`Demonstrative Exhibits
`IPR2018-001008/001011 – U.S. Patent No. 9,639,876
`IPR2018-001009/001012 – U.S. Patent No. 9,043,228
`IPR2018-001010/001014 – U.S. Patent No. 8,515,825
`Consolidated Oral Hearing, July 25, 2019 – Denver, Colorado


`Summary of Instituted Grounds
`Moore IPRs
`Loshin IPRs
`Three petitions pertain to Moore
`and the Digital River publications as
`primary references, and Arnold as
`the secondary reference.
`Three petitions pertain to Loshin as
`the primary reference, and Moore
`and the InfoHaus documents as the
`secondary references.
`‒ IPR2018-001011 –
`U.S. Patent No. 9,639,876
`‒ IPR2018-001012 –
`U.S. Patent No. 9,043,228
`‒ IPR2018-001014 –
`U.S. Patent No. 8,515,825
`‒ IPR2018-001008 –
`U.S. Patent No. 9,639,876
`‒ IPR2018-001009 –
`U.S. Patent No. 9,043,228
`‒ IPR2018-001010 –
`U.S. Patent No. 8,515,825


`Summary of Instituted Grounds – Moore IPRs
`’876 Patent Claims
`’228 Patent Claims
`’825 Patent Claims
`Digital River Publications
`§ 103(a)
`1-5, 7, 8, 11-15, 17,
`and 18
`1, 3-5, 7-9, 11-13,
`15, and 16
`§ 102(a)
`1-5, 7, 8, 11-15, 17,
`and 18
`1, 3-5, 7-9, 11-13,
`15, and 16
`1-8, 11-18
`1-8, 11-18
`Moore and Arnold
`§ 103(a)
`1, 7, 11, and 17
`1, 4, 9, and 12
`1, 3, 11, and 13
`Moore and the Digital River
`§ 103(a)
`1-5, 7, 8, 11-15, 17,
`and 18
`1, 3-5, 7-9, 11-13,
`15, and 16
`1-8, 11-18


`Summary of Instituted Grounds – Loshin IPRs
`’876 Patent Claims
`’228 Patent Claims
`’825 Patent Claims
`Loshin and the InfoHaus
`Loshin and Moore
`§ 102(b)
`§ 103(a)
`§ 103(a)
`1-5, 7, 8, 11-13,
`and 16-18
`1, 3-5, 7-9, 11-13,
`15, and 16
`1-8, and 11-18
`1, 7, 11, 16,
`and 17
`1, 3-5, 7-9, 11-13,
`15, and 16
`1-4, 8, 11-14, 17,
`and 18
`1-5, 7, 8, 11-15,
`and 17-18
`1, 3-5, 7-9, 11-13,
`15, and 16
`1-4, 8, 11-14, 17,
`and 18


`Current Status | Moore IPRs
`The Board took up the three Moore petitions on all grounds
`Patent Owner only disputes certain aspects of the claims as not disclosed by Moore
`Common overall appearance
`Commission limitations
`Hierarchical-page electronic catalog limitations
`Catalog-searching limitations
`Matching-URL limitations
`Multi-product searching limitations


`Current Status | Loshin IPR
`The Board took up the three Loshin petitions on all grounds
`Patent Owner only disputes certain aspects of the claims as not disclosed by Loshin
`Common overall appearance
`Providing page pairs for internet transactions
`Commission limitations
`Hierarchical-page electronic catalog limitations
`Catalog-searching limitations
`Matching-URL limitations
`Multi-product searching limitations


`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010).


`Moore IPRs – Moore Overview
` Discloses a distributed electronic commerce system.
` Identifies as prior art a “non-distributed electronic commerce system for the World
`Wide Web” as depicted in Figure 1.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), FIG. 1.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 3:47-49, 4:23-27.


`Moore IPRs – Moore Overview
` Step forward is when and where the web pages are generated and where those pages are served from.
` All pages generated by Development Tool on Store-Builder server.
`‒ Storefront Web Pages generated ahead of time by Java servlet
`on Store-Builder Server and served from another server.
`‒ Buy Web Pages generated by Java servlet
`and served by Store-Builder server.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 5:49-59, 6:23-25, FIG. 4.


`Current Status | Moore IPRs
`The Board took up the three Moore petitions on all grounds
`Patent Owner only disputes certain aspects of the claims as not disclosed by Moore
`Common overall appearance
`Commission limitations
`Hierarchical-page electronic catalog limitations
`Catalog-searching limitations
`Matching-URL limitations
`Multi-product searching limitations


`Moore IPR – Corresponding Overall Appearance
` The Institution Decision agreed with Petitioner, noting that “one might reasonably infer that from such
`generic description that the style implemented by the Development Tool can apply to all pages.”
` Patent Owner ignores the Board’s request to provide any definition for “overall appearance” and distorts
`the Federal Circuit’s guidance on the issue.
` Petitioner closely follows the Federal Circuit’s guidance and finds all the hallmarks of a shared Overall
`Appearance in Moore.
`Source: Institution Decision (IPR2018-01011, Paper 10), 20-21.


`Moore IPR – Corresponding Overall Appearance
` Claim Language – Each independent claim requires a shared “overall appearance.”
`Source: '876 patent (IPR2018-01008, Ex.
`1001), Cl. 1.
`Source: '825 patent (IPR2018-01010, Ex.
`1001), Cl. 1.
`Source: '228 patent (IPR2018-01009, Ex.
`1001), Cl. 1.


`Moore IPR – Corresponding Overall Appearance
` Patent Owner misrepresents the language of its own claims.
` “Overall match” does not appear in the claims of the ‘876, ‘228 or ‘825 Patents.
` “Overall match” does not appear in the specification of the DDR Patents.
` “Overall” only appears once in the specification of the DDR Patents when describing an
`“overall transaction.”
`Source: PO Resp. (IPR2018-01008, Paper 21), 4, 23.


`Moore IPR – Corresponding Overall Appearance
` Patent Owner states that the Federal Circuit did not find that any Digital River page pairs
`disclosed corresponding overall appearance.
` The Federal Circuit clearly stated that Digital River satisfies the “look and feel element,” which is
`described by the court as “convey[ing] an overall appearance identifying a website.”
`Source: PO Sur-Reply (IPR2018-01008,
`Paper 25), 3.
`Source: DDR Holdings, LLC v.
`, L.P., 773 F.3d 1245
`(IPR2018-01008, Ex. 1017), 1254.


`Moore IPR – Corresponding Overall Appearance
` The Federal Circuit provided clear guidance on the meaning of the “look and feel” elements, which was
`interpreted by the Federal Circuit as meaning “conveying an overall appearance of a website”
` This look and feel elements / overall appearance was conveyed by three elements: “website logo,”
`“background color,” and “prominent circular icons.”
` Patent Owner ignores this discussion from the Federal Circuit.
` Moore discloses the sharing of exactly these elements:
`‒ Default header and footer are disclosed as containing “the company name and logo” in Moore (Ex. 1010),
`‒ Default background color is disclosed by Moore (Ex. 1010), 11:16-27
`‒ “Position and sizes of the style components are defined by the style” for the web pages is disclosed by
`Moore (Ex. 1010), 11:27-36
`Source: DDR Holdings, LLC v., L.P., 773 F.3d 1245 (IPR2018-01008, Ex. 1017), 1253-54.


`Moore IPR – Corresponding Overall Appearance
`Source: DDR Holdings, LLC v.
`, L.P., 773 F.3d 1245
`(IPR2018-01008, Ex. 1017),
`Source: Excerpted Joint Appendix Vol IV
`Pages A07502, A08856-7 (IPR2018-01008,
`Ex. 1025).


`Board Requested Clarification
` In the Institution Decisions the Board instructed “the parties to take positions with
`respect to construction of the phrase ‘defining an overall appearance’ that [the Board]
`can evaluate and consider in ascertaining whether Moore teaches or suggests the
`relevant limitation.” Institution Decision (IPR2018-01010, Paper 8), 20.
` Patent Owner ignores the Board’s request to provide any definition for “overall
`appearance” and distorts the Federal Circuit’s guidance on the issue.


`“Overall Appearance” Considered by Federal Circuit
` The Federal Circuit considered the construction of the term “look and feel,” which required
`the composite web page to convey the “overall appearance” of the source page:
`‒ “the parties agreed to a construction of: ‘A set of elements related to visual appearance and user
`interface conveying an overall appearance identifying a website; such elements include logos,
`colors, page layout, navigation systems, frames, ‘mouse-over’ effects, or others elements consistent
`through some or all of the website.’” DDR Holdings, LLC v., LP, 773 F.3d 1245, (IPR2018-
`01008, Ex. 1017), 1250-1251 (emphasis added).
` The Federal Circuit found correspondence of overall appearance was shown when some
`“‘look and feel’ elements identifying the host website are transferred to and displayed on
`the generated composite webpage.” Id. at 1254.
` “There is no claim language requiring an ‘overall match’ or a specific number of ‘look and
`feel’ elements.” Id.


`“Substantially Corresponding” Overall Appearance/Look and Feel Invalid
` Claim 17 of the ’572 Patent invalid:
`‒ 17. An e-commerce outsourcing process comprising the steps of:
`‒ a) storing a look and feel description associated with a first website in a data Store associated with a
`Second website;
`‒ b) including within a web page of the first website, which web page has a look and feel substantially
`corresponding to the stored look and feel description, a link correlating the web page with a commerce
`object; and
`‒ c) upon receiving an activation of the link from a visitor computer to which the web page has been Served,
`Sewing [sic] to the Visitor computer from the Second website a composite web page having a look and feel
`corresponding to the Stored look and feel description of the first website and having content based on the
`commerce object associated with the link.
` Despite the “substantially corresponding” requirement, the Federal Circuit found claim 17
`anticipated noting that “[i]ndependent claim 17 requires only that the generated composite
`web page have a ‘look and feel corresponding to the stored look and feel description’ of the
`host website. There is no claim language requiring an ‘overall match’ or a specific number of
`‘look and feel’ elements.” DDR Holdings, 773 F.3d 1245 (IPR2018-01008, Ex. 1017), 1254.


`’572 Claim Construction Inserted into ’825 Claims
` When construed by the Federal Circuit in accordance
`with the stipulated construction of the term “look and
`feel,” claim 17 of the invalidated ’572 Patent recited:
` Claim 1 of the ’825 Patent recites substantially the same
`subject matter as claim 17 of the ’572 Patent, which the
`Federal Circuit invalidated:
` c) upon receiving an activation of the link from a visitor
`computer to which the web page has been served,
`sewing [sic] to the visitor computer from the second
`website a composite web page[:]
` having a [set of elements related to visual appearance
`and user interface substantially] corresponding to the
`stored [overall appearance of] the first website[,
`wherein the set of elements includes at least some of
`logos, colors, page layout, navigation systems, frames,
`“mouse-over” effects, or others [sic] elements
`consistent through some or all of the website;] and
` having content based on the commerce object
`associated with the link.
` upon receiving . . . an electronic request generated . . .
`in response to selection of a uniform resource locator
`(URL) within a source web page that has been served to
`the visitor computer when visiting a first website, . . . (b)
`automatically . . . serving . . . a composite web page . . .
`[that] includes:
` (i) information associated with the commerce object
`associated . . . , and
` (ii) a plurality of visually perceptible elements
`derived from the retrieved pre-stored data defining an
`overall appearance of the composite web page . . .


`’572 Claim Construction Inserted into ’228 Claims
` When construed by the Federal Circuit in accordance
`with the stipulated construction of the term “look and
`feel,” claim 17 of the invalidated ’572 Patent recited:
` Claim 1 of the ’228 Patent recites substantially the same
`subject matter as claim 17 of the ’572 Patent, which the
`Federal Circuit invalidated:
` c) upon receiving an activation of the link from a visitor
`computer to which the web page has been served,
`sewing [sic] to the visitor computer from the second
`website a composite web page[:]
` having a [set of elements related to visual appearance
`and user interface substantially] corresponding to the
`stored [overall appearance of] the first website[,
`wherein the set of elements includes at least some of
`logos, colors, page layout, navigation systems, frames,
`“mouse-over” effects, or others [sic] elements
`consistent through some or all of the website;] and
` having content based on the commerce object
`associated with the link.
` upon receiving . . . an electronic request generated . . .
`in response to selection of a uniform resource locator
`(URL) within a source web page that has been served to
`the visitor computer when visiting a first website, . . . (b)
`automatically . . . serving . . . a composite web page . . .
`[that] includes:
` (i) information associated with the commerce object
`associated . . . , and
` (ii) a plurality of visually perceptible elements . . . ,
`wherein the visually perceptible elements comprise any
`of . . . : logos, colors, page layout, navigation systems,
`frames, and visually perceptible mouse-over effects,
`wherein the plurality of visually perceptible elements
`define an overall appearance of the composite page


`’572 Claim Construction Inserted into ’876 Claims
` When construed by the Federal Circuit in accordance
`with the stipulated construction of the term “look and
`feel,” claim 17 of the invalidated ’572 Patent recited:
` Claim 1 of the ’876 Patent recites substantially the same
`subject matter as claim 17 of the ’572 Patent, which the
`Federal Circuit invalidated:
` c) upon receiving an activation of the link from a visitor
`computer to which the web page has been served,
`sewing [sic] to the visitor computer from the second
`website a composite web page[:]
` upon receiving . . . an electronic request generated . . .
`in response to selection of a uniform resource locator
`(URL) within a source web page . . . , automatically
`serving . . .
` having a [set of elements related to visual appearance
`and user interface substantially] corresponding to the
`stored [overall appearance of] the first website[,
`wherein the set of elements includes at least some of
`logos, colors, page layout, navigation systems, frames,
`“mouse-over” effects, or others [sic] elements
`consistent through some or all of the website;] and
` . . . commerce object information . . . displayed . . . on a
`composite web page visually corresponding to the
`source web page;
` wherein the visual correspondence relates to overall
`appearance of the composite web page as compared to
`the source web page, . . .
` having content based on the commerce object
`associated with the link.


`PO’s Incorrect Statements Made to Examiner to Obtain Allowance
` Patent Owner told Examiner “overall appearance” = “overall match”
`‒ “[T]he phrase ‘overall match’ was used in the trial in Texas as a shorthand reference to general
`correspondence of overall appearance.” Response filed Dec. 24, 2014 at 18 (Ex. 2005), 62.
`‒ “Patent Owner also told the examiner of the Federal Circuit’s invalidation of certain claims of the parent ‘572
`patent and that the same reasoning was ‘emphatically not equally applicable to the pending claims,’ which
`‘expressly requires an overall appearance correspondence.’” PO Resp. (IPR2018-01008, Paper 21), 5.
`‒ “Patent Owner explained . . . that the decision turned on the absence of a limitation in the grandparent ‘572
`patent requiring corresponding overall appearance. In allowing the ‘228 patent, then, the examiner
`accepted Patent Owner’s explanation that the Digital River art merely “carried over isolated elements” but
`contained no page pair with “a substantially similar overall appearance.’” PO Sur-Reply (IPR2018-01008,
`Paper 25), 4-5.
`‒ “[T]he examiner granted these [’825, ’228, ’876] patents with claims that . . . ‘expressly recited’ the ‘overall
`match’ requirement.” PO Prelim. Resp. (IPR2018-01008, Paper 11), 24-25.
` Federal Circuit explicitly distinguished “overall appearance” from “overall match.” DDR
`Holdings, 773 F.3d 1245 (IPR2018-01008, Ex. 1017), 1254 (noting that claims requiring “overall
`appearance” did not require an “overall match”).


`PO’s Incorrect Statements Made in IPR Proceedings
` “The Federal Circuit in Hotels did not reverse the district court finding that Digital River failed to disclose
`corresponding overall appearance. The jury, the district court, and the examiner all concluded that the
`Digital River page pairs did not show corresponding overall appearance, and the examiner rightly
`understood that the Federal Circuit did not disagree.” PO Sur-Reply (IPR2018-01008, Paper 25), 5-6.
` “Petitioner’s thesis is wrong because it mistakenly assumes that the Federal Circuit decision overturned
`the jury’s judgment, upheld by the district court, that the Digital River page pairs fail to show
`“correspondence of overall appearance” based only on the presence of a few common ‘look and feel’
`elements.” Id. at 6.
` “The Federal Circuit’s decision in Hotels thus did not disturb the jury and district court’s factual findings,
`which remain persuasive evidence that the few common elements on Digital River page pairs did not
`produce overall correspondence.” Id. at 3-4.
` “The Federal Circuit partial reversal did not disturb the jury findings or court affirmance of what
`constituted a correspondence in visual appearance; it merely held that the grandparent claims did not
`require such correspondence.” PO Resp. (IPR2018-01008, Paper 21), 11 n.6.


`Federal Circuit Reversed Jury and District Court
` The Federal Circuit expressly reversed the jury and district court by ruling that “the
`record allows only one reasonable finding: clear and convincing evidence establishes
`that Digital River's prior art SSS anticipates the asserted claims of the ′572 patent.
`The record lacks substantial evidence to support the jury's finding that the asserted
`claims of the ′572 patent are not anticipated. Therefore, the district court erred by
`denying the defendants' motion for JMOL of invalidity.” DDR Holdings, 773 F.3d 1245
`(IPR2018-01008, Ex. 1017), 1253.
` Thus, the Federal Circuit invalidated claims requiring the source and composite web
`pages to have corresponding look and feel, i.e., corresponding overall appearance. Id.


`“Overall Match” NOT Required by the Challenged Claims
` “The Response (at 10-11) cites evidence from the district court and from the prosecution histories
`demonstrating that ‘page pairs’ that share only the name and logo of a host ‘fall short[]’ of ‘conveying an
`overall match of appearance.’ . . . Accordingly, the Board should find that claim terms requiring ‘visual
`correspondence’ of ‘overall appearance’ cannot be met by a host page and composite page that just
`share a host’s name or name plus trademark or logo.” PO Sur-Reply (IPR2018-01008, Paper 25), 7-8.
`‒ Patent Owner’s argument is wrong, the Federal Circuit found correspondence of overall appearance was
`shown when some “‘look and feel’ elements identifying the host website are transferred to and displayed on
`the generated composite webpage.” DDR Holdings, 773 F.3d 1245 (IPR2018-01008, Ex. 1017), 1254.
` Patent Owner concedes “the claim limitations [do not] require that the pages must match exactly,” and
`that “there is no basis for such a position in the specification, file history, or previous determinations of
`overall appearance.” PO Resp. (IPR2018-01008, Paper 21), 23.
`‒ Like the invalidated claims of the ’572 Patent (which also required correspondence of “overall appearance”),
`the challenged claims contain “no claim language requiring an ‘overall match’.” Id.
`‒ Like the invalidated claims of the ’572 Patent, the challenged claims do not require “a specific number of ‘look
`and feel’ elements.” Id.


`“Look and Feel” (’572) = “Overall Appearance” (’825, ’228, ’876)
` “[C]ommonality of overall appearance cannot
`be premised merely on the presence of a few
`common ‘look and feel’ elements, especially
`non-distinctive ones.” PO Sur-Reply (IPR2018-
`01008, Paper 25), 13.
`‒ “There is nothing, however, in the . . . claim
`language, or the specification that requires the
`generated composite web page to match the
`host website or to incorporate a specific number,
`proportion, or selection of the identified ‘look
`and feel’ elements on a host website.” DDR
`Holdings, 773 F.3d 1245 (Ex. 1017), 1254.
`‒ “There is no claim language requiring an ‘overall
`match’ or a specific number of ‘look and feel’
`elements.” Id.
`’572 Invalidating Prior Art
`= Overall Appearance


`Moore IPR -Tool Creates Pages with Common Overall Appearance
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 10:43 – 12:32


`Moore IPR -Tool Creates Pages with Common Overall Appearance
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 10:48-53, FIGS. 6-8.


`Moore IPR -Tool Creates Pages with Common Overall Appearance
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 10:43 – 11:61


`Moore IPRs – Tool Uses Category to Assist
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 10:59-11:3, FIG. 6.


`Moore IPRs – Tool Defines Page Defaults
`Having a common header and footer on “all pages”
`creates a common overall appearance.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 11:4-15, FIG. 7.


`Moore IPRs – Tool Defines Page Defaults
`Having a common background color and page
`style creates a common overall appearance.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 10:48-53, 11:16-26, FIGS. 8.


`Moore IPRs –Tool Allows Optional Page Customization
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 11:37-49
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 11:28-37


`Moore IPRs – Changing Pages From Defaults
` The Development Tool creates the Storefront pages with defaults settings.
` The merchant is free to change the style components to individualize the pages.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 11:50-61.


`Moore IPRs – Single Tool Makes All Pages
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 12:1-32


`Moore IPRs – Converting price URL to Buy Page
` The Development Tool on the Store Builder Server decrypts the price URL and
`converts it to “an HTML page (a Buy Page).”
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 12:25-32.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), Fig. 16


`Moore IPRs – Buy Pages Use the Defaults
` Price URL is a link to a Java servlet in the Development Tool on the Store Builder Server.
` The price URL can be attached to “any style component.”
` The price URL includes “several fields used to customize the Buy Page.”
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), FIG. 15
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 12:3-18.


`Moore IPRs – PO Mischaracterizes Testimony
`In context, Dr. Shamos’s testimony is clear.
` DDR provides slightly altered, out of
`context testimony in an effort to
`identify an alleged admission by
`Shopify’s Expert, Dr. Shamos, that
`Moore fails to make a specific
`disclosure about headers and footers.
` DDR edits an isolated portion of
`Dr. Shamos’s testimony to make the
`following statement: “Petitioner’s
`own witness, Dr. Shamos, agrees that
`Moore contains no explicit statement:
`“Q. Moore never refers to applying
`headers and footer [to Buy Pages] as
`such; correct? A. That’s correct. Ex.
`2027 at 117:10-22.” Patent Owner’s
`Sur Reply, at p. 3.
`Source: Shamos Depo. Tr. (Ex. 2027), 116:8-117:22.


`Moore IPR – DDR’s Arguments Are Baseless
` DDR’s arguments regarding Moore are based on the assertion that
`Petitioner made several assumptions about the disclosure of Moore.
`Petitioner did not.
`‒ Petitioner relies on express disclosures to support its arguments.
`‒ DDR’s argument is based on conjecture and wishful thinking.
`‒ The tenuous nature of DDR’s argument is shown by the fact that the argument is
`not even internally consistent throughout DDR’s briefing.


`Moore IPR –Single Tool Generates Consistent Overall Appearance
` In its Sur-Reply, DDR alleges that Petitioner assumes that “a single tool, the Development
`Tool” generates the Storefront and Buy Pages. PO Sur-Reply (IPR2018-01011, Paper 24), 5.
` The express disclosure of Moore provides this fact.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 5:51-63.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 12:25-32.


`Moore IPR –Single Tool Generates Consistent Overall Appearance
` Patent Owner admits to this fact in their Patent Owner’s Response at 35-36.
` Both the Storefront Pages and the Buy Pages are created by the Development Tool
`on the Store Builder Server.
`Source: PO Resp. (IPR2018-01008, Paper 21), 35.
`Source: Id. at 36.


`Moore IPR –Single Tool Generates Consistent Overall Appearance
` In its Sur-Reply, DDR alleges that Petitioner assumes that the defaults extend only to a
`subset of pages (alleged Assumption 2). PO Sur-Reply (IPR2018-01011, Paper 24), 5.
` The express disclosure of Moore provides this fact.
` DDR points to no disclosure that limits this disclosure to “Storefront Pages.”
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 11:51-61.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 11:27-37.


`Moore IPR –Single Tool Generates Consistent Overall Appearance
` In its Sur-Reply, DDR alleges that Petitioner assumes that the price URLs access
`merchant specific styles (alleged Assumption 3). PO Sur-Reply (IPR2018-01011, Paper
`24), 5.
` The express disclosure of Moore provides this fact.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 12:3-8.


`Moore IPR –Single Tool Generates Consistent Overall Appearance
` In its Sur-Reply, DDR alleges that Petitioner assumes that the price URLs is a link to merchant
`specific look and feel information (alleged Assumption 4). PO Sur-Reply (IPR2018-01011, Paper
`24), 6.
` The express disclosure of Moore provides this fact.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 6:17-22.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 12:3-8.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 12:13-18.


`Moore IPR – Storefront and Buy Pages
` DDR again provides slightly altered, out of context testimony in an effort to identify an alleged admission by Shopify’s Expert, Dr.
`Shamos, that Moore fails to make a specific disclosure about templates.
` DDR’s slightly edited quotation is misleading as excerpted below. Dr. Shamos testified that the Development Tool creates the
`“everything that is needed to generate the buy page[.]” DDR attempts to make a distinction where there is none.
`In context, Dr. Shamos’s testimony is clear.
`Source: Shamos Depo. Tr. (Ex. 2027), 177:13-18.
`Source: Shamos Depo. Tr. (Ex. 2027), 59:7-20.


`Moore IPR – Storefront and Buy Pages
` When viewed in context, Dr. Shamos’s testimony is clear in that the Development Tool
`generates all the materials necessary to create a Buy Page using java servlets.
`Source: Shamos Depo. Tr. (Ex. 2027), 176:21-177:9.
`Source: Shamos Depo. Tr.
`(Ex. 2027), 87:7-12.
`Source: Shamos Depo. Tr.
`(Ex. 2027), 88:6-14.


`Moore IPR – Storefront and Buy Pages
` DDR’s “Impossibility” argument is a red herring.
` Dr. Keller’s price URL argument ignores requirements in the specification –
`the price URL is a link.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 12:3-8.
`Source: PO Sur-Reply (IPR2018-01011, Paper 24), 20.


`Moore IPR – Storefront and Buy Pages
` Dr. Keller concedes that his example price URL which has omitted several items was already close to the
`maximum byte limit of web browsers at the time of Moore.
` Dr. Keller’s price URL omits at least the “quantity of measure,” “merchant ID,” and background picture.
` Dr. Keller’s price URL is not even encrypted.
`Source: Example Price URL
`(IPR2018-01008, Ex. 2032).
`Source: Keller Decl.
`(IPR2018-01008, Ex. 2025)
`at ¶ 39(d).
`Source: Keller Decl.
`(IPR2018-01008, Ex. 2025)
`at ¶ 39(c).
`Source: Moore
`(Ex. 1010), 12:13-17.


`Current Status | Moore IPRs
`The Board took up the three Moore petitions on all grounds
`Patent Owner only disputes certain aspects of the claims as not disclosed by Moore
`Common overall appearance
`Commission limitations
`Hierarchical-page electronic catalog limitations
`Catalog-searching limitations
`Matching-URL limitations
`Multi-product searching limitations


`Moore IPR – Discloses Commissions
` Claim Language – Host/merchant receives payment of a “commission”
`from the outsource provider.
`Source: '876 patent (IPR2018-
`01008, Ex. 1001), Cl. 4.
`Source: '825 patent (IPR2018-
`01010, Ex. 1001), Cl. 6.


`Moore IPR – Discloses Commissions
` Moore teaches revenue sharing.
` The specifications of the DDR Patents do not attribute a specialized meaning to commission.
` DDR cites a definition of commission as “a fee paid to an agent or employee for transacting a piece of
`business.” Ex. 2033.
`Moore discloses revenue
`sharing between parties:
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 9:23-27.


`Moore IPR – Discloses Commissions
` Dr. Shamos points to the disclosure of Moore as disclosing revenue sharing
`arrangements. Shamos Decl. (IPR2018-01011, Ex. 1002), ¶ 127.
` Dr. Keller does not dispute that Moore makes this disclosure.
` To the extent that DDR is arguing that it is a payment from the Outsource Provider
`to the Host that differentiates their claim, Moore is agnostic about whether the
`funds are flowing through the Transaction Servers to the merchants or through the
`merchants to the Transaction Servers.
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 9:23-27.


`Current Status | Moore IPRs
`The Board took up the three Moore petitions on all grounds
`Patent Owner only disputes certain aspects of the claims as not disclosed by Moore
`Common overall appearance
`Commission limitations
`Hierarchical-page electronic catalog limitations
`Catalog-searching limitations
`Matching-URL limitations
`Multi-product searching limitations


`Moore IPR – Hierarchical-page electronic catalog limitations
`Source: '876 patent (IPR2018-01008, Ex.
`1001), Cl. 7.
`Source: '825 patent (IPR2018-01010, Ex.
`1001), Cl. 3.
`Source: '228 patent (IPR2018-01009, Ex.
`1001), Cl. 4.


`Moore IPR – Discloses Hierarchical-page electronic catalog limitations
` Moore teaches hierarchical-page electronic catalogs
` Moore explicitly addresses the problem of maintain an updated “Web catalog” and keeping it up to date
`Source: Moore (Ex. 1010), 2:34-35.
` Moore analogizes its web storefronts to “traditional catalog companies with its good available via the
`Web” and makes a specific reference to L.L. Bean, which provides hierarchical sorting of its goods (shirts,
`shoes, fishing eq

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