
`Predicting Daily Behavior
`via Wearable Sensors
`Brian Clarkson and Alex Pentland
`{clarkson, sandy}
`We report on ongoing research into how to statistically
`represent the experiences of a wearable computer user for the
`purposes of day-to-day behavior prediction. We combine
`natural sensor modalities (camera, microphone, gyros) with
`techniques for automatic labeling from sparsely labeled data.
`We have also taken the next required step to build robust
`statistical models by beginning an extensive data collection
`experiment, the “I Sensed” series, a 100 day data set consisting
`of full surround video, audio, and orientation.
`Keywords: contextual computing, peripheral sensing, Hidden
`Markov Models (HMM), computer vision, computer audition,
`wearable computing
`Is a person’s day-to-day behavior predictable? We are
`concerned with this question because it is exactly the
`question that needs to be answered if we are to build agents
`(wearable or not)
`that anticipate. Agents
`that don’t
`anticipate can react and reconfigure based on the present [1]
`and the past, but generally don’t extrapolate into the future.
`This is a severe limitation because agents without predictive
`power cannot engage in preventive measures, “meet you
`half way”, nor engage in behavior modification. This is not
`to say that a clever engineer couldn’t herself notice a
`particular situation that is clearly indicative of some future
`state, and thus, manually program an agent to anticipate that
`future state when the situation occurs. However, definitely
`for a wearable agent and possibly others, the typical
`situations span the entire complex domain of real life where
`it is just unreasonable for anyone to manually design such
`anticipatory behavior into an agent. [2]
`There are many ways to pose the question of predictability.
`In rough terms, prediction is being able to say with some
`level of certainty that if A happens then some time in the
`future B will happen. What we haven’t specified yet is what
`domain is A and B coming from. There is a whole spectrum
`of possibilities for A and B that has to do with how detailed
`the agent’s sensory input is. Can the agent understand what
`is being spoken and understand facial expression? Or, can it
`only know that there are speech-like sounds and something
`moving? The problem with these two ends of the spectrum
`of sensor detail is that sensor detail seems to be positively
`correlated with usefulness. It is our belief and purpose of
`this work that even at the lower end of sensor detail there
`are useful artificial intelligence systems that can be built,
`especially in such complex and rich domains as a wearable
`Theoretically, the question of how predictable a person’s
`day-to-day behavior is moot if we have access to a
`complete description of the state of the world, right down to
`the electron spins in the user’s fingernails. Then supposedly
`we can just apply the laws of physics and simulate into the
`future. The wearable that could do this would probably be
`quite uncomfortable to wear given current technology.
`Another approach is to start with the coarsest description of
`the state of the world, see what can be deduced from it and
`then move to a slightly finer description. You stop when the
`size of the wearable or its level of privacy invasion
`outweighs the benefits it delivers.
`In this work we will take a straightforward approach to
`answering this question of predictability. First, we will
`address the problem of building coarse descriptions of the
`from wearable
`microphones, and gyros. Then we will report on an
`extensive data collection experiment that allows us to build
`predictive models of a person’s day-to-day behavior.
`The goal at hand is to reliably learn and classify the user’s
`situation from as few labeled examples as possible [3]. We
`discuss this overall task in terms of the subtask of location
`recognition since it is well-defined and performance is
`easily evaluated [4, 5]. However, having a small self-
`sensored device
`that can gradually and
`automatically learn the various states or conditions of its
`environment is of general importance to many tasks. From
`cellular phones and wearable computers to robots and smart
`rooms, many situations/applications could benefit from this
`kind of a smart sensor. [6]
`Before attempting to minimize the number of labeled
`examples required to train a location classifier, we first
`evaluate the performance we can achieve on the data set
`under typical training conditions. The pipeline for regular
`location classification starts with a feature extraction step.
`For each location, HMMs were estimated from a training
`set and then probability measurements were derived from
`the log likelihoods on a test set.
`A. Video Feature Set
`For the video images, we calculate spatial moments in each
`of the color channels, Y, Cb and, Cr, as follows:
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`in this way, end up modeling the “dynamic texture” of a
`location at a 2 second time-scale. [10]
`D. Model Evaluation
`At this point we can just construct a classification grammar
`from all of the location HMMs and use Viterbi to solve for
`the most likely segmention. We have done this and it works
`well, but we would like to just evaluate each model
`independently for its absolute 2-class probability (true or
`false). This methodology makes the inclusion of these
`models in larger (inhomogeneous and incremental) learning
`frameworks much easier.
`So, to determine for each time, t, the probability of a given
`location, the Forward-Backward algorithm was used to
`log (P x
`t N
`When using the trained HMMs to evaluate the probability
`|(P y x
`of a class given a window of features,
`t N
`it is necessary to estimate:
`(P y
`(P x
`(P x
`t N
`t N
`(P y
`(P x
`t N
`(Notice we are not assuming that at any given point in time
`only one class can be active.) The first term is given by the
`Forward-Backward algorithm, but the second term is not
`available to us. Training a second HMM (i.e. a garbage
`model) on the training data that is not labeled as being part
`of the class has been tried. However, this training set is in
`most cases utterly incomplete and hence the garabage
`HMM does not model everything outside of the given class.
`So when data outside of the training set is encountered, the
`garbage model’s likelihood often drops, artificially and
`incorrectly increasing the class probability.
`So we are still left with the problem of recovering a class
`probability from the HMM log likelihood. Approaching the
`problem from a
`totally different perspective. When
`thresholding probabilities, the correct MAP threshold for 2-
`. Fortunately, there is a
`class problems is
`prinicipled manner for determining,

` ( pφ
`and that is by the Receiver-Operator Characteristic (ROC).
`The log likelihood threshold that achieves the Equal Error
`Rate (EER) point on the ROC curve is the value that should
`be mapped to a probability of 0.5. The mapping for the 2
`remaining intervals, [0 0.5) and (0.5, 1], by histogramming
`in each set and calculating
`cumulative distribution function (cdf). We took these 2
`cdf’s and concatenated them to produce one continuous
`mapping function, φ, that assigned all log likelihoods to [0,
`1] with
`. The result is a pseudo-probability,
`|(P y x
`is appropriate for
`N t
`− −
`c m n
`[ ]
`m n
`H W
`H W m n
`∑ ∑
`j P
`, ,
`c i
`H W
`∑ ∑

`, } {0,1} {0,1}
`( ,
`, ) { ,
`c m n
`Y U V
` , , [ ]jP
`t is the value of the color channel, c, for the pixel,
`c i
`(i,j) and H and W are the image extents. This yields a 12
`dimensional feature vector, 3 color channels by 4 moments.
`[ ]
`, ,
`c i
`[ ]
`1 1
`= =
`m n
`0 1
`= =
`m n
` &
`1 0
`= =
`m n
`0 0
`= =
`m n
`The 4 types of image moments (as determined by the
`exponent of the pixel location) measure 3 aspects of the
`spatial pixel distribution: mass, geometric center, and
`geometric spread. For example the figure shows an abstract
`image with its dominating pixel distributions in each color
`channel. In each panel a different property of these
`distributions are measured and shown. [7]
`B. Audio Feature Set
`For the audio, we simply calculate a spectrogram using a
`1024-pt FFT at 15Hz. The spectrogram was passed through
`a bank of Mel-scale filters to yield 11 coefficients per unit
`time. The resulting time sequence of spectral coefficients
`was then low-pass filtered with a single-pole IIR filter with
`a time constant of 0.4 seconds:
`− +
`[ ]x t
`[ ] 0.999 [y t y t
`and subsequently sampled at 5Hz. A similarly low-passed
`filtered estimate of energy is also calculated for a grand
`total of 12 auditory features. [8] [9]
`C. Training Models
`These features, { }tx , were modeled by ergodic Hidden
`Markov Models (HMM). To train the HMMs, each example
`of a location was divided into 2 sec. windows (or
`N =
` feature vectors at 5Hz) of features.
`These windows of features were gathered into one set and
`train a class HMM
`(with Expectation-
`Maximization). By design, the class HMMs, when trained
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`Likelihood to Unit Interval Mapping
`number of classes and hence the fewer labels we need to
`label all of the data. [11] [12]
`-2000 -1500 -1000
`1000 1500
`Log Likelihood
`Figure 1: The histogram based mapping from raw log
`likelihood to a probability score.
`Lower Atrium
`Upper Atrium
`Correct Acceptance
`Correct Rejection
`Table 1: Baseline Recognition Results
`E. One Shot Learning or Automatic Labeling
`Typically, we cannot expect the user to spend hours to
`collect and label the amount of data that the above
`procedure requires to build robust models. Instead we need
`to minimize the amount of labeling required. Maximizing
`our ability to incorporate prior information can do exactly
`that. Our methodology was to use a small amount of labeled
`data to seed models or clusters and then use prior
`information as (soft) constraints
`that allowed us
`implicitly label a large amount of unlabeled data. This kind
`of framework naturally supports incremental (and hence
`adaptive) learning.
`G. Generalized Change Detection
`W can also obtain a useful segmentation of unlabeled data
`by a method we call generalized change detection. In
`general, a feature, x , is measured at each time, t , and then
`∆ =
`− in the
`a measure of change, such as
`[ ]x t
`[x t
`simplest case, is used to detect areas of likely scene
`changes. However, with high frequency (i.e. noisy) features
`a direct measure of change is not useful due to a chronic
`problem of overfiring. Therefore, a more general change
`detection measure is one that actually tries to measure the
`probability of a scene change at every given time given
`some model of feature dynamics or noise [13].
`M ,
`Here we can take advantage of the K models,
`that were obtained from
`the Generalized Clustering
`algorithm. If the cluster model is an HMM then each of
`these cluster models, by design, represents a bit of feature
`“behavior”. From the probabilities of these K models at a
`time, t , we can construct a K-dimension activation vector:
`(P M x|
`N t
`P M x
`N t
`Now we can go back to a natural measure of change to
`detect scene changes:
`∆ =
`[A t
`[ ]A t
`This effectively measures the change in the distribution, or
`composition, of cluster models that are representing the
`features around time, t .
`ROC for Scene Change Detection
`[ ]
`A t
`False Acceptance
`Correct Acceptance
`F. Generalized Clustering
`Clustering (such as K-Means) finds the natural division of
`the data that is supported by your centroid models. In the
`typical application of K-Means clustering, the centroid
`model is a Gaussian, however, it could also be an HMM (as
`in Segmental K-Means and its variations). Generalized K-
`Means for any centroid model, M , is implemented as
`Randomly initialize K models,
`For each data vector, x , in the data set:
`arg max
`|(P x M
`M M
`M .
`assign x to
`M , & repeat.
`Update each model in
`Now suppose the centroid model, M , was also being used
`for a recognition task, and K >> number of classes. If a
`label of the training set lies entirely within a given cluster
`then it follows that we can extend that label to the rest of
`the data in the cluster without detrimentally affecting the
`performance, but perhaps increasing the robustness of the
`recognition. The more valid the centroid model, M , is for
`the recognition task, the closer K can be to the actual
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`H. Spatial Constraints
`A commonly-used and powerful source of prior information
`in location recognition is simply a map of the area. A
`geographic map encodes the Markov constraints that
`govern physical motion throughout a given space.
`(P y
`|i y
`A table of conditional probabilities,
`, (even an approximate one) can
`greatly constrain and thus boost the performance of the
`regular location classification. More importantly it could
`allow us to solve for the correspondence between locations
`and unlabeled clusters in the data and thus greatly reduce
`the amount of labeled data that training requires. Here is the
`geographic constraint network for the location recognition
`subtask, its use boosts the recognition rates for all locations
`to 100%:
`We have described our relevant experiments and methods
`for chunking up wearable sensor streams into salient events
`and situations. The next phase in our quest to answer the
`question of human predictability is to accumulate a series of
`these events and situations experienced by one person over
`an extended period of time.
`A. The “I Sensed” Series: 100 Days of Experiences
`The first requirement of learning predictive models from
`data is to have enough repeated trials of the experiment
`from which to estimate robust statistics. Ideally experiential
`data recorded from an individual over a number of years
`would be ideal. However, other forces such as the
`computational and storage requirements needed for huge
`data sets force us to settle for something smaller, but not too
`small. We chose 100 days (14.3 weeks) because, while it is
`a novel period for a data set of this sort, its size is still
`computationally tractable (approx. 500 gigabytes).
`Figure 2: The Data Collection wearable when worn.
`Due to the lack of volunteers for this experiment, it has
`been left up to the author (Brian Clarkson) to perform this
`data collection on himself. As of the writing of this paper, I
`have been collecting data continuously for the last 30 days.
`The “I Sensed” series, the name of the data set (inspired by
`conceptual artist Kawara On), is scheduled to be completed
`in mid-July of 2001. Refer to the last page (Figure 5) of this
`paper for actual excerpts from this data set on 4 different
`scenes: eating lunch, walking up stairs, in a conversation,
`and rollerblading.
`The parameters of the experiment are as follows:
`• Data collection commences each day from approx.
`10am and continues until approx. 10pm. This
`varies based on
`the sleeping habits of
`experimental subject.
`• The times that the data collection system is not
`active or worn by the subject is logged and
`recorded. Such times are typically when: batteries
`fail, sleeping, showering, and working out.
`In addition to the visual, aural, and orientational
`sensor data collected by the wearable, the subject
`is also required to keep a rough journal of his high-
`level activities to within the closest half hour.
`Examples of high-level activity are: “Working in
`the office”, “Eating lunch”, “Going to meet
`Michael”, etc. while being specific about who,
`where, and why.
`• Every 2 days the wearable is “emptied” of its data,
`by uploading to a secure server.
`• Persons who normally interact with the subject on
`a day-to-day basis and have a possibility of having
`a potentially private conversation recorded are
`asked to sign a consent form and an agreement is
`made by the experimenters to not disclose the data
`in way without further consent.
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`B. The Data Collection Wearable
`The sensors chosen for this data set are meant to mimic the
`human senses. They include visual (2 camera, front and
`back), auditory (1 microphone), and gyros (for 3 degrees of
`orientation: yaw, pitch and roll). These match up with the
`eyes, ears, and inner ear, while taste and smell are not
`covered because the technology is not available yet. Other
`possibilities for sensors that have no good reason for being
`excluded are temperature, humidity, accelerometers, and
`bio-sensors (e.g. heart-rate, galvanic skin response, glucose
`levels). The properties of the 3 sensor modalities are as
`follows: (see Figure 3)
`Audio: 16kHz, 16bits/sample (normal speech is generally
`only understandable for persons in direct conversation with
`the subject.)
`Front Facing Video: 320x240 pixels, 10Hz frame rate
`(faces are generally only recognizable under bright lighting
`conditions and from less than 10ft away.)
`Back Facing Video: 320x240 pixels, 10Hz frame rate
`(faces are generally only recognizable under bright lighting
`conditions and from less than 10ft away.)
`Orientation: Yaw, roll, and pitch are sampled at 60Hz. A
`zeroing switch is installed beneath the left strap which is
`meant to trigger whenever the subject puts on the wearable.
`Drift is only reasonable for periods of less than a few hours.
`The wearable is based on a backpack design for comfort
`and wardrobe flexibility. The visual component of the
`wearable consists of 2 USB cameras (front- and rear-facing)
`modified to be optically compatible with 200° field-of-view
`lenses (adapted from door viewers). This means that we are
`recording light from every direction in a full sphere around
`the user (but not with even sampling of course). The front-
`facing camera is sewn to the front strap of the wearable and
`the rear-facing camera is contained inside the main shell-
`like compartment. The microphone is attached directly
`below the front-facing camera on the strap. The orientation
`sensor (InterTrax2 from Intersensed Inc. with its magnetic
`field zeroing feature disabled) is housed inside the main
`compartment. Also in the main compartment are a PIII
`500MHz cell computer (CellComputing Inc.) with a 10GB
`HDD (enough storage for 2 days) and 4 Sony Infolithiums
`NP-F960 (operating time: ~10 hrs.). The polystyrene shell
`(see Figure 2) was designed and vacuum-formed to fit the
`as possible while being
`aesthetically pleasing, presenting no sharp corners for
`snagging, and allowing the person reasonable comfort while
`sitting down.
`Since this wearable is only meant for data collection, its
`input and display requirements are minimal. For basic
`on/off, pause, record functionality there are click buttons
`attached to the right-hand strap (easily accessible by the
`left-hand by reaching across the chest). These buttons are
`chorded for protection against accidental triggering. All
`triggering of the buttons (intentional or otherwise) is
`recorded along with the sensor data. Other than the
`administrative functions, the buttons also provide a way for
`the subject to mark salient points in the sensor data. The
`only display provided by the wearable is 2 LEDs, one for
`power and the other for recording.
`C. The Data Journal
`Recently, we have completed the system that allows us
`fully transcribe the “I Sensed” series and access it
`arbitrarily in a multiresolution manner. This ability is
`for clustering and scene change detection
`techniques talked about in the first section of this paper. All
`data (images, frames of audio, button presses, orientation
`vectors, etc.) are combined and time synchronized in the
`Data Journal system to millisecond accuracy (see Figure 4).
`We have reported on and shown the feasibility of one-shot
`learning techniques for automatically segmenting wearable
`sensor data into scenes. We combine various approaches
`including knowledge engineering
`techniques such as
`encoding geographic constraints from a map, clustering
`techniques such as clustering with HMMs, and generalized
`change detection for improved scene change estimation.
`These techniques provide the backdrop for the extended
`data set we are currently collecting, the “I Sensed” series.
`This 100 day data set when segmented for scenes and
`events will allow us to build predictive models for the
`subject’s day-to-day behavior.
`Note to reviewers: As we wait for more of the “I Sensed”
`series to be completed we will be able to generate results
`concerning predictive models of this new data set. These
`results will be added to the camera-ready version. Also the
`location recognition results will be generalized to a wider
`variety of situations.
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`The Data Collection Wearable
`rear camera
`PIII 500MHz
`Cell Computer
`& 10GB HDD
`Sony Infolithium
`Figure 3: The Data Collection Wearable Schematic
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`Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
`8 pm
`Figure 4: The Data Journal System: provides a multiresolution representation of the time-synchronized sensor data.
`10 am
`11 am
`12 pm
`1 pm
`2 pm
`3 pm
`4 pm
`5 pm
`6 pm
`7 pm
`1. Aoki, H., B. Schiele, and A. Pentland, Realtime
`Personal Positioning System for Wearable Computers.
`International Symposium on Wearable Computers ’99,
`2. Blum, A. and T. Mitchell, Combining Labeled and
`Unlabeled Data with Co-Training. Proceedings of the
`1998 Conference on Computational Learning Theory,
`3. Clarkson, B. and A. Pentland, Unsupervised Clustering
`of Ambulatory Audio and Video, in ICASSP’99. 1999:
`4. Clarkson, B., K. Mase, and A. Pentland, Recognizing
`User’s Context from Wearable Sensor’s: Baseline
`System. Vismod Technical Report #519, 2000.
`5. Feiten, B. and S. Gunzel, Automatic Indexing of a
`Sound Database Using Self-organizing Neural Nets.
`Computer Music Journal, 1994. 18(Fall): p. 53-65.
`6. Foote, J., A Similarity Measure for Automatic Audio
`Classification. 1997, Institute of Systems Science.
`7. Lamming, M. and M. Flynn, "Forget-me-not" Intimate
`Computing in Support of Human Memory. 1994.
`8. Lieberman, H. and D. Maulsby, Instructible Agents:
`Software that just keeps getting better. IBM Systems
`Journal, 1996. 35(3&4): p. 539-556.
`9. Lin, T. and H.-J. Zhang, Automatic Video Scene
`Extraction by Shot Grouping. International Conference
`on Pattern Recognition, 2000. 4.
`10. Liu, Wang, and Chen, Audio Feature Extraction and
`Analysis for Multimedia Content Classification.
`Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems,
`11. Mannila, H., H. Toivonen, and A.I. Verkamo,
`Discovery of freqruent episodes in event sequences.
`Series of Publications C, 1997(Report C-1997-15).
`12. Mindru, F., T. Moons, and L.v. Gool, Recognizing
`color patterns irrespective of viewpoint and
`illumination. CVPR99, 1999: p. 368-373.
`13. Nakamura, Y., J.y. Ohde, and Y. Ohta, Structuring
`Personal Activity Records based on Attention --
`Analyzing Videos from Head-mounted Camera.
`International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2000.
`4: p. 222-225.
`14. Nakamura, Y., J.y. Ohde, and Y. Ohta, Structuring
`Personal Activity Records based on Attention --
`Analyzing Videos from Head-mounted Camera.
`International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2000.
`4: p. 222-225.
`15. Rabiner, L.R., A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models
`and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition.
`Proceedings of the IEEE, 1989. 77(February): p. 257-
`16. Starner, T., B. Schiele, and A. Pentland. Visual
`Contextual Awareness in Wearable Computing. in
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`17. Zhong, D., H.J. Zhang, and S.-F. Chang, Clustering
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`1996(Storage and Retrieval for Still Image and Video
`Databases IV).
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`Rear View
`Front View
`Scene 1: Eating Lunch
`Audio Spectrogram
`Scene 2: Walking Up Stairs
`Front View
`Rear View
`Audio Spectrogram
`Rear View
`Front View
`Scene 3: Rollerblading
`Audio Spectrogram
`Scene 4: In A Conversation
`Front View
`Rear View
`Audio Spectrogram
`Figure 5: Some excerpts from the "I Sensed" series
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