Teleconference Proceedings - April 3, 2020
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` ___________________________
` ___________________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ___________________________
` U.S. Patent No. 8,633,194
` Inter Partes Review No.: IPR2019-00400
` ___________________________
` REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS via teleconference of
` the above-entitled cause before Judges Robert A.
` Pollock, Ryan H. Flax, and Kristi L.R. Sawert,
` Judges of said Panel, on the 3rd day of April 2020
` at the hour of 4:00 p.m. EST.
` Reported by: Sandra Rocca
` Certification No. 084-003435
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`Apotex (IPR2019-00400) Ex. 1051, p. 001


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` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 550 South Tryon Street, Suite 2900
` Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
` appeared on behalf of the
` Petitioner;
` 902 Broadway, Suite 14
` New York, New York 10010
` appeared on behalf of the
` Patent Owner.
` (All parties appeared via teleconference.)
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` JUDGE POLLACK: Good afternoon. This
` hearing is for IPR2019-00400. I'm Judge Pollack.
` Judges Sawert and Flax are on the line as well. Who
` do we have for Patent Owner UCB?
` MR. COUNIHAN: Good afternoon, Your Honor.
` This is Robert Counihan from Fenwick. Joined with
` me, not in person but they should be on the line,
` are lead counsel, James Trainor, and our associate,
` Erica Sutter.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Good afternoon,
` Mr. Counihan. Who is on the line for Petitioner
` Apotex?
` MR. MALIK: Good afternoon, Your Honor.
` This is Jitendra Malik from the law firm of Katten
` and with me is Alissa Pacchioli, also from the law
` firm of Katten.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Good afternoon as well. I
` understand there's a court reporter on the line,
` correct?
` JUDGE POLLACK: Very good. Petitioner shall
` file the transcript pursuant to the Trial Practice
` Guide as stated in the email of -- I believe it was
` earlier today.
` MR. MALIK: Yes, sir.
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` JUDGE POLLACK: On April 2nd, Patent Owner
` sent us an email requesting a conference to discuss
` "immediate expungement" of certain portions of
` paper 43, Petitioner's motion to exclude. As we
` understand the email, Patent Owner believes the
` Petitioner failed to timely file objections to
` Dr. Niazi's declaration.
` Patent Owner, assuming for the sake of
` argument that your allegations are correct, why do
` you think it is necessary for the Panel to take this
` highly unusual step of expungement rather than
` consider the matter in due course and in light of
` your opposition to Petitioner's motion?
` MR. COUNIHAN: Yes, Your Honor. Thank you
` very much for having a conference call on short
` notice like this. It's not just timeliness, it's
` also the detail of the objection and the form in
` which they were provided. The rule 37 42.64 is very
` clearly there to allow in this situation the Patent
` Owner the opportunity to correct any issues that the
` in the situation the Petitioner might object to.
` And the way that Patent Owner handled this
` situation, in our view, has substantially prejudiced
` us. And so our belief is that given the numerous
` procedural defects, there's no reason to even
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` require my side to take the time to write up a
` response or for the Board to expend judicial
` resources considering the motion.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Won't we be expending
` judicial resources to consider whether or not --
` this extraordinary measure of expunging a motion
` that's not been fully briefed?
` MR. COUNIHAN: I understand that, Your
` Honor. I think that the issues that we raised can
` be considered just based on the first sentence of
` their motion because they identified the source of
` the objection, which is just two parts of a
` deposition transcript where they essentially just
` read back the regulatory provision of the CFR that
` they moved under. And so the basis of their motion
` is that our expert withheld material from them and
` as a result, his opinions are unreliable.
` However, their objection made at the
` deposition did not identify that material that was
` allegedly withheld. And then what they did from
` there is they did not seek relief from the Board
` immediately to file a motion to strike, which was
` the motion they told us about at the deposition.
` Nor did they file any written objections so that we
` could then take appropriate action on our end.
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` So as a result, when we saw their reply come
` in six weeks after the deposition, we assumed that
` they were doing what they should do, which is attack
` his credibility on the merits. Instead, they sat
` until a week ago and then filed a motion to exclude
` when we're at a point -- I'm sorry, not a week ago,
` three days ago -- when we are now at a point where
` we cannot correct anything. We can't put in a new
` declaration. We can't bring in a new expert. Our
` hands are basically tied. And we think the
` prejudice is so incredible that there's no reason to
` entertain the motion and it should just be expunged
` immediately.
` JUDGE POLLACK: All right. Petitioner.
` MR. MALIK: So I kind of want to break this
` up. I want to discuss what I view the real issue is
` and the timing issue. I mean, we're not here Friday
` afternoon at 4:00 p.m. to discuss whether or not the
` motion is under what we believe is 42.64(a) versus
` UCB thinking 42.64(b). And then I want to discuss
` certain procedural issues.
` You're right, Your Honors, it's a drastic
` remedy of trying to stop motion practice midstream.
` I mean, there has to be a pretty good reason beyond
` just a dispute over whether 64(a) or 64(b) applies.
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` And I think what we need to do is kind of go into
` exactly what is the nature of the issue and why UCB,
` you know, is so adamant that we immediately strike.
` So this kind of goes into what the motion to
` exclude effectively is about. The motion to
` effectively exclude is some issue that happened
` during the Niazi deposition/declaration. There's an
` -- obviously he submitted a declaration, said
` certain things are obvious. Fine, I appreciate
` that.
` But at the same time, there was a book, his
` own book, that he was editing at the same time while
` he submitted his declaration -- and you'll see it
` all laid out on page 4 -- that, in effect, impeached
` just about every proposition that he had. We
` discuss the impeachment information in our complete
` response -- complete reply to Patent Owner's
` complete response.
` But what this motion is about is the
` underlying facts of how much -- what he did, as far
` as his review he actually in his deposition
` transcript, he certified in words, he's been editing
` his book that was going to come out one week after
` the deposition. He repeatedly cites this book, but
` he never, ever cites the book itself in the
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` declaration. And so we actually found the book and
` realized that it impeached everything. But
` basically Patent Owner or Dr. Niazi withheld the
` book.
` And what happened was the reason we think
` the deposition -- the objection is under 64(a) is we
` need a good faith basis to object to anything. We
` can't just object for the sake of objection. And
` there's nothing in his deposition or in his
` declaration that said, hey, I withheld this book. I
` was drafting the book at the same time while I was
` drafting my declaration. I didn't look at this
` stuff.
` So the objection itself only became ripe
` during the actual deposition. And that's exactly
` what we did. Once the deposition facts established
` that he had indeed reviewed his book, he knew about
` the content, we went ahead and put the objection in.
` We said here's the CFR code. We even read it
` directly into the record, the subsection of the CFR
` code, that's on page 244 of the deposition
` transcript -- I'm sorry, that's on 248 of the
` deposition transcript. And in response, UCB says
` and I will read it, "No, of course we disagree with
` your position and we'll respond accordingly at the
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` appropriate time."
` They never said it wasn't timely. They
` acknowledged the deposition. And if you think about
` why the timing requirement is there, the timing
` requirement is there such that UCB has the best
` opportunity to cure. It puts the prejudice on them.
` We were at the deposition. It was right before
` redirect. The witness is right there. What would
` be the -- that's the most fair way to do it because
` they can ask their witness whatever they want.
` So we actually are moving under 64(a). And
` if you take a look at first line of our brief, it
` says, pursuant to 37 CFR 42.64(c), which is the
` general file motion to exclude, but there's
` absolutely nothing here that says that we are moving
` under (b). That's theirs. And we can have a fight
` in the paper as to whether it's (a) or (b), that's
` fine, and we can go ahead and brief that.
` But what really is going on is this paper is
` going to force UCB to explain what exactly happened.
` Why did their expert not put the Niazi series into
` the record in violation of -- we which said in the
` record and it's all over our brief, the CFR
` provisions -- bear with me one second, Your Honor.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Counsel, counsel, you are
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` breaking up. I suspect it's because there's
` background noise in your office.
` MR. MALIK: Is this a little better, Your
` Honor?
` MR. MALIK: Okay. So basically we were
` moving under 37 CFR 45.51(b)(1)(iii). We told them
` that that was the basis. Now, what they don't want
` to do is they don't want -- the reason they want an
` immediate expungement -- and we'll get into the
` drastic remedy that it is. They don't want to write
` a paper which basically explains why their expert
` withheld information. They don't want to say the
` expert completely withheld information or he was so
` derelict and negligent when he was doing his
` declaration that it never occurred to him that the
` book that he was editing at the same time could have
` been used for impeachment and it was relevant.
` So that's ultimately what this comes out to.
` We had no basis at the time the declaration was
` first served under 42.64(b) to know that he was
` withholding information, that he was editing his
` book at the same time, that he had a Word copy that
` he searched. The deposition revealed that the
` objection became ripe and we moved under 42.64 which
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` basically says a timely objection is during the
` deposition.
` Now, I do want to talk about the remedy
` itself. They're asking for an expungement. Okay.
` There is a rule that deals with expungement. It's a
` sanction rule, 42.12(b)(2) expressly says --
` basically an order for expungement. But if you want
` to do sanctions, you have to then give a 21-day
` notice. You have to basically use everything that
` the rule requires, which is -- bear with me if I can
` find it. Here we are. They have to do what
` 42.11(d)(2) said, which is essentially saying for
` 21 days prior to authorization to file a motion for
` sanctions, the moving party must serve the other
` side, us, with the proposed motion.
` So if they're looking for a remedy that is
` akin to what is in 42.12, then they have to go
` through the procedure of 42.11. And even 42.12
` doesn't allow for immediate expungement. I mean,
` we're basically having a debate right now whether
` it's Section A or Section B of the objection
` practice. And we can go ahead and brief that and
` deal with it and the PTAB can take it under
` advisement.
` To the extent there is issues in the motion
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` or issues in the paper that the judges feel is not
` appropriate or is not convincing, you're judges.
` You can weigh the evidence. You can ignore it.
` We're not talking about a jury. We're talking about
` three judges. You're well used to basically
` weighing evidence, considering which side is better.
` All we're asking here is let the briefing go
` forward, complete it, take it under advisement,
` decide whatever you want to decide, and that's the
` end of it.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Mr. Counihan, I understand
` from Petitioner that they discussed the credibility
` of your expert in their reply. So where is the
` prejudice of raising similar issues now in this
` motion?
` MR. COUNIHAN: Well, the prejudice would be
` if the motion were granted and our expert's entire
` declaration were excluded because --
` JUDGE POLLACK: That would indeed be
` prejudicial, but you do have the opportunity to
` oppose the motion.
` MR. COUNIHAN: Understood, Your Honor. If I
` can make a couple comments in response to what
` Mr. Jitendra said just there. He pointed to 42.12,
` the sanctions provision. We would direct the Board,
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` Your Honors, to 42.7 which allows the Board to
` manage its own record and expunge inappropriate
` papers such as, in our view, this one.
` Two, in terms of what counsel believes we
` will have to do if we have to respond, I wasn't
` planning to go into the merits today, but we wholly
` disagree that there's any inconsistency. As counsel
` pointed out, the book that was allegedly withheld
` from them is a book. It's a publicly available
` document. It was also referenced in Dr. Niazi's
` background in his declaration. So there was --
` nothing was being hidden. Their point is that --
` JUDGE POLLACK: Are you referring to
` Exhibits 1032 to 1037 and 1041 that are the subject
` of the opposing motion to exclude or is this
` something else?
` MR. COUNIHAN: No, that's exactly it, Your
` Honor. So in his -- Dr. Niazi in his declaration in
` his background makes reference to this book series
` because it's about manufacturing pharmaceutical
` formulations. So there's a reference to it there.
` So their argument as put forth in their
` motion is there are four instances, a total of four,
` that they believe he was impeached at his deposition
` by his book, specifically 33 formulations taken out
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` of that book. We, (1), disagree on the merits that
` there was any impeachment; but (2), they believe
` that because of those four impeachments across, you
` know, a 200-paragraph declaration, that his entire
` declaration should be excluded.
` And so they're asking for -- to circle back
` to your original question, Your Honor, in the reply,
` they focus on these four things and a couple other
` things. But they focused on these few things. They
` didn't focus on the entire thing -- the entire
` declaration needs to go. This expert just needs to
` be thrown out of this proceeding. That was not the
` tenor of that reply and that's what they're saying
` now.
` And so we're going to be faced with the
` situation where the Board may take the motion under
` advisement and not issue an Order before the oral
` argument on the 22nd, in which case we will be
` arguing without knowing whether we can refer to our
` expert or not.
` I do think there is an interesting conundrum
` that much of their reply is based upon Dr. Niazi's
` book, but then they want to exclude him as
` unreliable. I think there's an interesting
` contradiction there, but that's something we can
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` talk about at the oral argument.
` But bringing back to today's request and the
` procedural issues, the concern that we have is that
` we expected them to file a motion to strike back in
` December. They didn't do that. We expected them if
` they weren't going to do that, if they were going to
` file a motion to exclude, to put us on notice with
` filed written objections.
` And Dr. Jitendra tried to say that this is a
` 42.65(a) issue because that goes to deposition
` evidence, but they're not trying to exclude his
` deposition testimony. In fact, they're relying upon
` it. They're relying upon it exclusively as a basis
` for their motion.
` What they're trying to exclude is his
` declaration which is a written document, which
` squarely falls under 42.64(b).
` But even if you set aside that issue for a
` moment, whether it's (a) or (b), the bottom line is
` under 42.64, the point is to give notice to the
` non-objecting party so that they can deal with it if
` they so choose. And in this situation, they did not
` give us that notice. They just said vaguely and
` generically, we're going to move under this rule.
` Okay. You're entitled to say that, but you need to
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` tell us what he withheld, what specifically he
` withheld and how is that inconsistent. You need to
` tell us that and then we can go correct it. And
` they simply failed to do that. And as a result,
` their motion has absolutely no basis in any Board
` rule or in the CFR, and in our view, should simply
` be expunged.
` MR. MALIK: May I respond?
` JUDGE POLLACK: Hold on. This objection was
` made during the deposition itself, correct?
` MR. COUNIHAN: Correct.
` JUDGE POLLACK: And we have the transcript
` somewhere here, right?
` MR. COUNIHAN: It's Exhibit 1043.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Let's see if I can find this
` here. Give me a second. I had a computer problem a
` few minutes ago and it's taking me a minute to find
` things. All right. Exhibit 1043, which page, line?
` MR. COUNIHAN: They cite two provisions or
` two sections: First, page 7. So this comes right
` at the very beginning of the deposition. And I
` believe it's Dr. Malik says, "Counsel, to the extent
` Dr. Niazi says anything today that would support a
` motion to strike, I will give you the full basis at
` the end of the cross and that way you have the
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` opportunity to redirect him."
` So there's nothing specific about what
` they're planning to move to strike on at that point.
` The second thing they cite is at page 247
` which comes at the very end of the direct
` examination or cross-examination. And let me know
` when you're there, Your Honor.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Very good. Go ahead.
` MR. COUNIHAN: So here they cite -- they
` refer to a couple of different things, but I believe
` the part that is relevant to the motion to exclude
` begins on page 248 at line 5 where they say,
` "Dr. Niazi did not consider information that he has
` in his possession that the POSA would have used."
` And then, "On the basis of 37 CFR 42.51, which I
` state in relevant part" and then he read 42.51 into
` the record. And that was it. You can see
` immediately thereafter Ms. Sutter on our team gave
` the statement that Mr. Malik read into the record.
` So those two quotes from the transcript are
` the two objections that they say gave us sufficient
` notice to be prepared for this motion to exclude.
` JUDGE POLLACK: All right.
` MR. MALIK: May I respond?
` JUDGE POLLACK: Yes, please.
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` MR. MALIK: So first I want to go to
` Rule 42.7 which is management of the record which
` Patent Owner cited. (A) says the Board may expunge
` any paper directed to a proceeding or filed while
` the application is under the jurisdiction of the
` Board that is not authorized under this court or in
` the Board Order or filed to contrary to a Board
` order. Basically this is a very unique motion where
` someone just files a piece of paper without court
` authorization. We do have authorization to file the
` motion to exclude.
` The sanctions provision which I read earlier
` where it talks about expungement, that is
` essentially what they're doing and they're saying
` that a dispute between CFR 64(a) versus 64(b)
` warrants an immediate expungement, something that
` even the sanctions motions won't even contemplate,
` putting aside the procedure there.
` Next, as far as the objection, you can see
` we specifically noted that we were going to move to
` remove the entire Niazi declaration. We even named
` the document on page 247. And it seems to me
` counsel for Patent Owner just laid out what they
` intend to oppose our (indecipherable).
` If they believe there's some defect, whether
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` it's lack of specificity, lack of timing, the PTAB
` sees these issues all the time. It's what the
` motion practice is about. We raised a motion. They
` basically said no, you're not right. It's untimely,
` it's this, it's that, it goes to the weight. The
` judges then take it under advisement and they make
` their decision. This is a normal dispute between
` what applies, (a) or (b), specificity, untimeliness
` versus not timely. There's nothing irregular and
` there certainly is nothing that justifies in effect
` a sanction that warrants even immediate expungement
` that not even the rules contemplate.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Very well. I think we've
` talked this out. I'm going to put you on hold and
` discuss this with the Panel.
` MR. MALIK: Thank you, Your Honor.
` MR. COUNIHAN: Thank you, Your Honor.
` (Short recess.)
` JUDGE POLLACK: This is Judge Pollack.
` Mr. Counihan, are you there?
` MR. COUNIHAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` MR. MALIK: Yes, sir.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Very good. We've reached a
` decision regarding the motion to -- or the request
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` for immediate expungement. However, before we get
` to that, I would like to discuss Patent Owner's
` motion to exclude. And I understand -- where is
` that -- Mr. Counihan, that you're seeking to exclude
` Exhibits 1032 through 1037 and then 1041 which are
` chapters from Dr. Niazi's book, correct?
` MR. COUNIHAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE POLLACK: And in the alternative,
` you've asked for us to take judicial notice of some
` facts regarding the six-volume series from which
` those chapters are derived, correct?
` MR. COUNIHAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE POLLACK: And how would we take
` judicial notice of something that we really have not
` seen or heard about until today?
` MR. COUNIHAN: Understood. So the issue
` with those volumes or with those exhibits is that
` they are excerpts from a much larger -- they're
` excerpts from a very large six-volume series book.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Understood.
` MR. COUNIHAN: So we objected that the
` excerpts are incomplete because as you can see from
` Petitioner's reply, and even it comes up in their
` motion to exclude, they're trying to characterize
` Dr. Niazi's opinions as unreliable because of 33
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` formulations. And so the point that we believe
` should be made is that that needs to be taken in
` context of the fact that there are thousands of
` formulations. I believe he testified that there are
` 2,000 formulations that are disclosed in those -- in
` those books.
` Now, in one of the -- in 1041, they actually
` -- Apotex actually included the index so you can see
` that there are four or 500 different formulations in
` that one volume. So in our view -- maybe this is an
` undisputed fact and that's the way that it should be
` handled, but under the appropriate rule for judicial
` notice, we believe that there is enough evidence in
` the record between Dr. Niazi's testimony and just
` from the excerpts themselves that the context that
` there are thousands of formulations is clear.
` JUDGE POLLACK: So you don't think you need
` to submit anything else to make the record clear for
` us as to the scope of this six-volume set?
` MR. COUNIHAN: That's right. We don't want
` to burden the Board with the other -- I'm not sure
` how many other pages there are if Petitioner were to
` go scan the rest of those books and put them into
` evidence, which is why we suggested judicial notice
` as an alternative because we're only asking for
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` judicial notice of a pretty specific, narrow fact
` and not, you know, anything beyond that. So we're
` really proposing that as an alternative kind of
` compromise solution, if you will. I apologize if
` that wasn't clear in the brief, Your Honor.
` JUDGE POLLACK: Okay. Petitioner.
` MR. MALIK: With respect to 1032 and 1034, I
` know we briefly discussed at the beginning. As
` Patent Owner said, yes, the Niazi series is
` referenced in his book, but Rule 45.51(b)(1)(iii)
` says unless previously served, a party must serve
` relevant information that is inconsistent with the
` position advanced by the party. Throughout the
` proceeding, UCB should have served what it
` expectedly envisioned as what has become 1032 to
` 1037. So that's -- I mean, basically that became
` part of this proceeding the minute Dr. Niazi served
` his declaration. It goes not only to UCB, but also
` to persons involved in the preparation. You can see
` in our motion how we've highlighted everything.
` So the only portions of the Niazi series
` that were relevant as far as that rule went was 1034
` to -- 1032 to 1037. Now, you'll see in our response
` and obviously you'll see in the papers, to the
` extent there's anything relevant in the rest of the
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866

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