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1046: EX1046 Application Data Sheet 37 C.F.R. 1.76 for U.S. Patent No. 9,189,886
- Petitioner Exhibit 1047: EX1047 Patent Assignment for U.S. Patent No. 7,436,980
- Petitioner Exhibit 1048: EX1048 CVPR Technical Program: Call for Papers, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Washington, DC, June 27 - July 2, 2004
1/4/2024 | 01-04-2024-Petitioner | |
12/29/2023 | 12-29-2023-Board | |
12/20/2023 | 12-20-2023-Patent_Owner | |
12/6/2023 | 12-06-2023-Board | |
9/8/2023 | 09-08-2023-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2001: EX2001
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2002: EX2002
6/26/2023 | 06-26-2023-Patent_Owner | |
6/8/2023 | 06-08-2023-Board | |
5/24/2023 | 05-24-2023-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1001: EX1001 U.S. Patent No. 7,436,980 Sigal et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1002: EX1002 U.S. Patent 7,436,980 File History
- Petitioner Exhibit 1003: EX1003 Provisional Patent Application
- Petitioner Exhibit 1004: EX1004 Declaration of Chandrajit Bajaj, Ph.D.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1005: EX1005 Curriculum Vitae of Chandrajit L. Bajaj
- Petitioner Exhibit 1006: EX1006 Zhao, Dressed Human Modeling, Detection, and Parts Localization
- Petitioner Exhibit 1007: EX1007 U.S. Patent No. 6,301,370 Steffens, et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1008: EX1008 U.S. Patent No. 7,200,266 Ozer, et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1009: EX1009 Sigal, et al, Tracking Loose-Limbed People
- Petitioner Exhibit 1010: EX1010 CVPR Program 2004
- Petitioner Exhibit 1011: EX1011 Baumberg, Generating Spatiotemporal Models from Examples
- Petitioner Exhibit 1012: EX1012 Sudderth, et al, Nonparametric Belief Propagation
- Petitioner Exhibit 1013: EX1013 Declaration of Jessica Benner
- Petitioner Exhibit 1014: EX1014 Declaration of Carl Mageski
- Petitioner Exhibit 1015: EX1015 Sigal, Attractive People: Assembling Loose-Limbed Models
- Petitioner Exhibit 1016: EX1016 Sidenbladh, Stochastic Tracking of 3D Human Figures
- Petitioner Exhibit 1017: EX1017 Statistics for Spatial Data excerpts
- Petitioner Exhibit 1018: EX1018 Estimation with Applications to Tracking and Navigation excerpts
- Petitioner Exhibit 1019: EX1019 Isard, PAMPAS
- Petitioner Exhibit 1020: EX1020 Alspach, Nonlinear Bayesian Estimation Using Gaussian
- Petitioner Exhibit 1021: EX1021 Coughlan, Finding Deformable Shapes Using Loopy Belief Propagation
- Petitioner Exhibit 1022: EX1022 De la Torre, Robust Parameterized Component Analysis
- Petitioner Exhibit 1023: EX1023 Lauritzen, Graphical Models 1996 excerpts
- Petitioner Exhibit 1024: EX1024 Statistics for Engineering and Information Science excerpts
- Petitioner Exhibit 1025: EX1025 Pavlovic, A Dynamic Bayesian Network Approach to Figure Tracking
- Petitioner Exhibit 1026: EX1026 Wu, Tracking Articulated Body by Dynamic Markov Network
- Petitioner Exhibit 1027: EX1027 Bregler, Tracking People with Twists and Exponential Maps
- Petitioner Exhibit 1028: EX1028 Automatic Partitioning of High Dimensional Search Spaces
- Petitioner Exhibit 1029: EX1029 Sminchisescu, Covariance Scaled Sampling for Monocular 3D Body Track
- Petitioner Exhibit 1030: EX1030 Partitioned sampling, articulated objects, and interface-quality
- Petitioner Exhibit 1031: EX1031 Hel-Or, Constraint Fusion for Recognition and Localization
- Petitioner Exhibit 1032: EX1032 Correctness of belief propagation in Gaussian graphical models
- Petitioner Exhibit 1033: EX1033 Fischler, The Representation of Matching of Pictorial Structures
- Petitioner Exhibit 1034: EX1034 Burl, A Probabilistic Approach to Object Recognition
- Petitioner Exhibit 1035: EX1035 Efficient Matching of Pictorial Structures
- Petitioner Exhibit 1036: EX1036 Ramanan, Finding and Tracking People from the Bottom Up
- Petitioner Exhibit 1037: EX1037 Blake and Isard, Active Contours excerpts
- Petitioner Exhibit 1038: EX1038 Alspach, Gaussian Sum Approximation in Nonlinear Filtering
- Petitioner Exhibit 1039: EX1039 Tilley, The Measure of Man and Woman
- Petitioner Exhibit 1040: EX1040 Viola, Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade
- Petitioner Exhibit 1041: EX1041 Learning the Statistics of People in Images and Video
- Petitioner Exhibit 1042: EX1042 Yedidia, et al, Generalized Belief Propagation
- Petitioner Exhibit 1043: EX1043 VideoLabs' Answer to Plaintiffs' Partial Motion to Dismiss 22-cv-680