Using Secure Coprocessors
`Bennet Yee
`May 1994
`School of Computer Science
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Pittsburgh, PA 15213
`Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
`for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
`Thesis Committee:
`Doug Tygar, Chair
`Rick Rashid
`M. Satyanarayanan
`Steve White, IBM Research
`Copyright© 1994 Bennet Yee
`This research was sponsored in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency under contract number
`F19628-93-C-0193; the Avionics Laboratories, Wright Research and Development Center, Aeronautical
`Systems Division (AFSC), U.S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6543 under Contract F33615-
`90-C-l465, ARPA Order No. 7597; IBM; Motorola; the National Science Foundation under Presidential
`Young Investigator Grant CCR-8858087; TRW; and the U.S. Postal Service.
`The views and conclusions in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the
`official policies or endorsements of any of the research sponsors.
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`Keywords: authentication, coprocessor, cryptography, integrity, privacy, security
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`How do we build distributed systems that are secure? Cryptographic techniques can be used
`to secure the communications between physically separated systems, but this is not enough:
`we must be able to guarantee the privacy of the cryptographic keys and the integrity of
`the cryptographic functions, in addition to the integrity of the security kernel and access
`control databases we have on the machines. Physical security is a central assumption
`upon which secure distributed systems are built; without this foundation even the best
`cryptosystem or the most secure kernel will crumble. In this thesis, I address the distributed
`security problem by proposing the addition of a small, physically secure hardware module,
`a secure coprocessor, to standard workstations and PCs. My central axiom is that secure
`coprocessors are able to maintain the privacy of the data they process.
`This thesis attacks the distributed security problem from multiple sides. First, I an(cid:173)
`alyze the security properties of existing system components, both at the hardware and
`software level. Second, I demonstrate how physical security requirements may be iso(cid:173)
`lated to the secure coprocessor, and showed how security properties may be bootstrapped
`using cryptographic techniques from this central nucleus of security within a combined
`hardware/software architecture. Such isolation has practical advantages: the nucleus of
`security-relevant modules provide additional separation of concern between functional re(cid:173)
`quirements and security requirement, and the security modules are more centralized and
`their properties more easily scrutinized. Third, I demonstrate the feasibility of the secure co(cid:173)
`processor approach, and report on my implementation of this combined architecture on top
`of prototype hardware. Fourth, I design, analyze, implement, and measure performance of
`cryptographic protocols with super-exponential security for zero-knowledge authentication
`and key exchange. These protocols are suitable for use in security critical environments.
`Last, I show how secure coprocessors may be used in a fault-tolerant manner while still
`maintaining their strong privacy guarantees.
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`Introduction and Motivation
`2 Secure Coprocessor Model
`2.1 Physical Assumptions for Security .
`2.2 Limitations of Model .
`2.3 Potential Platforms . . . . . .
`Security Partitions . . . . . .
`Machine-User Authentication
`Previous Work
`3 Applications
`3 .1 Host Integrity Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`3 .1.1 Host Integrity with Secure Coprocessors .
`3.1.2 Absolute Limits
`3.1.3 Previous Work
`3.2 Audit Trails . . . . . .
`. . . .
`3 .3 Copy Protection
`3.3.1 Copy Protection with Secure Coprocessors
`3.3.2 Previous Work .
`. . . . .
`3 .4 Electronic Currency
`. . . . . . .
`3.4.1 Electronic Money Models
`3.4.2 Previous Work . . . . .
`3.5 Secure Postage . . . . . . . . . .
`3.5.1 Cryptographic Stamps ..
`3.5.2 Software Postage Meters .
`4 System Architecture
`. . . . . .
`4.1 Abstract System Architecture
`4.1.1 Operational Requirements ... .
`4.1.2 Secure Coprocessor Architecture.
`4.1.3 Crypto-paging and Sealing ..
`4.1.4 Secure Coprocessor Software
`4.1.5 Key Management ..
`4.2 Concrete System Architecture
`4.2.1 System Hardware
`4.2.2 Host Kernel .. . ..
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`4.2.3 Coprocessor Kernel
`. . . . .
`5 Cryptographic Algorithms/Protocols
`5.1 Description of Algorithms
`5 .1.1 Key Exchange . . . . . . . .
`5 .1.2 Authentication . . . . . . . .
`5 .1.3 Merged Authentication and Secret Agreement
`5 .1.4 Practical Authentication and Secret Agreement
`5 .1.5 Fingerprints
`. .
`5.2 Analysis of Algorithms.
`5 .2.1 Key Exchange
`5 .2.2 Authentication .
`5 .2.3 Merged Authentication and Secret Agreement .
`5 .2.4 Practical Authentication and Secret Agreement
`5.2.5 Fingerprints .. ... ... . . . . . . . . . .
`6 Bootstrap and Maintenance
`6.1 Simple Secure and Bootstrap . . . . . . . .
`6.2 Flexible Secure Bootstrap and Maintenance
`6.3 Hardware-level Maintenance .
`6.4 Tolerating Hardware Faults
`. . . . . . . .
`7 Verification and Potential Failures
`7 .1 Hardware Verification
`. . . .
`7.2 System Software Verification.
`7.3 Failure Modes
`7.4 Previous Work . . . . . . . .
`8 Performance
`8.1 Cryptographic Algorithms
`8.2 Crypto-Paging . . . . . .
`9 Conclusion and Future Work
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`List of Figures
`3.1 Copy-Protected Software Distribution ............
`3.2 Postage Meter lndicia . . .. ....... ..... . ...
`3.3 PDF417 encoding of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
`4.1 Dyad Prototype Hardware
`4.2 DES Engine Data Paths ..
`4.3 Host Software Architecture
`5.1 Fingerprint residue calculation .
`5.2 Fingerprint calculation (C code)
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`List of Tables
`2.1 Subsystem Vulnerabilities Without Cryptographic Techniques .
`2.2 Subsystem Vulnerabilities With Cryptographic Techniques
`8.1 Cryptographic Algorithms Run Time . . . . . . . . ... .
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`I would like to thank Doug Tygar, without whom this thesis would not have been possible.
`I would also like to thank my parents, without whom I would not have been possible.
`I was fortunate to have a conscientious and supportive thesis committee: thanks to Rick
`Rashid for his helpful advice (and his colorful metaphors); thanks to Steve White and his
`crew at IBM Research for their insights into secure coprocessors (and for their generous
`hardware grant); thanks to Satya for systems advice.
`Special thanks go to Michael Rabin, whose ideas inspired my protocol work. I am also
`indebted to Alfred Spector, who helped Doug and I with Strongbox, the predecessor to
`Dyad. Steve Guattery was generous with his time in helping with the proof reading. (All
`rerors remaining are mine, of course.)
`Thanks to Wayne Wilkerson and his staff at the U. S. Postal Service for many discussions
`related to cryptographic stamps.
`Thanks to Symbol Technologies Inc for figure 3.3.
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`Chapter 1
`Introduction and Motivation
`Is privacy the first roadkill on the Information Superhighway? 1 Will super(cid:173)
`highwaymen way lay new settlers to this electronic frontier?
`While these questions may be too steeped in metaphor, they raise very real concerns.
`The National Information Infrastructure (NII) [32] grand vision would have remote com(cid:173)
`puters working harmoniously together, communicating via an "electronic superhighway,"
`providing new informational goods and services for all.
`Unfortunately, many promising NII applications demand difficult-to-achieve distributed
`security properties. Electronic commerce applications such as electronic stock brokerage,
`pay-per-use, and metered services have strict requirements for authorization and confi(cid:173)
`dentiality -
`providing trustworthy authorization requires user authentication; providing
`confidentiality and privacy of communications requires end-to-end encryption. As a result
`of the need for encryption and authentication, our systems must be able to maintain the
`secrecy of the keys used for encrypting communications, the secrecy of the user-supplied
`authentication data ( e.g., passwords), and the integrity of the authentication database against
`which the user-supplied authentication data is checked. Furthermore, hand in hand with
`the need for privacy is the need for system integrity: without the integrity of the system
`software that mediates access to protected objects or the integrity of the access control
`database, no system can provide any sort of privacy guarantee.
`Can strong privacy and integrity properties be achieved on real, distributed systems?
`The most common computing environments today on college campuses and workplaces
`are open computer clusters and workstations in offices, all connected by networks. Physical
`security is rarely realizable in these environments: neither computer clusters nor offices
`are secure against casual intruders,2 let alone the determined expert. Even if office locks
`were safe, the physical media for our local networks are often but a ceiling tile away -
`any hacker who knows her raw bits can figure out how to tap into a local network using a
`PC. To make matters worse, for many security applications we must be able to protect our
`systems against the occasional untrustworthy user as well as intruders from the outside.
`1Tue source of this quote is unclear; one paraphrased version appeared in print, as "If privacy isn't already
`the first roadkill along the information superhighway, then it's about to be" [55], and other variants of this
`have appeared in diverse locations.
`2Tue knowledge of how to pick locks is widespread; many well-trained engineers can pick office locks [96].
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`Standard textbook treatments of computer security assert that physical security is a
`necessary precondition to achieving overall system security. While this may have been a
`requirement that was readily realizable for yesterday's computer centers with their large
`mainframes, it is clearly not a realistic expectation for today's PCs and workstations: their
`physical hardware is easily accessible by both authorized users and malicious attackers
`alike. With complete physical access, the adversaries can mount various attacks: they can
`copy the hard disk's contents for offline analysis; replace critical system programs with
`trojan horse versions; replace various hardware components to bypass logical safeguards,
`By making the processing power of workstations widely and easily available, we have
`made the entire system hardware accessible to interlopers. Without a foundation of physical
`security to build on, logical security guarantees crumble. How can we remedy this?
`Researchers have realized the vulnerability of network wires and other communication
`media. They have brought tools from cryptography to bear on the problem of insecure
`communication networks, leading to a variety of key exchange and authentication protocols
`[25, 27, 30, 59, 67, 78, 80, 93, 98] for use with end-to-end encryption, providing privacy
`for network communications. Others have noted the vulnerability of workstations and their
`disk storage to physical attacks, and have developed a variety of secret sharing algorithms
`for protecting data from isolated attacks [39, 75, 86]. Tools from the field of consensus
`protocols can be applied as well. Unfortunately, all of these techniques, while powerful,
`still assume some measure of physical security, a property unavailable on conventional
`workstations and PCs. The gap between reality and the physical security assumption must
`be closed before these techniques can be implemented in a believable fashion.
`Can we provide the necessary physical security to PCs and workstations without crip(cid:173)
`pling their accessibility? Can real, secure electronic commerce applications be built in a
`networked, distributed computing environment? I argue that the answer to these questions
`is yes, and I have built a software/hardware system called Dyad that demonstrates my ideas.
`In this thesis, I analyze the distributed security problem not just from the traditional
`cryptographic protocol viewpoint but also from the viewpoint of a hardware/software sys(cid:173)
`tem designer.
`I address the need for physical security and show how we can obtain
`overall system security by bootstrapping from a limited amount of physical security that
`is achievable for workstation/PC platforms - by incorporating a secure cop rocessor in a
`tamper-resistant module. This secure coprocessor may be realized as a circuit board on the
`system bus, a PCMCIA3 card, or an integrated chip; in my Dyad system, it is realized by
`the Citadel prototype from IBM, a board-level secure coprocessor system.
`I analyze the natural security properties inherent in secure coprocessor enhanced com(cid:173)
`puters, and demonstrate how security guarantees can be strengthened by bootstrapping
`security using cryptographic techniques. Building on this analysis, I develop a combined
`software/hardware system architecture, providing a firm foundation upon which applica(cid:173)
`tions with stringent security requirements can be built. I describe the design of the Citadel
`3Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
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`prototype secure coprocessor hardware, the Mach [2] kernel port running on top of it, the
`resultant system integration with the host platform, the security applications running on top
`of the secure coprocessor, and new, highly secure cryptographic protocols for key exchange
`and zero-knowledge authentication.4
`By attacking the distributed security problem from all sides, I show that it is eminently
`feasible to build highly secure distributed systems, with bootstrapped security properties
`derived from physical security.
`The next chapter discusses in detail what is meant by the term secure coprocessor and
`the basic security properties that secure coprocessors must possess. Chapter 3 outlines
`five applications that are impossible without the security properties provided by secure
`coprocessors. Chapter 4 describes the combined hardware/software system architecture of
`a secure coprocessor-enhanced host. I consider the basic operational requirements induced
`by the demands of security applications and then describe the actual system architecture as
`implemented in the Dyad secure coprocessor system prototype. Chapter 5 describes my
`new cryptographic protocols, and gives an in-depth analysis of their cryptographic strength.
`Chapter 6 addresses the security issues present when initializing a secure coprocessor, and
`presents techniques to make a secure coprocessor system fault tolerant. Additionally,
`I demonstrate techniques where proactive fault diagnostics may allow some classes of
`hardware faults to be detected and permit the replacement of a malfunctioning secure
`coprocessor. Chapter 7 shows how both the secure coprocessor hardware and system
`software may be verified, and examines the consequences of system privacy breaches.
`Chapter 8 gives performance figures for the cryptographic algorithms, the overhead incurred
`by crypto-paging, and the raw DMA transfer times for our prototype system. In chapter 9,
`I propose challenges for future developers of secure coprocessors.
`4Some of this research was joint work: the design of Dyad, the secure applications, and the new protocols
`was done with Doug Tygar ofCMU. The basic secure coprocessor model was developed with White, Palmer,
`and Tygar. The Citadel system was designed by Steve Weingart, Steve White, and Elaine Palmer of IBM; I
`debugged Citadel and redesigned parts of it.
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`Chapter 2
`Secure Coprocessor Model
`A secure coprocessor is a hardware mod!ule containing (1) a CPU, (2) bootstrap ROM,
`and (3) secure non-volatile memory. This hardware module is physically shielded from
`penetration, and the 1/0 interface to the module is the only way to access the internal state
`of the module. (Examples of packaging technology are discussed later in section 2.3.) This
`hardware module can store cryptographic keys without risk of release. More generally, the
`CPU can perform arbitrary computations (under control of the operating system); thus the
`hardware module, when added to a computer, becomes a true coprocessor. Often, the secure
`coprocessor will contain special purpose hardware in addition to the CPU and memory; for
`example, high speed encryption/decryption hardware may be used.
`Secure coprocessors must be packaged so that physical attempts to gain access to the
`internal state of the coprocessor will result in resetting the state of the secure coprocessor
`(i.e., erasure of the secure non-volatile memory contents and CPU registers). An intruder
`might be able to break into a secure coprocessor and see how it is constructed; the intruder
`cannot, however, learn or change the internal state of the secure coprocessor except through
`normal 1/0 channels or by forcibly resetting the entire secure coprocessor. The guarantees
`about the privacy and integrity of the secure non-volatile memory provide the foundations
`needed to build distributed security systems.
`With a firm security foundation available in the form of a secure coprocessor, greater
`security can be achieved for the host computer.
`2.1. Physical Assumptions for Security
`All security systems rely on a nucleus of assumptions. For example, it is often assumed that
`encryption systems are resistant to cryptanalysis. Similarly, I take as axiomatic that secure
`coprocessors provide private and tamper-proof memory and processing. These assumptions
`may be falsified: for example, attackers may exhaustively search cryptographic key spaces.
`Similarly, it may be possible to falsify my physical security axiom by expending enormous
`resources (possibly feasible for very large corporations or government agencies). I rely
`on a physical work-factor argument to justify my axiom, similar in spirit to intractability
`assumptions of cryptography. My secure coprocessor model does not depend on the partic(cid:173)
`ular technology used to satisfy the work-factor assumption. Just as cryptographic schemes
`may be scaled or changed to increase the resources required to penetrate a cryptographic
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`system, current security packaging techniques may be scaled or changed to increase the
`work-factor necessary to successfully bypass the secure coprocessor protections.
`Chapter 3 shows how to build secure subsystems running partially on a secure copro(cid:173)
`2.2. Limitations of Model
`Con.fining all computation within secure coprocessors would ideally suit our security needs,
`but in reality we cannot -
`and should not -
`convert all of our processors into secure
`coprocessors. There are two main reasons: first, the inherent limitations of physical security
`techniques for packaging circuits; and second, the need to keep the system maintainable.
`Fortunately, as we shall see in chapter 3, we do not need to physically shield the entire
`computer. It suffices to physically protect only a portion of the computer.
`If the secure coprocessor is sealed in epoxy or a similar material, heat dissipation require(cid:173)
`ments limit us to one or two printed circuit boards. Future developments may eventually
`relax this and allow us to make more of the solid-state components of a multiprocessor
`workstation physically secure, perhaps an entire card cage; however, the security problems
`of external mass storage and networks will in all likelihood remain constant.
`While it may be possible to secure package an entire multiprocessor, it is likely to be
`impractical and is unnecessary besides. If we can obtain similar functionalities by placing
`the security concerns within a single coprocessor, we can avoid the cost and maintenance
`problems of making multiple processors and all memory secure.
`Easy maintenance requires modular design. Once a hardware module is encapsulated
`in a physically secure package, disassembling the module to fix or replace some compo(cid:173)
`nent will probably be impossible. Wholesale board swapping is a standard maintenance/
`hardware debugging technique, but defective boards are normally returned for repairs; with
`physical encapsulation, this will no longer be possible, thus driving up costs. Moreover,
`packaging considerations and the extra hardware development time imply that secure co(cid:173)
`processor's technology may lag behind the host system's technology -
`perhaps by one
`generation. The right balance between physically shielded and unshielded components
`depends on the class of intended applications. For many applications, only a small portion
`of the system must be protected.
`What about system-level recovery after a hardware fault? If secrets are kept only within
`a single secure coprocessor, having to replace a faulty unit with a different one due to a will
`lead to data loss. After we replace a broken coprocessor with a good one, will we be able
`to continue running our applications? Section 6.4 gives techniques for periodic checkup
`testing and fault tolerant operation of secure coprocessors.
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`2.3. Potential Platforms
`Several physically secure processors exist. This section describes some of these plat(cid:173)
`forms, giving the types of attacks these systems resist, and system limitations arising from
`packaging technology.
`The µABYSS [103] and Citadel [105] systems employ board-level protection. The
`systems include a standard microprocessor (Citadel uses an Intel 80386), some non-volatile
`(battery backed) RAM, and special sensing circuitry to detect intrusion into a protective
`casing around the circuit board. Additionally, Citadel includes fast (approximately 30
`MBytes/sec) DES encryption hardware. The security circuitry erases non-volatile memory
`before attackers can penetrate far enough to disable the sensors or read memory contents.
`Physical security mechanisms must protect against many types of physical attacks.
`In the µABYSS and Citadel systems, it is assumed that intruders must be able to probe
`through a straight hole of at least one millimeter in diameter. to penetrate the system (probe
`pin voltages, destroy sensing circuitry, etc). To prevent direct intrusion, these systems
`incorporate sensors consisting of fine (40 gauge) nichrome wire and low power sensing
`circuits powered by a long-lived battery. The wires are loosely but densely wrapped in
`many layers around the circuit board and the entire assembly is then dipped in epoxy. The
`loose and dense wrapping makes the exact position of the wires in the epoxy unpredictable
`to an adversary. The sensing electronics detect open circuits or short circuits in the wires
`and erase non-volatile memory if intrusion is attempted. Physical intrusion by mechanical
`means ( e.g., drilling) cannot penetrate the epoxy without breaking one of these wires.
`Another attack is to dissolve the epoxy with solvents to expose the sensor wires. To
`block this attack, the epoxy is designed to be chemically "harder" than the sensor wires.
`Solvents will destroy at least one of the wires -
`and thus create an open-circuit - before
`the intruder can bypass the potting material and access the circuit board.
`Yet another attack uses low temperatures. Semiconductor memories retain state at very
`low temperatures even without power, so an attacker could freeze the secure coprocessor
`to disable the battery and then extract memory contents. The systems contain temperature
`sensors which trigger erasure of secrets before the temperature drops below the critical
`level. (The system must have enough thermal mass to prevent rapid freezing -
`by being
`dipped into liquid nitrogen or helium, for example -
`and this places some limitations on
`the minimum size of the system. This has important implications for secure smartcard
`The next step in sophistication is the high-powered laser attack. The idea is to use a
`high powered (ultraviolet) laser to cut through the epoxy and disable the sensing circuitry
`before it has a chance to react. To protect against such an attack, alumina or silica is added,
`causing the epoxy to absorb ultraviolet light. The generated heat creates mechanical stress,
`causing the sensing wires to break.
`Instead of the board-level approach, physical security can be provided for smaller,
`chip-level packages. Clipper and Capstone, the NSA's proposed DES replacements (4, 99,
`100] are special purpose encryption chips. These integrated circuit chips are reportedly
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`designed to destroy key information (and perhaps other important encryption parameters
`the encryption algorithm, Skipjack, is supposed to be secret as well) when attempts are
`made to open the integrated circuit chips' packaging. Similarly, the iPower [58] encryption
`chip by National Semiconductor has tamper detection machinery which causes chemicals
`to be released to erase secure data. The quality of protection and the types of attacks which
`these system can withstand have not been published.
`Smartcards are another approach to physically secure coprocessing [54]. A smartcard
`is a portable, super-small microcomputer. Sensing circuitry is less critical for many ap(cid:173)
`plications (e.g., authentication, storage of the user's cryptographic keys), since physical
`security is maintained by the virtue of its portability. Users carry their smartcards with
`them at all times and provide the necessary physical security. Authentication techniques
`for smartcards have been widely studied [1, 54]. Additionally, newer smartcard designs
`such as some GEMPlus or Mondex cards [35] feature limited physical security protection,
`providing a true (simple) secure coprocessor.
`The technology envelope defined by these platforms and their implementation parame(cid:173)
`ters constrains the limits of secure coprocessor algorithms. As the computation power and
`physical protection mechanisms for mobile computers and smartcards evolve, this envelope
`will grow.
`2.4. Security Partitions
`System components of networked hosts may be classified by their vulnerabilities to various
`attacks and placed within "native" security partitions. These natural security partitions
`contain system components that provide common security guarantees.. Secure coprocessors
`add a new system component with fewer inherent vulnerabilities and create a new security
`partition; cryptographic techniques reduce some of these vulnerabilities and enhance secu(cid:173)
`rity. For example, using a secure coprocessor to boot a system and ensure that the correct
`operating system is running provides privacy and integrity guarantees on memory not oth(cid:173)
`erwise possible. Public workstations can employ secure coprocessors and cryptography to
`guarantee the privacy of disk storage and provide integrity checks.
`Table 2.1 shows the vulnerabilities of various types of memory when no cryptographic
`techniques are used. Memory within a secure coprocessor is protected against physical
`access. With the proper protection mechanisms, data stored within a secure coprocessor
`can be neither read nor tampered with. A working secure coprocessor can ensure that
`the operating system was booted correctly (see section 3.1) and that the host RAM is
`protected against unauthorized logical access. 5 It is not, however, well protected against
`physical access - we can connect logic analyzers. to the memory bus and listen passively
`5I assume that the operating system provides protected address spaces. Paging is performed on either a remote
`disk via encrypted network communication (see section 4.1 .3 below) or a local disk which is immune to all
`but physical attacks. To protect against physical attacks for the latter case, we may need to encrypt the data
`anyway or ensure that we can erase the paging data from the disk before shutting down.
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`Secure Coprocessor None
`Host RAM
`Online Physical Online Physical
`Offline Physical Offline Physical
`Online Remote Online Remote Access
`Offline Analysis
`Secondary Store
`( communication)
`Table 2.1 Subsystem Vulnerabilities Without Cryptographic Techniques
`to memory traffic, or use an in-circuit emulator to replace the host processor and force the
`host to periodically disclose the host system's RAM contents. Furthermore, it is possible
`to use multi-ported memory to remotely monitor RAM. (While it may be impractical to do
`this in a way invisible to users, this line of attack can not be entirely ruled out.) Secondary
`storage may be more easily attacked than RAM since the data can be modified offline; to do
`this, however, an attacker must gain physical access to the disk. Network communication
`is completely vulnerable to online eavesdropping and offline analysis, as well as online
`message tampering. Since networks are used for remote communication, it is clear that
`these attacks may be performed remotely.
`Secure Coprocessor None
`Online Physical Host Processor
`Host RAM
`Offline Physical None
`Online Remote None
`Secondary Store
`( communication)
`Table 2.2 Subsystem Vulnerabilities With Cryptographic Techniques
`As table 2.2 illustrates, encryption can strengthen privacy guarantees. Data modifica(cid:173)
`tion vulnerabilities still exist; however, tampering can be detected by using cryptographic
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`checksums as long as the checksum values are stored in tamper-proof memory. Note that
`the privacy level is a function of the subsystem component using the data. If host RAM
`data is processed by the host CPU, moving the data to the secure coprocessor for encryption
`is either useless or prohibitively expensive [29, 61] -
`the data must appear in plaintext
`form to the host CPU and is vulnerable to online attacks. However, if the host RAM data is
`serving as backing store for secure coprocessor data pages (see section 4.1.3), encryption is
`appropriate. Similarly, encrypting the secondary store via the host CPU protects that data
`against offline privacy loss but not online attacks, whereas encrypting that data within the
`secure coprocessor protects that data against online privacy attacks as well, as long as that
`data need not ever appear in plaintext form in the host memory.
`For example, if we wish to send and read encrypted electronic mail, encryption and
`decryption can be performed by the host processor since the data must reside within both
`hosts for the sender to compose it and for the receiver to read it. But, the exchange of the
`encryption key used for the message should involve secure coprocessor computation: key
`exchange should use secrets that must remain within the secure coprocessor. 6
`2.5. Machine-User Authentication
`How can we authenticate users to machines and vice versa? One solution is smartcards (see
`section 2.3) with zero knowledge protocols (see secton 5.1.2).
`Another way to verify the presense of a secure coprocessor is to ask a third-party entity
`such as a physically sealed third-party computer -
`to check the machine's identity for
`the user. This service can also be provided by normal network servers machines such as
`file servers. Remote services must be difficult to emulate by attackers. Users will notice
`the absence of these services to detect that something is amiss. This necessarily implies
`that these remote services must be available before the users authenticate to the system.
`The secure coprocessor must be present for the remote services to work correctly.
`Evidence that these serv

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