`Volume 66 Numberi
` A publication of the American Pharmaceutical Association
`Coden: JPMSAE 66(1) 1-148 (1977)
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.001
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.001


`Journal of
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`© Copyright 1977, American Pharmaceutical Association,
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`Oneday this pastfall we were going through the daily Washington ritual
`of reviewing the current issue of the Federal Register—which is the
`principal means of keeping track of what is happening in the executive
`branch of government—when we spotted reference to a Presidential
`Proclamation which caught our eye. Specifically, the entry pertained to
`the designation of “Drug Abuse Prevention Week” and the thought struck
`us that this annual effort fo promote meansto control the problems of drug
`‘abuse was a bit later than usual this year.
`Upon turningto the Proclamationinthat issue of the Federal Register,
`the explanation became immediately clear. Although the Proclamation
`was signed by President Ford on October 18 and printed rather promptly
`in the Federal Register dated October 20, nevertheless, the week being
`so designated was indicated as beginning October 17. Normally, such
`Proclamations appear at least two weeks or so before the pertinent date
`and certainly not after the observanceis to begin,
`Those familiar with the operation of executive agencies will recognize
`that.the tardiness here does not lie with the President, or the White House
`staff,or the Federal Register but, rather, with the particular agency having
`primary responsibility for the subject area. In this instatice, we suspect
`that the fault lies with the Drug Enforcement Administration of the De-
`partment of Justice.
`Whether or not DEA was responsible for this small flub, there is no
`questionthat the agency has beenclearly at fault for a long string of other
`foul-ups and errors which, in toto, project the image of an inefficient,
`bungling agency.
`- When DEAwas originally established some half-dozen yearsor so ago,
`astrong argument was made that responsibility for drug control involved.
`scientific, medical, and other technical knowledge, which argues rather _
`strongly that the agency should be placed within the U.S. Departmentof
`‘Health, Education, and Welfare rather than the Departmentof Justice.
`Others, however, argued vocally that drug abuse control basically is a
`regulatory and enforcementactivity and, as such, the agency more properly
`should be made part of the Department of Justice where other federal
`investigative and police activities are primarily centralized.
`In recent months, we have seen repeated instances whereofficial notices,
`proposals, or finalized regulations issuing from DEA and publishedin the
`Federal Register have used terminology and nomenclature to describe
`the drugs involved which have been confusing, inconsistent, or otherwise
`inaccurate. In an effort to correct. this problem,at our suggestion,the office
`of the United States Adopted Names (USAN} Council specifically com-
`municated with the DEA andoffered assistance in this regard. Not only
`did the DEAfail to take advantageof this offer but, in fact, actually re-
`peated on at least two later dates the very error cited by the USAN Council
`office as an example of incorrect drug nomenclature being employed by
`the agency.
`There are many dedicated and well-qualified professionals who serve
`in the DEA. Undoubtedly, the bureaucratic bungling of the agency such
`as that described above and which projects a “dumb cop”image is highly
`embarrassing to those professional staff members, What is particularly
`unfortunate, however, is that this problem is so unnecessary. It could be
`readily corrected if those responsible for determining general agency policy
`and direction were just a bit more sensitive to the need to exercise rea-
`sonable sophistication and care in the scientific and medically related
`aspects of their field of responsibility.
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.002
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.002


` 7
`Journal of
` © R
`Pharmaceutical Salts
`_Keyphrases O Pharmaceutical salts—general pharmacy, physico-
`chemical properties, bioavailability, pharmaceutical properties, toxi-
`cology, review O Salts, pharmaceutical—general pharmacy, physico-
`chemical properties, bioavailability, pharmaceutical properties, toxi-
`cology, review O Physicochemical properties—dissolution, solubility,
`stability, and organoleptic properties of pharmaceutical salts, review O
`Bioavailability—formulation effects, absorption alteration and phar-
`macokinetics of pharmaceutical salts, review O Toxicology—pharma-
`ceuticalsalts, review
`Potentially Useful Salts ....-......Decca cece eee eee eee
`Physicochemical Studies 2.0.0... 00 0 cee cence tenet enenes
`Dissolution Rate... cece ee eects 5
`Solubility 2.00.00. cee eee eee e ens 7
`Orgaholeptic Properties ....... deen e eee eeeeae 8
`Stability . 0.00. cc cee eee eee ee
`Miscellaneous Properties .......0. 00000 c cece eee eee ees
`Bioavailability oo. 00.60 0c cece ce ccc cee ens ence nee eeeaeees
`Formulation Effects .......0 0.000 c cece een eee nena
`Absorption Alteration .....0..0. 000s ccc c tence wees anaes
`Pharmacokinetics ....0...000.000cc cece e eset ee reeteeenees
`General Pharmacy... ccc ccc cece lee cee ee eee ents
`Pharmacological Effect
`...........0.2 00: s esses eeu seen 14
`Dialysis oo. 000. ccc cece eta e ere eects ere etna eee 14
`........0000 00 cece eee cee teeta teen eee 14
`Toxicological Considerations ....2.c.cecceeecuceueuecetuees
`Toxicity of Salton .. 2.0.20. c cece cece eee eter eeneeeeee
`Toxicity of Salt Form ......04-2 020 e cece ee eee ete eee eens
`. Conclusions seen ee tect e ete e eens Lec ccauueeeeusuetcauanes
`References .. cc cc ccc cc cee usec ccue ee eeetseeseneeenes Levee
`The chemical, biological, physical, and economic char-
`acteristics of medicinal agents can be manipulated and,
`hence, often optimized by conversion to a salt form.
`Choosing the appropriate salt, however, can he a very
`difficult task, since each salt imparts unique properties to
`the parent compound.
`Salt-forming agents are often chosen empirically. Of the
`manysalts synthesized, the preferred form is selected by
`pharmaceutical chemists primarily on a practical basis:
`cost of raw materials, ease of crystallization, and percent
`yield. Other basic considerations include stability, hy-
`groscopicity, and flowabitity of the resulting bulk drug.
`Unfortunately, there is no reliable way of predicting the
`influence of a particular salt species on the behavior of the
`parent compound. Furthermore, even after many salts of
`the same basic agent have been prepared, no efficient
`screening techniques exist to facilitate selection of thesalt
`mostlikely to exhibit the desired pharmacokinetic, solu-
`bility, and formulation profiles.
`Somedecision-making models have, however, been de-
`veloped to help predict salt performance. For example,
`Walkling and Appino (1) described two techniques, “de-
`cision analysis” and “potential problem analysis,” and
`applied them to the selection of the most suitable deriva-
`tive of an organic acid for development as a tablet. The
`derivatives considered were the free acid and the potassi-
`um, sodium, and calcium salts, Both techniques are based
`on the chemical, physical, and biologicalproperties of these
`specific derivatives and offer a promising avenuefor de-
`veloping optimal salt forms.
`Information on salts iswidely dispersed throughout the
`pharmaceutical literature, much of which addresses the
`use of salt formation to prolong the release of the active
`component, thereby eliminating various undesirable drug
`properties (2-6). This review surveys literature of the last
`25 years, emphasizing comparisons between the properties
`of different salt forms of the same compound. Included also
`is a discussion of potentially useful salt forms. Our purpose
`is twofold: to present an overview of the many different
`salts from which new drug candidates-can be chosen and
`Vol. 66, No. 1, January 1977 / 1
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.003
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.003


`Table I-FDA-Approved Commercially Marketed Salts
`Calcium edetate
`- Camsylate*
`0.51 |
`Pamoate (Embonate)
`Tartrate -
`. 3.03
`- 0.38
`© Percent is based on total number of anionic or cationic salts in use through 1974. * Camphorsulfonate. © 1,2-Ethanedisulfonate. ? Lauryl sulfate.
`* Kthanesulfonate. / Glucoheptonate. 2 p-Glycollamidophenylarsonate. * N,N’-Di(dehydroabietylethylenediamine. ‘ 2-Hydroxyethanesulfonate.
`/ &8-Chlorotheophyllinate. * V,N’-Dibenzylethylenediamine. ‘ N-Methylglucamine.
`to assemble data that will provide, for the student and
`practitioner alike, a rational basis for selecting a suitable
`. salt form.
`Salt formation is an acid—base reaction involving either
`a proton-transfer or neutralization reaction andis there-
`fore controlled by factors influencing such reactions.
`Theoretically, every compoundthat exhibits acid or base
`characteristics can participate in salt formation. Particu-
`larly important is the relative strength of the acid or
`base—theacidity and basicity constants of the chemical
`species involved. These factors determine whetheror not
`formation occurs and are a measure of the stability of the
`resulting salt,
`The numberof salt forms available to a chemistis large;
`surveys of patentliterature show numerous new salts being
`synthesized annually. Varioussalts of the same compound
`.often behave quite differently because of the physical,
`chemical, and thermodynamic properties they impart to
`the parent compound. For example,a salt’s hydrophobicity
`and high crystal lattice energy can affect dissolution rate
`and, hence, bioavailability. Ideally, it would be desirable
`if one could predict how a pharmaceutical agent’s prop-
`erties would be affected by salt formation.
`Tables I and II list all salts that were commercially
`marketed through 1974. The list was compiled from ‘all
`agents listed in “Martindale The Extra Pharmacopoeia,”
`2 / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences’
`26th ed. (7). Table I categorizesall salt forms approved by 4
`the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while Table II
`lists those not approved by the FDA but in use in other :
`countries, (Only salts of organic compounds are considered |
`because most drugs are organic substances.) The relative !
`frequency with which eachsalt type has been usedis cal- §
`culated as a percentage, based on the total numberof an-
`ionic or cationic salts in use through 1974. Because of !
`simple availability and physiological reasons, the mono- }
`protic hydrochlorides have been by far the most frequent 3
`choice of the available anionic salt-forming radicals, out- 4
`numbering the sulfates nearly six to one. For similar rea- 4
`sons, sodium has been the most predominantcation.
`Knowledge that one salt form imparts greater water 3
`solubility, is less toxic, or slows dissolution rate would %
`greatly benefit chemists and formulators. In some cases, §
`such generalizations can-be made. Miller and Heller (8) 3
`discussed some properties associated with specific classes 4
`of salt forms. They stated that, in general, salt combina- %
`tions with monocarboxylic acids are insoluble in water and 4
`lend themselves to repository preparations, while those of 3
`dicarboxylic acids confer water solubility if one carboxylic 4
`group is left free. Pamoic acid, an aromatic dicarboxylic §
`acid,is an exception sinceit is used as a meansof obtaining 4
`prolonged action by forming slightly soluble salts with 3
`certain basic drugs. Saias et al. (9) reviewed the use of this 4
`salt form in preparing sustained-release preparations. 3
`Morerecently, latentiation of dihydrostreptomycin (10) §
`Apotex Exhibit 109.004
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.004


`| Table 1I—Non-FDA-Approved Commercially Marketed
`streptothrycin were combined with high molecular weight
`compounds such as polyacrylic acids, sulfonic or phos-
`phorylated polysaccharides, and polyuronie derivatives.
`Parenteral administration of these compounds produced
`low blocd levels of the antibiotic for long periods, while
`lymph levels were high. (In comparison, streptomycin
`sulfate gave high blood levels but low lymphlevels.) This
`- alteration in distribution caused the streptomycin to
`prolong its passage through the body, since lymphatic
`circulation. is quite slow.
`The appropriate choice of a salt form has been found to
`Digluconate _
`reduce toxicity. It can be rationalized that any compound
`associated with the normal metabolism of food and drink
`must be essentially nontoxic. The approach of choosing
`organic radicals that, are readily excreted or metabolized
`opened up a newclass of substances from whichto select
`asalt form. For example, certain salts of the strong base
`choline have proven to be considerably less toxic than their
`parent compound. The preparation and properties of
`choline salts of a series of theophylline derivatives were
`reported (19), and it was shown that choline theophyllinate
`possessed a greater LDso than theophylline or its other
`salts (20). It was postulated that this agent would be less
`irritating to the GI tract than aminophylline, because “its
`basic constituent, choline, is an almost completely non-
`toxic substance of actual importance to the physiologic
`economy.” This evidence led to the preparation of choline
`salicylate (21) as an atternpt to reduce the GI disturbances
`associated with salicylate administration. Clinical studies
`indicated that cholinesalicylate elicited a lower incidence
`of GI distress, was tolerated in higher doses, and was of
`greater benefit to the patient than was acetylsalicylic acid
`Amino acids and acid vitamins also have been used as
`salt-forming agents. Based on the evidence that coad-
`ministration of amino acids with aminoglycoside antibi-
`otics reduced their toxicity, a series of aminoacid salts of
`dihydrostreptomycin was prepared (22). In all but one
`using pamoic acid resulted in the formation of a delayed-
`case, the acute toxicities of these salts were lower than the
`action preparation. Numerousstudies using pamoatesalts
`toxicity of the sulfate. The ascorbate and pantothenate
`are dispersed throughout the literature (11-15).
`also were synthesized and shownto beless toxic than the
`Alginic acid also has been used to prepare long-acting
`sulfate. Of the salts prepared, the ascorbate had the highest
`pharmaceuticals. Streptomycin alginate was prepared (16)
`and shown to be effective in sustained-release prepara-
`The vitamins most commonly used for forming salts
`tions. A striking example of a long-acting alginate salt is
`exhibiting reduced toxicity are ascorbic and pantothenic
`that of pilocarpine. When dispersed in sterile water and
`acids. Keller et al. (23) were the first to use pantothenic
`_ dried to a solid gel, this compound was found useful in the
`acid as a meansof “detoxifying” the basic streptomyces
`preparation of long-acting ophthalmic dosage forms (17).
`antibiotics. Parenteral administration of the pantothen-
`While liquid preparations of the alginate and hydrochlo-
`ates of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin hada sig-
`tide salts possess similar miotic activity, studies showed -
`nificantly reduced incidence of acute neurotoxicity in cats
`that solid pilocarpine alginate flakes constricted pupil size
`as compared with the sulfates. Subsequent studies (24-28)
`- more effectively and increased the duration of miosis sig-
`supported this finding and showed that the pantothenates
`"- nificantly when compared with the liquid preparations.
`of neomycin and viomycin also are less toxic. The ascorbate
`:, Solid dose pilocarpine may be more uniformly available,
`of oleandomycin was synthesized and its pharmacological
`i. because it diffuses more slowly through the gel matrix
`properties were reported (29). Upon intramuscularinjec-
`» which holds the drugin reserve. In contrast, drops of the
`-> commonly employed solution dosage form release the dose
`tion in rats, it produced less irritation than the phos-
`Immediately to the conjunctival fluid.
`p-Acetamidobenzoic acid, an innocuous metabolite of
`Malek et al. (18) devised a unique way of prolonging
`folic acid present in normal bleod and urine, has been used
`. action through salt formation; they showed that the dis-
`in preparingsalts. In particular, it yields stable salts with
`F.. tribution of several antibiotics could be markedly altered
`by merely preparing macromolecularsalts. Since macro-
`amines that otherwise tend to form hygroscopic products
`with conventional acid components (30).
`FE. -Molecules and colloidal particles have an affinity for the
`~ lymphatic system, streptomycin, neomycin, viomycin, and
`Often the salt form is chosen by determining a salt
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.005
`“ Percent is based on total numherof anionic and cationic salts in use
`through 1974. ® 1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonate. * N-Benzylphenethylamine.
`# 1-p-Chlorobenzyl-2-pyrrolidin-1’-ylmethylbenzimidazole. ¢ 'Tris(hy-
`’ droxymethyl}aminomethane.
`Val. 66, No. 1, January 1977 / 3
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.005


`moderately strong acidic compounds can undergo salt
`formation with various organic bases.
`The 8-halotheophyllines were the first group of xan-
`thines studied as potential salt-forming agents. Sincethe |
`report on the preparation of the 8-chlorotheophyllinesalt. |‘
`of diphenhydramine (42), synthesis of the 8-halotheo-
`phyllinates of a number of organic bases has been at-
`tempted. The &8-chlorotheophylline salts of quinine,
`ephedrine, and strychnine were prepared and character-
`ized (43). These salts were less water soluble than the
`corresponding free alkaloidal bases. In a similar report, the
`8-chlorotheophyllinates of three synthetic narcotics,
`meperidine, levorphanol, and metopon, were prepared
`Pharmacological and clinical studies involving the 8-
`bromotheophylline pyrilamine salt revealed the unusual
`diuretic properties associated with the 8-halotheophylline
`portion of the compound (45, 46). This finding initiated. |
`an investigation into the preparation of a soluble 8-bro-
`motheophylline salt of high diuretic activity. With readily
`available amines, over 30 salts: were synthesized and
`screened for diuretic activity (47). When tested against
`theophylline salts of the same amines, the 8-bromotheo-
`phyllinates showed greater activity in every case.
`With the successful formation of 8-halotheophyllinates
`of organic bases, Morozowich and Bope (48) proposed that,
`if the halogen moiety was replaced with a more electro-
`negative substituent such as a nitro group, a moreacidic
`compound would be formed. Presumably, morestable salts
`would result and precipitation of the free xanthine deriv-
`ative in the stomach would heless likely to occur. On this
`premise, they successfully prepared pharmacologically
`effective 8-nitrotheophyllinates of several pharmaceuti-
`_cally useful bases.
`Duesele¢ af. (19), im their study of choline theophylli-
`nate, prepared the 8-chloro-, 8-bromo-, and 8-nitrotheo-
`phylline salts of choline. Oral toxicity studies in mice
`showed that the LDsq of the 8-nitrotheophylliate was
`much greater than that of either 8-halotheophylline. In
`fact, tt remained nonlethal at doses as high as 5 g.
`Polygalacturonic acid, a derivative of pectin, has been
`used to prepare quinidine salts exhibiting reduced toxicity
`(49, 50). The compound possesses special demulcent
`properties and inhibits mucosalirritation. The rationale
`for use of this agentis to reduce the ionic shock to the GI
`mucosa resulting from the flood of irritating ions liberated
`by rapid dissociation of the conventional inorganic quin-
`idine salts. Studies have shown that it is four times less
`toxic orally than the sulfate. This difference was attributed
`to the slower release of quinidine from the polygalactu-
`Other compounds reported to be potentially useful as
`pharmaceutical salt forms are listed in TableIII.
`component that will pharmacologically antagonize an
`unfavorable property or properties exhibited by the basic
`agent. Saits of N-cyclohexylsulfamic acid are an example
`of the practical application of this approach. N-Cyclo-
`- hexylsulfamic acid salts, better known as cyclamates, have
`a characteristic sweet, pleasing taste. Although presently
`under investigation by the FDA fer potentially carcino-
`genic properties, salts incorporating this compound can
`render unpleasantor bitter-tasting drugs acceptable. For
`the cyclamates of dextromethorphan and
`chlorpheniramine exhibit greatly improved bitterness
`thresholds compared to commonly occurring salts (31}.
`Furthermore, their stability in aqueous solution was de-
`scribed as good when maintained at a pH not greater than
`N-Cyclohexylsulfamic acid salts of thiamine hydro-
`chloride and lincomycin also have been synthesized. Thi-
`amine N-cyclohexylsulfamate hydrochloride was reported
`to have a more pleasant taste than other thiaminesalts
`while having an equal or greater stability (32). Lincomycin
`cyelamate, shown to possess an enhanced thermal stability
`over its hydrochloride, was prepared (33) to test the hy-
`pothesis that reduced lincomycin absorption in the pres-
`ence of small quantities of cyclamates was due to a simple
`metathetic reaction. However, this assumption was found
`not to be true. An extensive study of the preparation and
`characterization of cyclamic acid salts of several widely
`used classes of drugs including antihistamines, antibiotics,
`antitussives, myospasmolytics, and local anesthetics was
`reported (84, 35).
`Various salts of penicillin and basic amine compounds
`have been formulated in an effort to produce a long-acting,
`nonallergenic form of penicillin. Since antihistamines
`appear to mitigate the symptomatology of penicillin re-
`actions in some patients, coadministration of the two has
`been advocated. The preparation of the benzhydralamine
`salt of penicillin was an attempt to produce a repository
`form of penicillin with antiallergic properties (36). Blood
`levels achieved with this salt were comparable to those of
`penicillin G potassium; however, its antiallergic properties
`were not evaluated. In fact, the investigators noted that
`antihistamines can actually cause sensitization at times
`and stated that “despite their occasionally favorable in-
`fluence on the symptoms of penicillin sensitivity, they
`contribute directly to the potential of drug sensitivity when
`co-administered with penicillin.”
`Silver salts of sulfanilamide, penicillin, and other anti-
`biotics have been prepared and represent cases where the
`species (ions) are complementary. When aqueous solutions
`of the salis were applied topically to burnedtissue, they
`yielded the combined benefits of the oligodynamic action
`of silver and the advantages of the antibacterial agents
`The use of 8-substituted xanthines, particularly the
`8-substituted theophyllines, as salt-forming agents was
`first reported in the preparationofa series of antihistamine
`salts (38-41). Synthesis of these xanthinesalts was an at-
`tempt to find a drug to counteract the drowsiness caused
`by the antihistamines with the stimulant properties of the
`xanthines, When an electronegative group is introduced
`into the xanthine molecule at the 8-position, the elec-
`tron-drawing capacity of the substituent results in the
`creation of an acidic hydrogen at position 7. Thus, these
`4/ Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Biological activity of a drug molecule is influenced by
`two factors: its chemical structure and effect at a specific
`site and its ability to reach—and then be removed from—
`the site of action. Thus, a knowledgeef the physicochem-
`ical properties of a compound that influence its absorption,
`distribution, metabolism, and excretion is essential!for a
`complete understanding of the onset and duration of ac-
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.006
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.006


`Solubility, activity, stabilily
`Combined effect useful in pneumonia
`Prolonged action
`Stability, toxicity, organoleptic properties
`Absorption (oral)
`Stability, absorption
`Prolonged action
`Stability, hygroscopicity, toxicity
`Gastric absorption
`Activity, prolonged prophylactic effect
`Organoleptie properties
`Prolonged action
`Stahility, hygroscopicity
`Prolonged action
`Reduced pain on injection
`Organoleptic properties
`Solubility, activity, stability
`Prolonged action
`Organoleptic properties
`Toxicity, stability, hygroseopicity
`86, 87
`Toxicity, stability, hygroscopicity
`Reduced pain on injection
`Toxicity, faster onset of action
`Reduced pain on injection
`Organoleptic properties
`Prolonged action
`Organoleptic properties
`Prolonged action
`Organoleptic properties
`Prolonged action
`Absorption (oral)
`Physical state
`Apotex Exhibit 1009.007
`In one such study, methylpyridinium-2-aldoxime
`(pralidoxime) salts were investigated (95). This study set
`out to prepare a salt with water solubility adequate to allow
`intramuscular injection of a low volume (2-3 ml) thera-
`peutic dose. The original compound, the methiodide, had
`the disadvantages of limited aqueous solubility and high
`potential toxicity, since its high iodide content could result
`in iodism. On the basis of physiological compatibility,
`better water solubility, favorable stability, and relatively
`high percentage of oxime, the chloridesalt of pralidoxime
`was selected for therapeutic administration; it was claimed.
`that “the anion used to form the salt can confer physical
`properties of importance and significance for the formu-
`lation and administration of the compound” (95).
`Some physicochemical properties of a series of mineral
`acid salts of lidocaine also were determined (96). While the
`hydrochloride and hydrobromide were more hygroscopic,
`‘they were more soluble in a numberof solvents than the
`nitrate, perchlorate, phosphate, or sulfate salts.
`Dissolution Rate—Thedissolution rate of a pharma-
`ceutical agentis of major importanceto the formulator. In
`many cases, particularly with poorly soluble drugs, this
`characteristic best reflects the bioavailability of the com-
`Vol. 66, No. 1, January 1977 / §
`Table II1I—Potentially Useful Salt Forms of Pharmaceutical Agents
` Salt-Forming Agent Compound Modified Modification
`59, 60
`70, 71
`Acetylaminoacetic acid
`Adamantoic acid
`Adipie acid
`Anthraquinone-1,5-disulfonic acid
`Arabogalactan sulfate (arabino)
`4-Chloro-m-toluenesulfonic acid
`Diacetyl sulfate
`Diguaiacyl phosphate
`Diocty] sulfesuccinate
`Embonic (pamoic) acid
`Fructose 1,6-diphosphoric acid
`Glucose 1-phosphoric acid, glucose
`§-phosphoric acid
`Lauryl sulfate
`Methanesulfonic acid
`2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid
`Tannic acid
`Theobromine acetic acid
`Various alkaloids
`. Tetracycline
`Pralidoxime (2-PAM)
`Various amines
`Dinoprost (prostaglandin F2,)
`tion, the relative toxicity, and the possible routes of ad-
`ministration (2).
`In a review in 1960, Miller and Holland (92) stated that
`“different salts of the same drugrarely differ pharmaco-
`logically; the differences are usually based on the physical
`properties.” In a subsequent review (93),

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