Transcript of the Testimony of Benjamin
`Date: October 28, 2019
`Case: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.
`Phone: 202-347-3700
`Fax: 202-737-3638
`Biogen Exhibit 2231
`Mylan v. Biogen
`IPR 2018-01403
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
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` vs.
`* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
` OCTOBER 28, 2019
`M.D., produced as a witness and duly sworn, was taken
`in the above-styled and numbered cause on OCTOBER 28,
`2019, from 9:15 a.m. until 2:45 p.m., before Suzanne
`Kelly, CSR Number 1260, in and for the State of Texas,
`reported by stenographic method at the offices of
`Perkins Coie, L.L.P., located at 500 North Akard
`Street, Suite 3300, Dallas, Texas, pursuant to Federal
`Rules of Civil Procedure and the provisions stated on
`the record, if any.
` Reported by: Suzanne Kelly, CSR, RDR, CRR
`Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
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` Courtney M. Prochnow, Ph.D., Esq.
` -and-
` Shannon Bloodworth, Esq.
` 633 West 5th Street
` Suite 5850
` Los Angeles, California 90071
` e-mail:
` Martin S. Masar III, Esq.
` 525 West Monroe Street
` Chicago, Illinois 60661
` Phone: 312.902.5200
` e-mail:
`2 3
`Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
`Page 3
` Mark J. Feldstein, Esq.
` -and-
` Michael R. Galgano, Esq.
` 901 NW New York Avenue, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20001
` Phone: 202.408.4000
` e-mail:
` Joe Willis, Videographer
` Matthew Greiner, Esq. (via telephone)
`Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
`Page 4
` Page
` Examination by Mr. Feldstein........ 14
` Exhibit 1002 A copy of a 132-page 15
` document entitled,
` "Expert Declaration of
` John R. Corboy, M.D., in
` Support of Petition for
` Inter Parties Review of
` U.S. Patent No. 8,399,514"
` Exhibit 1003 A copy of a 226-page 15
` document entitled,
` "Expert Declaration of
` Leslie Z. Benet, Ph.D.,
` in Support of Petition
` for Inter Parties Review
` of U.S. Patent No. 8,399,514"
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
`Page 5
` Exhibit 1018 A copy of a seven-page 203
` document entitled,
` "Oral fumaric acid
` esters for the treatment
` of active multiple
` sclerosis: An open-label,
` baseline-controlled
` pilot study
` Exhibit 1028 A copy of a five-page 158
` document entitled,
` "Treatment of psoriasis
` with fumaric acid
` esters: Results of a
` prospective multicentre
` study
` Exhibit 1046 A copy of a 27-page 39
` document entitled, "Declaration of
` Katherine.. Dawson,
` M.D., Under 37 CFR 1.132"
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`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
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` Exhibit 1119 A copy of a three-page 78
` document entitled,
` "Gadolinium enhanced
` MRI predicts clinical
` and MRI disease activity
` in relapsing-remitting
` multiple sclerosis"
` Exhibit 1121 A copy of a 178-page 15
` document entitled,
` "Reply Declaration of
` Benjamin M. Greenberg,
` M.D., in Support of
` Petitioner's Reply to
` Patent Owner's Response"
` Exhibit 2073 A copy of a 178-page 144
` document entitled,
` "Oral Fingolimod (FTY720)
` for Relapsing Multiple
` Sclerosis"
`3 4
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`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
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` INDEX (Continued)
` EXHIBITS (Continued)
` Exhibit 2218 A copy of an 11-page 21
` document entitled,
` "Addressing the
` Challenges in Risk
` Assessment and Risk
` Management in Multiple
` Sclerosis"
` Exhibit 2219 A copy of a three-page 69
` document entitled,
` "Gadolinium enhanced
` MRI predicts clinical
` and MRI disease activity
` in relapsing-remitting
` multiple sclerosis"
` Exhibit 2220 A copy of a one-page 95
` document entitled,
` "Koudriavtseva 1997 (Ex. 1119)"
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`October 28, 2019
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` Exhibit 2221 A copy of an eight-page 119
` document entitled,
` "Serial Gadolinium-enhanced
` Magnetic Resonance Imaging
` Scans in Patients with
` Early, Relapsing-Remitting
` Multiple Sclerosis:
` Implications for Clinical
` Trials and Natural History"
` Exhibit 2222 A copy of an nine-page 119
` document entitled,
` "Using Gadolinium-enhanced
` Magnetic Resonance Imaging
` Lesions to Monitor Disease
` Activity in Multiple
` Sclerosis"
`3 4
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`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
` INDEX (Continued)
` EXHIBITS (Continued)
`Page 9
` Exhibit 2223 A copy of an 26-page 136
` document entitled,
` "Pharmacology and
` Therapeutics Principles
` to Practice"
` Exhibit 2224 A copy of an seven-page 139
` document entitled,
` "Future Research
` Directions in Multiple
` Sclerosis Therapies"
` Exhibit 2225 A copy of an 16-page 146
` document entitled,
` "Current and emerging
` therapies in multiple
` Sclerosis: A
` systematic review"
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`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
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` Exhibit 2226 A copy of an 13-page 148
` document entitled,
` "B-Cell Depletion with
` Rituximab in
` Relapsing-Remitting
` Multiple Sclerosis"
` Exhibit 2227 A copy of a 15-page 174
` document entitled,
` "Modulation of immune
` function occurs within
` hours of therapy
` initiation for
` multiple sclerosis"
` Exhibit 2228 A copy of a two-page 219
` document entitled,
` "Dr. Lindsey's
` Multiple Sclerosis
` Website ECTRIMS Sept
` 2009"
`3 4
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`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
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` INDEX (Continued)
` EXHIBITS (Continued)
` Exhibit 2229 A copy of a two-page 221
` document entitled,
` "Dr. Lindsey's
` Multiple Sclerosis
` Website ECTRIMS 2011"
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`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are now on
`the record. Please note that the microphones are
`sensitive and may pick up whispering and private
`conversations. Please turn off cell phones or
`place them away from the microphones as they may
`interfere with the deposition audio. Recording
`will continue until parties agree to go off the
` This is the deposition of Dr.
`Benjamin Greenberg, M.D. in the matter of Mylan
`Pharmaceuticals, Inc. versus Biogen MA Inc.; Case
`Number IPR-2018-01403 in the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office.
` The deposition is being taken at
`500 North Akard Street in Dallas, Texas. The
`time is approximately 9:15 a.m. The date is
`October 28th, 2019. The Court Reporter is
`Suzanne Kelly with -- in association with Ace
`Federal Reporters. I am the video operator, Joe
`Willis; and I represent the Ace Federal
`Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
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` Will counsel please identify
`yourselves and state your affiliation for the
` MR. GALGANO: Michael Galgano of
`Finnegan, on behalf of Biogen.
` MR. FELDSTEIN: Mark Feldstein from
`Finnegan, Henderson, also on behalf of patent
`owner Biogen.
` MS. PROCHNOW: Courtney Prochnow
`from Perkins Coie on behalf of Mylan
`Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Bloodworth, also from Perkins Coie, also on
`behalf of Mylan.
` MR. MASAR: Martin Masar from
`Katten Muchin Rosenman on behalf of the select
` MS. BLOODWORTH: And Matt can you
`introduce yourself, please.
` MR. GREINER: Yes, Matthew Greiner,
`in-house counsel for Mylan.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
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`reporter please swear in the witness so that we
`may begin?
` THE REPORTER: If you would please
`raise your right hand, I will administer the
`witness's oath to you.
` THE WITNESS: (Complies.)
`solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony which
`you will give in this case will be the truth, the
`whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help
`you God?
` having sworn to testify the truth, the whole
`truth, and nothing but the truth testifies on his
` oath as follows:
` Q. Morning, Doctor. How are you?
` A. Well, thank you.
` Q. Good. I see you brought some documents
`with you. What did you bring?
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
`Page 15
` A. Three documents. The reply that -- my
`reply to the declaration in this case in support
`of the Petitioner's reply to patent owner's
` The expert declaration of John R.
` And the expert declaration of
`Leslie Z. Benet.
` (Deposition Exhibit Number 1003 is
` Q. And do you mind -- would you just mind
`reading them with the exhibit numbers of what
`those three documents are so we have those for
`the record?
` A. My reply declaration is Exhibit 1121.
` Q. So, Doctor, did you write Exhibit 1121,
`your declaration in the case?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` Q. Okay. And Dr. Corboy's report,
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`Exhibit 1002, did you write that?
` A. No.
` Q. Could you turn in Exhibit 1002 to
`Paragraph 8? Can you read Paragraph 80 from 1002
`into the record?
` A. Paragraph 80 reads: "Nieboer 1990,"
`spelled, N-i-e-b-o-e-r, 1990, is an article
`titled: Fumaric acid therapy in psoriasis, a
`double-blind comparison between fumaric acid
`compound therapy and monotherapy with
`dimethylfumaric acid ester, Exhibit 1017 at 2.
`Nieboer 1990 was publicly available prior to the
`priority date of the 514 patent.
` Q. Can you turn to Paragraph 82 of your
`declaration, Exhibit 1121? And if you'd read
`Paragraph 82 of Exhibit 1121 for the record?
` A. Paragraph 82 reads: Nieboer 1990 is an
`article titled "Fumaric Acid Therapy in
`Psoriasis, a double-blind comparison between
`fumaric acid compound therapy and monotherapy
`with dimethylfumaric acid ester."
` Nieboer -- excuse
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`Benjamin Greenberg
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`October 28, 2019
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`me -- Exhibit 1017 at 2. Nieboer 1990 was
`publicly available prior to the priority date of
`the 514 patent.
` Q. And that Paragraph 82 from your
`declaration, Exhibit 1121 is word-for-word
`verbatim, the same as Dr. Corboy's 1002,
`Paragraph 80; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then if you look at Paragraph 81 of
`Exhibit 1002, you don't need to read that into
`the record, but would you just read it -- look at
` And can you look at Paragraph 83 of
`your declaration of 1121 and confirm that other
`than the fact that in your Paragraph 83, there is
`an additional sentence interposed in the middle,
`otherwise, it's word-for-word verbatim, copy of
`Dr. Corboy's Exhibit 11, Paragraph 81 of Exhibit
` A. So 83 and 81 have the same language
`except the changes that you noted.
` Q. The one additional paragraph -- one
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`additional sentence that you added?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Yes. There is an
`additional sentence.
` Q. And the Footnote, Footnote 2, that comes
`off of Dr. Corboy's Paragraph 81 and your
`Paragraph 83, those are identical, verbatim, as
`well? Correct?
` A. Those are identical.
` Q. And then in Exhibit 1002 Dr. Corboy's
`declaration, Paragraph 82, that's word-for-word
`verbatim, the same as your Paragraph 84 in
`Exhibit 1121; correct?
` A. It is.
` Q. And so did you, in fact, write both
`paragraphs, Paragraphs 83, 82 of Dr. Corboy's
`declaration and Paragraphs 82 through 84 of your
`declaration, 1121?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I was not involved in
`the preparation of Dr. Corboy's declaration.
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`Benjamin Greenberg
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` Q. Okay. But you didn't -- you didn't
`write the statements in Paragraphs 82 of Dr.
`Corboy's declaration that were then copied into
`your declaration. Correct?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: So my process for
`forming a declaration was to go through the
`literature and create the paragraphs and then
`work to edit and make it succinct. How these are
`identical, I can't speak to how Dr. Corboy's are.
` Q. But you are testifying that you actually
`drafted, yourself, from scratch, Paragraphs 82 to
`84 of your declaration, Exhibit 1121, and just by
`chance it turned out to be verbatim the same as
`Dr. Corboy's?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't believe
`that's what I said. In terms of the drafting,
`putting things together, and -- I'd have to think
`back in terms of where these words fell into the
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
`Page 20
`sequence for mine, but I can't speak to Dr.
` Q. For use, you testified you drafted 82,
`Paragraphs 82 through 84 of your declaration a,
`Exhibit 1121 from scratch?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall if I
`typed it out from scratch or made it from notes
`and put it together.
` Q. Okay. And, Dr. Greenberg, you testified
`in the related district court case with same 514
`patent at issue here; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that was in June of this year;
` A. That sounds correct.
` Q. And you testified in that case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And all of your answers there were
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`Benjamin Greenberg
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`October 28, 2019
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` A. All of the answers I give are on
`truthful to the best of my knowledge, yes.
` MR. FELDSTEIN: Okay. Do you have
`a copy of Dr. Greenberg's declaration?
` MS. BLOODWORTH: I'll just take
`one. Scribble factor.
` MR. FELDSTEIN: I didn't throw it.
` MS. BLOODWORTH: That's okay. No.
`This table is crazy big.
` Q. I am going to mark as Exhibit 2218,
`paper, first author Frohman, F-r-o-h-m-a-n, from
`March, 2012.
` MS. PROCHNOW: And we are going to
`object to this -- the use of this exhibit.
` Q. Can you can you identify Exhibit 2218,
` A. Exhibit 2218 is titled addressing the
`challenges and risk assessment and risk
`management in multiple sclerosis.
` Q. Is it a paper you wrote?
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` A. It's a paper that I am a co-author on.
`One of four authors and it's a report out of a
`meeting that occurred.
` Q. So you are co-authoring Exhibit 2218?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you turn -- well, actually, on the
`first page, the very first paragraph, can read
`the last sentence of the first paragraph into the
` A. "After experiencing a, quote, honeymoon
`period relative to the low-risk associated with
`the interferon glatiramer acetate injection
`therapy, patients with MS and physicians were
`forced to determine what amount of risk they
`would be willing to endure in order to achieve
`substantially optimized disease-modifying effects
`(both clinical and radiographic.)"
` Q. And what are disease-modifying effects
`in that context?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Disease-modifying
`effects are relative to therapies that change the
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
`Page 23
`course of multiple sclerosis.
` Q. What are examples of disease-modifying
` A. Disease-modifying effect examples
`include a reduction in MRI activity, a reduction
`in clinical activity.
` Q. Clinical would be what, for example?
` A. Clinical activity includes reduction
`both in the number of relapses and in the
`progression of disability.
` Q. So MRI effects are non-clinical
`effects --
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` Q. -- the way you separated them?
` A. An MRI readout is considered a
`paraclinical test. It is related and a hallmark
`of, and is associated with, clinical events, but
`it is not a clinical event.
` Q. Does it mean, then -- does optimizing
`disease-modifying effects mean trying to maximize
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`Benjamin Greenberg
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Biogen MA, Inc.
`October 28, 2019
`Page 24
`effects on MRI and clinical outcomes?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not sure I
`understand your question.
` Q. In the sentence that you had read into
`the record on Exhibit 2218, it referred to
`substantially optimized disease-modifying effects
`in order -- back up a second -- it's -- refers
`to in order to achieve substantially optimized
`disease-modifying effects. Does substantially
`optimized in that context mean that you are
`trying to do the most possible to effect the MRI
`in the clinical outcomes?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I think what this
`sentence is referring to is, when talking about
`substantially optimized is that goal of reducing
`the amount of clinical and MRI activity to the
`most you can.
` Q. And if you could turn to the sentence
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`Benjamin Greenberg
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`October 28, 2019
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`that bridges Pages 7 and 8 of Exhibit 2218, I'm
`using the original pagination of the article.
`Can you read that sentence into the record?
` A. "Beyond suppression of relapses,
`however, there are many goals in MS therapy, the
`most important of which is the maintenance of
`both physical and intellectual function in our
`patients over decades."
` Q. And is that part of the substantially
`optimized diseased-modifying effects that are the
`goal that you are referring to?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I think what this
`sentence is talking about is taking a broad,
`wholistic view of goals in treating MS patients,
`and so optimized therapy, the goal of MS therapy
`is to prevent changes on MRI, prevent relapses,
`and when talking about disability, this sentence
`points out both physical and intellectual
`function over the long-term of our patients.
` Q. And is there some particular challenge
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`Benjamin Greenberg
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`to maintaining both physical and intellectual
`function over the long-term or decades as your
`article says?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't think this
`article says there is a challenge. I think it
`talks about a goal. And when looking at
`individuals, we have achieved success in many
`individuals in terms of achieving this goal, but
`based on the heterogeneity of the patient
`population, we haven't cured the disease yet for
`100 percent of the population. So this sentence
`talks about the goals, not about --
` Q. No, I apologize. I may have not asked
`the question clearly. I wasn't asking if this
`article refers -- explains what the challenges
`are, refers to challenges. I am just asking you
`separately from the article what, if any,
`challenges there are to maintaining both physical
`and intellectual function in your patients over
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` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: So I think speaking
`broadly about the challenge of treating patients,
`it's about matching patients up with the right
`therapy for them, given the number of options we
`have and have had for a long time, trying to find
`that match that works for each patient.
` Q. How do you go about finding that match
`just generally?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Today, in my clinic,
`it's a -- what's called a shared decision-making
`model with patients where we discuss the
`advantages and disadvantages of different drugs,
`the risks, benefits, the impact on lifestyle,
`third-party payer issues, a very holistic
`approach to having each patient share in the
`process of deciding which therapy they want to
`start with.
` And then we monitor their response.
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` Q. What are you monitoring for in their
`response just generally once you begin therapy?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: So in general, we
`monitor patients for evidence of efficacy. We
`monitor them clinically and with MRI.
` And we also monitor their lifestyle
`and the impact on their life and monitor both for
`benefit as well as side effects.
` And then depending on the drug,
`there are different prescribed safety monitoring
`programs, some mandated by the government and the
`FDA, and some that we do out of course.
` Q. And if a therapy is deemed efficacious,
`do you normally maintain that therapy, sort of in
`a status quo? If it's working, keep it?
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: So there have been
`situations where even if a therapy seems to be
`efficacious, patients have switched for a variety
`of reasons, our goal is to have an efficacious
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`therapy that checks all the boxes a patient
`desires relative to their view of the therapy, as
` Q. And while I appreciate you probably have
`an example of a patient who has done every
`possible different choice, is it generally true
`that if a therapy is working you maintain that
` MS. PROCHNOW: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I think in -- it's
`fair to say, in general, we want to maintain
`patients on effective therapies. But the number
`of examples are beyond one-offs where patients
`are switching for a variety of reasons. So, I
`mean, it's a very individualized discussion.
` Q. If a therapy is not working, what do you
` A. So, if we see evidence of the therapies
`not working, we have conversations with the
`patient around adherence and making sure they are
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`October 28, 2019
`Page 30
`actually taking the medication. We have
`conversations about access, making sure they are
`actually getting the medication. And then we
`have a discussion relative to the context of that
`individual patient as to whether or not they
`should consider a switch.
` Q. And, I can hand you paper, but, I don't

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