11/12/2021 | 11-12-2021-Board | |
10/18/2021 | 10-18-2021-Petitioner | |
9/16/2021 | 09-16-2021-Board | |
9/8/2021 | 09-08-2021-Petitioner | |
8/23/2021 | 08-23-2021-Board | |
8/18/2021 | 08-18-2021-Petitioner | |
5/27/2021 | 05-27-2021-Petitioner | |
5/20/2021 | 05-20-2021-Patent_Owner | |
5/12/2021 | 05-12-2021-Patent_Owner | |
5/11/2021 | 05-11-2021-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1044: Exhibit 1044: Order entered April 29, 2021, Adopting Report and Recommendation (regarding Supercell Oy's Motions for Summary Judgment of Invalidity Under 35 U.S.C. Section 101), [Dkt. 263] GREE, Inc. v. Supercell Oy, E.D. Texas Case No. 19-cv-00310
- Petitioner Exhibit 1045: Exhibit 1045: Email from Shannon Turner to Thomas J. Derbish, Law Clerk to Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap, dated April 28, 2021, regarding art based invalidity grounds in GREE, Inc. v. Supercell Oy, E.D. Texas Case No. 19-cv-00310
4/23/2021 | 04-23-2021-Petitioner | |
3/30/2021 | 03-30-2021-Patent_Owner | |
3/25/2021 | 03-25-2021-Patent_Owner | |
3/24/2021 | 03-24-2021-Board | |
3/18/2021 | 03-18-2021-Patent_Owner | |
3/15/2021 | 03-15-2021-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2017: Model Order Focusing Patent Claims and Prior Art to Reduce Costs, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2018: Order, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00200, Dkt. 243 (EDTX March 11, 2021)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2019: March 11, 2021 Email Correspondence from Law Clerk to Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap, U.s. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, order of Trials for March 2021, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. Nos. 2:19-cv-00200, -237, -310, -311 (EDTX)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2020: March 11, 2021 Email Correspondence from Melissa Smith to Law Clerk to Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Order of Trials for March 2021, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. Nos. 2:19-cv-00200, -237, -310, -311 (EDTX)
3/10/2021 | 03-10-2021-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1040: Exhibit 1040: Email from Michael Morlock to Fenwick & West, February 22, 2021 regarding reduction to claims at issue, GREE, Inc. v. Supercell Oy, ED Texas Case Nos. 2:19-cv-00200, -00237, -00310, -00311
- Petitioner Exhibit 1041: Exhibit 1041: Email from Adrienne Dellinger, Law Clerk to Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap, Feb. 25, 2021, regarding Order of Trials for March 2021 (ED Texas)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1042: Exhibit 1042: Email from Taylor Mauze, Law Clerk to Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap, March 2, 2021, regarding March 15, 2021 Jury Selection and Trial Procedures (ED Texas)
3/2/2021 | 03-02-2021-Patent_Owner | |
2/23/2021 | 02-23-2021-Petitioner | |
2/22/2021 | 02-22-2021-Patent_Owner | |
2/8/2021 | 02-08-2021-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1032: Exhibit 1032: Sixth Amended Docket Control Order [Dkt 94], entered on October 23, 2020, Case No. 19-cv-00311 (E.D. Texas)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1033: Exhibit 1033: Order (Granting Continuance of In-Person Jury Trials) (Dkt. 261), entered on November 20, 2020, Infernal Technology, LLC, et al. v. Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC, Case. No. 19-cv-00248 (E.D. Texas)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1034: Exhibit 1034: Texas COVID-19 Active Case Data By County, available at https://dshs.state.tx.us/coronavirus/TexasCOVID-19ActiveCaseDatabyCounty.xlsx (retrieved February 8, 2021)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1035: Exhibit 1035: Texas Department of State Health Services Website, Texas COVID-19 Data, available at https://dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/additionaldata.aspx (retrieved February 8, 2021)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1036: Exhibit 1036: New coronavirus variant could take over by spring, experts day, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 16, 2021, available at https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2021/01/16/new-coronavirus-variant-could-take-over-by-spring-experts-say/
- Petitioner Exhibit 1037: Exhibit 1037: Katie Buehler, COVID-19 Outbreak Leads to Mistrial in EDTX, Law360 (Nov. 17, 2020), https://www.law360.com/articles/1329617/covid-19-outbreak-leads-to-mistrial-in-edtx
- Petitioner Exhibit 1038: Exhibit 1038: Order entered on November 20, 2020, Solas OLED Ltd. v. Samsung Display Co., Ltd., [Dkt 302], Case No. 2:19-cv-00152-JRG
- Petitioner Exhibit 1039: Exhibit 1039: Amended Docket Control Order, entered October 7, 2020 [Dkt. 81], Civil Case No. 19-cv-00310-JRG-RSP (E.D. Tex.)
12/30/2020 | 12-30-2020-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2001: Sixth Amended Docket Control Order, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00310, Dkt. 92 (ED Tex. Oct. 23, 2020)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2002: Order Regarding Sixth Amended Docket Control Order, Gree. v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00310, Dkt. 94 (ED Tex. Oct. 26, 2020)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2003: Joint Motion to Amend Docket Control Order, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00310, Dkt. 91 (ED Tex. Oct. 22, 2020)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2004: Complaint, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00310, Dkt. 1 (ED Tex. Sept. 16, 2019)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2005: Supercell's Invalidity Contentions and Disclosures, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00310 (ED Tex.), dated April 7, 2020
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2006: Exhibit B-2 to Supercell's Invalidity Contentions, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00310 (ED Tex), dated April 7, 2020
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2007: Excerpts of the Expert Report of Stacy Friedman, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00310 (ED Tex), dated Nov. 2, 2020
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2008: Buehler, Katie, 'Clash of Clans' Game Maker Owes $8.5M, Texas Jury Says, Law 360 (Sept. 18, 2020)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2009: Order, Solas OLED v. Samsung, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-001520, Dkt. 302 (ED Tex.), dated Nov. 20, 2020
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2010: Claim Construction Memorandum Opinion and Order, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00310, Dkt. 84 (ED Tex. Oct. 12, 2020)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2011: Seventh Amended Docket Control Order, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00310, Dkt. 113 (ED Tex. Dec. 10, 2020)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2012: Eighth Amended Docket Control Order, Gree v. Supercell, C.A. No. 2:19-cv-00310, Dkt. 128 (ED Tex. Dec. 17, 2020)
10/5/2020 | 10-05-2020-Patent_Owner | |
9/30/2020 | 09-30-2020-Board | |
9/14/2020 | 09-14-2020-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1001: Exhibit 1001: U.S. Patent No. 10,076,708 to Yoshikawa
- Petitioner Exhibit 1002: Exhibit 1002: Part 2 of 2
- Petitioner Exhibit 1002: Exhibit 1002: File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,076,708 (Part 1 of 2)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1003: Exhibit 1003: U.S. Patent No. 10,413,832 to Yoshikawa
- Petitioner Exhibit 1004: Exhibit 1004: File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,413,832
- Petitioner Exhibit 1005: Exhibit 1005: U.S. Patent No. 10,583,365 to Yoshikawa
- Petitioner Exhibit 1006: Exhibit 1006: File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,583,365
- Petitioner Exhibit 1007: Declaration of Ravin Balakrishnan, Ph.D. in Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,413,832
- Petitioner Exhibit 1008: Exhibit 1008: Curriculum Vitae of Ravin Balakrishnan
- Petitioner Exhibit 1009: Exhibit 1009: Robert Corrina, "What is a Role Playing Game," Gamasutra
- Petitioner Exhibit 1010: Exhibit 1010: "Secret of Monkey Island, The Download (Adventure Game)," old-games.com
- Petitioner Exhibit 1011: Exhibit 1011: Final Fantasy VI Advance Instruction Booklet, Nintendo of America
- Petitioner Exhibit 1012: Exhibit 1012: Daniel Primed, "Wasteland Ventures (Fallout) #5 - 3 Forms of Grind," Daniel Primed
- Petitioner Exhibit 1013: Exhibit 1013: "Microsoft Excel 2003 for Beginners," California State University, Northridge, Information Technology Training Guide
- Petitioner Exhibit 1014: Exhibit 1014: U.S. Patent No. 4,643,454 to Ondis
- Petitioner Exhibit 1015: Exhibit 1015: U.S. Patent No. 8,147,316 to Arezina et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1016: Exhibit 1016: Sarah Phillips, "A brief history of Facebook," The Guardian
- Petitioner Exhibit 1017: Exhibit 1017: Michael Arrington, "Social Games: How the Big Three Make Millions," TechCrunch
- Petitioner Exhibit 1018: Exhibit 1018: Juha-Matti Vanhatupa, "Browser Games for Online Communities," International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN), Vol. 2, No. 3, August 2010
- Petitioner Exhibit 1019: Exhibit 1019: "FarmVille for Dummies,"by Angela Morales and Kyle Orland, ISBN: 978-1-118-01696-1 (Part 1 of 2)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1019: Exhibit 1019: Part 2 of 2
- Petitioner Exhibit 1020: Exhibit 1020: U.S. Patent No. 8,843,853 to Smoak et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1021: Exhibit 1021: U.S. Patent No. 7,357,718 to Yamaoka et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1022: Exhibit 1022: U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2012/0129590 to Morrisroe et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1023: Exhibit 1023: Plaintiff's Opening Claim Construction Brief, Dkt. 63, Filed July 24, 2020 (ED Texas 2:19-cv-00310-JRG-RSP)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1024: Exhibit 1024: Patent Owner's Preliminary Response Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. Section 42.207, Case PGR2020-00053
- Petitioner Exhibit 1025: Exhibit 1025: "Congress Urged to Investigate PTAB Discretionary Denials," Scott McKeown, June 30, 2020, Patents Post-Grant
- Petitioner Exhibit 1026: Exhibit 1026: "District Court Trial Dates Tend to Slip After PTAB Discretionary Denials," Scott McKeown, July 24, 2020, Patents Post-Grant
- Petitioner Exhibit 1027: Exhibit 1027: GREE, Inc.'s Opposition to Supercell Oy's Motion for Relief in View of Governmental / Public Health Restrictions in Response to Covid-19 Impact, Dkt. 102, Entered April 29, 2020 (ED Texas 2:19-cv-00161-JRG-RSP)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1028: Exhibit 1028: Fourth Amended Docket Control Order, Dkt. 62, Entered July 21, 2020 (ED Texas 2:19-cv-00310-JRG)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1029: EXPUNGED
- Petitioner Exhibit 1030: Exhibit 1030: Supercell Oy's Notice of Deposition of Tomoki Yasuhara, August 24, 2020 (ED Texas 2:19-cv-00310-JRG-RSP, 2:19-cv-00311-JRG-RSP)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1031: Exhibit 1031: Supercell Oy's Notice of Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition of Plaintiff GREE, Inc., August 7, 2020 (ED Texas 2:19-cv-00310-JRG-RSP, 2:19-cv-00311-JRG-RSP)