`Case No.: 1:13-cv-13016
`Plaintiff, Maureen Reddy (“Plaintiff”), of Winthrop, MA,bringsthis civil action
`against defendants, Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (“Lowe’s), having a principal place of business
`at 1000 Lowes Blvd, Mooresville, NC 28117, and Evolution Lighting, LLC (“Evolution”),
`having a principal place of business at 16200 NW 59th Ave., Suite 101, Miami Lakes, FL
`33014, (collectively “Defendants”).
`1. This is an action for design patent infringement under 35 U.S.C. § 271 and unfair
`competition under Mass. G. L. c. 93A. Jurisdiction is conferred upon this Court by 28
`U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1332, 1338(a), 1338(b), and 1367(a).
`'S) Uponinformation and belief, this Court has jurisdiction over Lowe’s because Lowe’s
`regularly conducts and solicits business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
`Uponinformation and belief, this Court has jurisdiction over Evolution because
`Evolution regularly conducts and solicits business in Massachusetts.
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0001


`4, Venucis properin this district under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b), 1391(c), and 1400 because
`Defendants infringed and continueto infringe the subject design patentin this judicial
`district, have committed and continue to committortious acts in this judicial district, and
`regularly conduct and solicit business in this district.
`5. Plaintiff secks to enjoin Defendants from further infringing Plaintiff's design patent,
`statutory damages, enhanced damages, Defendants’ actual profits, and Plaintiff's costs of
`6. Plaintiff is a Winthrop, Massachusetts resident and holder of design patent D677,423
`(‘423 patent”).
`7. Lowe’s, a Mooresville, NC corporation, is a nationwide home improvementretail
`superstore with its principal place of business at 1000 Lowes Blvd, Mooresville, NC
`28117, stores in fifty states, including twenty-seven stores in Massachusetts, and an
`online e-commerce marketplace that serves residents of Massachusctts and residents of
`all fifty states. Plaintiff is informed and believes that Lowe’s regularly conducts and
`solicits busincss in Massachusetts.
`8. Evolution, d/b/a Catalina, Vision Max, Tensor, Alsy, Cresswell, Dana, Illuminada, and
`other private brands exclusive to Evolution’sretailers, including Lowe’s,is an
`international designer, manufacturer, and distributor oflighting products through home
`improvementstores and online e-commerce. Evolution is a Miami, Florida corporation
`with its principal place of business at 16200 NW 59th Ave., Suite 101, Miami Lakes, FL
`33014, who sells products at all Lowe’s stores and on Lowe’s online marketplace,
`including to residents of Massachusetts,
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0002


`A. Plaintiff's Patent And Distinctive Light Shade
`9. Plaintiff owns the '423 patent, issued on March 5, 2013. A copy of the '423 patent for
`Plaintiff's Bathroom Vanity Light Shade (“Light Shade”) is attached to this Complaint as
`10. Plaintiff's Light Shade is unique because it transforms outdated bathroom vanity light
`bars using only a screwdriverfor installation, rather than requiring extensive electrical
`work and/or cosmetic wall repair as did similar prior products. The Light Shadeis a
`simple, low-costalternative to achieving an upscale, designer look, and wasthe first
`productto fill the market void for such a shade.
`. Plaintiff, a professional interior designer and real estate stager, conceived of the Light
`Shadethatis the subject of the ’423 patent while redesigning a home in September 2011.
`Plaintiff subsequently developed the design,filed a design patent application, and
`commissioned a prototype.
`12. Plaintiff referred to her Light Shade as the “DE-Light Vanity Light Shade”in all
`copyrighted business/marketing materials supplied in good faith to Defendants.
`B. Plaintiff's Presentation of DE-Light Vanity Light Shade to Lowe's
`13. In March, 2012, Plaintiff presented the ’423 patent prototype and business/markcting
`plan to Lowe’s Interior Lighting Décor Merchandise Director (“Lighting Director”) at
`Lowe’s headquarters in North Carolina. Minutes into the presentation, the Lighting
`Director stopped Plaintiff and informed her that one of Lowe’s vendors had presented an
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0003


`“identical” prototype three weeks prior. Plaintiff informed the Lighting Director that she
`had a design patent pending, was in contact with—and hadthe support of—theutility
`patent holderfor a similar product, and suggested a meeting to discuss collaboration
`among Lowe’s, the vendor, the utility patent holder, and Plaintiff. Plaintiff left her
`business/marketing plan with the Lighting Director when the mecting ended.
`14. Plaintiff's copyrighted business/marketing plan included detailed descriptions, photos,
`drawings, marketing strategies, packaging designs, and substantial information about her
`Light Shade.
`15, The Lighting Director furnished their vendor, Evolution, who had presented an
`“Sdentical” prototype of Plaintiff's Light Shade, with Plaintiff's contact information, via
`email. That email from the Lighting Director to Evolution solely contained Plaintiff's
`contact information and copied Plaintiff.
`C. Evolution’s Failure to Materialize Licensing Agreement with Plaintiff
`16. Plaintiff began communicating with, and shared her business/marketing plan with,
`Evolution, whoinitially offered Plaintiff a 2% royalty for use of her “DE-Light Vanity
`Light Shade” name, and offered to discuss other arrangements for package design and
`17. Evolution also revealed to Plaintiff that it was entering a year-long exclusive contract
`with Lowe’sfor their product, and their product would be featured prominently within
`Lowe’s stores.
`18. No licensing or royalty agreement materialized between Evolution and Plaintiff, or
`between Lowe's and Plaintiff.
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0004


`D. Lowe’s Marketing and Sale of Evolution’s Knock-Off Light Shade
`19, Plaintiff initiated contact with Lowe’s legal team to inquire about their marketing and
`intended sale of Evolution’s potentially infringing light shade, and extensively engaged in
`communications with Lowe’slegal team.
`20. During these communications, Lowe’s requested a copy ofPlaintiff's pending design
`patent application without any guarantee of confidentiality, which Plaintiff agreed to
`provide on the condition that Lowe’s provided Plaintiff with drawings, photos, and
`descriptions of Evolution’s product; Lowe’s refused the information exchange.
`21. At some date between June 26, 2012 and February 15, 2013, Lowe’s began offering for
`sale three versions of a light shade substantially similar to Plaintiff's Light Shade,
`produced by Evolution under their Catalina name, and named “Vanity Refresh Kit.”
`22. On February 15, 2013, Plaintiff discovered the “Vanity Refresh Kit” for sale on Lowe’s
`website. Lowe’s markets the “Vanity Refresh Kit” most similar to Plaintiff's Light
`Shade as the “Vanity Light Refresh Kit” online.
`23. Plaintiff purchased the “Vanity Refresh Kit” shade most closely resembling her Light
`Shade and hadit shipped to her home. Uponfurther inspection, the Plaintiff determined
`that the shade wasvirtually identical to her Light Shade, with the only differences being
`slightly concave edges where Plaintiff's appeared straight, and the presence of a
`decorative nickel finial appearing on the bottom of the shade, Images of the purchased
`Vanity refresh Kit and a side-by-side comparison ofPlaintiff's Light Shade and the
`Vanity Refresh Kit design is attached as Exhibit B.
`24, Defendants jointly and separately have offered and continucto offer the “Vanity Refresh
`Kit’/’Vanity Light Refresh Kit” via Lowe’s online marketplace andin all Lowe's stores.
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0005


`Lowe’s maintains twenty-seven stores in Massachusetts and more than 1,700 stores
`throughout the United States. Evolution also offers the Vanity Refresh Kit for sale on the
`online marketplace and otheronline retailers. A copy of the web pages
`currently offering the shades for sale is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit C.
`25, Lowe’s also provides an instructional video for Evolution’s shades, demonstrating their
`ease ofinstallation, consistent with Plaintiff's business/marketing plan suggestion.
`Attached Exhibit D showsa screen from this instructional video, displaying the three
`Evolution “Vanity Refresh Kits.”
`26. The substantial similarity in appearance between Plaintiff's Light Shade and the “Vanity
`Refresh Kit” is undeniable. Upon information andbelief, because Defendants had
`retained Plaintiff's detailed business/marketing plan, and because Lowe’s Lighting
`Director had personally examined Plaintiff's Light Shade prototype, Defendants
`deliberately, willfully, and with full knowledge, put into the market a productinfringing
`Plaintiff's Light Shadeto fill a demonstrated market need.
`27. Plaintiff incorporates by reference all allegations set forth above in paragraphs 1-26 of
`the Complaint.
`28. Defendants are infringing Plaintiff's ’423 patentin violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271 by
`making, sclling, and offering for sale Evolution’s Vanity Refresh Kit and Vanity Light
`Refresh Kit embodying Plaintiff's patented design for such a light shade ,and will
`continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court. Defendants’ infringing acts include, but
`are notlimited to, making,using, selling, offering to sell, and importing products covered
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0006


`by the ’423 patent including, but notlimited to, the Vanity Refresh Kit and the Vanity
`Light Refresh Kit.
`29. Upon information and belief, Defendants have sold, madeoffers to sell, continue to scll,
`and/or offer to sell products infringing the 423 patent throughout the United States and
`elsewhere, and within Massachusetts,
`30. Plaintiff has been damaged by Defendants’ infringement in an amountto be determined,
`and has no adequate remedyat law.
`3 _ . Upon information and belief, Defendants’ infringing products were copied from
`Plaintiff's Light Shade, covered by the ‘423 patent. Upon further information andbelief,
`Defendants’ infringement ofthe ’423 patentis willful and deliberate.
`32. Plaintiff incorporates by reference all allegations set forth above in paragraphs 1-31 of
`the Complaint.
`33. Lowe’s is engaged in business in Massachusetts.
`34. Evolution is engaged in business in Massachusctts.
`35. Defendants’ above stated conduct constitutes unfair and deceptive acts and practices
`causing damageto Plaintiff in violation of M.G.L. c. 93A.
`36. Defendants’ unfair and deceptive acts complained of herein have occurred primarily and
`substantially in Massachusetts.
`37. On information and belief, Defendants’ acts as describe herein were willful and knowing.
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0007


`38. Plaintiff has lost money and suffered other damagesas a result of Defendants’ deceptive
`acts and practices, and has no adequate remedyat law, andis entitled to damagesas set
`forth in Mass. G. L.c. 93A.
`Wherefore Plaintiff requests this Court to:
`a, preliminarily and permanently enjoin Defendants and their officers, agents, servants,
`employees, representatives, and all persons acting in concert or participation with any of
`them, from further infringing Plaintiff's design patent;
`b. order that Defendants’ existing infringing light shades, all specifications, manufacturing
`drawings, brochures, catalogues and other promotional material related to Defendants”
`knock-offlight shades be delivered to Plaintiff for disposal;
`c. award Plaintiff its damages in accordance with 35 U.S.C. § 284, including actual
`damagesand in no eventless than a reasonable royalty;
`d. award Plaintiff Defendants’ profits for its sales of any lightshade productsthat infringe
`Plaintiffs patent;
`e. determine that Defendants have willfully and deliberately committed acts of unfair
`competition and award Plaintiff treble its damages and/or Defendants’total profits, as
`provided in Mass. Gen. L. Ch. 93A;
`award Plaintiffits costs of this action and other suchrelief as this Court deems just; and
`g. award such other and further relief as the Court deems proper.
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0008


`Dated: November 25, 2013
`Respectfully Submitted,
`Eve J. Brown, Esq.
`Suffolk University Law School
`Intellectual Property Clinic
`120 Tremont Street
`Boston, MA 02108
`(617) 305-1641
`cbrown La@suffolk.cdu
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0009


`Exhibit A.
`US D677,423 S
`co) Patent No.:
`az United States Design Patent
`(45) Date of Patent: x Mar. 5, 2013
`Inventor: Muureen Reddy, Winthrop, MA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Maureen Reddy, Winthrop, MA (US)
`4/2003 Kelmelis et al.
`D473,670 S *
`92004 Beatle
`670668 Ble
`0S44'991 s* 6/2007 Guercio Gr oats
`D566,878 S *
`4/2008 Dufly etal.
`DS83,978 S *
`DS84443 S *
`DS#4.446 S *
`D614,342 S *
`D621.989 S *
`Danae Ss * (ueUo
`0633,641 S *°
`638.977 S *
`* cited by examiner
`£4 Years
`(21) Appl. No.: 29/395,663
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 8, 2012
`(B51) LOC 9) CD.ceccececserereeeresenticsenentseeeene 26899
`(52) UG. Ce ter cesesccesrorsesessteon ven cnsiapvnsves
`ww D26/128
`(58) Field of Classification Search .........0s D26/1, Primary Examiner—Kevin Ruodzinski
`26/2, 118, 113, 138, 119, 120, 121, 122,
`D26/76, 77, 75, 78, 85, 86, 89, 90,62,64,
`126/65, 66, 63, 73, 72, 74, 6B, 71, 28, 123,
`D26/124, 127, 128, 129, 134, 135, 132, 139,
`126/154, 155, 152, 149, 148, 145, 143, 142,
`1D26/140, 141, 153, 144, 91, 92, 29, 24, 26,
`D26/8, 114, 37, 87; 362/202, 347, 349, 362,
`362/419, 96, 192, 145, 294, 326, 267, 373,
`362/249.01- 249.12; D13/102, 179, 180
`Sev application file for complete search history.
`The ornamental design for a bathroom vanity light shade, as
`Shown and desribed.
`FG. 1 is a front perspective view from below of a bathroom
`vanity light shade showing my new design;
`iG. 2 is a rear perspective view from below thereof;
`FIG.3 is a front perspective view from above thereof;
`FIG. 4is an enlarged view ofthe identified arca in FIG.3; and,
`FIG. § is a front perspective view from above thercof.
`References Clted
`Thebroken lines shownin the drawingsillustrate portions of
`the vanity light shade and environmentalstructures that form
`part ofthe claimed desi:
`DL28,478 S *
`7/1941 Caster, Jr
`4,045,665 A *
`8/1977 Williams eta
`The bathroom vanity light shade is an ornamental fixture
`D271,86t S * 12/1983 Patton .
`consisting of a rectangular, metal rod skeleton, wrapped in
`D312,319 S *
`11/1990 Kunz .
`fabric on three sides (frontside, left side, right side), with a
`Ohos 5 . MD nea al
`207,504 wiftetal,..A * 5! stationary acrylic diffuser bottom. The bathroom vanity light
`Pee . - a) teeue 7
`shade mounts on the wall with top/back exposed mounting
`1D386,801 S *
`11/1997 Orgovan
`D3I97,818 S * M1998 erst ct al
`D446,332 S *
`8/2001 Grossman
`1 Claim, 3 Drawing Sheets
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0010


`U.S. Patent
`Mar.5, 2013
`Sheet 1 of 3
`US D677,423 S
`FIG. 1
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0011


`U.S. Patent
`Mar.5, 2013
`Sheet 2 of 3
`US D677,423 S
`ee ereee
`- i
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0012


`U.S. Patent
`Mar.5, 2013
`Sheet 3 of 3
`US D677,423 S
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0013


`Exhibit B.
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`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0014


`Exhibit 8.

`aN t
`¢ gt
`:: A
`eaIPTO :
`<i Shee
` @
`Image shows bottom wew at Refresh Kit on left with cecorahve final
`Delight Shade on the ngnt
`image shows top elevation view Rafresh Kit on left, De-Light Shade on right
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0015


`Exhibit B.
`The above imaqe shows ‘Hefresh Kit on leftard Op togh) Shade protatype on right
`Products are virally deatealoxcept ter sbyhtly cunved eiqes of the Refrast: Ku
`Detad of curved edge (Refresh Kil) vs. straight Edge (Delight Snada)
`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0016


`Exhibit C.
`1. Lowe’s Online Website:
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`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
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`2. Amazon Online Marketplace Website:
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`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0018


`Exhibit D.
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`Fitbit, Inc. v. Philips North America LLC
`Fitbit, Inc. Ex. 1046 Page 0019

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