`Disseminated 20 Sep 2017 07:28 AM BST
`Europe Equity Research
`Genmab AIS (GEN DC)
`Darzalex US sales tracker - August sales of $91 .4m,
`8.8% underlying growth on July sales. US annualising
`at c.$1bn.
`20 September 2017
`Overwei ht
`19 Sep 2011
`We have been tracking Darzalex US sales data provided by Symphony Health. In August, Darzalex US sales
`were $91.369m compared to $73.017m in July being a 25% m-o-m increase, Adjusting for the number of selling
`days, the underlying m—o—m growth was 8.8% (23 days in August vs. 20 days in July). Darzalex US sales are
`now annualising at c.$lbn (JPMe FY17 US sales $lbn) which would be growth of 112% y—o—y from a 2016 base
`of $471111 In order to achieve our sales number, Darzalex US sales will need to continue to grow at around 9%
`month over month for the remainder of 2017, which we believe is achievable. Genmab have guided for FY17
`global Darzalex sales of $1.1bn-$1.3bn (Company Consensus: $1.4bn). We forecast total global Darzalex sales
`of$1.4bn in FY17.
`We see the strong bounce in Darzalex sales as a clear positive with global sales remaining on track to hit
`our FY17 estimate of $1.4hn. Therefore, we expect the shares to outperform by c.1—2% today.
`Figure 1: Darzalex US month on month sales (Sm)
`70,000,000 .
`20,000,000 .
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`Biogen Exhibit 2181
`Mylan v. Biogen
`IPR 2018-01403
`European Healthcare (Pharma, Biotech)
`James P Quigley AC
`(44-20) 7742-1444
`Bloomberg JPMA QUIGLEY <GO>
`James D Gordon
`(44-20) 7742-6654
`Richard Vosser
`(44-20) 7742-6652
`Diana Na
`(44 20) 7742-7922
`J.P. Morgan Securities plc
`For Specialist Sales advice, please contact:
`Marjan Daeipour
`(44 20) 7134-1329
`Biogen Exhibit 2181
`Mylan v. Biogen
`IPR 2018-01403
`Page 2 of 5
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`0 Market Maker/ Liquidity Provider: J.P. Morgan Securities plc and/or an afliliate is a market maker and/or liquidity provider in
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`Genmab AIS (GEN.CO. Gal DO) Plice Chit
`Rating Share Price Prieerarget
`"MUM 1212
`20—Jurr16 N
`10—Aug-16 N
`03-Jan-17 ow
`23-Feb-17 ow
`11-May-17 ow
`The chart(s) show J.P. Morgan's continuing coverage of the stocks: the current analysts may or may not have covered it over the entire
`J.P. Morgan ratings or designations: OW = Overweight. N= Neutral. UW = Underweight. NR = Not Rated
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`J.P. Morgan Equity Research Ratings Distribution, as of July 03, 2017
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`Biogen Exhibit 2181
`Mylan v. Biogen
`IPR 2018-01403
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`Biogen Exhibit 2181
`Mylan v. Biogen
`IPR 2018-01403
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