`15 July 99
`Thomas Muller
`Bluetooth Security Architecture
`Version 1.0
`This White Paper describes a flexible security
`architecture for Bluetooth that allows different
`security levels for applications. While Bluetooth
`provides link-level authentication and encryption,
`enforcing at only this level prevents user-friendly
`access to more public-oriented usage models
`such as discovering services and exchanging
`business cards. This architecture uses the link-
`level security mechanisms of Bluetooth to enforce
`the service level security policy (security mode 2)
`of the Generic Access Profile.
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
`Page 2 of 33
`Special Interest Group (SIG)
`The following companies are represented in the Bluetooth Special Interest
`Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
`IBM Corp.
`Intel Corp.
`Nokia Mobile Phones
`Toshiba Corp.
`Revision History
`first draft, based on discussion at the SW face-to-face
`meeting in chandler, AZ
`Requirement on limited user intervention added
`2 requirements in question added
`Start work on procedures (general behavior, Handling of
`Incorporated feedback from Paul and Chatschik
`Feedback from Brian Redding
`Integrate decisions from the meeting 1999-04-08
`Add interfaces of the security manager
`Modifications to the interfaces of the security manager:
`Queries from L2CAP and other protocols harmonised
`Only BD_ADDR used in query
`Entity taking care of registration is implementation
`dependent. Registration moved to a separate section;
`interface to applications removed.
`UI: set-up of trusted relationship included
`Security Policy for changed connection (section 2.1): wording
`changed to reflect that this includes client and server role.
`Section 3.1:
`Pairing removed
`registration can also be done by general management
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`Remove parts for L2CAP connection hold after BB loss,
`because not supported by L2CAP any more: mainly
`changes in 3.5.2 and 3.5.3.
`Flow chart changed according to phone meeting April 21st
`and included in document
`Requirements for service security levels (requirement 3)
`Changes to distinguish between outgoing and incoming
`Default security level (in section 3.2.3)
`Interface for registration: levels for both incoming and
`outgoing connections separately defined
`Query to security manager: attribute for
`incoming/outgoing connection added
`Changes to make authentication mandatory in case
`authorisation is required: Statements in 3.2.1 and 3.2.3
`Security levels for registering multiplexing protocols added in
`section 3.6.5.
`Incorporate the changes agreed upon at the interoperability
`face-to-face meeting in Tampere:
`Trust levels of devices might be set individually for
`services or groups of services.
`Key management functions outside of Bluetooth
`Trust flag replaced by more generic wording.
`Added statement on encryption in 2.1
`Introduction completely rewritten
`Requirements/Design objectives => what does the
`architecture provide
`Major editorial changes
`Removed chapter on consequences for Bluetooth specs
`Added section 4.6 Interface to HCI / Link Manager
`Added parameter ConnectionHandle in
`4.2 Interface to L2CAP
`4.3 Interface to other multiplexing protocols
`because it is needed in section 4.6 for HCI commands
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`Incorporated changes from Chatschik and Jon
`Abstraction: user (cid:222)
`Statement on application level security in Section 2.4
`• Unknown device is also untrusted (Section 3.2.2)
`• Requirements for transition from security mode 2 to 3
`Explanation for outgoing connections
`Section removed
`Section 4.4: UI (cid:222)
` ESCE and statements on calling
`Include PIN request to ESCE
`Terminology reference to GAP
`Replace initialization with bonding
`Editorial changes
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`Paul Moran
`Patric Lind
`Patrik Olsson
`Johannes Elg
`Chatschik Bisdikian
`Amal Shaheen
`Jon Inouye
`Robert Hunter
`Brian Redding
`Stephane Bouet
`Thomas Müller (Owner)
`Martin Roter
`Disclaimer and copyright notice
`ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. All liability, including liability for
`infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this document is
`disclaimed. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual
`property rights are granted herein.
`This document is an intermediate draft for comment only and is subject to change without
`notice. Readers should not design products based on this document.
`Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones, 1999. *Third-party brands and names are the property of
`their respective owners.
`15 July 1999
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`Functionality & Limitations................................................................9
`2.1 Security Levels............................................................................9
`2.2 Flexibility and Usability................................................................9
`Implementation and Bluetooth-specific Matters........................10
`2.4 Risks and Limitations:...............................................................10
`Security Architecture to meet the Requirements...........................12
`3.1 Overview...................................................................................12
`3.2 Security Levels..........................................................................13
`3.2.1 Authorisation and Authentication..................................13
`3.2.2 Device Trust Level........................................................14
` trusted device............................14
` of the trusted relationship...................14
` untrusted device........................15
`3.2.3 Security Level of Services............................................15
`3.3 Connection Set-up Procedure...................................................15
`3.3.1 General Concept..........................................................15
`3.3.2 Authentication on Baseband Link Set-up.....................16
`3.3.3 Handling for Protocol Stack..........................................17
`3.3.4 Registration Procedures ..............................................18
`3.3.5 External Key Management...........................................19
`3.4 Access Control Procedures.......................................................19
`3.5 Connectionless L2CAP.............................................................22
`Interfaces and Functions of the Security Manager........................24
`4.1 Databases.................................................................................24
`4.1.1 Service Database.........................................................24
`4.1.2 Device Database..........................................................24
`4.1.3 Temporary Storage......................................................25
`Interface to L2CAP....................................................................25
`Interface to other multiplexing Protocols...................................26
`Interface to ESCE (e.g., UI)......................................................27
`4.5 Registration Procedures............................................................28
`Interface to HCI / Link Manager................................................30
` request...................................30
` control..........................................30
` request to remote device.....................31
` encryption policy at link level...................31
` authentication policy at link leve l.............32
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`The Bluetooth specification includes security features at the link level. It
`supports authentication (unidirectional or mutual) and encryption. These
`features are based on a secret link key that is shared by a pair of devices. To
`generate this key a pairing procedure is used when the two devices
`communicate for the first time.
`The link level functions are defined in the Bluetooth Baseband and the Link
`Manager Protocol Specifications (see [1] and [2]). More comprehensive
`descriptions can be found in the Bluetooth ’99 conference proceedings (see
`[3], [4]).
`The Bluetooth profiles describe how to use the Bluetooth protocols in an
`interoperable way. Concerning security this is done in the Generic Access
`Profile [5], which also defines terms used throughout this white paper. This
`profile specifies three security modes for a device:
`• Security mode 1 (non-secure): A device will not initiate any security
`• Security mode 2 (service-level enforced security): A device does not
`initiate security procedures before channel establishment at L2CAP level.
`This mode allows different and flexible access policies for applications,
`especially running applications with different security requirements in
`• Security modes 3 (link level enforced security): A device initiates security
`procedures before the link set-up at the LMP level is completed.
`This white paper deals with security mode 2. It describes how flexible security
`mechanisms can be implemented. The contents of this white paper serve only
`as an implementation guideline and do not represent a Bluetooth specification,
`since this is device specific and not required for interoperability.
`Chapter 2 lists the requirements and design objectives leading to the
`definitions of this flexible architecture and the limitations. Chapter 3 describes
`a possible architecture using a central security manager.
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`2 Functionality & Limitations
`This chapter describes the functionality of the architecture explained in
`Chapter 3. This can also be seen as a summary what can be built on top of
`security mode 2 (service-level enforced security, see [5]).
`2.1 Security Levels
`• It is possible to define different security levels for devices and services.
`• For devices two trust levels are distinguished:
`- Trusted Device: Device with fixed relationship (paired) that is
`trusted and has unrestricted access to all services.
`- Untrusted Device: Device with no permanent fixed relationship
`(but possibly a temporary one) or device that has a fixed
`relationship, but is not considered as trusted. The access to
`services is restricted.
`A possible refinement is to set the trust level of a device specifically for
`services or a group of services. The interaction with the remote device does
`not exclude the implementation of such refined access policies.
`• For services the requirement for authorisation, authentication and
`encryption are set independently (although some restrictions apply). The
`access requirements allow to define three security levels:
`- Services that require authorisation and authentication.
`Automatic access is only granted to trusted devices. Other
`devices need a manual authorisation.
`- Services that require authentication only. Authorisation is not
`- Services open to all devices; authentication is not required, no
`access approval required before service access is granted.
`• A default security level is defined to serve the needs of legacy applications.
`This default policy will be used unless other settings are found in a
`“security” database related to a service, e.g., an internal security
`information database.
`2.2 Flexibility and Usability
`• It is possible to grant access to some services without providing access to
`other services (example: On a cellular phone, Service Discovery records
`shall be accessible, whereas dialup networking shall only be available for
`specific devices.)
`• The security architecture supports security policies for devices with some
`services communicating with changing remote devices (example: File
`Functionality & Limitations
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
`Page 10 of 33
`Transfer or Business Card Exchange). Access granted to a service on
`such device does
`- not open up access to other services on the device.
`- not grant future access automatically or in an uncontrolled way
`to services on the device.
`• User intervention for access to services is avoided as much as possible. It
`is only needed to allow devices limited access to services or for setting up
`trusted relationship with devices allowing unlimited access to services.
`• This architecture does not deal with application level security, but such
`concepts are not excluded.
`2.3 Implementation and Bluetooth-specific Matters
`• The security architecture accounts for Bluetooth multiplexing protocols at
`and above L2CAP. At present, only RFCOMM is considered, as all other
`protocols are not Bluetooth-specific, and some have their own security
`• The security architecture allows different protocols to enforce the security
`policies. For example, L2CAP will enforce the Bluetooth security policy for
`cordless telephony, RFCOMM will enforce the Bluetooth security policy for
`dialup networking, and OBEX will use its own security policy for file transfer
`and synchronisation.
`• The architecture can completely work using security mode 2 of the Generic
`Access Profile. Especially since there are no changes to Baseband and
`LMP functions for authentication and encryption.
`• Authentication and encryption are set for a physical connection (i.e., on
`baseband level).
`• Lower layers are not aware of service/application layer security.
`• The enforcement policy for authentication, authorisation or encryption might
`be different for client and server role. The security level of peer entities
`running an application needs not to be symmetric.
`2.4 Risks and Limitations:
`The following scenarios have been considered in identifying the limitations.
`• Scenario 1: There are two Bluetooth devices (e.g., PDAs). Each device
`has a set of applications: calendar, file synchronization, etc. The two
`devices will communicate, over a Bluetooth link, to perform a certain task
`such as file synchronization.
`• Scenario 2: There are more than two of scenario 1 devices. All devices will
`communicate over Bluetooth links to perform tasks that do not require
`security such as exchanging business cards.
`Functionality & Limitations
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`• Scenario 3: A small device such as a PDA requires access, over a
`Bluetooth link, to infrastructure services: the Internet, e-commerce
`applications, corporate database, etc. Such device will be connected to a
`"LAN Access Point" over the BT link. The LAN Access Point will be
`connected to the infrastructure services via a wired or wireless LAN. This is
`a 3-tier configuration where tier 1 is the small device, tier 2 is the LAN
`Access Point, and tier 3 is the Infrastructure Services.
`The Bluetooth Security architecture has the following limitations:
`1. Support for legacy applications: In all scenarios, the legacy application will
`not make calls to the security manager. Instead a Bluetooth-aware
`“adapter” application is required to make security-related calls to the
`Bluetooth security manager on behalf of the legacy application.
`2. Only a device is authenticated and not its user. If there is a need for
`authentication of the user, other means – e.g., application level security
`features – will be necessary.
`3. Refer to scenario 1. There is no mechanism defined to preset
`authorisation per service. However, a more flexible security policy can be
`implemented with this architecture, without a need to change the Bluetooth
`protocol stack. Of course, modifications of the security manager and the
`registration processes would be necessary.
`4. The approach only allows access control at connection set-up. The access
`check can be asymmetric, but once a connection is established, data flow
`is in principle bi-directional. It is not possible within the scope of this
`architecture to enforce unidirectional traffic.
`5. Support for the 3-tier configuration in scenario 3: The security architecture
`presented in this paper is built upon the Bluetooth baseband security
`procedures that addresses the BT link security and mutual device
`authentication at each end of the link. To address the end-to-end security
`issue present in cases like in scenario 3, this paper assumes the existence
`of a “higher-level” end-to-end security solution which may utilize the
`Bluetooth security architecture presented for accessing devices and
`services directly present at the two ends of a Bluetooth link. This higher-
`level security solution is outside the scope of this paper.
`Functionality & Limitations
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`3 Security Architecture to meet the Requirements
`This chapter describes an approach for a flexible security architecture built on
`top of the link-level security features of Bluetooth.
`3.1 Overview
`The general architecture is shown in Figure 1. The key component is a
`security manager with the following tasks:
`• Store security-related information on services
`• Store security-related information on devices
`• Answer access requests by protocol implementations or applications
`(access granted or refused)
`• Enforce authentication and/or encryption before connecting to the
`• Initiate or process input from an ESCE1 (e.g., the device user) to set-up
`trusted relationships on device level.
`• Initiate pairing and query PIN entry by the user. PIN entry might also be
`done by an application.
`More details will be described in the following sections.
`This approach is devoted to connection-oriented L2CAP channels. The
`sections up to 3.4 only deal with this. For connectionless L2CAP data
`transmission, restrictions apply, which will be discussed in Section 3.5.
`The security architecture presented in this paper provides a very flexible
`security framework. This framework dictates when to involve a user (e.g., to
`provide a PIN) and what actions the underlying BT protocol layers follow to
`support the desired security check-ups. Within this framework, a number of
`realizations of the presented architecture can be instantiated, some of them
`simpler and some of them more advanced than the one discussed in detail in
`this paper, without moving outside the scope of the architecture.
`1 ESCE stands for “External Security Control Entity.” ESCE typically represents a human
`operating a device who decides how to proceed with security related matters, e.g., provide a
`PIN whenever needed, decide to create a trust relation with a device, etc. In general though,
`an ESCE represents an entity with the authority and knowledge to make decisions on how to
`proceed in a manner consistent to this security architecture. It could be a device user, or a
`utility application executed on behalf of the user based on preprogrammed security policies. In
`the latter case, this utility could reside within or outside a particular BT-enabled device.
`Without lack of generality, in the sequel the terms “ESCE” and “user” will be used
`interchangably and without any distinction.
`Security Architecture to meet the Requirements
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`User Interface
`(or other multiplexing
`Link Manager / Link Controller
`Figure 1: Security Architecture
`This approach with a centralised security manager allows easy
`implementation of flexible access policies, because the interfaces to protocols
`and other entities are kept simple and are limited to query/response and
`registration procedures. The policies for access control are encapsulated in
`the security manager. Therefore, implementation of more complex policies
`would not affect implementation of other parts.
`Implementations may decide, who performs the registration task, e.g., the
`application itself or a general management entity, responsible for setting the
`path in the protocol stack and/or registering the service at service discovery.
`This will be further discussed in Section 3.3.4.
`3.2 Security Levels
`3.2.1 Authorisation and Authentication
`We distinguish between authentication and authorisation. The terms are
`defined as follows:
`Security Architecture to meet the Requirements
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`Authentication is the process of verifying ‘who’ is at the other end of the link.
`Authentication is performed for devices (BD_ADDR). In Bluetooth this is
`achieved by the authentication procedure based on the stored link key or by
`pairing (entering a PIN).
`Authorisation is the process of deciding if device X is allowed to have access
`to service Y. This is where the concept of ‘trusted’ exists. Trusted devices
`(authenticated and indicated as “trusted”), are allowed access to services.
`Untrusted or unknown devices may require authorisation based on user
`interaction before access to services is granted. This does not principally
`exclude that the authorisation might be given by an application automatically.
`Authorisation always includes authentication.
`3.2.2 Device Trust Level
`We distinguish between two different device trust levels:
`Trusted Device:
`Untrusted Device:
`Unknown Device:
`The device has been previously authenticated, a
`link key is stored and the device is marked as
`“trusted” in the Device Database.
`The device has been previously authenticated, a
`link key is stored but the device is not marked as
`“trusted” in the Device Database
`No security information is available for this
`device. This is also an untrusted device.
`There will be a database table maintained in the security manager (see
`below). This database might be maintained for all services together (normal
`case referred to throughout this paper) or separately for each service or group
`of services.
` Authenticate trusted device
`The verification is done using the authentication procedure, defined in the
`LMP and Baseband specifications. A device is verified as trusted, if a positive
`authentication response is given and the trusted flag is set.
` Set-up of the trusted relationship
`A trusted relationship is established during the pairing procedure. This is
`usually performed during the bonding procedure but could be performed at
`connection set-up.
`When an untrusted device is authorised to use a service, it is also possible to
`add it to the list of trusted devices during the same procedure. This of course
`requires an active selection by the user.
`Security Architecture to meet the Requirements
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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` Authenticate untrusted device
`Authentication of untrusted devices is done similarly as for trusted devices
`with the exception that the device is not marked as trusted in the internal
`3.2.3 Security Level of Services
`The security level of a service is defined by three attributes:
`Authorisation Required:
`Access is only granted automatically to
`trusted devices (i.e., devices marked as
`such in the device database) or untrusted
`devices after an authorisation procedure.
`Authorisation always requires
`authentication to verify that the remote
`device is the right one.
`Authentication Required: Before connecting to the application, the
`remote device must be authenticated
`The link must be changed to encrypted
`mode, before access to the service is
`Encryption Required:
`This information is stored in the service database of the security manager.
`If no registration has taken place, a default security level is used. This default
`Incoming Connection:
`Outgoing Connection:
`Authorisation and Authentication required
`Authentication required
`3.3 Connection Set-up Procedure
`3.3.1 General Concept
`To meet different requirements on availability of services without user
`intervention, we must perform the authentication after determining what the
`security level of the requested service is. Thus, the authentication cannot be
`performed, when the ACL link is established. The authentication is performed,
`when a connection request to a service is submitted.
`Figure 2 illustrates the information flow for access to a trusted service. This is
`intended to be an example to understand and discuss the basic principles.
`The details will be described further below.
`Security Architecture to meet the Requirements
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`Link Manager / Link Controller
`Figure 2: Information flow for access to trusted service
`The following procedures are performed:
`1. Connect request to L2CAP
`2. L2CAP requests access from the security manager.
`3. Security manager: lookup in service database
`4. Security manager: lookup in device database
`5. If necessary, security manager enforces authentication and
`6. Security manager grants access
`7. L2CAP continues to set-up the connection.
`Authentication can be performed in both directions, client authenticates server
`and vice versa.
`3.3.2 Authentication on Baseband Link Set-up
`Although not targeted to security mode 3 (link level enforced security, see [5]),
`this architecture can support this mode as well. The security manager can
`command the link manager to enforce authentication before accepting a BB
`connection using the HCI. Different modes could be implemented in parallel:
`• authentication on BB connection
`• authentication on connection to the applications
`Clearly, they cannot run simultaneously, so if both are implemented, a
`decision has to be made somewhere. Before transitioning from mode 2 to
`mode 3, it must be ensured that untrusted devices do not get unwanted
`Security Architecture to meet the Requirements
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`access. To achieve this, the security manager can remove any link keys for
`untrusted devices stored in the radio module. The security manager can use
`the HCI.
`3.3.3 Handling for Protocol Stack
`For incoming connections, the access control procedure is described in Figure
`3 for incoming connections. Access control is required at L2CAP and in some
`cases additionally at multiplexing protocols above (e.g., RFCOMM). When
`receiving a connection request, the protocol entity queries the security
`manager, providing any multiplexing information it received with the connect
`request. The security manager makes a decision whether access is granted or
`refused and replies to the protocol entity. If access is granted, the connection
`set-up procedure is continued. If access is refused, the connection is
`If no access control is performed on a protocol layer, no interaction takes
`place with the security manager or other entities.
`Non-Multiplexing Protocol
`Multiplexing Protocol
`(e.g. RFCOMM)
`Figure 3: Behaviour of Protocols for incoming Connections
`In this model we have two queries (e.g., function calls) to the security
`manager. The security manager should be able to store information on
`existing authentications . This avoids multiple authentication procedures on
`LMP level (i.e., over the air) within the same session.
`Thus, RFCOMM will do a policy check call to security manager. This will
`require an additional function call but not necessarily an additional
`For outgoing connections, a security check might also be required to achieve
`mutual authentication (authorisation is probably not useful here in most
`Security Architecture to meet the Requirements
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
`Page 18 of 33
`cases). A similar procedure is carried out. The most elegant way is of course,
`if the applications submit requests to the security manager directly. If this is
`not possible (e.g., legacy applications), queries to the security manager are
`submitted by all multiplexing protocols from top to bottom, see Figure 4.
`Non-Multiplexing Protocol
`Multiplexing Protocol
`(e.g. RFCOMM)
`Figure 4: Behaviour of Protocols for outgoing Connections
`3.3.4 Registration Procedures
`As mentioned in section 3.1, the security manager maintains security
`information for services in security databases, the implementation of which is
`outside the scope of this paper. Applications must register with the security
`manager before becoming accessible, see Figure 5.
`(or general management
`Security Level,
`Protocol Info
`Non-Multiplexing Protocol
`Multiplexing Protocol
`(e.g. RFCOMM)
`Security Level
`for access from
`Security Architecture to meet the Requirements
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`Bluetooth Security Architecture
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`Figure 5: Registration Processes
`Applications or their security delegate must provide their security level and
`multiplexing information (This is somewhat similar to the information registered
`to service discovery. The latter is required for the security manager to make a
`decision on a request submitted by a protocol entity as this entity will not know
`about the final application in most cases).
`Multiplexing protocol implementations performing queries at the security
`manager should register the policy for accessing them from below.
`Both registrations can also be done by the entity that is responsible for setting
`the path in the BT protocol stack. It is implementation-dependent, which entity
`does the registration (note: combining the service and security registration
`processes is not excluded).
`If no registration has taken place, the security manager will assume the
`default security level to make a decision on access see Section 3.2.3.
`L2CAP does not require registration here. It is the first multiplexing protocol in
`the Bluetooth stack and there will be a query for every connection request.
`3.3.5 External Key Management
`This architecture does not exclude use of external key management
`procedures. Key management applications can distribute PINs or the link keys
`directly.2 In this case though, one needs to proceed with caution to maintain
`proper interoperability of the BT-enabled devices.
`3.4 Access Control Procedures
`This section gives an example how the access control can be handled in the
`security manager. Other solutions with the same functionality and/or the same
`security level are possible.

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