`Rachael D. Lamkin (246066)
`One Harbor Drive, Suite 304
`Sausalito, CA 94965
`(916) 747-6091 Telephone
`Michelle L. Marriott (pro hac vice)
`Erise IP, P.A.
`7015 College Blvd.
`Suite 700
`Overland Park, KS 66211
`(913) 777-5600 Telephone
`(913) 777-5601 Facsimile
`Attorneys for Defendants Garmin International, Inc.
`and Garmin Ltd.
`Case No. 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS
`Defendants’ PR 3-3 Disclosures
`Philips North America LLC EX2004
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`Pursuant to the Court’s Case Scheduling Order in the above captioned case, and Patent Local
`Rule 3-3 of the Northern District of California, Defendants Garmin International, Inc. and Garmin
`Ltd. (collectively “Garmin”) hereby serve their Invalidity Contentions (“Invalidity Contentions”).
`Garmin offers these Invalidity Contentions in response to Plaintiff’s P.R. 3-1 Disclosures
`(“Infringement Contentions”) served on March 2, 2020 as supplemented March 27, 2020 addressing
`how claims 7 and 21-29 of U.S. Patent No. 6,013,007 (the ’007 Patent), claims 1, 7-10, 13-16, 22,
`and 24-26 of U.S. Patent No. 7,088,233 (the ’233 Patent), claims 1, 4-6, 9 and 12 of U.S. Patent No.
`8,277,377 (the ’377 Patent), claims 15-17 of U.S. Patent No. 6,976,958 (the ’958 Patent), claims 1,
`3, 5, and 20 of U.S. Patent No. 9,314,192, and claims 13 and 15 of U.S. Patent No. 9,801,542
`(the ’542 Patent) (collectively referred to herein as the “Asserted Patents” or “Asserted Claims”), are
`Pursuant to P.R. 3-3, and based on Defendants’ investigation and knowledge developed to
`date, Garmin hereby (a) identifies each currently known item of prior art that anticipates and/or
`renders obvious the Asserted Claims; (b) specify whether each such items of prior art (alone or in
`combination) anticipates the Asserted Claims or renders them obvious, including an explanation of
`why the prior art renders the asserted claims obvious, including an identification of any combinations
`of prior art showing obviousness; (c) provide claim charts identifying where specifically in each item
`of prior art ach element of the Asserted Claims is found, including for each limitation governed by
`35 U.S.C. 112(6), the identity of the structure(s), act(s) or material(s) in each item of prior art that
`performs the claimed function; and (d) any grounds of invalidity based on 35 U.S.C. 101,
`indefiniteness under 35 U.S.C. 112(2) or enablement or written description under 35 U.S.C. 112(1)
`of any of the asserted claims. Garmin takes no opinion with respect to any claims that are not asserted
`against Garmin and reserves its right to supplement these Invalidity Contentions should the Court
`permit Plaintiff Philips North America (“Philips” or “Plaintiff”) to assert new claims against Garmin.
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`A. General Reservations
`Garmin incorporates by reference any and all other bases for invalidity identified during
`prosecution or any other proceeding before the United States Patent and Trademark Office
`(“USPTO”) regarding the Asserted Patents, or any other patents in the same family as any Asserted
`Patent. Garmin additionally incorporates by reference any and all other invalidity contentions and
`expert reports, including any references or arguments set forth therein, that have been or will be
`served in this case or any other case brought by or against Philips and/or involving the Asserted
`Patents. This includes without limitation the invalidity contentions and expert reports served in at
`least Philips North America LLC v. FitBit, Inc., No. 1:19-cv-11586-IT (D. Mass.).
`In addition, Garmin incorporates herein all statements made by the patentee(s) during
`prosecution of the Asserted Patents and any other patents in the same family characterizing the state
`of the art or characterizing the prior art. Garmin also incorporates relevant statements about the state
`of the art and prior art made by the USPTO during prosecution. To the extent that Plaintiff takes
`positions in this litigation (for example, in its Infringement Contentions or Claim Construction
`proceedings) that differ from positions taken by the patentee during prosecution of the Asserted
`Patents or related patents, Garmin reserves the right to amend these Invalidity Contentions to include
`the patentee’s positions previously taken during prosecution.
`B. Asserted Claims
`These Invalidity Contentions address only those claims that Plaintiff has asserted in its
`Infringement Contentions against Garmin. Garmin reserves the right to supplement these Invalidity
`Contentions if Plaintiff attempts to assert any claims not addressed in its Infringement Contentions
`or attempts to modify or revise the Infringement Contentions served in March 2020 in any way.
`C. Ongoing Discovery
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`Garmin discloses these Invalidity Contentions based on its current knowledge and
`understanding of the prior art as of the date of these Invalidity Contentions. Discovery is ongoing,
`and Garmin’s prior art investigation is not yet complete. Furthermore, Garmin’s investigation from
`potentially relevant third parties is not yet complete. Additional discovery and investigation,
`including but not limited to Plaintiff’s or third-party production of relevant additional materials, may
`lead to additions to, changes in, or modifications of these Invalidity Contentions. Garmin expects
`that further discovery will reveal additional prior art, including related disclosures and corresponding
`evidence for many of the prior art references identified below. Additionally, it is likely that Garmin
`will identify additional prior art or contentions that will add meaning to and/or increase the relevance
`of already known prior art or contentions or possibly lead to additions or changes to these invalidity
`contentions. In particular, for example, Garmin may serve subpoenas on, and/or take depositions of,
`Plaintiff and third parties, and expects to rely on such information to support its invalidity positions.
`To the extent Garmin obtains additional information, and without obligating itself to do so, Garmin
`reserves the right to amend, modify, or supplement these Invalidity Contentions.
`Plaintiff has not produced all prior art materials and/or information relevant to invalidity
`issues that is in its possession, custody and/or control. Plaintiff’s production of those materials and/or
`information may lead to additions to, changes in, or modifications of these Invalidity Contentions.
`Nor has Garmin had the opportunity to depose Plaintiff or the patent applicants regarding the notes,
`records, reports or similar materials prepared in conjunction with the supposed inventions’
`conception and reduction to practice. As such, Garmin reserves the right to revise, amend, and/or
`supplement the information provided herein, including identifying, charting, and relying on
`additional references or combinations of references.
`These Invalidity Contentions, therefore, are provided without prejudice to Garmin’s right to
`revise, amend, correct, supplement, modify, or clarify their Invalidity Contentions. Defendants also
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`reserve the right to complete its investigation and discovery of the facts, to produce subsequently
`discovered information, and to introduce such subsequently discovered information at the time of
`any hearing or trial in this action.
`D. Claim Interpretation
`Unless otherwise stated herein, Garmin takes no position on any matter of claim
`interpretation, including any application or interpretation of claim construction orders in related
`cases, in these Invalidity Contentions. Garmin notes that no claim construction order has been issued
`in this case. Garmin reserves the right to propose any claim interpretation it considers correct and to
`contest any claim interpretation it considers inappropriate. Without conceding any express or implied
`claim interpretation apparently posited by Plaintiff, Garmin has attempted to apply the Asserted
`Claims to the prior art in view of Plaintiffs Infringement Contentions, as well as other allegations,
`admissions, and/or positions taken so far in this litigation.
`In addition, the identification of exemplary disclosures in the prior art that anticipate or render
`obvious a particular claim element should in no way be construed as an admission that the claim
`element satisfies the requirements of 35 U.S.C. §112. In those instances where Defendants assert that
`the Asserted Claims are invalid under 35 U.S.C. §112 (e.g., for failure to particularly point out and
`distinctly claim the invention and for failure to provide written description support in the
`specification and/or lack of enablement), Garmin has applied the prior art in part in accordance with
`its assumption that Plaintiff contends the Asserted Claims are definite, find written description
`support in, and are enabled by the relevant Patents-in-Suit. However, Garmin’s prior art Invalidity
`Contentions do not represent Garmin’s agreement as to the meaning, definiteness, written description
`support for, or enablement of any claim contained therein. Garmin therefore reserves the right to
`argue that certain claim terms, phrases, and elements are indefinite, lack written description, are not
`Philips North America LLC EX2004
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`enabled, and/or are otherwise invalid under 35 U.S.C. § 112, as exemplified below. Defendants
`further reserve the right to modify, amend, and/or supplement these Invalidity Contentions in
`accordance with P.L.R. 3-6.
`Garmin makes these Invalidity Contentions to the extent it has been able to understand or
`ascertain Plaintiff’s apparent interpretation of the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents from
`Plaintiff’s Infringement Contentions. In some instances, Plaintiff’s Infringement Contentions
`contradict the teachings of the Asserted Patents, contradict the understanding of the claim terms by
`a person of ordinary skill in the art, and are vague and conclusory concerning how the claim
`limitations supposedly read on the accused products
`Nothing herein should be construed as an admission that Garmin agrees with Plaintiff’s
`apparent interpretation of the claims or that Plaintiff’s Infringement Contentions are legally
`sufficient. By including prior art that is anticipatory or renders obvious claims based on the
`interpretation apparently applied by Plaintiff to the claims, Garmin’s Invalidity Contentions are not-
`and should not be interpreted as-adoptions or admissions as to the accuracy of any of Plaintiffs
`apparent interpretations. Garmin does not agree with Plaintiffs application of the claims and denies
`These contentions and the accompanying claim charts have been prepared prior to the Court's
`claim construction ruling or service of claim construction positions from Plaintiff. Garmin’s
`positions on the invalidity of particular claims will depend on how those claims and terms therein
`are construed by the Court. In the absence of a claim construction ruling, these contentions are made
`in the alternative and are not necessarily intended to be consistent with each other and other Invalidity
`Contentions herein.
`Garmin reserves all rights to amend or supplement these Invalidity Contentions pursuant to
`P.L.R. 3-6. By including, in this disclosure, prior art or other contentions that would invalidate one
`Philips North America LLC EX2004
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`or more of the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents on the scope or construction apparently
`applied by Plaintiff to the claims, Garmin’s contentions are not, and should in no way be seen as,
`adoptions or admissions as to the accuracy of that scope or construction, nor an assertion of a
`particular construction by Garmin.
`D. Rebuttal Evidence
`Additional prior art, whether known or not known to Garmin as of the date of these
`contentions, may become relevant depending on Plaintiff’s arguments regarding the scope of the
`disclosure of the prior art identified herein. To the extent that such an issue arises, Garmin reserves
`the right to supplement these Invalidity Contentions to address Plaintiff’s arguments or challenges,
`and to identify other references that would anticipate or render obvious the allegedly missing
`E. Obviousness Combinations
`The particular combinations of prior art references contained herein demonstrating the
`obviousness of the Asserted Claims under 35 U.S.C. 103 are exemplary, and not intended to be
`exhaustive. All such combinations are intended to include and be in view of the knowledge of a
`person of ordinary skill in the art, as evidenced, for example, by prior art references and other
`materials produced by Garmin concurrently with these contentions and in the course of ongoing
`discovery. Additional obviousness combinations of the identified prior art references are possible,
`and Garmin reserves the right to use any such combination(s) in this litigation. In particular, Garmin
`is currently unaware of the extent, if any, to which Plaintiff will contend that limitations of the claims
`at issue are not disclosed in the art that Garmin has identified as anticipatory. To the extent Plaintiff
`does so, Garmin reserves the right to identify other evidence or references that anticipate or render
`obvious the additional allegedly missing limitation.
`F. Additional Prior Art
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`Discovery and Garmin’s investigation, including Garmin’s search for prior art, is ongoing.
`In particular, Garmin requests that Plaintiff identify and produce anything that has been called to
`Plaintiff’s attention as prior art with respect to the Asserted Patents and documents related to any
`invalidity contentions and/or issues for this litigation, including but not limited to invalidity
`contentions, expert reports and/or prior art references. Garmin reserves the right to rely on its entire
`prior art document production (designated with the “PA” prefix), regardless of whether it is charted
`or not.
`To the extent Plaintiff becomes aware of additional prior art during this litigation, Plaintiff is
`to promptly disclose that art to Garmin. To the extent Plaintiff’s document production is incomplete
`with respect to documents relating to the invalidity of the Asserted Patents, which is the case, Garmin
`reserves the right to supplement, amend and/or alter the positions taken and information disclosed in
`these Invalidity Contentions if and when Plaintiff or a third party produces additional relevant
`materials. To the extent any limitation is construed to have a similar meaning, or to encompass
`similar feature(s) and/or function(s), with any other claim limitation, and to the extent at least on
`claim chart attached hereto identifies any prior art reference as disclosing or teaching such similarly
`construed limitation, such identified prior art reference and Garmin’s contentions with respect to the
`same, are incorporated by reference for the other claim limitation.
`Garmin further reserves the right to supplement, amend, and/or alter the positions taken and
`information disclosed in this Invalidity Contentions including, without limitation the prior are and
`grounds of invalidity set forth herein, to take into account information or defenses that may come to
`light as a result of Garmin’s discovery efforts. Garmin hereby incorporates by reference the relevant
`testimony of any fact witnesses that are or will be deposed, provide declarations, or otherwise testify
`in this or other litigation relating to the Asserted Patents. Garmin also hereby incorporates by
`Philips North America LLC EX2004
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`reference the reports and testimony of Garmin’s expert witness(es) regarding invalidity of the
`Asserted Claims, which will be provided in accordance with the schedule set forth by the Court.
`G. Priority
`Plaintiff’s Infringement Contentions identify Plaintiff’s position regarding the priority date
`to which certain claims are allegedly entitled. However, Plaintiff has made no specific disclosure
`regarding conception and reduction to practice of the Asserted Patents, and has not disclosed that it
`is relying on any documentation regarding conception and reduction to practice in support of its
`priority contentions. Accordingly, nothing herein should be construed as an admission that Garmin
`agrees with Plaintiff’s priority claims or contentions that the asserted claims are entitled to priority
`earlier than the filing date of the application from which the claim issued. Garmin’s Invalidity
`Contentions are not-and should not be interpreted as-adoptions or admissions as to the accuracy of
`any of Plaintiff’s contention, and for many of the claims Garmin expressly disagrees with Plaintiff’s
`contention. Garmin notes that entitled to a priority date extends only to subject matter that is
`disclosed, not that which is obvious. Therefore, every priority application must actually or inherently
`disclose the elements of the asserted claims in the Asserted patents. To benefit from earlier priority
`dates, Plaintiff must prove that each Asserted Claim of the Asserted patents is supported by the
`written description in every patent or application in the chain of priority in sufficient detail that one
`skilled in the art can clearly conclude that the inventor invented the claimed invention as of the filing
`date sought. Because Garmin’s Invalidity Contentions establish a prima facie case of invalidity of
`all Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents based at least as of their filing dates, it is Plaintiff’s
`burden to come forward with evidence to prove alleged entitlement of any Asserted Patent to any
`earlier-filed patent(s) or application(s). To the extent that Plaintiff attempts to satisfy this burden
`and/or succeeds in doing so, Garmin reserves the right to amend its Invalidity Contentions to account
`for Plaintiff’s allegations and/or earlier priority dates.
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`P.L.R. 3-3 Disclosures
`The concepts disclosed and claimed in the Asserted Patents are not new and had been
`disclosed and actively practiced by others prior to the claimed invention date. The prior art includes
`various documents, products, patents, and inventions that separately and together render the Asserted
`Claims invalid. And as further described below, the Asserted Claims are invalid for failure to satisfy
`35 U.S.C. §101 and §112.
`The Invalidity Contentions are based on Garmin’s present knowledge, Plaintiff’s apparent
`interpretation of the asserted claims and application of that claim interpretation to accused products,
`and Garmin’s investigation regarding invalidity of the Asserted Patents over prior art and regarding
`other grounds of invalidity, including those based on the public use and on-sale bars under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 102(b), anticipation under 35 U.S.C. § 102, obviousness under 35 U.S.C. § 103, failure to comply
`with 35 U.S.C. § 112, unpatentability under 35 U.S.C. §101, and under 35 U.S.C. § 102(g). There
`may be products that were known or in public use prior to the filing dates of the applications leading
`to the Asserted Patents, but Garmin must first obtain additional information regarding these products
`using available discovery tools.
`A. Identification of Prior Art
`Garmin identifies the following references that anticipate and/or render obvious the Asserted
`Claims, either expressly or inherently as understood by a person having ordinary skill in the art,
`depending on the Court’s interpretation of the claim.
`Garmin asserts that the prior art listed or identified in Exhibits A1 through F27, individually
`or in combination, including individually in combination with the knowledge of one of ordinary skill
`in the art, invalidate the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents. Exhibits A1 through F27,
`incorporated herein, identify each item of prior art that Garmin contends anticipates each asserted
`claim or renders it obvious. Each prior art patent is identified by its number, country of origin, and
`Philips North America LLC EX2004
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`date of issue; each prior art publication is identified by its title, date of publication, and
`author/publisher; and each alleged sale or public use is identified by specifying the item offered for
`sale or publicly used or known, the date the offer or use took place or the information became known,
`and the identity of the person or entity which made the use or which made and received the offer, or
`the person or entity which made the information known or to whom it was made known; and prior
`art under 35 U.S.C. 102(g) is identified by providing the identities of the person(s) or entities
`involved in and the circumstances surrounding the making of the invention before the patent
`Garmin’s identification of patents and publications as prior art herein, and in the attached
`charts under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102(a), (b), (e), and/or (g), and §103, includes both the patents and
`publications themselves as well as the products and systems described therein (and use thereof in the
`United States). Although Garmin’s investigations continue, information available to date indicates
`that such products and systems: (1) were known or used in this country before the alleged invention
`of the claimed subject matter of the asserted claims, (2) were in public use and/or on sale in this
`country more than one year before the filing date of the patent, and/or (3) were invented in this
`country by another who did not abandon, suppress, or conceal, before the alleged invention of the
`claimed subject matter of the asserted claim. Upon information and belief, these prior art products
`and systems and their associated patents and/or printed publications individually anticipate and/or
`render obvious (collectively or individually) each of the asserted claims.
`To the extent that they are prior art, Garmin also reserves the right to rely upon (i) foreign
`counterparts of U.S. Patents identified in these Invalidity Contentions, (ii) U.S. counterparts of
`foreign patents and foreign patent applications identified in these Invalidity Contentions, (iii) U.S.
`related applications and patents, including published patent applications, of U.S. patents identified
`in these Invalidity Contentions; (iv) prior art activities discussed in, or related to, patents and
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`publications identified in these Invalidity Contentions; (v) activities or other work performed by
`named inventors or assignees of the patents and publications identified in these Invalidity
`Contentions, and (vi) U.S. and foreign patents and patent applications corresponding to articles and
`publications identified in these Invalidity Contentions.
`Prior art to the ’233 patent
`The following prior art patents, publications, and publicly disclosed systems are prior art to
`the Asserted Claims of the ’233 patent under at least 35 U.S.C. §§ 102(a), (b), (e), (g), and/or 35
`U.S.C. § 103, as indicated in at least the charts and prose set forth below as served simultaneously.
`Patent / Application No.
`Country Filing Date
`U.S. Patent Application Publication
`No. 20030004424 (“Birnbaum”)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,898,550
`U.S. Patent No. 7,689,437 (“Teller”) U.S.
`U.S. Patent No. 7,670,263 (“Ellis”)
`International Publication No. WO
`2002067449A2 (“Ellis PCT”)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,539,336 (“Vock”) U.S.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,736,759 (“Stubbs”) U.S.
`U.S. Patent 6,605,038 (“Teller II”)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,171,237
`U.S. Patent No. 5,416,468
`U.S. Patent No. 5,752,976 (“Duffin”) U.S.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,160,986 (“Gabai”) U.S.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,366,871 (“Geva”)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,447,448
`U.S. Patent No. 6,198,394
`U.S. Patent No. 5,950,632 (“Reber
`U.S. Patent No. 5,961,451 (“Reber
`U.S. Patent No. 6,175,752 (“Say”)
`June 28, 2001
`Issue /
`Publication Date
`January 2, 2003
`August 21, 2000
`May 24, 2005
`March 20, 2010
`June 16, 2000
`March 2, 2010
`August 20, 2003
`February 19, 2002 August 29, 2002
`March 25, 2003
`June 2, 1998
`November 9, 1999 May 18, 2004
`June 23, 2000
`August 12, 2003
`March 30, 1998
`January 9, 2001
`October 29, 1993 May 16, 1995
`June 23, 1995
`May 19, 1998
`May 19, 1998
`December 12,
`April 2, 2002
`March 3, 1999
`September 10,
`December 30,
`December 5, 1996 March 6, 2001
`March 3, 1997
`April 7, 1997
`September 14,
`October 5, 1999
`April 30, 1998
`January 16, 2001
`Philips North America LLC EX2004
`Page 12 of 115


`U.S. Patent No. 5,319,355
`International Pub. No. WO 00/32258
`U.S. Patent No. 5,822,715
`U.S. Patent No. 5,574,979 (“West
`U.S. Patent No. 5,828,751
`U.S. Patent No. 6,255,800 (“Bork”)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,602,191 (“Quy”)
`U.S. Patent No. 5,530, 702
`U.S. Patent No. 5,945,920
`U.S. Patent No. 5,963,144 (“Kruest”) U.S.
`International Pub. No. WO 98/24358
`July 10, 1991
`November 30,
`April 18, 1997
`June 3, 1994
`April 8, 1996
`Issue /
`Publication Date
`June 7, 1994
`June 8, 2000
`October 13, 1998
`November 12,
`October 27, 1998
`January 3, 2000
`December 15,
`May 31, 1994
`July 3, 2001
`August 5, 2003
`June 25, 1996
`December 10,
`May 30, 1997
`December 2, 1997
`August 31, 1999
`October 5, 1999
`June 11, 1998
`Patent / Application No.
`Country Filing Date
`“Personal Area Networks (PAN): Near-
`Field Intra-Body Communication”
`Specification of the Bluetooth System
`v1.0 B
`Wideband Local Access: Wireless LAN
`and Wireless ATM
`GPS II Plus
`NavTalk Cellular Phone/GPS Receiver
`Bluetooth System
`Polar S610, S710, S810 Watches
`BodyMedia System including but not
`limited to SenseWear Body Monitors,
`InnerView Research Software,
`SenseWear Pro Armband, SenseWear Pro
`Date Published
`September 1995
`December 1999
`October 1997
`Publicly known,
`used, or sold by
`at least
`January 1999
`April 2001
`Massachusetts Institute of
`Bluetooth Special Interest
`Kaveh Pahlavan, Ali
`Zahedi, and Prashant
`Krishnamurthy for IEEE
`Communication Society
`Associated Individuals
`or Entities
`Polar Electro
`Philips North America LLC EX2004
`Page 13 of 115


`FitSense Technology System
`Dynastream SDM Triax System
`Expressive Footwear
`GE Dash 2000
`HP CareVue
`Marathon Man
`Medtronic health monitoring systems,
`including but not limited to the Reveal
`Insertable Loop Recorder System,
`Instomedix King of Hearts Express, and
`Medtronic Minix (“Medtronic Health
`Monitoring Systems”)
`NASA Biobelt
`Polar heart rate monitors (including but
`not limited to the Polar Beat, Favor,
`Fitwatch, Pacer, Edge, Xtrainer Plus,
`Protrainer, Accurex Plus, Vantage, T40,
`Cyclovantage, and Sport Tester series)
`and related health-monitoring systems
`(including but not limited to the Polar PC
`Coach, PC Pro Training Series, Team
`System, Personal Trainer, TriFIT,
`BodyAge, OwnIndex, Precision
`Performance 2.0, OwnZone, HR Analysis
`4.0) (collectively, “Polar Monitoring
`RoamAbout system
`Welch Allyn Health Monitoring system
`including but not limited to the
`Kidder/Acuity ProPar CS, Propaq, Vital
`Signs, and Atlas monitoring systems
`(“Welch Allyn Health Monitoring
`Dr. Joseph Paradiso and
`the Massachusetts
`Institute of Technology
`HP Labs
`Maria Redin and the
`Massachusetts Institute of
`Polar Electro
`Welch Allyn
`Prior art to the ’007 patent
`The following prior art patents, publications, and publicly disclosed systems are prior art to
`the Asserted Claims of the ’007 patent under at least 35 U.S.C. §§ 102(a), (b), (e), (g), and/or 35
`U.S.C. § 103, as indicated in at least the charts and prose set forth and served simultaneously. Garmin
`Philips North America LLC EX2004
`Page 14 of 115


`further concurrently produces Supplementary ‘007 Patent Production and all Exhibits thereto,
`incorporated fully herein.
`Patent / Application No.
`Country Filing Date
`U.S. Patent No. 6,072,396
`U.S. Patent No. 6,198,394
`U.S. Patent No. 5,857,939
`U.S. Patent No. 5,767,804
`U.S. Patent No. 5,976,083
`U.S. Patent No. 6,959,259 (“Vock
`U.S. Patent No. 6,266,623 (“Vock
`U.S. Patent No. 5,598,849 (“Browe”) U.S.
`U.S. Patent No. 5,919,239 (“Fraker”) U.S.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,002,982 (“Fry”)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,070,145 (“Pinsley) U.S.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,144,964 (“Breese”) U.S.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,018,343 (“Wang”) U.S.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,634,992
`U.S. Patent No. 5,438,518
`U.S. Patent No. 5,470,233
`U.S. Patent No. 5,546,092
`U.S. Patent No. 5,434,789 (“Fraker
`U.S. Patent No. 5,422,814
`U.S. Patent No. 5,646,857
`(“McBurney 857”)
`U.S. Patent No. 5,448,773
`(“McBurney 773”)
`U.S. Patent No. 5

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