`Apotex Exhibit 1012.001


`University of Wisconsin Madison
`2130 Chamberlin Ha}!
`425 N. Charter Street
`Madison, WI! 53706-1508
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry undertitle:
`Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology.
`editors: James Swarbrick, James C. Boylan.
`Includes index.
`1. Pharmaceutical technology—Dictionaries.
`II. Boylan, James C.
`2. Drugs—
`[DNLM: 1. Chemistry, Pharmaceutical-encyclopedias.
`3. Technology, Pharmaceutical-encyclopedias. QV 13 E565].
`RS192.E53 1988
`I. Swarbrick, James.
`Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
`means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording,
`or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from
`the publisher.
`270. Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016
`ISBN: 0-8247-2812-2
`Current printing (last digit):
`7 65 43 2
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.002
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.002


` This material may be protected by Copyright law (Tite 17 U.S. Code)
`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`Salt formation is frequently performed on weak acidic or basic drugs becauseit is a
`relatively simple chemical manipulation which mayalter the physicochemical, formu-
`lation, biopharmaceutical, and therapeutic properties of a drug without modifying the
`basic chemical structure. Salt selection has been largely semi-empirical, based on con-
`sideration of cost of raw materials, yield, ease of preparation and purification, etc. Al-
`though attempts have been made to apply “decision analysis” and “potential problem
`analysis” to select salts and help predict salt performance [1], the choice of which salt
`to use remains a difficult decision.
`The ideal characteristics of a salt are that it is chemically stable, not hygroscopic,
`presents no processing problems, dissolves quickly from solid dosage forms (unlessit
`is formed with the intent to delay dissolution), and exhibits good bioavailability.
`Theliterature contains a large amount of information on salts; however, much of
`the early research addresses the use of salt formation to prolong the release of the active
`component, thereby eliminating various undesirable drug properties[2-6]. This article
`supriciments an extensive review published in 1977 [7], providing a literature overview
`of approximately 40-45 years. Its objectives are to presentpotentially useful salts, their
`effect on the properties of the parent drug, and a decision tree for choosing the most
`desirable salt form(s) for development.
`Potentially Useful Salts
`Salt formation is one of the simplest chemical reactions, involving either a proton transfer
`or a neutralization reaction between an acid and a base. The relative strength of the acid
`or base, or the acidity and basicity constants of the species involved, significantly in-
`fluences the occurrence of the reaction and provides a measure ofthe stability of the
`resulting salt. Theoretically, every compound possessing acidic and/or basic properties
`can participate in salt formation.
`Salt forms that have beenclinically evaluated in humans or were commercially
`marketed through 1993 are shown in Tables 1 and 2, compiled from the drug mono-
`graphs listed in Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed. [8]. Table 1 gives all
`anionic salt forms, Table 2 all cationic forms. The relative frequency (as a percentage)
`of use for each salt type was calculated based on the total number of anionic orcat-
`ionic salts used through 1993.
`The monoprotic hydrochlorides are by far the most frequent choice of an anionic
`salt-forming radical, probably for physiological reasons and simple availability. For simi-
`lar reasons, sodium is the most predominate cation. These findingsare identical to those
`reported in a ‘similar survey [7] from 1977, even though they are based on twice the
`numberof salts as the earlier study. Other comparisons between this and the previous
`review show an increase of approximately 40% in the types of anionic salts and approxi-
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.003
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.003


`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.004
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.004


`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.005
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.005


`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`TABLE 2 Cationic Pharmaceutical Salt Forms Currently in Use
` Organic Cation Percent* Metallic Cation Percent*
`((Carboxymethyl)trimethylammonium hydroxide)
`(N, M'-Di(dihydroabietyl)ethylenediamine
`Tromethamine —
`‘Percent based on total numberofcationic salts in use through 1993,
`mately 80% in the types of cationic salts in use. This may be indicative of a trend to
`modify or optimize the properties of a substance through salt formation as opposedto
`more complex molecular modifications. In addition, the interest in polymer—drug salts
`for controlling drug release is indicated by the appearance of polistirex and policrilix
`It is well documented that due to differences in physical, chemical, and thermody-
`namic properties imparted by the salt-forming species, various salts of the same com-
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.006
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.006


`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`pound often behave differently. Knowledgethata particular salt form imparts enhanced
`water solubility, reduced toxicity, or slow dissolution rate to a drug molecule greatly
`benefits chemists and formulators. Although some generalizations such as the statement
`by Miller and Heller on water solubility associated with carboxylic acid salts [9] can
`be followed, drug use and history frequently dictate the salt form selected. For example,
`most contrast agents requiring water solubility are meglumine salts, whereas many of
`the newer therapeutic peptides(i.e., buserelin, nafarelin, octreotide) are acetates. Many
`of the antibiotics administered intravenously are sodium salts. This indicates that the
`drug class, history of use and local tolerance, and possibly regulatory acceptability
`influence the selection of the salt form.
`Both pamoic acid and alginic acid have been shown to prolong action by forming
`slightly soluble salts with certain basic drugs. The incorporation of pamoate salts in
`sustained-release preparations has been reviewed by Saias et al. [10]; numerous examples
`can be foundin the literature [11-16]. Alginic acid salts of streptomycin [17] andpilo-
`carpine [18] have been prepared and shown to provide sustained action.
`A unique way of prolonging action through salt formation was demonstrated by
`Malek and co-workers [19]. Utilizing the knowledge that macromolecules have an af-
`finity for the lymphatic system, salts of four antibiotics were prepared with high-mo-
`lecular-weight polyacrylic acids, sulfonic or phosphorylated polysaccharides, and poly-
`uronic derivatives. Parenteral administration of these macromolecularsalts produced low
`antibiotic blood levels for long periods while lymph levels were high. Since lymphatic
`circulation is stow, the preferential distribution of the antibiotics to the lymphatic sys-
`tem prolonged the passage through the body.
`The lauric acid salt of propranolol was studied as an alternative to polymeric for-
`' mulations for sustaining the release of propranolol HCI. The findings indicated that the
`laurate salt increased the bioavailability. This was attributed to micellar solubilization
`or ion-pairing which could lead to lymphatic absorption or lowerefficiency of extrac-
`tion by the liver [20].
`Toxicity is reduced by choosing the appropriate salt form; two different strategies
`have been utilitzed to accomplish this. One is based on organic radicals that occur natu-
`rally and are readily excreted or metabolized. Using this approach, salts formed with
`choline [21-23], amino acids [24,25], and vitamins [24, 26-32] have been prepared that
`exhibit lower toxicity and fewer side effects than the parent molecule or other salts. The
`second strategy is to select a salt component that pharmacologically overcomes an un-
`favorable property or properties of the principal agent. Salts incorporating N-cyclo-
`hexylsulfamic acid, better known as cyclamates, can make bitter-tasting drugs accept-
`able because of their characteristic sweet taste. Cyclamate salts of dextromethorphan
`and chlorpheniramine [33] raise the bitterness thresholds compared to commonly oc-
`curring salts. The preparation and characterization of other cyclamic acid salts have been
`reported [34-37].
`Other examples include the preparation of the benzhydralaminesalt of penicillin [38]
`and the 8-substituted theophylline salts of several antihistamines [39-42]. Benzhy-
`dralamine is an antihistamine. The preparation of the benzhydralaminesalt of penicil-
`lin was an attempt to produce a repository form of penicillin with antiallergic proper-
`ties. The synthesis of the xanthine salts of several antihistamines was an attempt to
`counteract the drowsiness caused by the antihistamines with the stimulant properties of
`the xanthines. A number of other 8-substituted theophyllines have been prepared [21,
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.007
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.007


`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`A quinidine salt with reduced toxicity has been prepared from polygalacturonic acid,
`a derivative of pectin [50,51]. This substance possesses special demulcent properties
`and inhibits mucosalirritation. It is used to reduce the shock to the gastrointestinal (GI)
`mucosa resulting from the liberation of irritating ions caused by the rapid dissociation
`of the conventional inorganic quinidinesalts. Quinidine polygalacturonate is one-fourth
`as toxic orally as the sulfate.
`The N-(2-hydroxyethyl)pyrrolidine salt of diclofenac (DHEP) was prepared as part
`of a study to obtain salts with balanced hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties [52].
`Of the 24 salts synthesized, DHEP had the greatest solubility in both water and octanol.
`In addition, it exhibited surfactant properties and the ability to solubilize lipid materi-
`als above its critical micelle concentrations. These properties suggest that this salt is
`preferable to topical administration since it could promote its own absorption by inter-
`acting with the membrane components. Other compounds reported to be potentially
`useful as pharmaceutical salt forms are shown in Table 3.
`Physicochemical Studies
`Although different salts of the same drug elicit similar biological responses, the inten-
`sities of response may differ markedly [96,97]. A knowledge of the physicochemical
`properties of a salt andits influence on pharmacokinetics,is necessary to understand the
`onset, duration, and intensity of action, relative toxicity, and possible routes of admin-
`istration [2]. The influence of salt form on volatility and hygroscopicity has been in-
`vestigated in preformulation studies [98].
`Solubility is an important factor in chemical stability, the formation of dosage forms,
`and the overall drug-absorption process.
`Common-lon Effect
`Hydrochloride salts are the most commonanionicsalt-forming species [7]. However,
`they do not necessarily enhancethe solubility of poorly soluble basic drugs in a chlo-
`ride-containing medium because of the common-ion effect which suppresses the solu-
`bility product equilibrium [99-105]. In someinstances, the solubility of various hydro-
`chlorides wasless than that of the corresponding free base at gastric pH. Thepractical
`effect of reducing solubility could ultimately be a reduction of the dissolution rate in
`gastric juice. The Setschenow salting-out constants for chloride are highest for these
`slightly soluble hydrochlorides [106]. However, the relationship between the aqueous
`solubility of sparingly soluble salts and the empirical Setschenow salting-out constant
`is valid only at low concentrations of added salt [107].
`Prazosin is an example of a drug with a strong chloride-ion dependence. The hy-
`drochloride salt in water has a solubility of 1.4 mg/mL at 30°C, whereas in 0.1M HCI
`it is 0.037 mg/mL [108].
`A common-ion effect on the sodium salt of an organic acid has also been reported
`[109]. The solubility and dissolution rates decreased with varying sodium ion concen-
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.008
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.008


`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`TABLE 3 Potentially Useful Salt Forms of Pharmaceutical Agents
`Salt-Forming Agent
`Compound Modified
`Property Modified
`p-Acetamidobenzoic acid
`Acetylaminoacetic acid
`Adamantoic acid
`Adipic acid
`disulfonic acid
`Arabogalactan sulfate
`Diacetyl sulfate
`Diguiacyl phosphate
`Diocty! succinate
`Embonic (pamoic) acid
`Fructose-1 ,6-diphosphoric
`Glucose-1-phosphoric acid,
`Glucose-6-phosphoric acid
`Lauryl sulfate
`Methanesulfonic acid
`Various amines
`Solubility, activity, stability
`Combined effect useful in
`Prolonged action
`Stability, toxicity, organoleptic
`Absorption (oral)
`Stability, absorption
`Various alkaloids
`Prolonged action
`Pralidoxime (2-PAM)
`Stability, hygroscopicity,
`Gastric absorption
`Activity, prolonged prophylactic
`Organoleptic properties
`Proplonged action
`Stability, hygroscopicity
`Prolonged action
`Reduced pain on injection
`Organoleptic properties
`Solubility, activity, stability
`Prolonged action
`Organoleptic properties
`Toxicity, stability, hygroscop-
`Toxicity, stability, hygroscop-
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.009
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.009


`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`TABLE 3 (Continued)
` Salt-Forming Agent Compound Modified Property Modified Reference
`Reduced pain on injection
`Toxicity, faster onset of action
`Reduced pain on injection
`Organoleptic properties
`Prolonged action
`Organoleptic properties
`Various amines
`Prolonged action
`Organoleptic properties
`Prolonged action
`Absorption (oral)
`Physical state
`(prostaglandin F)
`Salmeterol Local toleranceXinafoate 95
`2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid
`Tannic acid
`Theobromine acetic acid
`trations. The reduction in solubility product in the presence of NaCl was attributed to
`a decrease in the degree of self-association of the drug in aqueous media.
`The choice of salt can have significant benefits for the formulation of a drug as, for
`example, with the cytotoxic drug, coralyne sulfoacetate. The solubility of coralyne
`chloride in water is 4.5 mg/mL, and that of the sulfoacetate is 6.5 mg/mL; however,
`solutions containing 25 mg/mL were required for iv infusion [110,111]. The solubility
`of the chloride salt was no higher in weakly alkaline aqueous media than in distilled
`water sinceit is a salt of a quaternary ammonium ion andthe conjugate base of a strong
`acid. Adding sodium hydroxide greatly enhanced the solubility of the sulfoacetate. The
`reason is that the sulfoacetate anion is an acid which is ionized by the added base,
`resulting in an increase in the concentration of coralynium ion in solution.
`The solubility of a salt can influence the use of formulation adjuvants. In the pres-
`ence of methanesulfonic, acetic, and hydrochloric acids, 2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-8-
`(methylsulfonyl)-1-H-3-benzazepin-7-ol had water solubilities of approximately 440, 320,
`and 1 mg/mL. Addition of sodium chloride to a saturated solution of the mesylate
`(methanesulfonic) salt, reduced the solubility to approximately 60 mg/mL, even with
`a sodium chloride concentration as low as 0.05 M. This was probably dueto the rapid
`conversion of the mesylate to the hydrochloride salt and may preclude the use of so-
`dium chloride as an isoosmotic agent or the use of saline as diluent [103].
`In addition to its effect on solubility, the choice of salt is important to the useful-
`_ hess and efficacy of the formulation. For example, hydrochloridesalts in aqueous so-
`lution may lowerthe pH, which can adversely affect their use in parenteral dosage forms
`because of the incidence of pain and subsequent venous inflammation [112]. It could
`also lead to incompatibilities with metal aerosol containers [108].
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.010
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.010


`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`Sciarra et al.[113], using epinephrine as a model compoundin an aerosol delivery
`system, points out that the solubility of the salt form in various propellants is impor-
`tant in products intended for local action in the lungs or for systemic therapy; further-
`more, the salt form should be soluble in extracellular fluids.
`Complex Salt Formation
`Organic acid salt forms of basic drugs, such as amines, frequently have higher aque-
`ous solubilities than their corresponding inorganic salts. Hydrochloric, nitric, sulfuric,
`and phosphoric salts of triamterine form insoluble complex salts [114]. Acetic acid pro-
`duced solubilities higher than those observed with any of the inorganic acids. Although
`acetic acid complexes with triamterine, an insoluble complex was not found. This is im-
`portant in the synthesis and selection of a salt form that exhibits enhanced bioavailability
`and desirable formulation characteristics.
`Studies have been conducted on the complexation of some drugs with sodium poly-
`phosphate [115]. Insoluble complex salts formed with amethocaine, amitriptyline, pro-
`pranolol, and verapamil, but not with atropine, ephedrine, and procaine. The complex
`salt formed with verapamil produced a prolonged dissolution profile in acid compared
`to pure verapamil, but because of hygroscopicity it was difficult to process and store.
`The solubility also of organic carboxylic acids is also affected by salt formation,
`some cases adversely. For example, N-[4-(1,4-benzodioxan-6-yl)-2-thiazolyl] oxamic
`acid was less soluble-in the presence of sodium, potassium, and calcium ions. How-
`ever, these ions increased the distribution coefficients significantly between water and
`1-octanol, even at low concentrations. The lower solubility was attributed to the for-
`mation of less soluble salts, whereas the increase in distribution coefficients was ex-
`plained by ion-pairing and/or complexation [116].
`Solubility Predictions
`The solubility of a salt can be influenced by the structure of the organic moiety or by
`the hydrophilic properties of the anion or cation. A higher crystal lattice energy (crys-
`tallinity) is generally reflected by a higher melting point. An increase in melting point,
`usually by maximizing or encouraging crystal symmetry, reduces solubility. Gould [108]
`reports that the solubility of a drug frequently decreases by an order of magnitude with
`an increase of 100°C in its melting point. Where solubility and resultant pH are major
`issues, a low melting salt of a drug produced from a soluble, fairly weak acid or base,
`probably made in situ, is usually preferred.
`The increase or decrease in melting point of a series of salts of basic compounds
`depends on the controlling effect of crystallinity from the conjugate anion. This is
`exemplified by an experimental drug candidate, UK47880, which has a basic pKa of 8
`[108]. Salts prepared from planar, high melting aromatic sulfonic or hydroxycarboxylic
`acids yield high melting crystalline salts. However, flexible aliphatic acids such as cit-
`ric and dodecylbenzene sulfonic yielded oils. Gould [108] discussed how crystallattice
`forces of drugs with good hydrogen bonding potential could be built up by consider-
`ing the symmetry and hydrogen bondingpotential of the conjugate acid. He used epi-
`nephrine as an example, which gives high melting salts with small, strongly hydrogen-
`bonding acids like malonic and maleic. The larger bitartrate and presumably
`symmetrically unfavored fumarate give lower melting salts.
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.011
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.011


`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`Various salts of a.-(2-piperidyl)-3 ,6-bis(trifluoromethyl)-9-phenanthrenemethanol
`[102], chlorhexidine [117], erythromycin [118], and the N-alkylsulfamates of lincomycin
`[60] show enhancedsolubility which can be attributed to a lower melting point and the
`hydrophilic properties of the anion. Organic salts may increase aqueous solubility
`through decreased crystal lattice energy, lowered melting point, increased hydrogen
`bonding of the salt counterions with water, etc.
`There are exceptions to the solubility-meiting point and solubility—hydrophilicity
`relationship. For example, the THAM, tris(aydroxymethyl)aminomethane,salts of
`certain analgesic-anti-inflammatory agents showed no simple solubility-melting point
`relationship [119]. Anderson and Condradi, using organic aminesalts of flurbiprofen
`to predict water solubility, found a strong dependenceofthe solubility product on melt-
`ing point; however, there was no significant correlation between solubility product and
`counterion hydrophilicity [120]. The authors concludedthat this is in conflict with the
`notion that higher salt solubilities can be achieved by selecting more hydrophilic
`_ counterions, since such argumentsneglectthe likelihood that interactions in the crystal
`becomestronger as the salt-forming species are made increasingly polar.
`Rubino [121] found that the logarithms of the molar solubilities of a number of
`sodium salts of drugs were inversely related to their melting points, but a goodcorre-
`lation was not evident. However,the logarithmsof the molar solubilities were inversely
`related to both the melting points and stoichiometric amounts of water in the crystal
`hydrates, but unrelated to the polarity of the corresponding acid forms of the drugs. It
`was concluded therefore that the melting point and the degree of crystal hydration of
`the solid phase are most important in determining the solubilities of the sodium salts
`of some drugs.
`Thesolubilities of the sodium salts of some weakly acid drugs have been determined
`in mixtures of propylene glycol and water. The solubility in the mixed solvent of com-
`pounds with low temperatures of desolvation had increased, whereas the solubility of
`compounds with high desolvation temperatures had decreased. These data indicate that
`crystal hydrate formation plays a significantrole in determining if a cosolvent can be
`used to enhance the solubilities of certain sodium salts [122].
`The hydrogen ion concentration can significantly affect salt solubility. Anderson
`[123] discussed the influence of pH on the solubility of therapeutically useful weak acids
`and bases andtheir salts. This was followed a few years later by an extensive study on
`the solubility interrelationships of the hydrochloride and free base of two amines [124].
`Mathematical equations describing the total solubility at an arbitrary pH in termsof the
`independentsolubilities of the hydrochloride and free base species and the dissociation
`constant of the salt were derived andfitted to experimental data with goodresults. This
`report made the pointthat, although the solubility of an amine hydrochloride generally
`sets the maximum obtainable concentration for a given amine, the solubility ofthe free
`base and the pKa determine the maximum pH at which formulation as a solution is pos-
`sible. This assumes that the desired concentration exceeds the free base solubility.
`Shifting the pH-solubility profile to higher pH values for formulation purposes may
`require increasing the solubility of the free base with the help of an appropriate co-
`solvent. Because the dissociation characteristics of carboxylic acids and other organic
`species are similar to those of organic hydrochlorides, the pH-solubility profiles could
`be characterized theoretically by the same treatment.
`Chowhan [125] studied the solubilities of three organic carboxylic acids (naproxen;
`7-methylsulfinyl-2-xanthonecarboxylic acid; and 7-methythio-2-xanthonecarboxylic acid)
`and their sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium salts as a function of pH. The
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.012
`Apotex Exhibit 1012.012


`Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption
`data were fitted to mathematical relationships similar to those used by Kramer and Flynn
`[124]. The results on the solubility of naproxen andits salts were in excellent agree-
`ment with theory. The solubilities of the two xanthone carboxylic acids and their salts
`were higher at higher pH than the values calculated for complete dissociation in solu-
`Surface Activity
`The salts of some compoundsare surface active [126-128]. If the saturation solubility
`enablesthe critical micelle concentration (CMC) to be reached, solubility is enhanced
`significantly via micellar solubilization. A study of the colloidal properties of some
`chlorhexidine salts showed that the counterion can affect the CMC which was usually
`associated with a change in micellar size [126]. For example, the diacetate displays a
`higher CMC than the digluconate [126].
`The hydrochloride salt of 2-butyl-3-benzofurany]-4-[2-(diethylamino)ethoxy]-3,5-
`diiodophenyl ketone is capable of forming micelles. Anions such as chloride, sulfate,
`acetate, tartrate, and citrate significantly affect the equilibrium solubility of the com-
`pound, which is partly related to the effect on the CMC bythe anionic environment
`The nonopioid kappa agonist analgesic amine, DuP 747, as the hydrochloridesalt,
`exerts surface activity in aqueous solutions; however, the critical micellar concentra-
`tion is not reached at the saturation solubility [128]. On the other hand, the methane-
`sulfonate salt formed a micellar solution and allowedfor a solubility of 60 mg/mL as
`opposed to 3 mg/mL for the hydrochloride.
`Zomepirac, an insoluble, carboxylic, non-narcotic analgesic, has a solubility in water
`of 0.02 mg/mL. In a developing zomepirac solution containing 100 mg/mL [129],
`THAM was found to be a satisfactory solubilizer at a concentration where equivalent
`concentrations of sodium or potassium hydroxide were not. The solubility was achieved
`by a micellar mechanism. It is interesting that potassium hydroxide was more effective
`in solubilizing zomepirac than sodium hydroxide. Walkling etal. attributed the difference
`in their performance as solubilizers to the difference in their charge densities [129]. Ad-
`ditional references on the relationship of salt form andsolubility are listed in Table 4.
`Dissolution Rate
`In many cases,the dissolution rate can be a good indicator of bioavailability, especially
`of poorly soluble drugs. A salt form frequently exhibits a higher dissolution rate than
`the corresponding conjugate acid or base at the same pH, even though they may have
`the same equilibrium solubility. In a review article on the biopharmaceutical basis for
`drug design, Nelson [150,151], and later Benet [152], referred to the self-buffering
`action of the salt form in the diffusion layer. The dissolution rates are determined by
`the pH valuesof the diffusion layer and are independentof the pH,,,, of the media used.
`Therefore, the difference in diffusion-layer pH between a parent compoundandits salt
`accounts for the difference in the dissolution rates in a particular medium.
`Effect of Salt Form
`Nelson, using theophylline salts, was the first to show the correlation between diffu-
`sion-layer pH and dissolution rate [150]. Salts with a high d

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