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`PTO/SB/05 (2198)
`Approved for use through 09/30/2000. 0
`Patent and Trademark Office: US DEPARTMENT~~
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`D Bogle et al
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`11 .04
`9]-HEXADECA-2(11 r,l>,5,7.~
`EL 768 265 645 US
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`EXPRESS MAIL NO. EL 768 265 645 US
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`EXPRESS MAIL NO. EL 768 265 645 US
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.002
`''EXPRESS MAIL" LABEL NO. EL 768 265 645 US, Date of Deposit: May 6, 2002.
`I hereby certify that this correspondence 1s bemg
`deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" service under 37 CF R 1.10 on the date mdicated
`above and 1s addressed to Comm1ss10ner for Patents, Box Patent Application, W hmgton, D.C. 20231.
`Patent Application
`Attorney Docket No. PC 11872A
`(Typed or printed name of person)
`IN RE APPLICATION OF: D. Bogle et al.
`SER. NO.: Not Yet Assigned
`FILING DATE: Concurrently Herewith
`11 .04
`Examiner: Not Yet Assigned
`Group Art Unit: Not Assigned
`Commissioner for Patents
`Box Patent Application
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`Prior to examination on the merits and calculation of filing fe~s, please enter the
`follm~ring amendments to the abstract, specification and claims. Marked up versions of the
`amendments to the abstract, specification and claims are found in the Appendix attached hereto.
`at page 1, line 3, insert the following new paragraph:
`This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/290,861,
`filed May 14, 2001.
`Applicants have inserted a statement on page 1 of the application to indicate the
`priority required by 37 C.F.R. § 1.78. This amendment adds no new matter to the application.
`Applicants believe the set of pending claims are condition for allowance and request the
`issuance of a Notice of Allowance.
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.003
`Patent Application
`Attorney Docket No. PCl 1872A
`If a telephone interview would assist the furtherance of the prosecution of this
`application, the Examiner is invited to contact the undersigned.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Date: _ _ .r_~_t ___ /_UnJ_'1 __
`t /
`Pfizer, Inc
`Patent Department
`150 East 42nd Street (150/05/49)
`New York, NY 10017
`(212) 733-5086
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.004
`Patent Application
`Attorney Docket No. PC11872A
`at page 1, line 7, insert the following new paragraph:
`This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/290,86L
`filed Mav 14. 2001.
`- 3 -
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.005
`"Express Mail" Label No. EL 768 265 645 US, Date of Deposit: May 6, 2002. I hereby certify
`that the accompanying Specification: 37 pages; Claims: 7 pages; Abstract 1 page; Drawings: 20
`pages; Utility Patent Application Transmittal; Fee Transmittal (2 copies) and Preliminary
`Amendment; is being deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office to
`Addressee" service under 37 C.F.R. 1. 10 on the date indicated above and is addressed to:
`Commissioner for Patents, Box Patent Application, Washington, D.C. 20031.
`person transmitting and mailing)
`(Typed or printed name of person)
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.006
`11 .04
`salts of 5,8, 14-
`9]-hexadeca-2{11 ),3,5, 7,9-pentaene:
`11 .04
`1 O
`and pharmaceutical compositions thereof. The present invention in particular is directed to
`the L-tartrate salt, and further to the various polymorphs of the L-tartrate salt, including two
`distinct anhydrous polymorphs (referred to herein as Forms A and B) and a hydrate
`In addition, the present invention is also directed
`polymorph (referred to herein as Form C).
`9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5, 7,9-
`the D-tartrate salt of 5,8, 14-triazatetracyclo[
`pentaene and the various polymorphs thereof; as well as the D,L-tartrate salt thereof and its
`polymorphs, and the meso-tartrate salt thereof and its polymorphs.
`11 .04·9]-hexadeca-2{11 ),3,5,7,9-
`5,8, 14-triazatetracyclo[
`pentaene, binds to neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine specific receptor sites and is useful in
`modulating cholinergic function. This compound is useful in the treatment of inflammatory bowel
`disease (including but not limited to ulcerative colitis, pyoderma gangrenosum and Crohn's
`disease), irritable bowel syndrome, spastic dystonia, chronic pain, acute pain, celiac sprue,
`pouchitis, vasoconstriction, anxiety, panic disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, autism, sleep
`disorders, jet lag, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), cognitive dysfunction, drug/toxin-induced
`cognitive impairment (e.g., from alcohol, barbiturates, vitamin deficiencies, recreational drugs,
`lead, arsenic, mercury), disease-induced cognitive impairment (e.g., arising from Alzheimer's
`disease (senile dementia), vascular dementia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, AIDS,
`encephalitis, trauma, renal and hepatic encephalopathy, hypothyroidism, Pick's disease,
`Korsakoff's syndrome and frontal and subcortical dementia), hypertension, bulimia, anorexia,
`obesity, cardiac arrhythmias, gastric acid hypersecretion, ulcers, pheochromocytoma,
`progressive supramuscular palsy, chemical dependencies and addictions ( e.g., dependencies
`on, or addictions to nicotine (and/or tobacco products), alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates,
`opioids or cocaine), headache, migraine, stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), obsessive(cid:173)
`compulsive disorder (OCD), psychosis, Huntington's chorea, tardive dyskinesia, hyperkinesia,
`dyslexia, schizophrenia, multi-infarct dementia, age-related cognitive decline, epilepsy, including
`petit mal absence epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD}, Tourette's Syndrome,
`in smoking
`including use
`particularly, nicotine dependency, addiction and withdrawal;
`cessation therapy.
`The tartrate salts of this invention may also be used in a pharmaceutical composition in
`combination with an antidepressant such as, for example, a tricyclic antidepressant or a
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.007
`serotonin reuptake inhibiting antidepressant (SRI), in order to treat both the cognitive decline and
`depression associated with AD, PD, stroke, Huntington's chorea or traumatic brain injury (TBI}; in
`combination with muscarinic agonists in order to stimulate both central muscarinic and nicotinic
`receptors for the treatment, for example, of ALS, cognitive dysfunction, age-related cognitive
`decline, AD, PD, stroke, Huntington's chorea and TBI; in combination with neurotrophic factors
`such as NGF in order to maximize cholinergic enhancement for the treatment, for example, of
`ALS, cognitive dysfunction, age-related cognitive decline, AD, PD stroke, Huntington's chorea
`and TBI; or in combination with agents that slow or arrest AD such as cognition enhancers,
`amyloid aggregation inhibitors, secretase inhibitors, tau kinase inhibitors, neuronal anti-
`1 O
`inflammatory agents and estrogen-like therapy.
`including 5,8, 14-
`to neuronal nicotinic receptor sites,
`that bind
`9]-hexadeca-2( 11 ),3,5, 7,9-pentaene, and its hydrochloride salt,
`are referred to in WO 99/35131, published July 15, 1999 (corresponding to U.S Ser. No.
`09/402,010, filed September 28, 1999 and 09/514,002, filed February 25, 2000).
`foregoing applications, owned in common with the present application and incorporated
`herein by reference in their entirety, generically recite pharmaceutically acceptable acid
`addition salts for the compounds referred to therein.
`The L-tartrate salt of the present invention exhibits properties, including those of high
`solid-state stability and compatibility with certain drug product formulation excipients, that
`render it superior to previously known salts of 5,8,14-triazatetracyclo[
`Further, the D-tartrate and D,L-tartrate salts exhibit
`properties that also make them appropriate for drug product formulation use.
`Figure 1 is a powder X-ray diffraction of the anhydrous L-tartrate salt Form A of
`5,8, 14-triazatetracyclo[
`11 .04
`9]-hexadeca-2( 11 ),3,5, 7,9-pentaene
`counts per second; X in degrees 2 theta).
`Figure 2 is the powder X-ray diffraction of the anhydrous L-tartrate salt Form B of
`11 .04
`9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5, 7,9-pentaene (y axis
`5,8, 14-triazatetra-cycfo[10.3. 1.02
`counts per second; X in degrees 2 theta).
`(y axis
`Figure 3 is the powder X-ray diffraction of the L-tartrate salt hydrate Form C of
`9]-hexadeca-2( 11 ),3,5, 7,9-pentaene (y axis
`11 .04
`5,8, 14-triazatetra-cyclo[10.3. 1.02
`counts per second; X in degrees 2 theta).
`Figure 4A is the calculated powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the anhydrous Form B
`L-tartrate salt of 5,8, 14-triazatetra-cyclo[
`11 .04
`9]-hexadeca-2( 11 ),3,5, 7 ,9-pentaene (y
`axis is linear counts per second; X in degrees 2 theta}. Figure 4B is the calculated powder X(cid:173)
`ray diffraction pattern of the Form C L-tartrate salt hydrate of 5,8, 14-triazatetra-
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.008
`9]-hexadeca-2( 11 ),3,5, 7 ,9-pentaene (y axis is linear counts per second; X
`in degrees 2 theta).
`Figure 5A is the calculated powder X-ray diffraction pattern (lower trace) laid over the
`observed X-ray diffraction pattern {upper trace) for the anhydrous Form B L-tartrate salt of
`11 .04·9]-hexadeca-2(11),3,5,7,9-pentaene (y axis
`counts per second; X in degrees 2 theta). Figure 5B is the calculated powder X-ray
`diffraction pattern (lower trace) laid over the observed X-ray diffraction pattern (upper trace)
`for the Form C L-tartrate salt hydrate of 5,8, 14-triazatetra-cyclo[
`11 .04
`2(11 },3,5,7,9-pentaene (y axis is linear counts per second; X in degrees 2 theta).
`Figure 6 is the overlay of the powder X-ray diffraction patterns of the Form A (lower
`trace), Form B (middle trace) and Form C (upper trace) L-tartrate salts of 5,8,14-triazatetra(cid:173)
`11 .04
`9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5, 7,9-pentaene (y axis is linear counts per second; X
`in degrees 2 theta).
`Figures 7A, 7B and 7C are the solid state 13C NMR spectra of the L-tartrate salts of
`11 .04
`9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5,7 ,9-pentaene Forms A, B and C,
`5,8, 14-triazatetra-cyclo[
`respectively, as measured by cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) at 295 K on a
`Bruker 7mm wide-bore magic angle spinning (WB MAS) probe positioned in a Bruker Avance
`DRX 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer. Peaks marked with asterisks{*) are spinning sidebands
`which are displaced at multiples of the spinning frequencies along both sides of the real
`peaks ( centerbands ).
`Figure SA is the X-ray crystal structure (absolute configuration) for the anhydrous
`11 .04·9]-hexadeca-2( 11 ),3,5, 7,9-
`Form B L-tartrate salt of 5,8, 14-triazatetra-cyclo[
`pentaene. Figure 8B is the X-ray crystal structure (absolute configuration) for the Form C
`11 .04·9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5, 7,9-
`L-tartrate salt hydrate of 5,8, 14-triazatetra-cyclo[
`Figure 9A, 9B and 9C are the differential scanning calorimetric traces for the
`11 .04
`L-tartrate salts Forms A, B and C, respectively, of 5,8, 14-triazatetra-cyclo[
`hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5, 7 ,9-pentaene.
`Figure 10A and 10B are the powder X-ray diffraction patterns of the D,L-tartrate salt
`respectively, of 5,8, 14-triazatetracyclo[
`11 .04·9]-hexadeca-
`Forms X and Y,
`2(11 ),3,5,7,9-pentaene (y axis is linear counts per second; X in degrees 2 theta).
`Figure 11A and 11B are the differential scanning calorimetric traces for the
`11 .04
`D,L-tartrate salts Forms X and Y, respectively, of 5,8,14-triazatetra-cyclo[
`hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5,7,9-pentaene.
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.009
`5,8, 14-
`11 .04
`9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5,7,9-pentaene. The tartrate salts of the
`invention include the L-tartrate, D-tartrate, D,L-tartrate and meso-tartrate salts.
`In particular,
`the present
`invention relates
`the L-tartrate salt of 5,8, 14-
`11 .04
`9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5,7,9-pentaene.
`5,8, 14-
`11 .04
`9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5,7,9-pentaene is the anhydrous L-tartrate
`salt, referred to herein as Form A. The L-tartrate Form A is characterized by the principal x-
`ray diffraction pattern peaks expressed in terms of 20 and ct-spacings as measured with
`copper radiation (within the margins of error indicated}:
`1 O
`Angle 29 (! 0.2)
`d-value (A) (! 0.2)
`The L-tartrate crystal Form A is characterized in that it has a onset of melt at about
`223 °C as measured by differential scanning calorimetry at a heating rate of 5 degrees per
`minute. The L-tartrate Form A is also characterized in that when examined by solid state
`13C NMR cross-polarization magic angle spinning techniques, it exhibits the following principal
`resonance peaks (± 0.1ppm) downfield from 100 ppm (adamantane standard 29.5 ppm):
`178.4, 149.3, 147.4, 145.1, and 122.9 ppm.
`L-tartrate of 5,8, 14-
`9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5, 7,9-pentaene is another anhydrous L-
`tartrate salt polymorph, referred to herein as Form B. The L-tartrate salt Form B is
`characterized by the principal x-ray diffraction pattern peaks expressed in terms of 29 and d(cid:173)
`spacings as measured with copper radiation (within the margins of error indicated):
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.010
`le 29 (::_ 0.2)
`d-value (A) (::_ 0.2)
`The L-tartrate salt Form B has a single crystal x-ray structure (absolute configuration)
`as set forth in Figure 8A Further, the Form B forms orthorhombic crystals belonging to the
`P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group. Form Bis further characterized in having an onset of melting at
`about 215 °C as measured by differential scanning calorimetry at a heating rate of 5 degrees
`per minute. Further, Form B of the invention is also characterized in having an aqueous
`solubility of about 156 mg/ml and a native pH of about 3.3 in aqueous solution. In addition,
`Form B has a hygroscopicity of approximately 0.2% at 90% relative humidity.
`The L-tartrate Form B is also characterized in that when examined by solid state 13C
`NMR cross-polarization magic angle spinning techniques, it exhibits the following principal
`resonance peaks (± 0.1 ppm) downfield from 100 ppm (adamantane standard 29.5 ppm):
`179.2, 178.0, 147.4, 145.2, 144.4, 124.8 and 122.5 ppm.
`another embodiment of
`L-tartrate of 5,8,14-
`9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5, 7,9-pentaene is
`the hydrate L-tartrate
`salt, referred to herein as Form C. The L-tartrate Form C is characterized by the principal x-
`ray diffraction pattern peaks expressed in terms of 20 and d-spacings as measured with
`copper radiation (within the margins of error indicated):
`Angle 20 (:!: 0.2)
`d-value (A) (::_ 0.2)
`The hydrate L-tartrate crystal Form C has a single crystal structure as set forth in
`Figure 8B. Further, the hydrate Form C forms monoclinic crystals belonging to the P2(1)
`space group. Form C is further characterized in having an onset of a solid-solid transition at
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.011
`about 72 °C and an onset of melting transition at about 220 °C. Because Form B converts to
`the hydrate Form C upon contact with 100% relative humidity, Form Chas the same aqueous
`solubility as Form B.
`The L-tartrate Form C is also characterized in that when examined by solid state
`13C NMR cross-polarization magic angle spinning techniques, it exhibits the following principal
`resonance peaks (± 0.1ppm) downfield from 100 ppm (adamantane standard 29.5 ppm):
`179.0, 176.1, 147.5, 144.5 and 124.6 ppm.
`A further embodiment of the invention is directed to the D-tartrate salt of 5,8, 14-
`11.04·9]-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5,7,9-pentaene.
`In particular, the present
`invention is directed to the three D-tartrate salt polymorphs (referred to here as Forms A', B'
`and C') which exhibit the same x-ray diffraction characteristics, hygroscopicity, water content
`and thermal characteristics as Forms A, B and C of the L-tartrate salt.
`In another embodiment, the present invention relates to the D,L-tartrate salt of 5,8, 14-
`11 .04·9}-hexadeca-2(11 ),3,5, 7,9-pentaene, and
`in particular,
`polymorphs, an anhydrous form (herein referred to as Form X) and a hydrate form (herein
`referred to as Form Y).
`The D,L-tartrate Form X is characterized by the principal x-ray diffraction pattern
`peaks expressed in terms of 20 and d-spacings as measured with copper radiation (within the
`margins of error indicated):
`Angle 20 (! 0.2)
`d-value (A) (! 0.2)
`The D,L-tartrate Form X is further characterized in having an onset of a melting
`transition at about 212 °C.
`The D,L-tartrate Form Y is characterized by the principal x-ray diffraction pattern
`peaks expressed in terms of 28 and d-spacings as measured with copper radiation (within the
`margins of error indicated):
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.012
`Angle 20 (2: 0.2)
`The D,L-tartrate Form Y is further characterized in having an onset of a solid-solid
`transition at about 131 °C and an onset of melting transition at about 217 °C.
`Another embodiment of the invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition
`comprising at least one of polymorphic Forms A, B or C, preferably Form B, of the L-tartrate
`9]-hexadeca-2(11),3,5,7,9-pentaene and a
`salt of 5,8, 14-triazatetracyclo[
`pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or excipient, for use in the treatment of inflammatory
`bowel disease {including but not limited to ulcerative colitis, pyoderma gangrenosum and Crohn's
`disease), irritable bowel syndrome, spastic dystonia, chronic pain, acute pain, celiac sprue,
`pouchitis, vasoconstriction, anxiety, panic disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, autism, sleep
`disorders, jet lag, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), cognitive dysfunction, drug/toxin-induced
`cognitive impairment (e.g., from alcohol, barbiturates, vitamin deficiencies, recreational drugs,
`lead, arsenic, mercury), disease-induced cognitive impairment (e.g., arising from Alzheimer's
`disease (senile dementia), vascular dementia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, AIDS,
`encephalitis, trauma, renal and hepatic encephalopathy, hypothyroidism, Pick's disease,
`Korsakoffs syndrome and frontal and subcortical dementia), hypertension, bulimia, anorexia,
`obesity, cardiac arrhythmias, gastric acid hypersecretion, ulcers, pheochromocytoma,
`progressive supramuscular palsy, chemical dependencies and addictions (e.g., dependencies
`on, or addictions to nicotine (and/or tobacco products), alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates,
`opioids or cocaine), headache, migraine, stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), obsessive(cid:173)
`compulsive disorder (OCD), psychosis, Huntington's chorea, tardive dyskinesia, hyperkinesia,
`dyslexia, schizophrenia, multi-infarct dementia, age-related cognitive decline, epilepsy, including
`petit mal absence epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and Tourette's
`Another more preferred embodiment of the
`is wherein
`pharmaceutical composition is useful in the treatment of nicotine dependency, addiction and
`withdrawal; most preferably, for use in smoking cessation therapy.
`The present invention further relates to pharmaceutical compositions for the uses
`described in the foregoing paragraph comprising any one of the D-tartrate salt of, the D,L(cid:173)
`tartrate salt of, or the meso-tartrate salt of 5,8, 14-triazatetracyclo[
`11 .04
`2(11 ),3,5,7,9-pentaene.
`Apotex Exhibit 1004.013
`The present invention further relates to a method of treating inflammatory bowel
`disease (including but not limited to ulcerative colitis, pyoderma gangrenosum and Crohn's
`disease), irritable bowel syndrome, spastic dystonia, chronic pain, acute pain, celiac sprue,
`pouchitis, vasoconstriction, anxiety, panic disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, autism, sleep
`disorders, jet lag, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis {ALS), cognitive dysfunction, drug/toxin-induced
`cognitive impairment (e.g., from alcohol, barbiturates, vitamin deficiencies, recreational drugs,
`lead, arsenic, mercury), disease-induced cognitive impairment (e.g., arising from Alzheimer's
`disease (senile dementia), vascular dementia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, AIDS,
`encephalitis, trauma, renal and hepatic encephalopathy, hypothyroidism, Pick's disease,
`Korsakoff's syndrome and frontal and subcortical dementia}, hypertension, bulimia, anorexia,
`obesity, cardiac arrhythmias, gastric acid hypersecretion, ulcers, pheochromocytoma,
`progressive supramuscular palsy, chemical dependencies and addictions {e.g., dependencies
`on, or addictions to nicotine (and/or tobacco products), alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates,
`opioids or cocaine), headache, migraine, stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), obsessive-
`compulsive disorder (OCD), psychosis, Huntington's chorea, tardive dyskinesia, hyperkinesia,
`dyslexia, schizophrenia, multi-infarct dementia, age-related cognitive decline, epilepsy, including
`petit mal absence epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and Tourette's
`Syndrome comprises administering to a subject in need of treatment a therapeutically
`effective amount of any of Forms A, B or C of the L-tartrate salt of 5,8, 14-
`11 .04
`9]-hexadeca-2( 11 ),3,5, 7 ,9-pentaene,
`Form B.
`Another more preferred embodiment of the invention relates to a method of treatment for
`nicotine dependency, addiction and withdrawal, in particular for use in smoking cessation
`therapy activity, comprising the administration of any of Forms A, B or C of the L-tartrate salt
`of 5,8, 14-triazatetracyclo[10.3.1 .02
`11 .04
`9]-hexadeca-2( 11 ),3,5, 7 ,9-pentaene, preferably Form
`B, to a subject in need thereof.
`The present invention further relates to methods of treatment described in the
`foregoing paragraph comprising the administration of any of the D-tartrate salt, the D,L(cid:173)
`tartrate salt or the meso-tartrate salt of 5,8,14-triazatetracyclo[

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