`/ E
`ditor/3" in Chief
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`E. TOMLINSON (Horsham, U.K.)
`G. ZOGRAFI (Madison, WI, U.S.A.)
`VOL. 32 (1986)
`ApoteX Exhibit 1010.001
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.001


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`ApoteX Exhibit 1010‘i002
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.002


`International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 33 (1986) 201—217
`IJP 01121
`- Salt selection for basic drugs
`Pharniaceutical Research and Development Department, Pfizer Central Research, Sandwich, Kent (U.K.)
`Philip L. Gould
`// .
`(Received 24 March 1986)
`(Accepted 30 May 1986)
`Key words: Salt form selection — Pharmaceutical salts
`An attempt has been made using a Kepnerci'Tregoe decision analysis approach to previde rationale to salt selection for basic drugs.
`The selection objectives are reviewed in terms of the ‘essential’ (MUSTS) and ‘desirable’ (WANTS) issues. The desired characteristics
`of the salt form, given sufficient strength and toxicological suitability of the conjugate acid, are then discussed on the basis of the
`various pivotal physicochemical preperties; melting point aqueous solubility and dissolution rate, stability and hydrophobicity.
`Several trends are established which can then assist the decision of which range of salt forms to evaluate to overcome a particular
`problem with a. basic drug. Itis concluded that it is important to view the choice of salt form for development as a compromise With
`particular focus on the correctly weighted desires to obtain the best balanced choice
`Salt formation provides a means of altering the
`physicochemical and resultant biological char-
`acteristics of a drug Without modifying its chem-
`ical structure. The importance of choosing the
`‘correct’ salt form of a drug is well outlined in a
`published review (Berge etal., 1977) but, although
`salt form can have a dramatic influence on the
`overall properties of a drug, the selection of the
`salt form that exhibits the desired combination
`of properties remains a difficult semi-empirical
`In making the selection of a range of potential
`“salts, achemicalprobessgroup con51ders1Ssues 'on
`the basis of yield, rate and quality of the crystalliQ
`sation as well as cost" and availability of the con-
`jugate acid. The formulation and analytical groups
`are, on the other hand, concerned with the hygro-
`scopicity, stability, solubility and processability
`profile of the salt form, while the drug metabolism
`group is cOncerned with the ‘pharmacokinetic
`aspects and the safety evaluation group on the
`toxicological effects of chronic and acute dosing
`of the drug and its conjugate acid. Thus, a clear
`compromise of properties for the salt form is
`required, but the difficulty remains of assessing
`which salt forms are best to screen for a particular
`drug candidate.
`literature has been devoted to
`if any,
`discussing the compromise of properties for salt
`form selection. This review addresses the problem
`of salt form selection for basic drugs.
`' Correspondence: P.L. Gould, Pharmaceutical Group, Product
`Research and Development Laboratories, Cyanarnid of Great
`Britain Limited, Gosport, Hants, U.K.
`Walking and Appino (1973) have used the
`KepneraTregoe (KT)
`(Kepner and
`“Approach to the salt selection process
`0378-5173/86/$03.50 © 1986 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)
`ApoteX Exhibit 1010.003
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.003


`Tregoe, 1976) of decision analysis and potential
`problem analysis to aid the selection of a salt'
`form; Although their application is more exemg,
`Percent 3
`Percent a
`plary of the KT method rather than of the specific
`application, the rational process decision analysis
`approach Which defines essential and desirable
`attributes as . ‘MUSTS’ and ‘WANTS’,
`respec- 3?sz
`tively, provides a route to-- initially address 'the
`a1 f
`pro em 0 .s
`t orm se ection.
`Calcium edetate
`0.3 8
`“GO”/ “NO—G0” issues
`Camsylate b.
`Themajor f‘GO”/“NO_GQ” (MUSTS) iSSile
`for salt selection of an ionizable drug is the con-
`lat’v b .
`‘t Of th (1
`_ 3.03
`'51 era 1 F1 0
`C re
`1 e
`331C? y
`e_ mg an
`the relative strength of the conjugate ac1d. Clearly
`to form a salt the pKa of theconjugate acid has to
`Edisylate C
`Nitrate ‘
`be less than or equal to the pKa1 of the basic centre
`he (i
`(Em onate)
`Of th If t
`f alt
`f d
`Esylate "'
`rugs con-
`S O
`6 p0 en 1
`range 0 S
`taining for example triazoyl bases (I; pKa~ 2) is
`' diphosphate
`restricted to strong acids (mineral and sulphonic ‘
`Gluceptate ‘
`7 Polygalacturonate 0.13
`but excluding the carboxylic), Whereas imidazole
`bases (II; pKa 6-7)are far less restricted and the
`'Glmamate '
`g 0-2'5'
`test sco e for salt formation 000
`s for the
`Glycouylmmlate ‘ 0'13
`~ gréa
`aliphatlc ternary amines (HIE BKa 9—10)-
`Hydrabamine h
`. 7.46
`H d
`y roxynap
`f \
`/ \
`< ) [13Ka 2l < [pKafiCfis-Il‘I
`_ E ‘
`( )
`(HI) ‘
`[PK-a 9]
`' Percent 3‘

`The relative acid/base strength of the resultant
`salts also dictates their stability to di5proportiona-
`tion, since all salts will be acid and therefore
`reactive towards basic formulation ad—
`P_ _

`p The other essential selection issue for a salt
`form is the relative toxicity of the conjugatean-fl
`ion; some salts clearly fall into a desirable cate-
`gory, some acceptable but
`less desirable (both
`“GO_”) and some undesirable (“NO GO”). A ta-
`ble of salts ‘ used in pharmaceutical products
`marketed in the US. up to-1974 is given in Table
`1. It would seem Sensible that any acid relating to
`normal metabolism, or present in food and drink
`can be regarded as a suitable candidate for prepar-
`ing salts. Clearly anions that cause irritancy to the
`0.66 ;
`Benzathine 1‘
`CélC§um ‘
`.0-33 .
`1'64 ,
`' Potassium
`. 61.97
`0.66 Zinc .Procaine 2.95
`“ Percent is based on total number of anionic or cationic salts
`in use through 1974. b Camphorsulfonate. c1,2—Ethanedisul—
`‘1 Laurylsulfate.
`e Ethanesulfonate. fGlucoheptonate.
`gp- Glycollamidophenylarsonate.
`h N,N ’-Di(dehydroabiety1)
`ethylenediamine 1 2aHydroxyethanesulfonate.
`J 8— Chlorotheo-
`_ phyllinate.k NN’--Dibenzy1ethylenediamine. 1N—Methylgluca—
`Reproduced from Berge et al. (l,9777)iwith permission of the
`copyright owner (J. Pharm. Sci).
`ApoteX Exhibit 1010.004
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.004


`LOGS mglml
`Fig. 1. Relationship between solubilityin water and salting~out
`constant at 25°C (left) and 37° C (right). Key: A =
`phenazopyridine; B = cyproheptadine; C = bromhexine; D =
`trihexyphenidyl; E = isoxsuprine; F = chlortetracycline; G =
`methacycline; H = papaverine; and I = demeclocyline.
`GI tract should be avoided for some types of drug,
`e.g anti—inflammatories, laxative surfactant anions
`for anti--secretory drugs and conjugateanions with
`intrinsic toxicity,e.g0. Oxalate.
`Properties desired of the salt form (WANTS)
`The desires or “WANTS’ of a salt form are
`dictated by the nature of the required dosage
`forms, their process "and desired biological perfor-
`mance. Thus, it is somewhat difficult to provide a
`complete overall specification of ‘WANTS’ for a
`series of salt forms, but ideally the bulk salt
`should be completely chemically stable non--hy-
`groscopic, not cause processing problems, and dis-
`solve quickly from solid dosage forms.
`Because of simple availability. and physiological
`reasons, the monoprotic hydrochlorideshave been
`by far the most frequent _‘(~40%) choice of the
`available anionic salt-forming species. Thus, there '
`is clear precedent, and an overwhelrmng argument -
`An example of a basic drug showing a strong
`on many grounds to immediately progress to the
`chloride-iondependencelS prazosin '
`hydfcfihlofide salt and evaluate other forms only
`if problems with the hydIOChloride emerge.
`Adapted from Miyazald et al. (1981). Reproduced with permis-
`sion of the copyright owner (J. Pharm. Sci).
`that a precipitousdrop1n drug solubility occurs as .
`the free Cl levelis increased.
`Prepare the hydrochloride; pros and ,cons
`Kramer and Flynn(1972) suggest that the‘solué
`bility of an amine hydrochloride generally sets the
`maximum obtainable .concentration for a 'giVen
`Many reports (Miyazaki et al.,1980,1981)_ have
`shown that hydrochloride salt formation does not
`necessarily enhance the solubility'lof poorly solu-
`ble basic drugs and reSult in improved bioavaila-
`bility. This finding is based on the common ion
`effect of chloride on the solubility product equi-
`BH+C1(‘S)_BH+q + c1;
`_ Ksp= 2.2><1or6 M@ 30°C
`Solubility/mgml'l @ 30°C
`Hydrochloride 1
`0.1 M-HCl water Water
`Hydrochloride salts therefore, have the potential
`to exhibit a reduced disSolution rate in gastric
`fluid because of—theabundanceof chloride 1511f
`(0.1—0.15 M). Indeed, the Setschenow- salting—out
`constants (k) for chloride are greatest for drugs of
`very low solubility (Fig. 1), and can decrease the
`dissolution rate of the salt to below that of the
`. free base form (Migazaki et a1., 1980), which shows
`Chloride, as well as other inorganic anions have
`the potential to form insoluble complex salts with
`weak bases (Dittert' at al., 1964), which are then
`potentially less bioavailable than the free base
`form. The formation of these complex salts is
`controlled by their stability constant Kc.
`Drug(s) ‘——* Drugm) + IxH+E—‘ Drug- H+ (aq)
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.005
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.005


`Evaluation of Kc for triamterene (Tr) yields val-
`ues of x= 0.5 for chloride, suggesting that one
`proton solubilizes two molecules of the drug, 1e.,_
`the complexIS Tr2H+Cl.
`With hydrochloride salts there is frequently an
`‘overkill’ on acid strength, which leads to a very
`low pH for-an aqueous solution (Nudelman et al.,
`1974) of the salt. This can then limit the utility of
`hydrochloride salts in certain parenteral dosage
`forms, or lead to packaging incompatibilities with
`pharmaceutical metal containers (aerosols).
`‘ Other problems frequently arise as the result of
`the polar nature of hydrochloride salts. Their high
`hydrophilic nature, favouring wettability probably
`as a result of the polar ionized groups being
`exposedon the crystal surfaces,
`leads to water
`vapour sorption (hygroscopiCity) which on occa-
`sions, ‘may be excessive. This can result
`processing. difficulties (e.g. powder flow) and re-
`. duce the stability of a hydrolytically unstable drug.
`t, This latter effect is exacerbated by the [resulting
`very low pH of the loosely bound moisture.
`””— Theseiprobl'ems can'be particularly a‘cute'With
`dihydrochlorides (or disulphates). Also,
`the dif-
`ference in the strength of the basic centres in
`dihydrochloride salts can lead to a gradual loss of
`one of the hydrochloride moieties by releasehof
`hydrogen chloride gas (Lin et al., 1972) at elevated
`temperatures or under
`reduced pressure (i.e.
`freeze-drying). Also,
`their extreme polar nature
`‘ results in excessive hydroscopicity (Boatmannand
`11.Johnson, 1981) eventually-1eaaing to deliques-
`Thus, progression of a hydrochloride salt should
`be a first move, but if the problems With that salt
`form arises due to some of the reasons outlined,
`then the real selection issue for a salt
`emerges—What trends are available for guidance?
`‘ The pivotal issues for salt selection
`Each drug and its associated range of dosage
`forms , will present different salt form require-
`ments, and it is perhaps best to discuss saltselec—
`tion furtherby outlining some of the trends in salt
`properties that may facilitate selection.
`The pivot of melting point ‘
`p A change in the development of 'a compound
`from the free base to a salt may be promoted by a
`need to moderate the kinetics and extent of drug
`‘ absorption, or to modify drug processing. Unfor-
`’ 'funately these desires may be mutually exclusive,
`as the balance between these properties is fre- _
`quently pivoted around the melting point of the
`salt form. Forlexample, an increase in melting
`point is usually accompanied by a reduction in
`salt solubility (the ideal solubility of a drug in all
`solvents decreases by an order of magnitude on an
`increase of 100°C in its melting point), whereas
`high melting crystalline salts are potentially easier
`to process.
`Theincrease or decrease in melting point of a
`series of saltslS usually dependent on the control-
`ling effect of crystallinity from the conjugate an-
`ion. This is exemplified by Considering an experi-
`mental drug candidate (UK47880) which has a
`basic pK,L of 8 and therefore gives access to a
`Wide variety of salt ferms:
`, UK—47880
`salts prepared from planar, high melting aromatic
`.sulphonic or hydrOxyc-arboxylic acids yielded
`crystalline salts of correspondingly high melting
`(see Table 2), whereas flexible aliphatic
`strong acids such as citric and dodecyl benzene
`sulphonic yielded oils. Thus,
`the comparative
`planar symmetry of the conjugate acid [appears
`important for the maintenance of high crystal
`lattice forces. This is shown by the melting point
`of the conjugate acid being highly correlated with
`the melting point of the‘resultant salt form (Fig.
`2). Therefore the highly crystalline salts are in this
`case best suited to reducing drug Solubility.
`Alternatively it ‘should also be feasible to build
`up crystal. lattice forces of drugs with good hydro—
`gen bonding potential, by considering symmetry
`and hydrogen bonding potential of the conjugate
`acid. One salt
`series of
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.006
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.006


`Melting ‘point (° C) Legend
`’ Conjugate
`Flg' 2
`UK 47880; free base
`pamoate (embonate)
`1- sulphonate
`Salicylate .
`, 145
`dodecylb enzene ‘sulphonate
`, 20
`— '
`_ A
`D .
`j: 200‘
`gr, 10°
`E 90
`5 80
`_ 200
`10° -
`Fig. 2. Plot of melting point of UK47880 salts vs melting point
`of conjugate acids. Legend given in Table 2.
`‘ 205
`Salt form
`point(° C)-
`157 ‘
`- 149 “-‘
`170 p.
`where small highly hydrogen bonding acids such
`as malonic andwmaleic gave higher melting salts,
`whereas the larger bitartrate and presumablysym-
`metriCally unfavoured fumaratexgave saltsof lower
`Salt form
`Free base

`_ ,‘Sulphate
`mp. salt
`V 251
`270 -
`mp. acid
`" .1850
`The relationship between aqueousl solubility
`‘_ .“(SW)‘ and melting point is shown diagrammatically -
`.in Fig. 3, Where log SW is correlated over'a range
`. of salts with the . inverse of the melting point.
`Interestingly with this compound,.the solubility of
`the hydrochloride salt in water is only approxi—
`mately twice that of the free base, whereas the low
`"-rmelting DL-lactate provides a ZOO-fold advantage
`over. the free base in terms of solubility, which is a
`, result in part of the reduced lattice energyf
`Melting point, and aqueousrs‘olubility‘
`The trends in melting point" (m.p.) ananqueous
`solubility alluded to above are exemplified in the
`salts of a high melting antimalarial drug (Aghar-
`kar et a1. ,.1976)
`Melting point and chemical stability
`' The stability of organic compoundsin the solid
`stateis intimately related to the strength of the
`ficrystal lattice; Since the forces between molecules
`.in a crystal are small compared with the energy,
`ApoteX Exhibit 1010.007
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.007


`P l
`essentially controls the formation and- extent of
`eutectic melts.
`. As an additional aspect to the strength of crystal
`forces, the balance of the amorphous to crystalline
`nature in solid salts can dramatically affect their
`‘ stability. This is exemplified by the sodium salts
`i'orfiethacrynic aC1d" (YarWood et 51., 1—983).
`Sodium ethacrynate
`m.p. (9 C) -
`% remaining after
`9 days @ 60°C
`'92 .
`These results are consistent with the concept of an
`amorphous material being a highly viscous con-
`centrated solution and show- that the stronger
`crystalline. lattice'forces result
`in superior solid
`State stability.
`A Mesyiate
`L- Lactate
`D DL'Lactate
`- Figo.P16t of aqueous solubility vs inverse of absolute melting
`point for a series of salts of a hydrophobic antimalarial drug.
`Data taken from Agharkar et a1. (1976)
`required to break chemical bonds, liquefaction of i
`the solid (and an increased frequency of molecular
`Melting point and formulation proceSsz'ng
`collisions) occurs before degradation begins. Thus
`the melting point of a compound can be an im-
`Salt formation is frequently employed to raise
`the melting point (and cryStallinity) 0f the drug
`portant factorin determining stability.
`'Degradation of solid drugs, when it is observed,
`species being processed. However, published work
`usually occurs in the surface film phase and is
`concerning this type of manipulation is somewhat
`accompanied byithe formation of a liquid phase at
`The melting point of drug salts can dramati-
`temperatures below the normal melting point of
`the solid Using this so--called_ ‘liquid layer?ap_.-
`proach, Guillory and Higuchi (1962) investigated
`with low meltingpoints generally exhibit plastic
`the stability of esters of vitamin A employing the
`deformatiori (Jones, 1979) and thus during storage
`following equation to determine the relationship
`the stress exbrted by the bulk mass on the asperity
`points of interparticulate contact can lead to the
`between degradation rate andmelting point.
`formation of localized welds leading to bulkr'ag—
`AAH[1] AH
`gregation. Also,'if ‘the sublimation temperature is
`10w (elg. ibuprofen, m.p. 76°C), intraparticulate
`where Tm :normal melting point; Td= depressed '
`voids can be bridged by sublimed drug again
`‘ leading to aggregation. Thus on storage, the bulk
`storage temp. = storage temperature; K= degrad-
`drug salt will begin to cake and aggregat‘e''1 thereby
`ation rate constant; AH= heat of fusion.
`Thus, for aseries of related compounds subject
`altering significantly its flow, compression and
`to a storage temperature Td, the logarithm of the
`long--term dissolution properties.
`degradation rate constant is inversely related to
`Melting point also has a crucial role in drug
`processing, in particular connninution and tablet-
`the absolute melting point of
`the compounds.
`ing. Since low melting compounds tend to be
`Although this approach may be somewhat simplis—
`tic it may have utility as a method of assessing the
`plastic, rather than brittle, they comminute poorly,
`and frictional heating causes melting and deposi-
`bulk stability of non—hygroscopic salt forms.
`tion of the drug on the screens and pins of the mill _
`The melting point of a salt form also has some
`causing it
`to ‘blind’. For production 'of
`influence on its relative compatibility with drug
`pharmaceutical powders this aspect is crucial to
`combinations (Hirsch et al., 1978) or formulation
`judging the correct level of filler to allow efficient
`, excipients (Li Wan Po and Mroso, 1984) since it
`ApoteX Exhibit 1010.008
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.008


`manufacture using a cost-effective feed rate.
`Salt melting point can also have important
`implications for particle bonding on compression
`for tabletingl Since bonding on compression oc-
`curs by point welding at the deformed or frag-
`merited particle surfaces, then at a fixed tempera-
`ture and pressure, a lower melting species would
`be expectedto improve bonding. However,
`pressure on the powder (and the eutectics formed
`with the other excipi'ents) suppress the melting
`point further. The Skotnicky equation defines the
`’fall in melting point (Tm) with the pressure on the
`solid (/PS)
`dTfl'1 /_ —VST
`' 207
`parameter in assessing the ‘Viability’ of certain
`salt forms. In general, an increase in melting point,
`usually by maximizing or encouraging crystal sym-
`metry, leads to reduced solubility in all solvents,
`but generally improved stability, particularly if
`salt formation results in a crystalline solid, and
`easier formulation processing. For a specific salt
`form for parenteral use, i.e. Where solubility and
`resultant pH is a major issue, a low melting point
`salt produced using a soluble fairly weak acid (see
`next section) probably made in situ is likely to be
`The pivot of drug solubility
`. There are various, solubility issues that can de-
`cide the Viability of a particular salt form and i_t__is__
`perhaps worth addr'essingithese separately to iden-
`tify trends that may aidsalt selection.
`rm (°C)
`AHf (kJ-mol‘l)
`‘ Hydrochloride ' 3
`------- 135 -~
`180 .
`2'50 -
`where AHf = heat of fusion; VS = volume of solid;
`T = temperature; and therefore as well as those
`salts Which are intrinsically low melting, salts ‘of
`different values of AH]? would be expected to have
`Aqueous solubility per se
`different abilities to cold weld in the compression
`As indicated earlier, the solubility of a drug can
`—pr'OcessrrI'f-WWOmp‘arerf'or-examp'l'erthmelfinfi—Be—‘e—fifiafiaed dramatically by salt
`points and heats of fusion of the salts Of an
`(Agharkar et al., 1976). This enhancement may
`experimental drug candidate:
`arise from‘ a reduction in'melting point», or from
`improVed water—drug interactions. A good exam-
`ple of this is with the saltsiof-chlorhexidine (Senior;—
`1973), where increased Water solubility'was not
`' only produced by a lowering of melting point, but
`by increasing‘the hydroxylation of the conjugate
`..: 20.5
`the data suggest that the low melting point and
`low AHf for the meSylate salt would make it the
`most suitablecandidate, on bonding grounds, for
`a direct compression tablet. Since the melting
`points of compounds are reduced under pressure,
`the solubility of salt forms would be expected to
`increase with increasing pressure. This can poten-
`tially cause the formation of solutions of the salts
`in the film of absorbed moisture on the surface of
`the drug (and excipient) particleswhich then may
`have an effect on drug bondihglParrotTTQSZ) or g n
`cause the drug to adhere to the punches on ‘com—
`pression (Wells and Davison, 1985).
`The consideration of melting point. is a key
`- Salt
`, Structure
`dihydrochloride HC]
`‘Melting Solubility
`96 w/v
`(°C>_. @20°C
`— ‘
`_ 0.014
`madame .
`H02C(CHOH)4C02H low
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.009
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.009


`The above data exemplify the importance of
`considering the hydrophilic nature of the con—
`jugate anion, as well as its role in controlling
`crystallinity, when considering the potential solu—
`bility of salts.
`Reduced aqueous solubility may occasionally
`be a crucial development factor for a drug, e.g. for
`an organoleptically acceptable or chemically sta-
`ble suspension. Such systems demand salts of low
`solubility, but recent experience with a series of
`purposely designed insoluble salts of an experi-
`mental drug candidate also highlighted the need to
`consider the solubility and PK? of the conjugate
`B ¥ free base of
`BH+ X75) =BHE2q) +X;q
`__ ”eacperimental drug
`lLKb KalL+H+_,_.
`Be) 33m)
`HX(aq) "2 HX(s)
`fasted state are also important. In fact in this case,
`the "bioavailability in the dog of the two salt forms
`when dosed orally from a standard capsule formu-
`lation were of the same order; 24% for the pamoate
`and 39% for the maleate
`Usually it is the - dissolution rate of a drug
`'which is of major importance. to the formulation
`and as a rule a salt exhibits a higher dissolution
`rate than the base at an equal pH, even though
`they have the same equilibrium solubility. This
`latter effect, which is exemplified by theophylline
`salts (Nelson, 1957), is due to the salt effectively
`acting as its own buffer to alter the pH of the
`diffusion boundary layer, thereby increasing the
`apparent solubility of the parent drug in that
`layer. Thus, administration of basic drugs as their
`salt forms (eg. tetracycline hydrochloride) ensures
`that stomach emptying rather than in vivo dissolu-
`tion will be the rate-limiting factor in their absorp-
`tion. It is al’so’pOssible that increased drug'ab'SOrp4
`tion may occur with salts due to their effect on the
`surface tension of the gastrointestinal fluids (l3erge
`et al,1977).
`111:: aoove ionic equlllbl‘la Show that even sparing
`solubility of the salt means that the level of the
`conjugate anion in solution will depend markedly
`on‘the pH of the fluid. Consideration of ”the above
`for a pamoate salt, which has pKa’s of the parent
`acid of 2.5 and 3.1 and virtually insoluble un-
`i0nized form, indicates that solutions of pH 5—6
`Salt solubility and pH of salt solutions
`will drive the equilibria to the right, with full
`Enhancement of the aqueous solubility of a
`precipitation of the free acid HX(S) and liberation
`drug by saltf0rmation can Occur due to dif-
`of a full component in solution of the ionized base
`ferences in the pH of the saturated salt solutions
`(BH+). However, if we consider the hydroxynaph— _
`A soluble aeid salt of a weakly basic drug will
`thalene sulphonic acid (pKa = 0.11) then this sys—
`cause-the pH to drop as the salt is added to the
`tem provides ‘insolubility’ over a much wider pH
`solution. This pH drop will, in turn cause more
`’rangearid is therefore fafmoie tolerant to fluctua-
`drug to dissolve, and this process will continue
`tions in the fluid pH.
`until the pH of maximum. solubilityis reached (see
`The above aspect is important when consider-
`Fig 4). The equilibrium solubility(ies) are then
`ing the potential use of
`salts (e.g.
`given by:
`pamoate) to control
`the absorption. of a drug
`candidate..For example,
`the in vitro dissolution
`rates of the dimaleate and pamoate salts of a drug
`candidate were compared in simulated gastric and
`* intestinal fluid. The dissolution rates were essen—
`in. the former fluid, with rapid
`tially identical
`deposition of the pamoic acid and liberation of
`the free base, whereas in the latter the pamoate
`salt exhibited a much slower dissolution rate than
`the maleate. Therefore ‘control’ on the drug ab-
`sorption (and toxicity) may then depend on the
`duration of gastric residence and the pH of the
`gastric contents. Thus aspects such as food vs the
`s = s+(1 + iopfl-PKa)
`i.e. when the ionized form is
`for pH=pHmax,
`solubility limiting and
`s = so + lOPKa'“PH)
`for pH= pHmax, where the unioriized form iS
`solubility limiting and pHmax is given by the solu-
`tion of the equality of pH for the above two
`ApoteX Exhibit 1010.010
`Apotex Exhibit 1010.010


`Conjugate acid
`1470 ‘
`2400 .

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