`Pharma & Healthcare News
`Evonik-Degussa expands its
`cooperation with Alsiano
`Alsiano new distributor of Evonik Degussa
`AEROSIL® products in Sweden for pharmaceutical
`and healthcare
`Evonik-Degussa expands
`its cooperation with
`Alsiano .................................... 1
`Healthy South African
`plant extracts from
`Afriplex ................................... 2
`this decision a token of Evonik
`Degussa’s satisfaction with the work
`we have performed so far within the
`Danish pharma industry. For Alsiano,
`the addition of Evonik-Degussa’s
`AEROSIL® line of free flowing agents
`will make our product portfolio vis-à-
`vis our Swedish customers more com-
`plete and thus more attractive”.
`The AEROSIL® product portfolio con-
`sists of hydrophobic and hydrophilic
`fumed silica, mixed oxides, metal ox-
`ides and dispersions. For pharmaceu-
`tical manufactures, the AEROSIL® pro-
`duct line also includes hydrophilic and
`hydrophilic colloidal silica pharmaceu-
`tical grades. Evonik-Degussa offers
`technical service laboratories, techni-
`cal support, highly detailed specialist
`literature, and consistency of quality
`and secure supply of products.
`Evonik Degussa’s AEROSIL® products
`are stored at Alsiano’s warehouse
`guaranteeing a prompt
`delivery service.
`SEPINEOTM - improves
`and simplifies formulation
`of topical emulsions
`and gels .................................. 4
`CardiaBeatTM - a fresh
`approach to Omega-3
`and plant Sterol Esters .......... 5
`Coming up: Alsiano
`Pharma Seminar 2008 ............ 6
`50 years with ingredients
`and raw materials .................. 7
`The trendy Ayurveda ............. 7
`Lactium® - a natural and
`original slimming
`solution .................................. 8
`News in brief ........................ 10
`The Alsiano Pharma team ... 10
`Publisher: Alsiano A/S
`Circulation: 650 copies
`Anders Hager
`Coordinator, text, lay-out:
`Dorthe Andersson
`Pharma & Healthcare News is
`published twice a year and
`distributed to customers and other
`interested parties. Reproduction
`of articles appearing in Pharma
`& Healthcare News requires prior
`consent of the author. Alsiano is
`not responsible for the content
`of articles written by external
`By Dorthe Andersson, Marketing,
`Alsiano A/S
`We are pleased to announce that
`Evonik Degussa has appointed Alsiano
`as their exclusive distributor in Swe-
`den for their AEROSIL® line of free flow-
`ing agents to the pharmaceutical and
`healthcare industries.
`Alsiano has represented Evonik
`Degussa on the Danish market for
`many years, and in future Alsiano will
`also be in charge of introducing the
`AEROSIL® products to the pharmaceu-
`tical and healthcare industries in Swe-
`Glen Marston, sales manager for
`Evonik Degussa’s AEROSIL® line, has
`the following comments to this change
`of organisation: “In our experience,
`working with the pharmaceutical in-
`dustry requires, among other things,
`long term commitment, technical com-
`petence and a thorough under-
`standing of the development
`process in the industry. By
`appointing Alsiano in
`Sweden, we strongly
`believe that Evonik-
`Degussa shall be
`able to meet
`these demands.”
`Anders Hager,
`sales manager
`of Alsiano Pharma,
`is pleased with
`Evonik Degussa’s
`decision and sta-
`tes, “We are very
`very proud that
`Evonik Degussa
`has chosen us to
`represent them
`in Sweden and
`consider this
`Pharma & Healthcare News
`No. 7 (cid:127) December 2007
`Healthy South African plant extracts from
`Alsiano has entered into co-operation with Afriplex, South African producer
`of plant extracts, flavours and herbal teas from Africa´s indigenous plants.
`Their wide selection of products includes, among others, fruit pulp from the
`“superfruit” Baobab and extracts from Devil’s Claw, Roiboos and Kigelia – all
`products which can be used in a broad range of applications such as health
`supplements, nutritional bars, skin care products and health drinks
`Africa for fever, rheuma-
`toid arthritis and kidney
`problems. Today, the pri-
`mary use of Devil´s Claw
`is for reducing pain and
`swelling of Arthritis pa-
`tients. Joints are situated
`where two bones meet,
`such as elbow and knee.
`Over time, the joint can be-
`come severely damaged.
`The main component in
`Devil´s Claw is Harpago-
`side which is a cinnamic es-
`ter. Several clinical studies
`show that Devil’s Claw can
`relieve pain due to its abil-
`ity to reduce inflammation.
`Two studies have been pub-
`lished in Joint Bone Spine
`and European Journal of Anaesthe-
`giology - both studies were placebo-
`controlled and included 122 humans
`and 197 humans respectively.
`Devil´s Claw can be combined with
`other anti-inflammatory ingredients
`such as rosehip or ginger from Vidya
`Herbs. Please contact Alsiano for fur-
`ther information.
` continues >>
`Baobab amino acid content
`2.35 g
`2.71 g
`8.4 1 mg
`6.04 g
`10.70 g
`4.92 g
`11.23 g
`4.11 g
`Glutamic acid
`4.02 g
`1.64 g
`4.21 g
`1.49 g
`2.96 g
`per 100 g
`Devil’s Claw
`By Annette Strarup, Area Sales
`Manager, Alsiano A/S
`The increasing demand for
`new superfruits, exotic ex-
`tracts and new antioxidants
`has initiated Alsiano´s decision
`to offer products from Afri-
`plex. Afriplex is an innovative
`company situated in Paarl,
`Cape Town in South Africa.
`Afriplex is cost-effective, and
`at the same time it has an
`inherent responsibility for the
`environment. Below is a brief
`presentation of a selection of
`the interesting products from
`Baobab fruit pulp:
`Pectin & amino acids in
`natural form
`Numerous studies on the benefits of
`Baobab have been conducted the last
`six years at universities and labora-
`tories. Baobab is a “superfruit” and is
`very close to receive EU Novel Food
`Approval, which has only been granted
`to very few novel foods and exotic
`fruits introduced into the EU due to
`the high cost of getting approval for
`Baobab is recommended for a broad
`range of applications including skin
`supplements (beauty from within),
`intestine health supplements, energy
`drinks (energy booster for athletics)
`and for cereal bars, cookies and
`yoghurts due to its ability to improve
`intestinal health.
`Baobab is rich in amino acids (see
`table), it has high concentrations of
`bioflavonoids, and a high concentration
`of linolenic acid (omega 3, 6 and 9).
`Further, it is rich in pectin fibre and
`has prebiotic-like activity in-vitro. A
`recently published analysis has
`revealed the level to range between
`23.4 g and 33.8 g pectin/100 g of
`Baobab fruit pulp.
`A nutritional analysis of Baobab fruit
`pulp has shown that the fruit is an
`excellent source of calcium and
`vitamin C. In fact, the vitamin C
`content is three times higher than that
`of oranges
`(300 mg/g). The
`antioxidant power of Baobab pulp is
`approx. four times that of kiwi and
`apple pulp.
`Devil’s Claw – Cinnamic esters
`for bone & joint health
`Traditionally, Devil´s Claw has been
`used for thousands of years in South
`Pharma & Healthcare News
`No. 7 (cid:127) December 2007
`Name of extract
`Botanical name
`Baobab Pulp
`Adonsonia digitata
`Amino acids
`Vitamin C
`Devil´s Claw
`Harpaghytum procumbens
`Rooibos /
`Green Rooibos
`Aspalathus linearis
`Kigelia africana
`Steroidal saponins
`Examples of healthy drinks with Rooibos
`Rooibos Extract – Powerful
`anti-oxidant & skin nutrient for
`blemish control
`Rooibos extract - also known as South
`African red tea extract - contains a
`high level of different anti-oxidants
`(including Superoxide Dismutase) and
`a high level of asphilithin, which is
`known for its anti-allergic properties.
`The plant is traditionally used for skin
`conditions to treat dry skin, allergic
`skin, irritated skin and acne. The
`research within Rooibos extract is
`growing and several research teams
`including universities in Japan and
`South Africa are at present conducting
`research about the health promoting
`properties of the ingredient.
`The extract is also available in an
`organic version. The latest variant is
`an unfermented version, Novel-T
`Green Rooibos extract, with a higher
`amount of aspilithin. Together with
`Rooibos flavour it is extremely popular
`in the US and Japan within the healthy
`beverage sector for products like ice
`teas, fruit juices, carbonated soft drinks
`and flavoured mineral water.
`For blemish control supplements,
`roiboos extract is recommended
`together with dandelion extract,
`silymarin extract, nettle extract and
`burdock extract. For topical applica-
`tions, Rooibos extract is recommended
`together with Sepicontrol A5 (vectori-
`zed amino acid and cinnamon extract)
`from Seppic and/or Kigelia extract
`(read more about Kigelia below).
`Kigelia fruit extract – Sun care
`Kigelia extract is produced from the
`seed pod of the “Sausage tree” or the
`Kigelia africana tree. It is traditionally
`used for topical applications and is used
`to ensure a clear, blemish-free
`complexion, for dry skin and skin with
`fungal infection and also in antiaging
`supplements.Scientific literature
`confirms the validity of many of the
`traditional uses due to the presence
`of numerous secondary metabolites
`including iridoids, flavonoids, fatty
`acids and sterols. The sterols
`(phytosterols) are recognized for their
`skin firming abilities and inflammatory
`properties against eczema and other
`skin conditions. They are also used for
`allergy relief.
`Other products in Afriplex’s range
`Honey bush extract
`Rooibos flavor
`Aloe Ferox extract
`Green fig flavour
`Marula flavour
`Hoodia powder
`Honey bush flavour
`Sutherland extract
`White wine flavour
`Pelargonium extract
`Red wine flavour
`Recent studies show proven efficacy
`in treating sun induced skin sores, and
`research is currently taking place at
`Freiberg University. Kigelia extract is
`recommended together with melon
`SOD extract (Extramel C from Seppic)
`for sun protection. For anti-age skin
`creams, collagen biosynthesis Kigelia
`extract is recommended together with
`Beta (1.3)-glycan and arginine (please
`contact Alsiano
`Afriplex competencies
`• R&D focused – Afriplex has estab-
`lished partnerships with leading uni-
`versities to facilitate collaborative re-
`search and development of products
`derived from Southern African plants.
`Further, they undertake research
`projects with a number of highly re-
`garded institutions.
`• Creative centre (application lab)
`– In Paarl, South Africa, the AFF Crea-
`tive Centre is situated with focus on
`product innovation and customer ser-
`vice. Afriplex has fully equipped ap-
`plication labs for a wide range of food
`and beverage applications (e.g. bev-
`erages, smoothies, breakfast cereals etc.).
`• Experimental farm – Afriplex has
`invested in the propagation and clon-
`ing of different plant species and con-
`duct tests in a fully-automated green-
`• Product development – Afriplex has
`expertise in tailoring products by utilizing
`engineering and separation technology.
`Article 323
`Pharma & Healthcare News
`Food News
`No. 7 (cid:127) December 2007
`No. 1 (cid:127) February 2004
`SEPINEOTM - improves and simplifies formulation
`of topical emulsions and gels
`Seppic launches a new range of excipients dedicated to topical drug
`By Michel Malandain, Excipients
`Manager & Aude Puget, Market-
`ing & Development, Seppic
`In semi-liquid dosage forms, gels and
`emulsions represent two of the most
`widely used topical drug formulations.
`Traditional emulsions used for topical
`applications can be a headache when
`you build your surfactant system using
`a lipophilic plus a hydrophilic sur-
`factant, calculate the HLB of the sys-
`tem and then add a thickener to ob-
`tain consistency. You increase your de-
`velopment step and thereby the cost.
`To improve and simplify formulation,
`SEPPIC proposes SEPINEO™, a new
`range of excipients in pharmaceutical
`grade. SEPINEO™ range means
`excipients dedicated to topical drug
`formulations with SEPPIC pharmaceu-
`tical regulatory support. This range in-
`cludes, for now, a non ionic self-emul-
`sifier, SEPINEO™ SE 68, and a poly-
`mer SEPINEO™ P 600.
`SEPINEO™ SE 68 for emulsions
`The SEPINEO™ SE 68 allows the
`manufacture of consistent and stable
`O/W emulsions and avoids the above
`enables the formulation of gel or gel-
`cream at room temperature whether
`it includes high shear mixing or not.
`SEPINEO™ P 600 is able to thicken
`formulations over a wide pH range (2
`to 12) with no re-hydratation and no
`neutralisation step. Its compatibility
`with solvents like ethanol, propylene
`glycol, etc. is an advantage that makes
`it possible to elaborate formulas con-
`taining actives with poor solubility (hy-
`dro-alcoholic gels including up to 60%
`ethanol) or water sensible actives (an-
`hydrous formulations).
`SEPINEO™ P 600 is also able to emul-
`sify and stabilize many oily phases
`(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131) addition of conventional emulsifier
`(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131) HLB calculation
`(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131) neutralization step
` continues >>
`About Seppic
`SEPPIC is a supplier of ingredi-
`ents in different business areas
`(industrial, pharmaceutical and
`health care, cosmetics) and a
`subsidiary of AIR LIQUIDE, an in-
`ternational group specialized in
`industrial and medical gases.
`SEPPIC offers science and ser-
`vices with highly technical pro-
`duct ranges.
`SEPPIC, well known in the phar-
`maceutical area for oral forms,
`does also provide excipients for
`topical forms.
`Its expert team enables SEPPIC
`to develop or recommend spe-
`cific formulations accurately tai-
`lored to their customers’ require-
`ments throughout the world.
`constraints. It enables to for-
`emulsion without thicke-
`ning agent
`anhydrous emulsion; for
`water sensitive actives
`depending on the nature
`of the oil, O/W stable
`emulsion with high oil
`content (40%: any kind
`of oil / 60% with some
`specific oil)
`emulsion with high
`solvent content (30%
`max ethanol in standard
`SEPINEO™ SE 68 show an
`exceptional stability and viscosity sta-
`bilizes rapidly. These emul-sions have
`pronounced rheo-fluidity and moder-
`ate thixotropic nature, hence favour-
`ing a uniform and homogenous spread-
`ing of the active substances at the skin
`surface. SEPINEO™ SE 68 is able to
`promote liquid crystals, regardless of
`the nature of the fatty phase. This prop-
`erty enables very stable emulsion, pre-
`venting oil droplet coalescence.
`SEPINEO™ SE 68 standard dose of use
`is 5%
`SEPINEO™ P 600 for gels
`Formulating a gel can also be a head-
`ache when the process requires high
`shear mixing and a neutralisation step
`- it can be hard to avoid a sticky tex-
`ture or a bad behaviour. SEPPIC pro-
`poses a solution to avoid all these
`drawbacks and permit quick develop-
`SEPINEO™ P 600 is a very-easy-to-
`handle polymer in liquid form that
`gives the opportunity to accelerate
`formulation of pharmaceutical gels. It
`Pharma & Healthcare News
`No. 7 (cid:127) December 2007
`CardiaBeat™ - a fresh approach to Omega-3 &
`plant Sterol Esters
`Omega-3 and plant Sterol Esters enjoy global market awareness during the
`recent years. Enzymotec offers nutraceutical companies an opportunity to
`leverage this ingredient trend by offering additional health benefits with
`CardiaBeat™ - an innovative and unique Sterol/Omega-3 based matrix
`The science behind CardiaBeat™
`CVD remains one of the most com-
`mon causes of mortality and morbi-
`dity in developed countries. Lipid man-
`agement, as an important component
`of vascular risk factor control, plays a
`pivotal role in cardiovascular risk fac-
`tor management in all age groups.
` continues >>
`By Michal Haim-Bravman, Marketing
`Manager, Enzymotec
`Omega-3 fatty acids and plant Sterol
`Esters have long been one of the
`strongest market leaders in terms of
`functional, science-based ingredients,
`capable of addressing the specific
`health concern of cardiovascular di-
`seases (CVD). In Scandinavia, the con-
`sumption of these ingredients both in
`the food and dietary supplements
`markets in Scandinavia is one of the
`highest in the world. Although popu-
`lar, one can not ignore some of the
`weaknesses of these popular ingredi-
`ents. Omega-3 fatty acids can have
`intrinsic taste and odor limitations and
`they do also have a certain negative
`impact on HDL and even LDL levels.
`The conventional plant Sterol Esters in-
`hibit the absorption of fat soluble vita-
`mins (beta-carotene), and have not
`shown to have any beneficial impact
`on circulating triglycerides concentra-
`tions. As these ingredients commodi-
`tize, and margins erode, it becomes
`harder for players to take a dominant
`position and to re-invest resources in
`science and thus to enable true differ-
`What is CardiaBeat™?
`Is there a way to take these well re-
`cognized ingredients into the next level
`of efficacy? Enzymotec, the Israeli bio-
`tech technology company, has laun-
`ched CardiaBeat™ - an innovative and
`unique Sterol/Omega-3 based matrix
`with additional health benefits.
`CardiaBeat™ is an innovative, patent
`protected unique matrix which delivers
`conjugated EPA/DHA Omega-3 fatty
`acids and plant Sterol. This conjuga-
`tion enables lowering the LDL-choles-
`terol and triglycerides
`levels better than fish oil.
`In addition, it ensures
`the optimal vitamin ab-
`sorption, which is a com-
`mon weakness of plant
`sterols. Thus, it offers
`total lipid control for
`CVD patients or individu-
`als at high CVD risk. Fur-
`thermore, Cardia-Beat™
`is a simple and compact
`formula, which enables
`significant and efficient
`dosage of Omega-3 and
`plant Sterols in a rela-
`tively smaller dosage
`form. Lastly, the ingredi-
`ent addresses similar risk
`factors as lipid-lowering
`drugs but through a dif-
`ferent mechanism. Thus,
`it can, when consumed
`in combination with
`statins, achieve greater
`effect or make the re-
`duction of daily drug
`consumption possible.
`(continued from page 4)
`The SEPINEO™ P 600 emulsifies for-
`mulations with a fatty phase content
`up to 35-40% depending on the na-
`ture of the oil. This gives stable for
`mulations with a perfectly uniform ap-
`pearance, very pleasant to the touch
`and with a perfect spread on the skin
`owing to its rheological profile.
`SEPINEO™ P 600, thanks to its non-
`thixotropic nature, promotes formula-
`tions that are not disturbed by shear-
`ing procedures. The formula will show
`an immediate recovery of the elastic
`structure (and viscosity) after shear
`SEPINEO™ P 600 recommended dose
`of use is up to 5%
`Article 324
`Pharma & Healthcare News
`No. 7 (cid:127) December 2007
`Qualitative summary of effects*
`Plant Sterol Esters
`Daily intake
`2.0 g
`1.3 g
` max 2.0 g
` +3
` +2
` ++
` 0
` ++
` Triglycerides
` ++
` 0
` 0
` ++
`effect on
`Beta carotene
` 0
` -
` 0
`*Demonty L, Chan YM, Pelled D, and Jones PJ. Fish-oil esters of plant sterols improve the lipid profile of dyslipidemic subjects more than do fish-oil or sunflower oil esters of plant sterols. Am
`J. Clin Nutr. Dec 2006;84(6):1534-1542.
`etc), spreads and others. The formula
`consumed at 2g per day delivers 1.6 g
`of conjugated phytosterol-DHA and
`phytosterol-EPA and 330 mg of DHA
`and EPA.
`In terms of regulatory approval,
`CardiaBeat™ has gained GRAS and
`NDI approval from the FDA. In addi-
`tion, it has recently (March 2007)
`gained Novel Food approval from the
`EU committee.
`CardiaBeat™ was named as the win-
`ner of the NutrAward 2007 for the best
`new ingredient of 2006 recognizing
`the industry’s most innovative ingredi-
`ent, judged on the basis of scientific
`merit, efficacy, safety, innovation,
`market potential and
`ability to increase
`industry credibility.
` >>
`(continued from page 5)
`There are several population groups
`with high CVD risk such as obese pre-
`diabetics and diabetics, and those who
`suffer from metabolic syndrome.
`The unique effect, which comes from
`the Omega-3/Sterol conjugation, was
`evaluated in a clinical trial involving
`healthy human subjects by Professor
`Jones at McGill University, Canada.
`[Demonty et al. AmJ.Clin.Nutr Dec
`2006; 84(6): 1534-1542]. In this study,
`hypolipidemic effects were compared
`to supplementation with fish oil or
`plant Sterol Esters of sunflower oil. All
`supplements were administered on top
`of an olive oil based diet and tested in
`a semi-randomized, single-blind, cross-
`over intervention design. The study
`results demonstrated that in compari-
`son with an olive-oil based diet,
`CardiaBeat reduced:
`LDL levels by 6% similar to the plant
`Sterols Esters effect (measured as
`apolipoprotein B concentration)
`fasting triglycerides by 47%
`(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131) postprandial triglycerides by 42%
`Furthermore, in comparison with fish-
`oil consumption, CardiaBeatTM de-
`fasting triglycerides by 10%
`(statistical significance)
`(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131) postprandial triglycerides by 15%
`(statistical significance)
`Additionally, results showed a 16%
`increase in plasma beta-carotene le-
`vels in comparison with the conven-
`tional Phytosterol Esters group (report
`in preparation).
`CardiaBeat™ - applications
`CardiaBeat™ is available in a variety
`of grades for dietary supplements (for
`soft gels) and functional foods. The
`product is sold in different countries
`such as USA, Norway and Israel and
`will soon be launched in dietary sup-
`plements in several EU countries, In-
`dia, Australia and Korea. Dietary sup-
`plements with CardiaBeat™ con-
`sumed at 2g per day deliver 1.6g of
`conjugated phytosterol-DHA and phy-
`tosterol-EPA (full RDA of phytosterol-
`esters) and up to 650mg of DHA and
`EPA. CardiaBeat™ supplementation
`may be effective for the prevention or
`treatment of CVD, while potentially
`reducing the daily intake levels of li-
`pid-lowering drugs.
`For the food industry, CardiaBeat™ is
`applicable in food products such as
`dairy products (yoghurt, dairy drinks,
`Coming up: Alsiano Nordic Pharma Seminar 2008
`our suppliers. The programme will
`Mark your calendar! On 1 April
`becomposed in a way so that it will
`2008, Alsiano will hold its bi-
`cater for the interests of both the phar-
`ennial Nordic Pharma seminar
`maceutical as well as the and
`healthcare industries. The seminar will
`be held in central Copenhagen. More
`information will follow in Jan/Feb 2008.
`The seminar will offer many interest-
`ing speeches from a broad a range of
`Article 325
`From the Pharma Seminar 2006.
`Pharma & Healthcare News
`No. 7 (cid:127) December 2007
`50 years with ingredients and raw materials
`Alsiano celebrates its 50th anniversary
`By Dorthe Andersson, Alsiano A/S
`This year, it is 50 years ago that
`Alsiano’s founder, Hans Schmidt, es-
`tablished the company as a classic
`agent. The company grew steadily and
`in 1974 Alsiano’s present owner Erik
`Bang Christensen joined the company.
`Until the mid 1990ies Alsiano was a
`successful agency company, building
`relations between mostly European
`producers, whom it represented, and
`Danish customers in the food, feed and
`health care sectors.
`In 1996 Alsiano decided on a new
`course. This meant first and foremost
`that Alsiano moved its focus from
`merely selling ingredients and raw
`materials to also providing technical
`application support and ingredients
`In 1999, Alsiano expanded its territory
`from working exclusively in Denmark
`to also cover Sweden, Norway, Finland
`and Iceland.
`Heavy investments were made in re-
`cruiting highly qualified staff with tech-
`nical expertise, and in 2005 a brand
`new research kitchen facility was in-
`Along with this shift in role, several
`other initiatives were introduced to the
`customers such as newsletters, semi-
`nars and travel arrangements in con-
`nection with the now biannual Food
`Ingredients Europe exhibition - all ini-
`tiatives which are still in place.
`Alsiano’s 50th anniversary was ce-
`lebrated this summer with an event
`for the company’s employees.
`Alsiano held a teambuilding event on a
`schooner to celebrate its anniversary. This
`photo was taken by a daredevil from the
`Food team!
`The trendy Ayurveda
`These days when wellness, relaxation, and alternative medicine are hot top-
`ics, Ayurveda is one of the buzz words. But what is Ayurveda?
`By Annette Strarup, Area Sales
`Manager, Alsiano A/S
`Ayurveda literally means “science of
`life and longevity” and is considered
`to be the traditional system of medi-
`cine of India. Ayurveda is a science in
`the sense that it is a complete system.
`It is a qualitative, holistic science of
`health and longevity – a philosophy
`and system of healing the whole per-
`son, body and mind.
`The origin of this system goes back to
`times long past when philosophy and
`medicine were not separated. Therefore,
`philosophical views have strongly in-
`fluenced the Ayurvedic way of thinking.
`The uniqueness of Ayurveda
`Ayurveda offers reference points for
`managing treatment decisions specific
`to each case. The ayurvedic theory is
`profoundly useful in analysing indivi-
`dual patient constitution and under-
`standing variations in disease manifes-
`The Ayurvedic framework can be used
`to structure working models of the uni-
`que state of each patient and to pro-
`ject a vision or goal for a whole state
`of health - again unique to each case.
`Ayurveda offers specific recommenda-
`tions to each individual on lifestyle,
`diet, exercise and yoga, herbal therapy,
`and even spiritual practices to restore
`and maintain balance in body and
`mind. According to Ayurveda there is
`a strong connection between the mind
`and the body.
`Origin of Ayurveda
`Historians have not pin-pointed the
`exact time Ayurveda when came into
`being. Most of them agree, however,
`that Ayurvedic classical texts were
`written in India between3,500 and
`5,000 years ago, though some suggest
`an even longer history.
`Producer of extracts, Vidya Herbs, spe-
`cializes in plant extracts used in the
`Ayurveda health system – please con-
`tact Alsiano for more information.
`Pharma & Healthcare News
`No. 7 (cid:127) December 2007
`Lactium® – a natural and original slimming solution
`Lactium® can contribute efficiently to control body weight by helping to support
`the diet. The consumption of Lactium® allows to better manage stress and
`contributes to limit nibbling away (snacking) – notably sweet compulsions.
`Further, it makes it possible to limit food consumption during a diet period
`since it helps to better overcome the stress related to being on a diet
`Lactium®: an efficient help to
`By Sandrine Cuisenier Marketing Man-
`Paul Lattimore2, specialist of nutrition
`ager Ingredia Nutritional
`behaviour in the Liverpool John Moore
`reduce stress effects
`University. The reason why people on
`Lactium®, a milk protein hydrolysate,
`a diet eat more, when they are under
`has during several pre-clinical and clini-
`stress is: ‘’Subjects on a diet devote a
`cal studies proved its efficiency to regu-
`considerable energy to control their
`late stress symptoms without side ef-
`biological trends, so that they have limi-
`fects. This efficiency was acknow-
`ledged by the authorities - no-
`tably AFSSA – who granted
`that Lactium®: “Can reduce
`the tensional response to
`stress, notably among persons
`who are particularly sensitive
`to it”.
`Scientific knowledge: Stress
`& weight gain
`Today, the scientific community recog-
`nizes the link between stress and
`weight gain. After eating
`habits, this is one of the fac-
`tors of overweight, often in
`the shape of nibbling away -
`most of the time at sweet
`products. Over the past 10
`years, more than 30 articles
`have emphasized the positive
`link between stress and
`weight increase. A biblio-
`graphical source is available
`on request.
`In stress conditions, nutritious
`behaviour is very much di-
`rectly affected among men
`and women. Subjects seem
`to be tempted to nibbling
`away and more liable to
`choose sweet and fat pro-
`ducts. According to Zellner
`and al (20061), more than
`71% of studied subjects in-
`crease their eating habits
`when they are under stress.
`In this way, stress can have
`a significant implication in the
`obesity epidemic which has
`raged over the past 10 years
`or more. Yet, public health
`messages, now put forward
`in developed countries, talk
`about limiting sugar, fat and
`favouring health foods con-
`sumption, without taking
`into account the factors which predict
`nutrition choices.
`Other research has shown that persons
`on a restrictive diet eat more when
`they are under stress. According to
`ted resources to face up to stress daily.
`When they are under stress, they lose
`control and if they can, they eat. They
`are so in the habit of thwarting their
`biological signs that they ignore, mis-
`read or fight signs of their system.”
`Pre-clinical and clinical
`To prove the interest of
`Lactium® in a slimming pro-
`duct, various pre-clinical and
`clinical studies have been con-
`ducted. Here are the findings:
`Clinical study PROCLAIM
`(2003): The study was con-
`ducted on 63 women and
`based on a double-blind, pla-
`cebo-controlled, cross-over
`design with a 150 mg/day do-
`sage of the active. Using a
`questionnaire, the subjects re-
`ported on the improvements
`felt for each stress symptom.
`There were 8 categories of
`types of symptoms. A signifi-
`cant positive influence on
`stress symptoms was observed
`in each of the eight groups
`when Lactium® was compared
`to the placebo group. On
`weight disorders, the improve-
`ment was 42% (see figure 1 and 2).
`continues >>
`1 Zellner DA, Loaiza S, Gonzalez Z, Pita J, Morales J,
`Pecora D, Wolf A. Physiol Behav. 2006 Apr
`2 Lattimore, SFN Cahiers de la nutrition et diététique
`volume 40 dic. 2005
`Pharma & Healthcare News
`No. 7 (cid:127) December 2007
`Lactium® can be your
`ideal partner for slim-
`ming by acting 2 ways:
`- By limiting snacking,
`foods, due to stress
`- By helping to resist
`during a stressful diet
`period to not break up
`and thus avoid the
`“yoyo effect”.
`regularly put on the
`market. Nutritionists
`note that a great major-
`ity of people have or will
`have an overweight
`problem sometime dur-
`ing their life. Therefore,
`the need for low fat, low
`sugar and low calories
`foods is still huge.
`Moreover, consumers
`are looking for an effi-
`cient solution to their overweight prob-
`lem. One of these solutions is to regu-
`late stress, which is known as having
`an adverse impact on weight manage-
`Whereas medical solutions have un-
`desirable side effects, Lactium® is an
`efficient solution. Used in functional
`foods such as beverages, dairy prod-
`ucts, or in dietetics products as meal
`substitute or in dietary supplements,
`Lactium® is a valuable solution to over-
`weight problems due to stress.
`With Lactium®, we offer you an origi-
`nal positioning on the competitive slim-
`ming market. Used alone as in the
`‘’Zen&Slim’’ concept - ’for a diet with-
`out snacking or bad mood’’ - or in com-
`plement with a slimming active (e.g.
`an active limiting the carbohydrates
`absorption) as in the ‘’Banana Breeze’’
`concept‘’ – “lighten up with this deli-
`cious new drink that may assist you in
`weight control and improve your
`Article 326
`Figure 2: Proclaim Study 2003
`Lactium improvement %
`Lactium/placebo improvement %
`“You have
`problems of
`Influence of stress on sweet nib-
`bling (Jan 2007): A rat study from
`January 2007 shows that during a
`moderate stress period, the nutrition
`behaviour of the rat creates unbalance,
`because it prioritizes the sweet solu-
`tions taken at the expense of stand-
`ard food. On the other hand, the
`stressed rat, who has been given
`Lactium®, limits qualitatively his food
`intake at the same level as a rat that
`is not under stress (reference). Conse-
`quently, the percentage of fat mass
`increasing strongly evolves among
`stressed rats, even though it stays sta-
`ble and similar to the reference group
`for stressed rats that have taken
`Lactium®. Lactium® regulates the food
`intake during a stressful period and lim-
`its sweet nibbling.
`LACTIUM® - your partner for
`slimming and body weight
`Slimming is a huge trendy market and
`a lot of innovations in this field are
`Figure 1: Proclaim Study 2003
`Stress symptoms improvement Lactium/
`placebo improvement %
`Tensional state +37%
`Physical pain +54%
`Memory & concentration +46%
`Sleep +21%
`Mood +74%
`“You gain
`or lose
`Relationship +32%
`Weight +42%

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