`(12) Ufllted States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 6,509,376 B1
`Joshi et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jan. 21, 2003
`Inventors: Rajendra Kumar Joshi, Zfirich (CH);
`Hans—Peter Strebel Muri (Ci-I)
`Aitrneyer, P et ai-i “SYSIemiSChe Therapie der Psoriasis”, T
`& E Dermatologie lg, 1997, vol. 27, ppg. 3804382, 384-—
`not translated.
`Gasser, et al., “Host Vs Graft and Graft Vs Host Reactions
`After Allogeneic Heterotopic Smali Bowel Transplantation
`in the Rat”, Transplantation Proceedings, vol. 24, No. 3,
`1113-, 1992: {313%-
`Nathens, et al., “The Glutathione Depicting Agent Diethyl-
`maleate Prolongs Renal Allograft Survival", Journal of
`Surgical Research, vol. 77, 1998, ppg 75—79.
`Nibbering, PH. et ah, “Intracellular Signalling by Binding
`Sites for the Antipsoratic Agent Monomethylfumarate on
`Human Granulocytes”, British J. Dermatol., 1997, voi. 137,
`ppg. 65—»75.
`Nibbering, Peter H., “Effects of Monomethylfumarate on
`Human Granulocytes”, Journal of Investigative Dermatol-
`Day, 1993, vol. 101, we 37-42-
`Sebok, Bela et al., “Antiproliferative and Cytotoxic profiles
`of Antipsoriatic Fumaric Acid Derivatives in Keratinocyte
`Cultures”, European Journal of Pharm, Environ. Toxicol.
`Schwinghammer et al., “Pharmacologic prophylaxis of
`acute graft—versus—host disease after allogeneic marrow
`transplantation”, Therapy Reviews, Clinical Pharmacy, vol.
`12, Oct. 1993, ppg 736—3761.
`Medline Abstract 05 Bayard 6131-, “Perot?“ longderm treat-
`ment of psoriasis using fumaric acid derivatives”, I-Iautarzt,
`May 1987, 38(5), ppg 279—85.
`Hnnziker T. a 31.; “Is Psoriasis an Autoimmune Disease”,
`Excerpt from “Therapeutische Urnschau”, Determatological
`Clinic ofthe University of Berne; 1993, vol. 50; 2"" edition;
`pp. 110—113. (Translated version 5 pages).
`M. Bacharach—Buhles ct 31., “Fumaric Acid Esters (FAEs)
`Suppress CD 15— and 0D]? 4—positive Cells in Psoriasis”,
`Acta Derm Venero] (Stockh); 1994; Suppl. 186: 79—82.
`H. M. Ockenfels, et al., “The antipsoricatic agent dirneth-
`ylfumarate immunomodulates T—celi cytokine secretion and
`inhibits cytokines of the psoriatie cytokine networ "’,British
`Journal of Hematology, 1998, vol. 139, 390—395.
`“Merck Manual , 1987, Merck XP—002141006, p. 327,
`Pa’agmph -—,Paragrflph 6-
`lmmunodulation durch .Fumaderml, Das richlungsweisende
`Konzept, Chante—Berlm, Hautkhmh, Symposium, Nov.
`1.—3, 1996, 28 pages, 4 page english translation of pp.
`‘l d b
`Y “3mm“
`‘1 B
`Primary Examiner—Kevin E. Weddington
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Sieberth & Patty, LLC.
`The present invention relates to the use of certain dialkyl
`fitmarates for the preparation of pharmaceutical preparations
`for use in transplantation medicine or for the therapy of
`autoimmune diseases and said compositions in the form of
`micro-tablets o: pellets. Ifor this purpose, the dialkyl fume-
`rates may also be used in combination With conventional
`preparations used in transplantation medicine and immuno-
`(73) Assignee: Fumapharm AG, Muri (CH)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 3S
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) App]. N03
`(22) PCI' Filed:
`Oct. 29’ 1999
`PCT No.:
`§7§7g4§c§£é May 10 2091
`" ’
`(87) PCT Pub. No.: WOOD/30622
`PCT PUb’ Date: Jun. 2! 2009
`Foreign Application Prtonty Data
`Nov. 19, 1998
`198 53 487
`Int. Cl.7
`(52) us. Ci.
`A61K 31/225
`514/547; 514/960
`(58) Field of Search
`514/547, 960
`References cued
`51985 Lech” cl at
`$515,974 A
`571933 Sm?“ t“-
`4345.653 A $
`7/1989 Spefser ctal'
`$2233: A
`$149,695 A 1: 3/133 gpfliser 2: ai‘
`2,214,196 2
`41993 35:11:: e a '
`5’242’905 A ,.
`9/1993 Blank
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`10,1994 Blank
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`611995 Speiseret al.
`5,451,667 A
`9/1995 396m, at al.
`5,533,953 A
`7/1995 Chicsi et at.
`5,543,059 A
`3/1995 Bayley etal.
`5,972,363 A
`10/1999 Clikeman et a].
`8/2001 105111 at al.
`6,277,882 B1 *
`3/2002 Joshi et al.
`6,355,676 Bl
`3/2002 105‘“ 9‘ at.
`6359303 Bl
`25 30 372 A1
`26 21 214 A1
`3031:3323 A1
`WO 95125102
`WO 96/27369
`W0 98/114290
`wo 93,27,970
`WO 98/52549
`WO 99121565
`16 Claims, No Drawings
`-- a 94 ~10:


`US 6,509,376 Bl
`This application is a 37] continuation of PCTApplication
`PCT/E?99/08215, filed Oct. 29, 1999, the text of which is
`not in English, which PCT Application claims priority on
`German Application No. 198 53 487.6 filed Nov. 19, 1998,
`the text of which is not in English.
`The present invention relates to the use of dialkyl fitma—
`rates for preparing pharmaceutical preparations for use in
`transplantation medicine or the therapy of autoimmune
`diseases and pharmaceutical preparations in the form of
`micro-tableLs or micro-pellets containing dialkyl fumarates.
`0n the one hand, therefore, it relates especially to the use
`of dialkyl fumarates for preparing pharmaceutical prepara-
`tions for the treatment, reduction or suppression of rejection
`reactions of the transplant by the recipient, i.e. host-versus
`graft reactions, or rejection of the recipient by the transplant,
`i.e. graft-versus—host reactions On the other hand, it relates
`to the use of dialkyl furnarates for preparing pharmaceutical
`preparations for treating autoimmune diseases such as
`polyarthritis, multiple sclerosis, juvenile-onset diabetes,
`Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Grave’s disease, systemic Lupus
`erythematodes (SLE), Sjogren’s syndrome, pernicious
`anaemia and chronic active (=lupoid) hepatitis.
`Both graft rejection and autoimmune diseases are based
`on medically undesirable reactions or dysregulation of the
`immune system. Cytokins such as interleukins or tumour
`necrosc factor Ct. (TNEQ) are substantial mediators influ-
`encing the immune system. In general, both are treated by
`the administration of immunosuppressive agents such as
`In the overall result, autoimmune diseases may be defined
`as the failure of the tolerance of endogenic substances or
`antigens. As a rule, this tolerance can be maintained only if
`the antigens keep coming into contact with immunological
`cells. When this tolerance is lost, autoantibodies are formed,
`i.e. a humoral
`immunoresponse against endogenic tissue.
`The exact nature of the involvement of TNF-a is not known.
`Transplantations are tissue or organ transplantations, i.e.
`the transfer of tissues such as cornea, skin, bones (bone
`chips), vessels or fasciae, of organs such as kidney, heart,
`liver, lung, pancreas or intestines, or of individual cells such
`as islet cells, ot—cells and liver cells, the kidney having the
`greatest significance as a transplanted organ.
`According to the degree of relationship between the donor
`and the recipient we differentiate between auto-
`transplantation (transfer to another part of the body of the
`same individual), iso-transplantatiou (transfer to another,
`genetically identical individual) and allegenic transplanta—
`tion (transfer to another individual of the same species).
`Depending on the site of origin and transplantation, we
`further differentiate between homotopic transplantation
`(transfer to the same site) and heterotopic transplantation
`(transfer to a different site). The above—mentioned transplan-
`tations play an important role in modern medicine.
`A major problem in transplantation medicine is graft
`rejection after transplantation of the tissue, organ or cell by
`immunological defence reactions of the recipient. Such a
`graft rejection is also called host-versus—graft reaction. The
`immunological defence reaction of the organism against the
`heteroprotein often results in rejection or dissolution of the
`grafts. In host—versus—graft reactions, different stages may he
`distinguished. Depending on the degree of difference
`between the recipient and the donor, this reaction takes place
`at different speeds so that we speak of an acute, sub acute or
`chronic reaction. The acute rejection process is accompanied
`by the irreversible loss of the transplant (necrotisation) as a
`result of arteriitis or arteriolilis within 48 hours and cannot
`be influenced by the administration of drugs. The sub-acute
`rejection reaction becomes manifest as a rejection crisis
`from clay 12 to month 4 with reversible functional disorders
`as a result of a transplant vasculopathy. Finally, the loss of
`function of the transplant as a result of vascular changes
`such as obliterating arteriopathy, which proceeds over weeks
`or years and can practically not be influenced by drugs, is
`termed a chronic rejection reaction.
`Vice-versa, rejection reactions of the transplant against
`the recipient, the so—called graft-versus-host reactions, may
`occur when immunocompctcnt tissues are transplanted, i.e.
`primarily in bone marrow transplantation. Again, the sever-
`ity of the reaction is graded, and substantially similar
`complications result as in host-versus-graft-reactions,
`namely arteriopathies and necroses.
`To avoid such rejection reactions, i.e. the host-versus—
`graft reaction and the graftvversuswhost reaction, transplan-
`tation medicine essentially makes use of
`immunosuppression, tie. a weakening of the normal immu—
`noresponse. For this purpose, anti-lymphocyte sera are often
`used in combination with corticosteroids and so-called anti-
`metabolites, e.g. purine analogues such as 6-mercaptopurine
`and thioguanine which affect the nucleic acid and protein
`synthesis and thus prevent cell division and proliferation.
`This leads to suppression or the production of antibodies and
`the cellular immune response. The immunosuppressive
`agents used for therapy are substances which suppress or
`weaken the immunoreaction in the body either specifically
`or non—specifically. Non—specific immunosuppressive agents
`are cytostatic agents such as, for example, alkylating agents
`or antimctaboliles.
`in addition, active ingredients are known which cause at
`least partial specific immunosuppression, such as
`corticosteroids, antisera, antibodies FK—506,
`mycophenolatemofetil and primarily cyclosporines such as
`cyclosporine A. As a result of using modern immunosup-
`pressive agents, the most important representatives of which
`are the eyclosporines, especially cyciosporine A,
`it was
`possible to improve the results of transplantation consider—
`ably over the last few years. At present, the survival rate
`after one year is about 60% for liver transpiantations, about
`80% for heart transplantations and over 90% for kidney
`Autoimmune diseases where the endogenic immune sys-
`tem attacks endogenic organs, tissues and cells are compa—
`rable to graft-versus—host reactions. These are also medically
`undesirable reactions of the immune system which may be
`treated with immunosuppressive agents, too.
`The danger in using immunosuppressive agents lies in
`weakening the body’s defence against infectious diseases
`and the increased risk of malignant diseases. Therefore, it is
`the object of the invention to provide a pharmaceutical
`preparation to be employed in transplantation medicine
`which may be used to treat, especially to suppress, weaken
`and/or alleviate host-versus-grafi reactions and graft-versus-
`host reactions, but does not have the above disadvantage.
`It is another object of the invention to provide a pharma-
`ceutical preparation which may be employed for treating
`autoimmune diseases, particularly polyarthritis, multiple
`sclerosis, juvenile—onset diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,


`US 6,509,376 B1
`Grave’s disease, systemic Lupus erythematodes (SLE),
`Sjogren’s syndrome, pernicious anaemia and chronic active
`(=lupoid) hepatitis, without the disadvantages of immuno-
`The object of the invention is achieved by using certain
`dialkyl fun: arates for preparing pharmaceuticai preparations
`for use in transplantation medicine and for the therapy of
`autoimmune diseases and pharmaceutical preparations in the
`form of micro-tablets and micro-pellets containing these
`dialkyl fumarates. The individual subject matters of the
`invention are characterised in detail
`in the claims. The
`preparations according to the invention do not contain any
`free fumaric acids per se.
`It is known that pharmaceutical preparations which, upon
`biological degradation after administration, enter into the
`citric acid cycle or are part thereof gain increasing thera-
`peutic significance—especially when given in high
`desages~sinee they can alleviate or heat diseases caused
`Fumaric acid, for example, inhibits the growth of the
`Ehrlich ascites tumour in mice, reduces the toxic effects of
`mitomyein C and aflatoxin and displays anti—psoriatic and
`anti-microbial activity. When administered parenterally,
`transdermally and especially perorally, high dosages of
`fumaric acid or its derivatives known so far such as dihy-
`droxyl funiaric acid, fumaramide and Eumaronitrile have
`such unacceptably severe side effects and high toxicity that,
`in most cases, such a therapy had to be abandoned in the
`Surprisingly, investigations carried out by the applicant
`have shown that methyl hydrogen fumarate, a metabolite of
`the dimethyl fumarate,
`initially increases the endotoxin-
`stimulated TNF-o. secretion in human mono-nuclear cells of
`periphere blood (periphere blood mono-nuclear cells-
`l’BMC cells) and in isolated monocytes. In addition, the
`applicant was able to show that fumaric acid has an effect on
`in vitro and in vivo haemag-glutination which is comparable
`to that of cyclosporine.
`Surprisingly, it has now been found that dialkyl fumarates
`are advantageous for preparing pharmaceutical composi-
`tions for use in transplantation medicine and for the therapy
`of autoimmune diseases. This is because compositions con-
`taining such dialkyl fumarates surprisingly permit a positive
`modulation of the immune system in host-versus—graft
`reactions, graft-versus-host reactions and other autoimmune
`European Patent Application 0 188 749 already describes
`fumaric acid derivatives and pharmaceutical compositions
`containing the same for the treatment of psoriasis. Pharma-
`ceutical compositions for the treatment ofpsoriasis contain-
`ing a mixture of fumaric acid and other fumaric acid
`derivatives are known from DEA-25 30 372. The content of
`free fumaric acid is obligatory for these medicaments.
`DEA-26 21 214 describes medicaments containing the
`Eumaric acid monoethyl ester and its mineral salts as active
`ingredient for the treatment of psoriasis. The publication
`“l-Iautarzt (Dermatologist) (1987) 279—285” discusses the
`use of fumaric acid monoethyl ester salts. Pharmaceutical
`preparations containing a mixture of fitmaric acid rnonoallryl
`ester salts and a fumaric acid diester for the treatment of
`psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, neurodermatitis and enteritis
`regionatis Crohn are known from EP 0 312 697 El.
`Specifically, the object of the invention is achieved by the
`use of one or more dialkyl fumarates of the formula
`wherein R1 and R2, which may be the same or difiercnt,
`independently represent a linear, branched or cyclic, satu-
`rated or unsaturated C14,, alkyl radical which may be
`optionally substituted with halogen (Cl, F, 1, Br), hydroxy,
`C1“1 alkoxy, nitro or eyano for preparing a pharmaceutical
`preparation for use in transplantation medicine or for the
`therapy of autoimmune diseases.
`The CL20 alltyl radicals, preferably CLs alhyl radicats,
`most preferably CJ_5 alkyl radicals are, for example, methyl,
`ethyl, n-propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, sec-butyl, t-butyl, pentyl,
`cyclopentyl, 2-ethyl hexyl, hexyt, cyclohexyl, heptyl,
`cycloheptyl, octyi, vinyl, allyl, 2-hydroxy ethyl, 2 or
`3-hydroxy propyl, 2-methoxy ethyl, methoxy methyl or 2- or
`3-methoxy propyl. Preferably at least one of the radicals R1
`or R2 is CH alkyl, especially methyl or ethyl. More
`preferably, R1 and R2 are the same or different C21,5 alkyt
`radicals such as methyl, ethyl, n-propyl or t—hutyl, methyt
`and ethyl being especially preferred. Most preferably, R1
`and R2 are identical and are methyl or ethyl. Especially
`preferred are the dimethyl furnarate, methyl ethyl fumarate
`and diethyl fumarate.
`The dialkyl fumarates to be used according to the inven-
`tion are prepared by processes known in the art (see, for
`example, EP 0 312 697).
`Preferably, the active ingredients are used for preparing
`oral preparations in the form of tablets, micro—tablets, pellets
`or granulates, optionally in capsules or sachets. Preparations
`in the form of micro—tablets or pellets, optionally filled in
`capsules or sachets are preferred and are also a subject
`matter of the invention. The oral preparations may be
`provided with an enteric coating. Capsules may be soft or
`hard gelatine capsules.
`The dialkyl fnmarates used according to the invention
`may be used alone or as a mixture of several compounds,
`optionalty in combination with the customary carriers and
`excipients, The amounts to be used are selected in such a
`manner that
`the preparations obtained contain the active
`ingredient in an amount corresponding to 10 to 300 mg of
`furnaric acid.
`Preferred preparations according to the invention contain
`a total amount of 10 to 300 mg of dimethyl fumarate and/or
`diethyl fumarate.
`According to a preferred embodiment, the size or the
`mean diameter, respectively, of the pellets or micro-tablets is
`in the range from 300 to 2,000 ,ttm, especiatiy in the range
`of 500 or 1,000 itm.
`in addition to graft—versus-host reactions (see above), the
`following autoimmune diseases to be treated maybe named:
`polyarthritis, multiple sclerosis, graft-versus-host reactions,
`juvenile-onset diabetes, [-Iashimoto’s thyroiditis, Grave’s
`disease, systemic Lupus erythematodes (SLR), Sjogren’s
`syndrome, pernicious anaemia and chronic active (lupoid)
`hepatitis. Autoimmune diseases in a wider meaning also
`comprise psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, neurodermalitis and
`enteritis regionalis Crohn.
`in addition to the preparations for peroral administration
`in the form of micro-pellets, micro-tablets, capsules (such as
`soft and hard gelatine capsules), granulates and tablets cited
`above, suitable pharmaceutical preparations are preparations
`for cutaneous and transdermal administration in the form of
`ointments, ptasters, lotions or shower preparations and for


`US 6,509,376 B1
`parenteral administration in the form of aqueous micro-
`dispersions, oil—in-water emulsions or oily solutions for
`rectal administration of suppositories or micro-enemas.
`Pharmaceutical preparations in the form of micro—tablets or
`micro-pellets are preferred for the therapy of all autoimmune
`diseases mentioned above,
`including psoriasis, psoriatic
`arthritis, neurodermatitis and enteritis regionalis Crohn and
`are also a subject matter of the invention.
`According to the invention, a therapy with dialkyl fuma-
`rates may also be carried out in combination with one or
`more preparations of the triple drug therapy customarily
`used in organ transplantations or with cyclospotine A alone.
`For this purpose, the preparations administered may contain
`a combination of the active ingredients in the known dos—
`ages or amounts, respectively. Likewise, the combination
`therapy may consist of parallel administration of separate
`preparation same or different routes. Optionaily, the dosage
`of the active ingredient contained in addition to the dose of
`the firmaric acid derivative administered in accordance with
`the invention may be reduced advantageously.
`Another embodiment of the use according to the invention
`is to aiternate the drug therapy with immunosuporessive
`agents such as cyclosporine in sequence with an application
`of the above—mentioned dialkyl fumarate. This means that an
`application of furnaric acid derivatives as defined above over
`one or more weeks may follow a cyclosporinc therapy of one
`or more weeks. This permits reduction of the Cyclosporine
`A dosage resulting in a considerable decrease of the rate of
`Side efi'ects in long-term therapy.
`By administration of the dialkyl fumarates in the form of
`micro-tablets, which is preferred, gastrointestinal irritations
`and side eifects, which are reduced already when conven—
`tional tablets are administered but is still observed, may be
`further reduced vis~a~vis fumaric acid derivatives and salts.
`It is presumed that, upon administration of conventional
`the ingredients of the tablet are released in the
`intestine in a concentration which is too high, causing local
`irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane. This locat
`irritation results in a short-term release of very high TNF-o.
`concentrations which may be responsible for the gastrointes-
`tinal side effects. In case of application of enteric—coated
`micro-tablets in capsules, on the other hand, very low local
`concentrations of the active ingredients in the intestinal
`epithelial cells are achieved. The micro-tabtets are incre«
`mentally released by the stomach and passed into the small
`intestine by peristaltic movements so that distribution of the
`active ingredients is improved.
`This means that enteric—coated micro-tablets in the same
`dosage are distributed already in the stomach and passed to
`the intestine in portions, where the active ingredients are
`released in smaller dosages. This avoids local irritation of
`the intestinal epithelial cells and the release of TNF—a. It is
`assumed that
`this results in the improved tolerance of
`micro-tablets in the gastrointestinal tract vis-a-vis conven—
`tional tablets.
`In addition, resorption is improved, because the dialkyl
`furnarates to be used according to the invention are not the
`active ingredient per se, but a so-called pro-drug, which
`must be converted into the active ingredient in the body.
`In order to illustrate the use according to the invention,
`different examples for preparing preferred drugs are given
`In principle, the oral preparations according to the inven-
`tion in the form of tablets or micro-tablets may be prepared
`by classical tabletting processes. instead of such classical
`tabletting processes, other methods for the preparation of
`tablets may be used, such as direct tabletting and processes
`for preparing solid dispersions in according with the melt
`method and the spray drying method.
`The tablets may be provided with an enteric coating. The
`enteric coating may be applied in a classical coating pan or
`sprayed on or applied in a fluidised bed apparatus. The tablet
`may also be provided with a film coat.
`Preparation of Enteric—coaled Micro-tablets in Capsules
`Containing 120.0 mg of Dimethyl Fumarate, which Corre-
`sponds to 96 mg of Fumaric Acid
`Taking the necessary precautions (breathing mask,
`gloves, protective clothing, etc), 12.000 kg of dimethyi
`fumarate are crushed, mixed and homogenised by means of
`a sieve 800. Then an excipient mixture with the following
`composition is prepared: 17.50 kg of starch derivative
`(STA-RX® 1500), 0.30 kg of micro-crystalline cellulose
`(Avicel® PH 101), 0.75 kg of PVP (Kollidon® 120), 4.00 kg
`of Primogel®, 0.25 kg of colloidal silicic acid (Aerosi1®).
`The active ingredient is added to the entire powder mixture,
`mixed, homogenised by means of a sieve 200, processed in
`the usual manner with a 2% aqueous solution of polyvidon
`pyrrolidonc (Kollidon® K25) to obtain a binder granulatc
`and then mixed in the dry state with the outer phase. Said
`outer phase consists of 0.50 kg of Mg stearate and 1.50 kg
`of talcum.
`Then the powder mixture is compressed in the usual
`manner to obtain convex tablets having a gross weight of
`10.0 mg and a diameter of 2.0 mm.
`One example to achieve resistance to gastric acid is to
`dissolve a solution of 2.250 kg of hydroxy propyl methyl
`cellulose phtbalate (HPMCP, Pharmacoat® HP 50) in por-
`tions in a mixture of the following solvents: 13.00 1 of
`acetone, 13.50 I of ethanol (94 wt.-%, denatured with 2% of
`kctonc) and 1.50 l of dcmincraliscd water. As a plasticiscr,
`castor oil (0.240 kg) is added to the finished solution and
`applied in portions onto the tablet cores in the customary
`After drying is completed, a suspension of the following
`composition is applied as a film coat in the same apparatus:
`0.340 kg of talcum, 0.400 kg of titanium(VI) oxide Cronus
`RN 56, 0.324 kg of coloured lacquer L—Rotlack 86837,
`4.800 kg of Eudragit E 12.5% and 0.120 kg of polyethylene
`glycol 6000, 131-1 11 XI in a solvent mixture of the following
`composition: 8.i70 kg of 2-propanol, 0.200 kg of deminera-
`lised water and 0.600 kg of giycerine triacetate (Triacetin).
`After that the emetic-coated micro-tablets are filled into
`hard gelatine capsules having a net weight of 400 mg and
`Preparation of Entericwcoated Micro~tablets in Capsules
`Containing 120.0 mg of Dimcthyl Fumaratc, which Corre-
`sponds to 96 mg of Fumaric Acid
`1.2.000 kg of dimethyl fumarate are crushed and homoge-
`nised as above. Then an excipient mixture composed as
`follows is prepared: 23.20 kg of microcrystalline cellulose
`(Avicelo® PH 200), 3.00 kg of Croscarmellose sodium
`(AC-Di—SOL—SD-7ll), 2.50 kg of talcum, 0.10 kg of anhy-
`drous silica (Aerosil® 200) and 1.00 kg of Mg stearate. The
`active ingredient is then added to the entire powder mixture
`and mixed homogenously. By means of direct tabletting, the
`powder mixture is then pressed into convex tablets having a
`gross weight of 10.0 mg and a diameter of 2.00 mm.


`US 6,509,376 B1
`After that, a solution of 0.9-4 Eudragit® L in isopropanol
`is prepared which also contains 0.07 kg of dibutyl phthatate.
`This solution is sprayed onto the tablet cores. After that, a
`dispersion of 17.32 kg of Eudragit® L D-55 and a mixture
`of 2.80 kg of micro-talcum, 2.00 kg of Macrogol 6000 and
`0.07 kg of dimeticon in water is prepared and Sprayed onto
`the cores.
`Next, the enteriocoated micro—tablets are filled into hard
`gelatine capsules having a net weight of 650 mg and sealed.
`Preparation of Micro-pellets in Capsules Containing 50.0
`mg of Dimethyi Fumarate, which Corresponds to 40 mg of
`Fumaric Acid
`5.000 kg of dimethyl fumarate are crushed and homoge—
`nised as above. In addition, 2 l of a 20% (In/v) polyvinyi
`pyrrolidone solution {Kollidon K—30)
`in ethanol are pre—
`pared. 7.250 kg of nonpareilles pellets in a coating pan are
`sprayed with part of the Kollidon K—30 solution until slightly
`humid. Then the active ingredient is added in portions until
`the pellets are dry. This procedure of humidification/drying
`is continued until all of the active ingredient mixture has
`been added. Then the pellets are moved around until com-
`pietely dry.
`After that, the pellets are filled into hard gelatine capsules
`(126.5 mg pellets/capsule).
`Preparation of Enteric-coated Capsules Containing 110.0
`mg of Dimethyl Fumarate, which Corresponds to 88 mg of
`Furnaric Acid
`11.000 kg of dimethyl Eumarate are intensely mixed in a
`mixture consisting of 14.00 kg of starch, 5.65 kg of lactose,
`2.00 kg of microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel®), 1.00 kg of
`polyvinyl pyrrolidone (Kollidon® 25) and 2.443 kg of
`Primogel® and, taking the necessary precautions (breathing
`mask, gloves, protective clothing), homogenised by means
`of a sieve 800.
`Using a 2% aqueous solution of polyvinyl pyrrolidone
`(Kollidon® K25), the entire powder mixture is processed
`into a binder granulate in the customary manner and mixed
`with the outer phase when dry. Said outer phase consists of
`0.350 kg of colloidal silicic acid (Aerosi1®), 0.500 kg of Mg
`stearate and 1.500 kg of talcum. The homogenous mixture is
`filled into suitable capsules in portions of 400 mg which are
`then provided with an enteric coating consisting of hydroxy
`propyl methyl cellulose stearate and castor oil as plasticiser
`in the customary manner. Instead of using hard gelatine
`capsules, the product may also be filled into suitable enteric-
`coated capsules consisting of a mixture of cellulose acetate
`phthalate (CAP) and hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose phtha-
`late (HPMCP).
`in comparison with substances of the prior art such as
`cyclosporine, which may cause massive kidney disorders or
`diseases of the lymphoproiiferative system, a therapy with
`fumaric acid derivatives according to the invention for the
`indications listed above rarely results in serious side clfccts.
`Among other things,
`the immunosuppressive effect of
`cyclosporine is caused by the inhibition of Th-l cell forma-
`tion. As in vitro experiments of the applicant have showu,
`fumarates cause a shift of the cytokine pattern of the Th1
`type to the cytokine pattern of the Th2 type.
`Especially in view of the iong-term therapy and preven-
`tion which is always necessary in graft-versus—host reactions
`and host-versus-graft reactions or other immune diseases
`such as multiple sclerosis, the unexpected efi‘ect of the use
`according to the invention is of the greatest interest. In a
`combination therapy of cyclosporine with the fumaric acid
`derivatives, the toxic Side clIecls of the former compounds
`may be unexpectedly reduces to a substantial degree. In
`addition, the use according to the invention is also signifi-
`cant in the substitution of the corticosteroid therapy of
`autoimmune diseases which is known to be accompanied by
`severe side effects.
`What is claimed is:
`1. Pharmaceutical preparation in the form of microtablets
`or micropellets comprising one or more dialkyl fumarales of
`the formula
`wherein R1 and R3, which may be the same or difierent,
`independently represent a linear, branched or cyclic, satu-
`rated or unsaturated C1,JG alkyl radical which may be
`optionally substituted with halogen (Ci, F, I, Br), hydroxy,
`C1_4 alkoxy, nitro or cyano, and optionally suitable carriers
`and excipients for use in transplantation medicine or for the
`therapy of autoimmune diseases such as polyarthritis, mul-
`tiple sclerosis,
`juvenile-onset diabetes, Hashimoto’s
`thyroiditis, Grave’s disease, systemic Lupus erythematodes
`(SLE), Sjogren’s syndrome, pernicious anaemia, chronic
`active (lupoid) hepatitis, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, neurov
`dermatitis and enteritis regionalis Crohn.
`2. A preparation according to claim 1 comprising dim-
`ethyl fumarate, diethyl fumarate or methylethyl Eumarate.
`3. Apreparation according to ciaim 1 or 2 comprising an
`amount of the active ingredient corresponding to 10 to 300
`mg of furnaric acid.
`4. Apreparalion according to claim 1 wherein the one or
`more dialkylfumarates is diethylfumarate.
`5. A preparation according to claim 1 wherein the one or
`more dialkylfumarates is dimethylfumarate.
`6. A preparation according to claims 4 or 5 wherein the
`amount of dialkylfumarate in said preparation corresponds
`to 10 to 300 mg of fumaric acid.
`7. A preparation according to any of claims 1, 2, 4 or 5
`Wherein the preparation is [emulated into an oral prepara~
`tion in which the microtablets or micropellets are in capsules
`or sachets.
`8. A preparation according to any of claims 1, 2, 4 or 5
`wherein the preparation is formulated into an oral prepara-
`tion in which the microtablets or micropellcts are in soft or
`hard gelatine capsules.
`9. A preparation according to any of claims 1, 2, 4 or 5
`wherein the microtablets or mieropellets are provided with
`an enteric coating.
`10. A preparation according to claim 1 wherein the
`preparation is formulated into an oral preparation in which
`the microtahlets or micropellets are in capsules or sachets
`and wherein the amount of dialkylfumarate in said prepa-
`ration corresponds to 10 to 300 mg of furnaric acid.
`11. A preparation according to claim 1 wherein the
`preparation is formulated into an oral preparation in which
`the microtablets or micropellets are in soft or hard geiatine
`capsules and wherein the amount of dialkylfumarate in said
`preparation corresponds to 10 lo 300 mg of fumaric acid.
`12. A preparation according to claim 1 wherein the
`microtablets or micropellets are provided with an enteric
`coating and wherein the amount of dialkylfuruarate in said
`preparation corresponds to 10

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