`Including Amendments Through
`June 1, 2018
`Philips North America LLC EX2024


`Effective June 1, 2018
`Including Amendments Effective Through
`June 1, 2018
`PREFACE ………………………………………………………………………………………1
`RULE 1.1 TITLE ........................................................................................................................2
`RULE 1.2 APPLICATION .........................................................................................................3
`RULE 1.3 SANCTIONS .............................................................................................................4
`RULE 3.1 CIVIL COVER SHEET .............................................................................................5
`RULE 4.2 FEES ..........................................................................................................................7
`RULE 5.3
`[DELETED] .............................................................................................................10
`RULE 5.4 FILING AND SERVICE BY ELECTRONIC MEANS ..........................................11
`RULE 7.1 MOTION PRACTICE .............................................................................................13
`RULE 7.2
`IMPOUNDED AND CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS ..........................................15
`RULE 7.3
`[DELETED] .............................................................................................................16
`RULE 15.1 ADDITION OF NEW PARTIES.............................................................................17
`RULE 16.1 EARLY ASSESSMENT OF CASES ......................................................................18
`RULE 16.2 EXEMPTIONS FROM FED. R. CIV. P. 16(b) .......................................................22
`RULE 16.3 CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCES ............................................................24
`RULE 16.4 ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION ..........................................................26
`RULE 16.5 FINAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE ......................................................................29
`RULE 26.1 CONTROL OF DISCOVERY .................................................................................40
`RULE 26.2 SEQUENCES OF DISCOVERY ............................................................................42
`RULE 26.3 PHASING OF DISCOVERY ..................................................................................43
`RULE 26.4 SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING EXPERTS .....................................44
`RULE 26.5 UNIFORM DEFINITIONS IN DISCOVERY REQUESTS ...................................45
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`RULE 26.6 COURT FILINGS AND COSTS.............................................................................47
`RULE 30.1 PLACE FOR TAKING DEPOSITIONS.................................................................48
`RULE 30.2 OPENING OF DEPOSITIONS ...............................................................................49
`RULE 33.1 INTERROGATORIES ............................................................................................50
`RULE 34.1 DOCUMENT PRODUCTION ................................................................................52
`RULE 36.1 ADMISSIONS .........................................................................................................54
`RULE 37.1 DISCOVERY DISPUTES .......................................................................................55
`RULE 40.1 ASSIGNMENT OF CASES ....................................................................................56
`RULE 40.2 CONFLICT OF COURT APPEARANCES............................................................61
`RULE 40.3 CONTINUANCES ..................................................................................................63
`RULE 40.4 EMERGENCIES AND SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS ..............................................64
`RULE 41.1 DISMISSAL FOR WANT OF PROSECUTION....................................................65
`RULE 43.1 TRIAL......................................................................................................................66
`RULE 48.1 [DELETED].............................................................................................................68
`RULE 54.3 [DELETED].............................................................................................................69
`RULE 56.1 MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ..........................................................70
`RULE 58.2 SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENTS ......................................................................71
`RULE 62.2 SUPERSEDEAS BOND ..........................................................................................72
`RULE 67.1 SURETIES...............................................................................................................73
`RULE 67.2 DEPOSIT IN COURT .............................................................................................75
`RULE 67.3 DISBURSEMENT OF REGISTRY FUNDS ..........................................................77
`RULE 67.4 PAYMENTS AND DEPOSITS MADE WITH THE CLERK................................78
`RULE 68.2 SETTLEMENT........................................................................................................79
`RULE 77.1 SITTINGS................................................................................................................80
`RULE 77.2 OFFICE OF THE CLERK .......................................................................................81
`RULE 79.1 EXHIBITS ...............................................................................................................82
`RULE 81.1 REMOVAL..............................................................................................................83
`RULE 81.2 DEFINITION OF JUDICIAL OFFICER ................................................................84
`RULE 83.1.2 GENERAL ORDER DOCKET ...........................................................................86
`RULE 83.2.1 RELEASE OF INFORMATION BY ATTORNEYS ..........................................87
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`RULE 83.3 PHOTOGRAPHING, RECORDING AND BROADCASTING ............................91
`RULE 83.3.1 [DELETED] .............................................................................................................92
`RULE 83.3.2
`[DELETED] .........................................................................................................93
`RULE 83.4 COURTROOM SEARCHES; COURTROOM SEATING .....................................94
`RULE 83.5.1 ADMISSION TO THE DISTRICT BAR ................................................................95
`RULE 83.5.2 APPEARANCES .................................................................................................97
`RULE 83.5.3 PRACTICE BY PERSONS NOT MEMBERS OF THE BAR ...........................98
`RULE 83.5.4 PRACTICE BY LAW STUDENTS ..................................................................100
`RULE 83.5.5 PRACTICE BY PRO SE LITIGANTS..................................................................103
`RULE 83.5.6 ONGOING OBLIGATIONS .................................................................................104
`CASE FILES (CM/ECF) .............................................................................................................105
`RULE 83.6.1 RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT ..........................................................106
`RULE 83.6.2 JURISDICTION FOR DISCIPLINARY MATTERS ...........................................107
`RULE 83.6.3 FORMS OF MISCONDUCT ................................................................................108
`RULE 83.6.4 FORMS OF DISCIPLINE .....................................................................................109
`RULE 83.6.5 DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS .......................................................................110
`RULE 83.6.6 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION ..............................................................................115
`RULE 83.6.7 DISBARMENT BY CONSENT............................................................................117
`RULE 83.6.8 DISCIPLINE AFTER CRIMINAL CONVICTION .............................................118
`RULE 83.6.9 RECIPROCAL DISCIPLINE ................................................................................120
`RULE 83.6.10 REINSTATEMENT ...........................................................................................122
`RULE 83.6.11 PUBLIC ACCESS AND CONFIDENTIALITY ...............................................124
`RULE 106.1 GRAND JURIES ...................................................................................................125
`CRIMINAL CASES ....................................................................................................................126
`RULE 112.1 MOTION PRACTICE ...........................................................................................127
`RULE 112.4 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT .....................................................129
`RULE 116.1 DISCOVERY IN CRIMINAL CASES .................................................................130
`RULE 116.2 DISCLOSURE OF EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE .............................................133
`RULE 116.3 DISCOVERY MOTION PRACTICE ...................................................................136
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`RULE 116.7 DUTY TO SUPPLEMENT ...................................................................................143
`DISCOVERY OBLIGATIONS ...................................................................................................144
`RULE 116.9 PRESERVATION OF NOTES..............................................................................145
`RULE 117.1 PRETRIAL CONFERENCES ...............................................................................147
`RULE 118.1 EFFECTIVE DATE ...............................................................................................151
`RULE 200 RENUMBERED AND AMENDED--SEE RULE 203 .........................................152
`RULE 201 REFERENCE TO BANKRUPTCY COURT........................................................153
`RULE 202 BANKRUPTCY COURT JURY TRIALS............................................................154
`RULE 203 BANKRUPTCY APPEALS ..................................................................................155
`RULE 204 BANKRUPTCY COURT LOCAL RULES..........................................................159
`DISTRICT COURT .....................................................................................................................161
`APPENDIX A FEE SCHEDULE (LOCAL RULE 4.5 SUPPLEMENT) ..................................162
`APPENDIX B CIVIL COVER SHEET (JS44) ..........................................................................164
`APPENDIX C LOCAL CIVIL CATEGORY SHEET ...............................................................167
`APPENDIX D NOTICE OF SCHEDULING CONFERENCE .................................................169
`Philips North America LLC EX2024


`Applicability of Rule. Except as otherwise provided in any federal rule or
`statute(including the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Patent Act), the following
`procedures and deadlines shall govern all actions, including declaratory judgment actions,
`involving disputes over the infringement, validity, or enforceability of a United States
`patent. In the event of a conflict between this rule and another local rule of this court, this
`rule shall control.
`The court may modify the obligations or deadlines set forth in this rule based on the
`circumstances of the particular case, including the simplicity or complexity of the case as
`shown by the patents, claims, products, or parties involved.
`Definitions. As used in this rule, the following terms shall have the following meanings.
`Patentee. The term “patentee” refers to the party that owns or otherwise has
`rights to assert the patent(s)-in-suit, such as an exclusive licensee.
`Accused Infringer. The term “accused infringer” refers to the party accused of
`infringement or, in the case of a declaratory judgment action, the party
`challenging the validity, enforceability, or infringement of the patent(s)-in-suit.
`Real Party in Interest – Patentee. The term “real party in interest,” when used
`with respect to the patentee, refers to any person or entity that, alone or in
`combination, owns a controlling interest in, or otherwise controls, the patentee or
`the patent(s)-in-suit, and to any person or entity that, alone or in combination,
`owns a controlling interest in, or otherwise controls, an entity that owns or
`controls the patentee or patent(s)-in-suit
`Real Party in Interest – Accused Infringer. The term “real party in interest,”
`when used with respect to the accused infringer, refers to any person or entity
`that, alone or in combination, owns a controlling interest in, or otherwise controls,
`the accused infringer.
`Scheduling Procedures. At the initial scheduling conference under L.R. 16.1 and 16.3,
`the court shall set a schedule in accordance with the following provisions.
`Trial. The court shall schedule a trial (whether bench or jury) to be held within
`24 months after the conference.
`Claim-Construction Hearing. The court shall schedule a claim-construction
`hearing to be held within 9 months after the conference.
`Status Conferences. The court may consider the need for periodic status
`conferences, including a status conference to be held after the claim-
`construction hearing but before the end of discovery. If the court schedules a
`Philips North America LLC EX2024


`post-Markman-hearing status conference, the parties shall meet and confer at least
`14 days before the status conference to discuss the following issues:
`the impact of the claim-construction ruling, if the ruling is then available;
`narrowing of the issues;
`proposed adjustments to the scheduling order; and
`whether all parties agree to seek mediation or other alternative dispute
`resolution pursuant to L.R. 16.4.
`The parties shall file, at least 7 days before such a status conference, a joint
`statement addressing those issues.
`Fact Discovery. The court shall set the close of fact discovery for no later than
`15 months after the initial scheduling conference, or 60 days after entry of the
`court’s ruling on claim construction, whichever is later.
`Expert Discovery. The court shall set the close of expert discovery for no later
`than 18 months after the initial scheduling conference, or 90 days after the close
`of fact discovery, whichever is later.
`Protective Order. If the parties seek protections beyond those provided in the
`default protective order set forth in subsection (d)(6), they should submit a
`proposed protective order with the joint statement. If there is not complete
`agreement as to its terms, then the plaintiff’s position and the defendant’s position
`should be identified in the proposal. Nothing in this subsection shall limit the
`right of any party to seek additional or different protections at a later time.
`Automatic Patent-Related Disclosures. In addition to the automatic required disclosures
`required by L.R. 26.2(a), the parties shall make the following additional disclosures. Such
`disclosures shall be made to all opposing parties, but should not be filed with the court.
`Patentee’s Preliminary Patent-Related Disclosures. Not later than 21 days after
`the initial scheduling conference under L.R. 16.1 and 16.3, or at such other time as
`the court may order, the patentee shall make the following disclosures:
`Infringement Claim Charts. Infringement claim charts identifying, with
`as much specificity as reasonably possible from publicly available
`information or other information then within the patentee’s possession,
`custody, or control:
`each accused product and/or method;
`the patent(s) and the claim(s) each product or method allegedly
`Philips North America LLC EX2024


`an element-by-element description of where and how each element
`of each asserted claim is found in each accused product or method;
`as to each element that the patentee contends is a means-plus-
`function term under 35 U.S.C. § 112, the identity of the structures
`acts, or materials in the accused product(s) or method(s) that
`perform the claimed function;
`whether each element of each asserted claim is asserted to be
`present literally or under the doctrine of equivalents;
`which subsections of 35 U.S.C. § 271 apply; and
`if any alleged infringement is based on the acts of multiple parties, the
`role of each such party in the infringement.
`Prosecution History. Copies of the prosecution histories for each asserted
`patent, including any parent applications and provisional applications from
`which the asserted patents descend and to which each asserted patent claims
`priority. The patentee shall also produce any non-privileged documents in
`its possession, custody, or control concerning the conception and reduction
`to practice of the invention claimed in the asserted patents, including but not
`limited to lab notebooks (electronic or otherwise).
`Ownership Evidence. Documents (including, without limitation, any
`licenses or assignments) sufficient to establish that the patentee owns the
`asserted patent(s) or has the authority to assert the patent(s).
`Real Parties in Interest. Documents sufficient to establish the identity of
`all real parties in interest as to the patentee and the asserted patent(s).
`Conference Concerning Preliminary Patent Disclosures. Not later than 21 days
`after the patentee’s preliminary disclosures, the parties shall meet and confer about
`the following issues:
`the sufficiency of the patentee’s disclosures under subsection (d)(1);
`provided, however, that those disclosures, as well as the accused
`infringer’s disclosures in subsection (d)(4), are preliminary and may be
`amended with leave of court during the discovery period; and
`a plan for the accused infringer’s compliance with the disclosure
`requirements of subsection (d)(4), including the feasibility of, and
`procedures for, production or inspection of exemplary samples of the
`accused products and methods, technical documents, and/or source code.
`Effect of Incomplete or Disputed Disclosures. The parties’ failure to agree on
`the sufficiency of the patentee’s disclosures or a plan for the accused infringer’s
`Philips North America LLC EX2024


`compliance with its disclosure obligations shall not entitle the accused infringer to
`avoid or delay its disclosure obligations in subsection (d)(4).
`Accused Infringer’s Preliminary Production of Technical Documents, Source
`Code, and Samples of Accused Products. Not later than 21 days after the
`conference required under subsection (d)(2), and subject to any agreement of the
`parties as to the contours of production or inspection, the accused infringer shall
`make the following disclosures:
`Technical Documents. Documents sufficient to show the composition,
`operation, construction, and performance of the accused components,
`elements, or functionality identified in the patentee’s infringement claim
`charts under subsection (d)(1)(A). Such documents may include, for
`example, source code, specifications, schematics, flow charts, artwork, and
`Samples. Sufficient samples of the accused products (or products that
`perform or were produced by the accused methods). When production is not
`practicable, the accused infringer shall permit inspection of the accused
`product(s) or method(s), provided that the accused infringer is only required
`to permit inspection of a method that continues to be practiced in the ordinary
`course of business.
`Source Code. Source code, if relevant, subject to any protective order or
`procedures on which the parties may agree.
`Noninfringement Claim Charts. Noninfringement charts identifying
`specifically which elements of the asserted claims each accused product or
`method fails to practice.
`Invalidity Claim Charts (cid:237) Anticipation or Obviousness. Invalidity claim
`charts identifying all prior art that such party contends anticipates or renders
`obvious the patent claims identified by the patentee.
`For each such prior-art reference, the accused infringer shall specify
`whether it anticipates or renders the asserted claim obvious and
`shall also identify specifically where in each alleged reference each
`element of each asserted claim can be found. For each element that
`the accused infringer contends is a means-plus-function term under
`35 U.S.C. § 112, the chart shall include the identity of the
`structures, acts, or materials in each prior-art reference that perform
`the claimed function.
`If the accused infringer asserts that a combination of prior-art
`references renders a claim obvious, then the accused infringer shall
`identify each such combination and the reason to combine the
`Philips North America LLC EX2024


`references. For each combination, the accused infringer shall
`identify specifically where in the combination of references each
`element of each asserted claim can be found. For each element that
`the accused infringer contends is a means-plus-function term under
`35 U.S.C. § 112, the chart shall include the identity of the structures,
`acts, or materials in each combination that performs the claimed
`function. If applicable, the accused infringer shall also identify the
`primary and secondary references in each such combination.
`Other Grounds for Invalidity. Any asserted grounds of invalidity based
`on patentability under 35 U.S.C. § 101, indefiniteness under 35 U.S.C
`§ 112, or lack of enablement or written description under 35 U.S.C. § 112
`of any of the asserted claims.
`Supporting Evidence for Invalidity Defense. Documents sufficient to
`support any asserted invalidity defense.
`Identity of Real Parties in Interest. Documents sufficient to establish
`the identity of all real parties in interest as to the accused infringer.
`Amendments to Preliminary Patent-Related Disclosures. The preliminary
`patent-related disclosures of subsections (d)(1) and (d)(4) may be amended and
`supplemented only by leave of court upon a timely showing of good cause. Non-
`exhaustive examples of circumstances that may, absent undue prejudice to the non-
`moving party, support a finding of good cause include:
`a claim construction by the court that is different from that proposed by
`the party seeking amendment within 28 days of the court’s claim-
`construction ruling,
`discovery of material prior art that was not located, despite diligent efforts,
`before the service of the invalidity contentions; and
`discovery of nonpublic information about the asserted infringement that
`was not discovered or located, despite diligent efforts, before the service
`of the infringement claim charts.
`The duty to supplement discovery responses does not excuse the need to obtain
`leave of court to amend disclosures. If one party is allowed to amend its
`disclosures, the opposing party may, within 28 days after service of the amended
`disclosure, serve responsive amended disclosures.
`Default Protective Order. As set forth in subsection (c)(6), any party may seek
`a case-specific protective order. Until such a case-specific protective order is
`entered, the following default protective order shall govern the handling of
`confidential information:
`Philips North America LLC EX2024


`Documents and information that either party in good faith believes
`are confidential may be produced in discovery with the designation
`“Confidential Pursuant to the Court’s Default PO.” Until such time
`as the designation is altered or removed by the parties’ agreement or
`by court order, a so-designated document may only be accessed by
`the parties’ outside counsel, the court, and their personnel.
`Challenges to Confidentiality Designations. Any party may move to challenge
`or amend the confidentiality designations of any documents or information
`produced under subsections (d)(1)-(5).
`Relation to Other Discovery. In addition to the automatic disclosures, any party
`may conduct other forms of discovery, including interrogatories, requests for
`production of documents, requests for admissions, and depositions, in accordance
`with any scheduling order set by the court.
`Resolution of Disputes. Any party seeking to file a motion to resolve a dispute
`arising out of these disclosure obligations must follow the procedures applicable to
`discovery disputes set forth in L.R. 37.1.
`Claim-Construction Proceedings.
`Joint Statement.
`Not later than 21 days after completion of the automatic patent-related
`disclosures of subsections (d)(1)-(4), the parties shall simultaneously
`exchange a list of claim terms to be construed and their proposed
`(B) Within 7 days of the exchange of claim terms, the parties shall confer to
`see if agreement can be reached on the construction of claim terms and the
`number of claims to be considered.
`The parties may jointly present to the court no more than 10 claim terms
`for construction; provided, however, that, for good cause, either party, after
`conferring with the other parties, may petition the court to increase the
`number of claim terms for construction. Factors supporting good cause
`include, without limitation, the complexity of the patented technology, the
`number of asserted claims and patents, the lack of relation among the
`asserted patents, the number and complexity of invalidity defenses, and the
`number and diversity of accused products or methods.
`(D) Within 14 days after the exchange of claim terms, the parties shall prepare
`and file a joint statement of the number of claims and terms to be construed.
`The joint statement shall include a joint claim-construction chart listing the
`claim terms in the order in which the parties would like the court to construe
`Philips North America LLC EX2024


`them and noting each party’s proposed construction of each term. The
`parties may use the form shown below.
`Opening Claim-Construction Briefs. Not later than 21 days after filing the joint
`statement, the parties shall simultaneously exchange and file opening claim-
`construction briefs.
`Expert Testimony. Any party seeking to rely on expert testimony to support
`claim construction must include with its opening brief an expert declaration. The
`offering party must make the expert available for deposition not later than 21 days
`before the responsive due date. Either party may cite to the expert deposition
`testimony in its responsive brief. Other than the initial declaration and deposition
`testimony, no further expert testimony shall be permitted unless the court requests
`further testimony or for good cause shown.
`Responsive Briefs. Not later than 42 days following exchange and filing of the
`opening claim-construction briefs, the parties shall simultaneously exchange and
`file responsive briefs. This 42-day response period is intended to allow for
`depositions of opposing experts.
`Page Limits. Absent leave of court, the page limits of L.R. 7.1(b)(4) shall apply
`to all briefs.
`Tutorials. At the court’s request, the parties may exchange and file tutorials,
`preferably in the form of a short video or slide presentation, at least 14 days
`before the claim-construction hearing. The court may also, at its own election,
`seek an independent third party to educate the court on the disputed technology.
`Hearing. Unless the court orders otherwise, the claim-construction hearing shall
`proceed by attorney argument only. Any party seeking to present live witness
`testimony (expert or otherwise) at the hearing must obtain the court’s approval,
`which it may grant in its discretion. The court may also order an evidentiary
`hearing sua sponte.
`Reliance on Advice of Counsel. The following requirements apply to any party relying
`on advice of counsel as part of a patent-related claim or defense.
`Philips North America LLC EX2024


`Disclosure of Written Opinion. Not later than 28 days after entry of the court’s
`claim-construction ruling, each party relying upon advice of counsel must
`produce the opinion(s) and any other documentation relating to the opinion as to
`which that party agrees the attorney-client or work-product protection has been
`Disclosure of Oral Advice. If a party is relying on oral advice, such party must,
`within 28 days of the court’s claim-construction ruling, provide a written
`summary of any oral advice and produce or make available for inspection and
`copying any documents related to, or supporting, the summary for which the
`attorney-client and work-product protection has been waived and make available
`for deposition the people involved.
`Privilege Log. Each party relying upon advice of counsel must, at the time of
`any disclosure under subsection (1) or (2), also serve a privilege log identifying
`any other documents, except those authored by counsel acting solely as trial
`counsel, relating to the subject matter of the opinion(s) that the party is
`withholding on the grounds of attorney-client privilege or work-product
`Failure to Comply. A party that does not comply with these requirements will not
`be permitted to rely on the advice of counsel for any purpose, absent a stipulation
`of all parties or an order of the court, which will be granted only for good cause
`Adopted effective June 1, 2018.
`Philips North America LLC EX2024

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