`Paper No. 27
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2019-00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`Record of Oral Hearing
`Held: April 15, 2020
`ELIZABETH M. ROESEL, Administrative Patent Judges.
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC
`1737 King Street
`Suite 500
`Alexandria, VA 22314-2727
`Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox, PLLC
`1100 New York Avenue, NW
`Suite 600
`Washington, DC 20005
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on Wednesday, April 15,
`2020, commencing at 1:23 p.m. Eastern Time via teleconference.
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`1:23 p.m.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Good afternoon, everyone. This is Judge
`McNamara. I believe everybody has indicated that they're ready. So we
`can get the bus moving a couple minutes early.
`This is the oral hearing in IPR 2019-00134. And we will complete
`that oral hearing and close out the transcript on that. And then we will
`move on to IPR 2019-00148, and we'll have a separate transcript for that.
`Each side has been given 30 minutes for their presentations in each
`of the hearings.
`And as before, I would remind us the parties to refer to the slides and
`the documents and any other references and to identify themselves when
`So at the beginning, what I'm going to do is just conduct a roll call.
`This is Judge McNamara. I'm here.
`Judge Powell, you're here?
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: And Judge Roesel?
`JUDGE ROESEL: Yes, I'm here.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Okay. And then who is here for the
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`MR. WALTERS: Your Honors, this is Todd Walters for petitioner.
`And I have with me today Andrew Cheslock.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Okay. And Mr. Walters, are you going
`to be doing the speaking?
`MR. WALTERS: I will, Your Honor.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Okay, great. And for the patent owner?
`MS. KELLY: Hello, Your Honors. This is Kristina Caggiano
`Kelly for patent owner. And I have with me Jason Eisenberg.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Okay. And Ms. Kelly, you'll be doing
`the speaking. Is that correct?
`MS. KELLY: Yes.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Okay, terrific. All right. Are there any
`questions before we begin? Any preliminary matters we need to address?
`(No response.)
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: All right. Then let's begin with the
`petitioner, and we will -- as I said, you have 30 minutes.
`Is there some amount of time you'd like to reserve for rebuttal?
`MR. WALTERS: Your Honor, this is Todd Walters. I would like
`to reserve ten minutes for rebuttal.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Okay. So I will set a clock for 20
`minutes, but I would urge you to keep track of the time as well. As you
`know, this is always a little tricky doing it distance-wise like that.
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`Okay. Please begin.
`MR. WALTERS: All right. May it please the panel. I am Todd
`Walters here representing petitioners, 3Shape A/S and 3Shape Inc.
`I have with me today Andrew Cheslock, my colleague. And as I
`indicated, I would like to save ten minutes for rebuttal.
`I'm going to work from the demonstratives that were submitted.
`And looking at Demonstrative 2, you will see there are three institution
`grounds in this matter, and I'm going to focus today mainly on the first
`institution grounds, the combination of Paley and Kriveshko.
`If we go to Demonstrative No. 3, at a high level, the '192 patent
`relates to systems and methods for modifying a virtual model of a physical
`structure with additional 3D data obtained from the physical structure to
`provide a modified virtual model. We'll get more deeply into the claims as
`we go on today. But at a high level, that's what the '192 patent relates to.
`I'm going on to Demonstrative 4. And the original presentation was
`set up for me to discuss the claim construction issues, the grounds, as well as
`some declaration evidence issues, but given constraints of time, I'm mostly
`going to focus on the issues that were raised in patent owner's
`demonstratives, including claim construction and the institutional grounds.
`If we go to Demonstrative No. 5, this is the second of the slides
`dealing with claim construction, and once again, we have a case where
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`petitioner believes patent owner is importing limitations into the claims of
`their patent to avoid the prior art.
`And if you go to Demonstrative No. 6, there are really three claim
`construction issues that were addressed. One dealing with the meaning of
`virtual model. Another dealing with identifying a portion. And then a
`third dealing with replacing.
`And if we can go on to Demonstrative No. 7. Patent owner has
`argued that petitioner has taken a different claim construction position for
`virtual model and identifying at least a portion in this IPR proceeding from
`what was agreed upon in the parallel ITC proceeding. Of course, the
`agreed upon constructions in the ITC occurred after the petition was filed,
`but with regard to virtual model, patent owner has indicated that there was
`no meaningful difference. And with regard to identifying at least a portion,
`we really agreed upon plain and ordinary meaning, so we had no reason to
`construe that in the petition to begin with.
`But after criticizing patent owner on those two terms, patent owner
`went on and construed the meaning of the term, replacing, and that was not
`done previously by patent owner in the ITC or in the patent owner's
`preliminary response. In fact, if you go back to the preliminary response
`and look at that, you will see that patent owner talks about replacing and it
`talks about deleting and removing, but it does not actually construe the term,
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`replacing, at all. But here, with their patent owner response, patent owner
`has construed the term.
`And I'm going to flip back to Slide 6 where replacing requires
`deleting or removing, and petitioner, of course, disputes that.
`If you go on and you look at Demonstrative No. 9, patent owner
`argued in its patent owner preliminary response that the prior art fails to
`disclose deleting or removing without formally construing the term,
`replacing, but the panel, and this is on Slide 10, was not persuaded by that
`argument. And you correctly found that the prior art disclosed replacing.
`And you did not need to address the terms, deleting or removing, in the
`claim because those terms don't appear in the claim whatsoever.
`If we go on to --
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Excuse me, Counsel. This is Judge
`McNamara. Does deleting or removing appear in one of the other claims?
`Is it Claim 5?
`MR. WALTERS: Yes, Your Honor. You're absolutely right. It
`does appear in Claim 5. And if --
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: And if I remember correctly, I just think
`remove. But it's delete, remove, or replace, right? So there's three
`different things there?
`MR. WALTERS: That's correct. They're listed as alternatives in
`Claim 5.
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`But Claim 1 says replacing alone. It does not mention deleting or
`removing, so you are correct, Your Honor.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: So let me ask you this because it comes
`down to a little bit of a claim differentiation. Claim 5 is a little unclear then
`if delete, remove, and -- delete, remove, or replace, whether or not those
`things mean separate things. In Claim 1, replacing. Then if it was
`differentiated from Claim 5, it would mean something different from all
`three of those.
`But you can understand how one might say, look, if I'm going to
`replace something, I'm going to substitute something for it. So I'm going to
`have to take something out and put something in. So in terms of replace, in
`context here, how does that work?
`MR. WALTERS: So a very good question, Your Honor. And I
`might take you to Slide 37.
`MR. WALTERS: And --
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Before we even go there, let me ask one
`other question, and this actually goes all the way back to the very beginning
`when you were talking about -- when we were talking about the '192 patent
`overview as modifying a virtual model. And perhaps this goes to this
`question of replacing. In the '192 patent, is the model already completed
`when it's modified?
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`MR. WALTERS: The claims in the '192 patent talk about a first
`virtual model. They talk about a second virtual model. And they talk
`about a modified virtual model. It does not specify in the claims that any
`of those models are complete. I'm not even sure what the term, complete,
`means, however, but it does talk about models. Maybe they're partial
`models of something. It depends on what you refer to as a complete model.
`That's in the eye of the beholder.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Okay. So the reason I'm getting to this is
`because if I understand to some extent -- and I'm sure the patent owner will
`be happy to correct me if I am wrong later.
`But I understand to some extent that part of their theory is that the
`references, Paley and Kriveshko, for example, in this case, really sort of
`correct as you -- they recognize that as I'm building a model that there is an
`error. And so I go into one of these recovery modes to make things fit.
`And you can talk about the details of this when you get to it. But that's my
`understanding versus let's say having a first virtual model, a completed first
`virtual model, if you would give me the leeway to say that. And then
`taking out part of that first virtual model and putting in something from the
`second virtual model.
`So the difference being fix as you go versus take out and put
`something back in for something that's already been modeled. So just to
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`give you that background as to how I'm understanding it, perhaps you could
`address it to deal with my understanding or lack thereof.
`MR. WALTERS: All good questions, Your Honor. And there's a
`lot there. So be patient with me so I answer in order.
`So with regard to replacing and whether that requires a deletion, we
`are not talking about a physical model here. We are talking about a virtual
`model. And one of the things that's described in the prior art as a gross
`error is a void in the virtual model. If you have a void in the virtual model,
`you can replace that void with accurate data without deleting anything
`because it takes space. You're not deleting anything when you do that.
`You're just adding data to fix the gross error. When you talk about fixing
`inaccurate data which the prior art also discloses, for example, Paley, you
`can, of course, delete the inaccurate data and then replace that inaccurate
`data with accurate data. That certainly would be obvious to do to one of
`ordinary skill in the art.
`In fact, petitioner's expert has indicated such in the declaration and in
`testimony. When you refer to the models and whether they are complete
`models, I would ask that you look at Paley. And in particular, let's start
`with Figure 5. There's been a bit of focus on Paley on Figure 5. And
`you'll note in Figure 5, there is a depiction of a lower jaw. I believe it's the
`lower jaw. And it shows where a gross error is, and that's market as Area
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`506. That is the model. And if you look in Paley at paragraph 60, that's
`on page 7 of Paley.
`Paley says, using navigation control 504, a user may rotate, pan,
`zoom in, or otherwise navigate around and within the digital model to more
`closely inspect areas of interest or to view the model from a number of
`perspectives to visually inspect otherwise occluded features. One user
`control may permit a user to return to data acquisition, for example,
`scanning mode of Figure 4, to acquire additional data or a void or deviation
`is detected, either automatically or through human visual inspection.
`You can see there, Your Honor, that what is being described is
`analyzing a model. You can pan it, rotate it, zoom it, or otherwise navigate
`around until you find an area of interest, a void, a deviation. And then you
`can go back and rescan the data. That's precisely what's being describing in
`the '192 patent. Okay?
`I'll move on to the slides unless I didn't fully answer any of your
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: No, that's fine. I appreciate it. Thank
`MR. WALTERS: Okay. I was on Slide 11. And in Slide 11,
`this is where we introduce that patent owner is offering an improper
`narrowing of the claims. And in Slide 12, we refer to the claim language.
`There is no language in Claim 1 that requires deleting or removing. In fact,
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`as you brought up yourself, Your Honor, Claim 5 indicates that you can
`replace, remove, or delete as alternatives. And likewise with the claims
`with specification also indicates and now I'm on Slides 14 through 18 of the
`demonstratives. Every indication in the specification either references
`replacing alone or as an alternative to deletion or removal. And when we're
`talking about that, I want to make sure that I explain how you can replace
`something without deleting or removing.
`And if we can go to Demonstrative No. 37, you can see this is a -- it
`illustrates a blown up portion of Figure 5 from Paley wherein the void is
`circled. And there, that would be the first model. And on the right-hand
`side of the visual on 37, the hatched portions that you see here could be the
`second model that's generated in the landing mode of Paley. And that it is
`registered to the first model by adding the data in where the void was in the
`first model. And therefore, you're replacing a void by the addition of data,
`and you're rendering an image that has all of the correct data.
`If we go on to the next slide, Slide 38, Your Honor.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: So before you move on, so to make sure --
`again, this is Judge McNamara. Just to be sure I understand. So your
`position is that this is -- you're replacing a void, therefore, you're not
`necessarily deleting or removing anything, you're just putting something in,
`and that's replacing a void?
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`MR. WALTERS: Correct. Okay. In that particular example.
`But if, for example, you had inaccurate data in the place where the void was
`depicted. And now, I'm referring to Slide 38 as a visual.
`Let's say the inaccurate data was -- the color in that space was
`registering as red, and you know it should not have been red, it should have
`been blue, and you wanted to go back and rescan that area to get the accurate
`data and have that accurate data then registered to the model to form a first --
`sorry, to form a modified model.
`In that particular case, likewise, you could and it would have been
`obvious to remove the red data and put in its place the blue data. Certainly,
`that would've been obvious. In the virtual model --
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Wait a second. Just to give you a little
`heads up, but you have about a minute left before you enter your rebuttal
`MR. WALTERS: Thank you, Your Honor. I'm going to try and
`get through this and then leave it for rebuttal.
`MR. WALTERS: Thank you. But because this is a virtual model,
`it's not an actual model, you don't have to actually delete the red data. You
`can simply overlay the blue data over top of the red data. Superimpose it
`so that what you're rendering in the image is the actual data, the correct data,
`not the incorrect data.
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`So again, there are ways to replace something in a virtual model that
`don't require an actual deletion or a removal. And with that, I'll leave you
`to ask me any questions. But I'd like to reserve the rest of my time for
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: All right. Counsel, you finished right on
`time. I have no further questions for you.
`Okay. I guess we can hear from the patent owner at this point.
`MS. KELLY: All right. Thank you. May it please the Board.
`This is Kristina --
`MS. KELLY: Oh, I'm sorry?
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: That's okay. Is there some amount of
`time you'd like me to try to remember to alert you to for surrebuttal?
`MS. KELLY: I'll also take ten minutes. Thank you.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Okay, great. All right. All right,
`MS. KELLY: Sure. I would like to start by just picking up on a
`few of the points that petitioner's counsel made.
`The first one is that petitioner's counsel stated that in patent owner's
`preliminary response, we did not offer construction. But we also did not
`waive the ability to do so, and the arguments we made in our preliminary
`response are consistent with the construction of replace that ultimately we
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`are proposing now. Another point that I wanted to raise, and this relates
`back to a question that I believe Judge McNamara asked, is by comparing
`Claim 1 to Claim 5, where Claim 1 just states replacing and then Claim 5
`states delete, remove, or replace, there are several other things about Claim 5
`that differentiate it from Claim 1. Claim 5 is talking about a corresponding
`computer function for implementing the modification, and in that case, it
`recites deleting, removing, or replacing as different options for
`corresponding computer functions. So it recites it with a little bit more
`granularity than Claim 1 does which just states generally replace, but that
`brings us, I guess, to the overarching question of what does replace mean,
`and this isn't a special word that has a special meaning in the context of this
`I think delete, remove, and replace, all three of them, are plain
`English words that are being used in this patent with their plain English
`meaning. Delete basically talks about something is erased. It's gone.
`Remove is I think a little broader. It means you have taken something out.
`But perhaps you have moved it somewhere else. Maybe it still exists, but
`it's not in this location anymore. And then replace, I think, just inherently
`talks about putting into the place of something else, a replacement, a new
`piece of data or a new piece of model.
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`So first, you would need to delete or remove or otherwise take out
`the thing that is being replaced. And then you put a corresponding thing in
`its place. And I think not only --
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Again, this is Judge McNamara. How
`do you respond then to the petitioner's argument about the void? I'm not
`taking out a void.
`And maybe -- and perhaps in a model, in a context of a model,
`maybe I am. I mean, that's -- but how do you respond to that particular
`MS. KELLY: So I think there are two ways you can think about it
`depending on, I guess, how you think about what a void is. I mean, a void
`is not a part of the model. A void is a place where the model does not
`exist, and when you add additional data to fill in that void, you're not
`replacing anything, you're just adding.
`And I think that you can even get from Kriveshko, for example, at
`page -- sorry, at paragraph 76. I think that's in our Slide 17. Kriveshko
`talks about, what does it mean to enter the reacquisition mode to reacquire
`data that is going to address an error? And Kriveshko says, we use that
`synonymously and interchangeably with resume because that's what you're
`doing in Kriveshko. You're just resuming the same scan.
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`As it turns out, you thought your model was complete but it wasn't
`and so you're going back to resume your scan to complete your model,
`adding data to fill the void.
`To replace something, you actually have to take something out and
`put something corresponding in its place, and I think you get that also from
`the language of Claim 1 which uses that word, corresponding, to show that
`you're not simply adding on to a model, a part that wasn't there yet. It's a
`corresponding part of the model that already exists that you are taking out
`and putting something else back in, and I think that's also illustrated, I think,
`in Paley where Paley talks about it's adding new surface data.
`The new point data in real time is added and rendered. So as you're
`looking at the partial model being built, that model grows as you add new
`data to it.
`And I think Paley in paragraph 56 analogizes it to spray painting
`something. You're spray painting the video image with the shaded surface
`map as data points are acquired. The point cloud of the digital surface
`representation is a growing constellation of points. It forms over the video
`subject matter as data is required, and if, as you're painting, you find out that
`you missed a spot, you can go back and fill it in with some more paint, but
`none of that paint is ever removed. Nothing is ever deleted. None of the
`paint is ever replaced.
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`Now the painting analogy does break down a little bit when we start
`talking about, for example, petitioner's Slide 38 where they're talking about
`overlaying the red data with the blue data. And that would seem like, oh,
`you can just paint over it.
`But that was explored in patent owner's expert Dr. Bajaj's definition,
`where they ask Dr. Bajaj, can't you just paint over the bad data with good
`data? And he said, absolutely not. It doesn't work that way. The
`analogy breaks down, because unlike painting your wall where the thickness
`of the paint is negligible, in the context of dental modeling, the tolerances
`are so close. Any kind of error represented by bad data has a thickness to
`it. If you want to replace that, you have to remove the bad data and put in
`corresponding correct data. Otherwise, both the bad data and the good data
`are existing simultaneously.
`You're going to get conflicting images superimposed on one another.
`You can't just layer on top of bad data because that thickness of the data is
`not negligible in this context.
`So that is something you're not able to do. But --
`JUDGE ROESEL: But why isn't that taught --
`MS. KELLY: -- that brings us to --
`JUDGE ROESEL: -- by the prior art that's referenced there? I'm
`sorry. This is Judge Roesel.
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`So why isn't that taught by the prior art that's referenced there on
`petitioner's Slide 38? I'm not sure I understand why that isn't a replacement
`of data, replacing --
`MS. KELLY: Well, the reason --
`JUDGE ROESEL: -- bad data with good data.
`MS. KELLY: Sure. The reason that's not taught is because the
`concept illustrated on petitioner Slide 38 is itself not taught.
`Nowhere in Paley or Kriveshko does it ever say anything that can be
`analogized as you can overlay the red data with the blue data. It never tells
`you. It mentions once in passing inaccurate scan data. But it never tells
`you how you might address inaccurate scan data.
`The only thing you could do with Paley or Kriveshko's method is
`dilute a few bad data points with a wealth of good data by going back,
`resuming your scan, and figuring that out. A lot of times, errors such as
`excessive texturing are actually just due to insufficient data. And so when
`you go back and get more data, the excessive texturing fixes itself because
`that was an error in the computer trying to piece together an insufficiency of
`information, but nowhere in Paley or Kriveshko was anything like what
`petitioner has in Slide 38 disclosed.
`So this is petitioner's extrapolation of the teaching to what their
`expert Dr. Saber said would have been an obvious modification to make.
`But I think if you actually read Paley and Kriveshko, this is quite the leap to
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`make for this kind of modification because they're saying you have bad data
`and you could layer over it with good data, but the bad data is no longer
`represented in the model. That does not appear in Paley or Kriveshko
`anywhere. And when -- during his deposition when Dr. Saber said that you
`could just replace something without deleting or removing, I asked him
`specifically what do you mean by that?
`What does it mean to replace something without deleting or
`removing? And the answer he gave me is on our Slide 7, that exchange. I
`asked him. He said, well, you can just replace it. I said, well, is the data
`you replaced still there? And twice, he conceded, no, it's not there
`anymore. You have to take it out. And so, after he admitted that, in order
`to replace it, the bad data has to be deleted or removed or somehow not there
`anymore. He said, but doing that would be obvious. So ultimately,
`petitioner's expert has conceded that replacing does require actual deleting or
`removing, and then when you get to that point, the only answer is, but
`deleting would be obvious.
`So we'll come up with a way of modifying Paley and Kriveshko such
`that we add deleting to the process somehow. But that deleting is never
`actually taught because in Paley and Kriveshko, that's not actually part of
`what they're trying to do.
`Paley and Kriveshko talk about a method of growing a model such
`that you can get visual feedback in real time. This is the initial scan that
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`gets you your first model. And maybe you could use that Paley or
`Kriveshko method to get your first model. And then once you have the
`first model, you might look at it and say, okay, this patient has a bad tooth.
`I need to extract that tooth or I need to prepare a crown for it. And then the
`dentist will analyze the model and then have the patient in, grind the bad
`tooth down to a stump to prepare it for a crown.
`Now you need a model of the stump to design the crown. So you
`could use the '192 patent method to scan only the preparation tooth for the
`crown. You don't have to scan the entire mouth again which is an
`unpleasant process and takes a lot of time. You only scan the preparation
`tooth, and that preparation tooth could perhaps be scanned using Paley or
`Kriveshko's method.
`Then you have a second model, and now you want to take a
`portion of that second model showing the preparation tooth, and you want to
`substitute it in for the bad tooth in the original model so that you get a
`modified model showing all of the original teeth but with the preparation
`tooth instead of the bad tooth. And the '192 patent gives you a method of
`cutting and pasting of selecting the area.
`The bad tooth, you want to delete from the model. And then using
`a second model, find a corresponding image of that tooth, now with the
`preparation tooth, and put that in the model. And now you have a complete
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`model that has the updated dental history without having to rescan the entire
`That's the purpose of the '192 patent, and nothing about that --
`JUDGE ROESEL: Counsel --
`MS. KELLY: -- is in the prior art.
`JUDGE ROESEL: May I interrupt you just there? I think, Judge
`Powell, are you still on the line?
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: I just got that message as well. Judge
`Powell has been disconnected somehow.
`JUDGE ROESEL: Yeah, I think we've lost Judge Powell. And
`he's, of course, very important.
`So let's -- can we -- I'm sorry, Counsel, to interrupt you. But let's
`pause here until we get him back on. All right?
`MS. KELLY: Sure. Not a problem.
`(Whereupon, the above-entitled matter went off the record at 2:00
`p.m. and resumed at 2:07 p.m.)
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: And we will have the patent owner's
`counsel pick up where you left off. You still had about -- as I recall, about
`seven and a half minutes left of the time that you had indicated.
`So please proceed.
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`MS. KELLY: Sure. So what I was talking about was illustrating
`what the '192 method does, how it picks up after the methods of Paley and
`Kriveshko leave off.
`Those are the methods -- Paley and Kriveshko are ways of building a
`model, how you acquire data, how you ensure that you have enough data in
`order to complete the model. Once that model is completed, then that's
`where the '192 patent picks up.
`You can take -- it provides a way of taking that model, and if, for
`example, you see that there is a problem in the model, there is blood or
`saliva that has been captured by the data and you want to go back and rescan
`a particular tooth. Or if in the example I was using was you're preparing a
`tooth for a crown.
`And so now the dental history has changed. Where there used to be
`a tooth, now there is no longer a tooth. Instead, there is a little stump that
`is preparing for a crown, and you want to modify the model without having
`to rescan the entire jaw. You can scan only the preparation tooth and then
`select the preparation tooth as corresponding to the bad tooth in the original
`You can cut and paste and put that tooth in the original model. And
`now you have a modified model that reflects the patient's updated dental
`Case IPR2019 00134
`Patent 9,299,192 B2
`Then you can use that model to manufacture the crown. And then
`you could even use the method again after you've manufactured the crown
`and you install the crown in the patient's mouth.
`You can scan it again so that now you have a model that shows the
`entire jaw from the very first scan but with the crown that is now reflective
`of the patient's updated dental history.
`And there's no reason why you can't then save all of those models
`and have a progression showing the patient's dental history over time. And
`all of that is editing models on the back end, models that are already created.
`Whereas Paley and Kriveshko are talking about, how do you acquire
`data on the front end? And if you see that there's a void, how do you go
`back and fill in that void on the front end so that the model you get on the
`back end is an accurate reflection of the thing that you scanned?
`So the '192 method is not really i

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