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`My Bibliography uwe_chrisUans·,a;b1;ogr.,phy
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`303 citations, Sort by newest to oldest v
`0 SempioC, Wymore E, Palmer(, Bunik W, Henthorn TK, Christians u, Klawitter J. Detection or Cann3bin0tds by LC-MS-MS and ELISA in Breast Milk. J Anal
`Toxicol. 2021 Aug 14;45(7):686-692. doi; 10.1093/jatfbkaal42. PubMed PMID: 330t)2141.
`0 Hunter SK, Hoffman MC, McCarthy L, O'AlessandroA, Wyrwa A. Noonan K, Christi:1ns U. Nakimuli•Mpungu E, Zeisel SH, Law AJ, Freedman R. Black
`American Maternal Prenatal Choline, Offspring Ge5tation~I Age at Birth, and Developmental Predisposition to Mental Illness. Schizophr Bull. 2021 Jul
`8;47(4):896-905. doi: 10.1093/S(hbuVsbaal7 l. PubM~ PMID:33184653; PubMedCentr31 PMCID: Pt.tC8266582.
`0 Frffdmi!in R. Hunter SK, Noonan K, Wyrwa A, Christians U, law AJ, Hoffman MC. llatemat Prenatal Depression in Pregnancies With Female and Male
`F~u5esand Developmental Msociatior.s With C•rtactive Prot~n and Cortisol Si:>! Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging,. 2021 Mar;6(3):310·320. doi:
`10.1016/ j.bpsc.2020.08.003. Epub2020Aue 13. Pubt.ted PMID: 33060035; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7881057.
`0 Clavijo CF, Oliva AM, Dingmann C, Kaizer A, Christians U, Burger£, Patel V, Kleck CJ, Vogel SA, Scott BK, Janik OJ,Jameson LC, Ginde AA. Toxicology
`Screening Testing in Patients UndergoirigSpineSurgery:A Prospective Observational Pilot Study. Ther Drug Monit. 2021 Feb 1;43(1):136·138. doi:
`10.1097/FT0.0000000000000837. PubMed PMID: 33181620; PubMed Central PMCIO: PMC7803444.
`0 Ye H. Minhajuddin M, Krug A, Pei S, Chou CH~ Culp•Hill R, Ponder J, De Bloois E, S<hniedewind 8,Amaya ML, lnguva A, Stevens BM, Pollyea DA, Christians
`U, Grimes Hl, O'Alessandro A. Jordan CT. The Hepatic Microenvironment Uniquely Protects Leukemia Cells through Induction of Growth and Survival
`Pathways Mediated by UPG. Cancer Oiscov. 2021 Feb;ll(2):500-519. doi: 10.1158J'21.S9-8290.CD-20-0318. Epub 2020 Oct 7. PubMed Pt-.tlD: 33028621;
`Pub Med Ceoual PMCID: PMC78S8222,
`0 Mizuno T, Mc.Phail BT, Kamatkar S, We.xelblatt S, Ward L, Christians U, Akinbi HT, \.'inks AA.. Physiologic Indirect Response Modeling to Describe
`Buprenorphine Pha1macodynamics in Newborns Treated fo1 Neonalal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome. Clin Pharmacokinel 2021 Feb;60(2):249·2S9. doi:
`10.1007/s40262-020-00939-2. PubMed PMID: 32939690; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8489161.
`0 Frymoyer A, Van Meurs KP, Drover OR, Klawitter J, Christians U, Chock VY. Theophytline dosing and phannacokinet1cs for renal protection in neonates
`Wlth hypo:-:ic-ischemic encephalopathy undercoing therapeutic hypothermia. Pediatr Res. 2020 Dec:;88(6):871•877. doi: 10.1038/s41390-020·01140-8.
`Epub 2020 Sep 12. PubMed PMID: 32919-393; Pub Med Central PMCIO: PMC7704857.
`0 cawthon CV, Cooper K, Huett C, LloretA, Villar-Matamoros E, Stokes L. Christians U, Schuler M, Yazdani SK. Pre-Clinical Investigation of Ltquid Paclita,rel
`for local Drug Delivery: A.Pilot Stody. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2020 Nov28;13(12). doi: 10.3390/phl3120434. PubMed PMIO: 33260517; PubMed Central
`PMCIO: PMC7760562.
`0 Ne-ely M, Bayard 0, van Guilder M, Schumitzky A. In Memoriam; Roger JeUiffe. MO. FCP. fAAPS. Ther OrugMonit. 2020 Oct 1;42(5):658--659. doi:
`I0.1097/FT0.0000000000000798. PubMe<I PMIO: 32796388.
`0 Wat1g GS, Bou me DWA, Klawitter J, Sempio C, Chapman K, Knupp K. Wempe MF, Borgelt L, Christians U, Leonard J, Heard K, Bajaj L. DispMition of 0ml
`Cannabidiol-Ric.h Cannabis Extracts in Children with Epilepsy. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2020 Aug;59(8):1005-1012. doi: 10.1007/s40262-020-00869-z. PubMed
`PMID: 3204al79.
`0 Jelliffe R, Christians U. The New Di~ct-Acting Oral Anticoagulants Need to be Mo1itoredl. Ther Drug Mo nit. 2020 Jun;42(3):357-359. doi:
`10.1097/ FT0.0000000000000745. PubMed PMID: 32427780.
`0 Goel E, Erwin M, Cawthon CV, Schaff C, Fedor N, Rayl T, Wilson 0, Christii!in.s U, Register TC, Geary RL, Saul J, Yazdani SK. Pre-Clinical Investigation of
`Keratoseasan Excipient or 0mg Coate<! Balloons. Molecules. 2020 Mar 31;25(7). doi: 10.3390/molecules25071596. PubMed PMlD: 32244375; Pub Med
`Central PMCID: PMC7180741.
`0 Sempio C. Huestis MA. Mikulich-Gilbertson S~ Klawitter J, Christians U, Henthorn TK. Population pharmacokinetic modeling of plasma 69-
`tetrahydrocannabinol and an active and inactive metabolite following controUec smoked cannabis administration. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2020
`Mar;86(3):611·619. doi: 10.1111/ bcp.14170. Epub 2020 Jan 20. PubMed PMIO: 31147464; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7080615.
`0 Oa\i'ilri B, Kotecha N~ Clavijo CF, Thomas JJ, Rzasa-Lynn R, Galinkin Jl, Christians U, Sempio C. A Sensitive LC-MS/MS Assay for the Quantification of
`Methadone and its Metabolites in Oried Blood Spots: Comparison With Plasma. Ther- Drug Mon it. 2020 Feb;42(1):118-128. doi:
`I0.1097/FT0.0000000000000674. PubMe<I Pl\410: 31318842.
`0 Wane GS, Bou me DWA, Klawitter J, Sempio C, Chapman K, Knupp K. Wempe MF, Bo,e,elt l, Christians U, Heard K, Bajaj l. Disposition of oral delta-9
`tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in children receivin& cannabisextr.!lct:s for epilepsy. Clin Toxicol (Philal. 2020 Feb;58(2}:124•128- doi:
`I0.1080/IS563650.2019.1616093. Epub 201~ May 21. PubMed PMIO: 31111749.
`0 Sempio C, Lindley E, Klawitter J, Christians U, Bowler RP, Adgate Jl, Allshouse w.Awdziejczyk L, Fischer s, Bainbridge J, Vandyke M, Netsanet R, Crome T,
`Kinn,ey GL. Surface Detection of THC Attributable to Vaporizer Use in the Indoor Environment. Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 9;9(1):18587. doi: 10.1038/s41598·019·
`551S 1-5. PubMed Pf.110: 31819131: PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6901S7S.
`0 ~draw AP, Ooirn~lh,s APS, de Suuu AP, P-dg,ullo JF, Oyama LM, Nascim~11lo CMO, KJawitte, J, Clui~'"tians U, Ta~hima AK. Ribei,o EB. A p,uteumtQo(cid:173)
`metabolomics app,oach indicates changes i-n hypothalamic glutamate-GABA metabolism of adult female rats submitted to ir'ttrauterine growth
`restriction, Eur J Nutr. 2019 Dec;58(8):3059-3068.doi: 10.1007/.s00394-0IS-18Sl-6. Epub 2018Nov7. PubMed PMIO: 30406389; PubMed Central PMCIO:
`n Weinbere A. Huo Y. Kacanek 0. Patel K. Watts OH. Wara 0. Hoffman RM. Klawitter J. Christians U. Brief Reoort: Markers of Soontaneous Preterm Oetiverv in
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`Wom en Living With HIV: Relation~hip W,th Protea~ lnhibito~ and Vitamin O.J Acquit Immune Oefic Syndr. 2019 Od 1;82(2):181-187. doi:
`10.1097/ QAl.0000000000002111. PubMed PMID: 31513074; PubMed Central PMCll: PMC6760328.
`0 Klawitter J, Klawitter J, Pennington A, Kirkpatrick 8, Roda G, Kotecha NC, Thurman JM, Christians U. Cyclophilin O k nockout protects the mouse kidney
`against cyclosporin A-induced oxidative stress. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2019 Sep 1;317(3):F683•F694. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00417.2018. Epub 2019
`Jun 12. PubMed PMIO: 31188033.
`0 Brunet M, van GelderT,AsbergA, HaufroidV. Hesselink DA, L, Lemaitre F, Marquet P1 5e&erC, Shipkova M, VinksA, Wallemacq P, Wieland E,
`WoiUard JB, Barten MJ, Budde K, Colom H, Dieterten MT, Elens L, Johnson-Davis <L, Kunicki PK, MacPhee I. Masuda S, Mathew BS, Milliin 0, Mizuno T,
`Moes DAR, Monchaud C, Noceti 0, Pawinski T. Picard N, van Schaik R. SommererC, Vethe NT, de Winter B. Christians U, S. Therapeutic Drug
`Mof'titoring of Tacrolimus-Personalized Thtorapy. Second Consensus ReporL Ther Drug Monit. 2019Jun;41(3):261-307. doi:
`10.1097/FT0.0000000000000640. Review. PubMed PMIO: 31045868.
`0 Keller AC, Klawitter J, Hildreth Kl, Christians. U, Putnam K. Kohrt WM, Reusch JE6, Moreau KL Elevated plasma homocysteine and cysteine .11e associ:Jted
`with endothelial dysfunction across menopausal stages in heallhy women. J Api::I Ph ysiol {1985). 2019 Jun 1;126(6):1533--1540. doi:
`10.1152/ japplphysiol.00819.2018. Epub 2019 Mar 21. Pub Med PMID: 30896357; PubMed Central PMCIO: PMC6620665.
`0 Lich11ar A, Tremblay S, Naik 0, Lipscomb J, Kiing E. Vinks AA, Christians U, Alloway RR. Evalua,tion of Clinical iiind Safety Outcomes Following Uncontrolled
`Tacrolimus Convt'1'l1on m Adult Transplant Recipit'nts. Pharmacotherapy. 2019 May;39(5):564-575. doi: 10.1002/ phar.2260. Epub 2019 Apr 15. Pub Med
`PMID: 30892704.
`0 Frttdman R, Hunter SK, Law AJ, Wagner 80, O'Alessandro A, Christians U, Noonan K. Wyrwa A, Hoffman MC. Gestational Cholin~ Le\lels m
`Maternal Infectio n Are Protective for Infant Brain Development. J Pediatr. 2019 May,208:198-206.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.12.010. Epub 2019 Mar 14.
`PubMed PMID: 30879727; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6707520.
`0 Van Hove J LK, Freehauf CL, Ficicioglu C, Pena LOM, Moreau KL, Henthorn TK. Christi.ans U, Jiang H, Cowan TM, Young SP, Hite M, Friederich MW, Stabler
`SP, Spector EB, Kronquist KE, Thomas JA.. Emmett P, Harrington MJ, Pyle l, Creac'on-Swindell G, Wempe MF, Maclean KN. 81omarke~ of oxidative stress,
`inflammation, and vascular dysfunction in inherited cystathionine J3-$yntha!iedeficieot homocystinuria and the impactof taurine treatmt'nt in a phase
`l/2 human clinical ltial. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2019 May:42(3):424-437. doi: 10.lOOZ,jimd.12085. Epub 2019 Apr 11. PubMed PMID: 30873512.
`0 Emoto C, Johnson TN, Hahn 0, Christians U, Alloway RR, Vinks M, Fukuda T.A Tt-teoretlcal Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Approach to Ascertain
`Covariates Explaining the large lnterpatient Variability in Tacrolimus Oispos1t1on, CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol. 2019 May,8(5):273-284. doi:
`10.1002/psp4.12392. Epub 2019 Mar 7. PubMed PMIO: 30843669; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6539708.
`0 Leino AO, King EC, Jiang W, Vin ks AA. Klawitter J, Christians U, Woodle ES,Allowi!l'j RR, Rohan JM. Asse$smentof tacrolimus intrapatiiMt variability in
`stable adhe,ent cra,nsplant recipients: Establishing baseline values.. Am J Transpl:1nt. 2019 May,19(5}:1410-1420. doi: 10.1111/ajt.15199. Epub 2018 De<:
`26. ?ubMed PMIO: 30506623.
`0 Golomb BA, Koslik HJ, Christians U, Ritchie J, Wilson P, Elkins N, Klawine, J, Kla~itter J, Smith 0, Repine JE. Depress~ prostaglandins and leukotrienes
`in VC!:lcrans with Gulf War ill11~s. J Environ Sci Health B. 2019i54(8):623 639. doi: 10. 1080/03601234.2019.1596001. Epub 2019 Apr 29. PubMcd PMID:
`LJ Shipkova M, Christians U. Improving Therapeutic Oeosions: Phatmacodynamic Nonitaringas an Integral Part.of therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Ther Drug
`Monit. 2019 Apr;41(2): l 11~114. doi: 10.1097/Fl'D.0000000000000627, PubMed PMIO: 30883504; PubMed Central PMCIO: PMC6481676.
`0 Davidson JA., Pfeifer Z. Frank B, Tong S, llrba n TT, Wischmeyer PA, Mourani P, LaOOeck 8, Christians U1 J<lawitter J. Metabolomic Fingerprinting of1nfants
`Unde rgoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Changes in Metabolic Pathways and Association With Mortality and Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay. J
`Am Heart.Assoc. 2018 Dec I8:7(l 4):e010711. doi: 10.ll61/JAHA.118.010711. Pub"'ed PMID: 30561257; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6405618.
`0 Turner E, Erwin M. Atigh M, Christians U, Saul JM, Yazdani SK. In vitlO and i11 vivo Ass~ment or Ketatose as a NO\lel Exc.ipient of Paclitaxel Coated
`Balloons.. Front Pharmacol. 2018;9:SOS. doi: 10.3389/ fphar.2018.00808. eCollection 2018. PubMed PMIO: 30104972; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6078047.
`0 Jalal 0, Renner B, Laskowski J, Stites E, Cooper J, Valente K. You Z, Perrenoud l, l e Quintre-c M, Mohamed I, Christians U, Klawitter J, Undorfer MA, Taylor
`RP, Hole rs VM, Thurman JM. Endothelia'. Mic:roparticl~ and Systemic Complement Act,vatron in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease. J Am Heart
`1018. Jul 13;7(14). doi: 10.1161/JAHA.117.007818. PubMed PMID: 30006493; PubMed Central PMCIO: PMC6064828.
`0 Heischmann S, Gano LB, Quinn K, Liang LP, Klepacki J, Christians U, Reisdorph N Patel M. Retulation of kynurenine metabolism by a ketogenic d1eL J
`lipid Res. 2018 Jun;59(6):958-966. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M07925L Epub 2018 Mar 31. P .JbMed PMID: 29605816; PubMed Central PMCIO: PMC5983405.
`0 Tum er EA, Atigh MK. Erwin MM,Christians u. Yazdani SK. Coating and Pharmaco.,jnetic E\laluation of Air Spray Coated Drug Coated Balloons, Cardio\lasc
`Eng lechnol. 2018Jun;9{2):240-2SO. doi: 10.1007/s13239-018-0346-l. Epub 2018 Mal" 1. Pub Med PMIO: 29497966; PubMed Central PMCIO: PMCS99043S.
`0 Goot BH, Kaufman J, Pan Z. Bourne DWA, Hickey F, Twite M. Galin kin J, Christians U. ZukJ, da Cl'\.IZ EM. Morphine Pharrnacokinetics in Children With
`Down Syndrome Following Cardiac surgery. PediatrCrit Care Med. 2018 May,19(5):459-467. doi: 10.1097/ PCC.0000000000001537. PubMed PMIO:
`0 Goetz L, Laskowski J, Renn" B, Pickering MC, J<ulik L, Klaw;tte,r J, Stites E, Christians V, van der VlagJ, Ravichandran K, Hoters VM, Thurman JM.
`Complement factor H protects mice from ischemic acute kidney injury but is not critical for conlroHlnccomplement activation by glomerular lgM, Eur J
`tmmunol, 2018 May;48(S):791·802. doi: 10.1002/eji.201747240. Epub2018 Feb22 PlJbMed PMIO: 29389016; PubMed Central PMCIO: PMC5992014.
`0 Schroeder T, Piantadosf CA, Natoli MJ, AutmizguineJ, Cohen•Wolkowiecz.s M, Hamilton Kl, Bell C, Klawitter J, Christians U, Irwin DC, Noveck RJ. Safety
`and Ergogenic Properties of Combined AminophyHine and Ambrisent:an in Hypro·ia. CHn Pharmacol Ther. 2018 May:103(5):888-898. doi: 10.1002/cpt.860.
`Epub 2017 Oct 17. PubMed PMIO: 28857147; PubMed Central PMCIO: PMC5947522.
`0 Heischmann S, Christians U. Validation of the cell line LS180 as a model for study of the gastrointestinal toxicity of mycophena1k acid. Xenobiotica, 2018
`May;48(5};433-44l. dui; 10.1080/ 00498254.2017.13295ti7. Eµub 2017 May 30. Pul.Jt.te,d PMIO: 28489504.
`[l Bittersohl H, Schniedewind B, Ch,istians U, Luppa PB. A ~imple and highly sensifive on-line column extraction liquid chromatography-tandem mass
`sp«1rometry method for the determination of protein•u!lbound tacrolimus ,,, human plasma samples. J Ch,omatog.r A. 201 8Apr 27;1547:45-52. doi:
`10.1016/j.chroma.2018.03.010. Epub 2018 Mar 7. PubMed PMIO: 295-14893.
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`n Mclay JS, Engelhardt T, Mohammed BS. Cam,ron G, Coh•n MN, Galinkin JL, Chr,stians U. Avram MJ, Henthorn TK, Dsida RM, Hawwa AF,Anderson BJ.
`Th• pharmacokinetics ofinlravonous kelorolac in cl1ildrenaged 2 months to 16 ,·ears: A population analysis. PaediatrAnaesth. 2018 Feb;28(2):80·86. doi:
`10.1111 / Jl"n . 1330,. Fpub ,017 Dec '1 . PubMed PMID: ,9,66.'i._lq_
`0 Ktm WR, Olincy A, Johnson L, Harris J, Wagnor BD, Buchanan RW, Christians U, F·.,dman R. Pha11nacokinetic Limitations on Effocts ol an Alpha7-
`Nicotinic Receptor /\gonist in Schizophrenia. Randomized Trial with an Extended Release Formulation. Neuropsychopharrnacology. 2018 Feb;43l3):S83-
`589. doi: !0.1038/ npp.2017.182. Epub20l7 Aug 21. PubMed PMID: 28825423; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5770760.
`0 Lesche 01 SigurdardottirV, Leichtle AB, Nakas CT, Christians U, Englberger L, Fied ler M, LargiaderCR. Mohacsi P, Sistonen J. Targeted and global
`pharm ac.ometabolom,c.s in e"Jerohmus-based ImmunosuppressIon: assodat100 of co•medicat1on and lysophosphat1d)'lcholines with dose reqwremenL
`Metabolomics, 2017 Nov 25;14(1):3. doi: I 0.1007/ sll306-017· 1294·B. PubMed PM ID: 30830337,
`0 Alloway RR, VioksAA, Fukuda T. Mizuno T, King EC, Zou Y, Jiang W, Woodle ES, Tremblay S, Klawitter J, Klawitter J, Christians U. Bioequivalence between
`innovator and gen,ric tacrolimus in live.rand kidney t,ansplant recipients: A rar,domized, crossover clinical trial. PLoS Med. 2017 Nov;l4 (ll):el002428.
`doi: l0,1371/ journal,pmed.1002428 • .Colltction 2017 Nov. PubMed PMID: 29135993; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCS685573,
`0 Klepacki J, Davari B, Boulet M, Lizarraga R, Christians U. A High·throughput HPLC•MS/MS Assay for ihe Detection, Quantification and Simultan•ous
`Structural Confirrnabon of 136 Drugs and Metabolites in Human Utine. Ther Drug Mon it. 2017 Oct;39(5):565•574. doi: I0.1097/ FTD.000000000000042g,
`Pub Mod PMIO: 28650900.
`0 Klawitter J, Sempio C, Morlein S, De Bloois E, Klepacki J, Henthorn T, Leehey MA, HoHenberg EJ, Knupp K, Wang GS, Hopfer C, Kinney G, Bowler R,
`Foreman N, Galinkin J, Christians U, Klawitter J.An ,\tmospheric Pressure Chemkal Ionization MS/MS Assay Using Online Extraction rorthe Analysis of 11
`Cannabiooids and Metabolites in Human Plasma and Urine. Ther Drug Monit. 20: 7 Oct;39(5) :556-564. doi: 10.I097/ FTD.0000000000000427. PubMed
`PM ID: 28640062; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5600652.
`D Klawitter J, Pennington A, Klawitter J! Thurman JM, Christians U. Mitochondria[ cyc.lophilin D ablation i.sassociated with the activation of Akt/p70S6X
`pathway in the mouse kidney. Sci Rep, 2017 Sep 5;7(1):10540. doi: I0.1038/ s4!598-017-I0076•9. PubMed PMID: 28874678; PubMed Central PMCID:
`0 Klawitter J, Hi ldreth K~ Christians U, Kohrt WM, Moreau Kl. A relative L-arginineo:teficiency contributes to endothelial dysfunction across the stages of
`the menopausal transition, Physiol Rep, 2017 Sep;5(17). doi: 10.I4814/ phy2,134C9, PubMed PMIO: 28904082; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5599867.
`0 Strand TE, Khiabani HZ, Boico A, Radiloff D. Zhao V, Hamilton Kl, Christians U, Klawitter J, Novec.k RJ, Piantadosi CA, Bell C, Irwin 0, Schroeder T. The
`novel combinacion of theophylline and bambuterol asa potential treatment of hypoxemia in humans. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2017 Sep;95(9):1009·
`1018, doi: 10.1139/ cjpp-2016-0635. Epub 2017 May 3. PubMed PMID: 28467859,
`D Klawitter J~ Seres T, Penning.ton A, Beatty JT, Klawitter J, Christians U. Ablation ol Cydophilin D Results in an Activation of FAK,Akt. and ERK ?athway~ in
`t he Mouse Heart. J Cell Biochem. 2017 Sep;l1B(9):2933-2940. doi: 10.1002/jcb.25947. Epub 2017 Apr 12. PubMed PMID: 28230282.
`D Atigh MK. Turner E., Christians Ut Yazdani SK. The use of an o«.lusmn perfusion c.atheter to deliver pacl1taxel to the arterial wall. Cardiovasc Ther. 2017
`Aug;35(4). doi: 10.llll/ 1755·5922.l2269. PubMed PMID:28445625; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5511576.
`0 Grenz A, Bauerle JD, Dalton JH, Ridyard D, BadulakA, Tak E, McNamee EN, Clambey E, Moldovan R. ReyesG, Klawitter J, Ambler K, Magee K, Christians U,
`Brodsky KS, Ravid K, Choi DS, Wen J, Lukashev D, Blackbum MR, Osswald H, Coe IR, Nurnberg B, HaaseVH, Xia Y, Sitkovsky M, Eltzschig HK. Equilibrab.o
`nudeoside transpo,te< I (EN•ll regulates postischemic blood Row during acute kidney injury in mice. J Clin Invest. 2017 Jun 1;127(6):2438, doi:
`10.ll72/JCl94890. Epub 2017 Jun l. PubMed PMlD: 28569735; PubMed Centra l PMCID: PMC5451218.
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`303 citations, Sort by nl!'West to oldest v
`0 Oiw;in lS, Lic:hvar AB, Leino AO, Vinks M. Christians U, Shields AR, Cardi MA. Fukuda T, Mizuno T, Kaiser T, Woodle ES, Alloway RR. Pharmacokinet1c and
`ph,nmacogenetic analysis of immunosuppres.sive agenu a~er laparoscopic slee'f'e gastrectomy. Clin Transplant. 2017 Jun:31(6). doi: 10.llll/ctr.12975.
`Epub 2017 May 2. Pub Med PMIO: 28342282.
`0 Mizuno T, Fukuda T, Christians U, Perentesis JP, Fouladi M, Viriks AA.. Population pha,macokinetits of temsirolimus and sirol~mus in children with
`recur're-nt solid tumours: a rt'port from the Ctiildr~n·soncology Group. B1· J Clin Pharmacot. 2017 May;83(5):1097-1107. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13181. Epub
`2016-0ec 20. PubMed PMIO: 28000286; PubMed Central PMCIO: PMC.5401981.
`0 ~roso AP, Souza AP, Dornellas AP, Oyama LM, Nascimento CM, Santos GM, Rosa JC, Bertolla RP,. Klawitter J, Christians U, Tashima AK, Ribeiro EB.
`Intrauterine Growth Restriction Programs th-e Hypothalamus of Adult Male Ra~ Integrated Analysis of Proteomic and Metabolomic Data. J Proteome Res.
`2017 Apr7;16(4):15l5·lS25. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.6b00923. Epub 2017 Mar30 .. PubMed PMID: 2831437 1.
`0 1-ieischmann S, Dzieciatkowska M, Hansen K. Leibfritz 0, Christians U. The lmmunosuppre.ssant MycophenolicAod Alters Nucleotide and lipid
`Metobohsm 1n an lntestmal Cell Model. Sci R,ep. 2017 Mar 22;7:45088. doi: 10.1038/srep45088. PubMed PMIO: 28327659; PubMed Central PMOD:
`0 Mishra N, Wang P, Goldsmith D, ZhaoX, Xue Y, Christians U, Minassian BA. Everolimus does not prevent La fora body formation 1n murine Lafora disease.
`NeurolGenet. 20!7 Feb;3(1):e127. doi: 10.1212/ NXG.000000000000()127. eCollection 2017 Feb. PubMed PMID: 28097224; Pub Med Central PMCID:
`0 ChKkley W, Oeza MP, Klawitter J, Romero KM, Klawitter J, Pollard SL. Wise RA, Christians U, Hansei NN. Identifying biomari<ers for asthma diagnosis
`usit1g targeted metabolomics approaches. R,espirMed. 2016 Oec;12l:59·66. doi: 10.1016/ j.rmed.2016.10.011. Epub 2016 Oct 21. PubMed PMIO: 27888993:
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