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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
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`asymmetrically e athwartships
`asym-met-rl-cal-ly \-tri-k(a-)le\ adv — asymmetry \G)a4-"si-ma-tré\
`rated sei suffix : are Cpileated>
`at-el-ec-tasis \,a-to-“ek-ta-sas\, 4, pi -ta-ses \-,
`incomplete, defective (fr. a-
`ta- + tefay ond) +
`asymp-tom-at-le \,4-)sim(p}to-'ma-uik\ ad/ (1856)
`: presenting no
`ayinptoms of di
`— asymp-tom-at+i-calely \-il-k(a-18\, aay
`teinein to stretch out, fr. ex- 4 feinetn to at
`asymptote \a-sam(p)-t6t\ » [prob,
`fr. NL *asumprots, fr Gk
`THIN] (1859): collapse of the expandedlung; alyo + defective expansion
`axyumpidtas not mecting,
`fr. a+ + swnpiptein to meet — more
`of the pulmonary alveoli at birth
`SYMPTOM] (1656) : a straight line associated with a curve such that asa
`ate-lier \,a-t"
`a [F, fe. MF astelier woodpile, fr. astele splinter, fr.
`point moves along an infinite branch of the curve the distance from the
`LL astella, dim. of L astula} (1699) 1: anartist's or designer’s studio
`or warkroom 2; WORKSHOP
`point to the line approaches zero and the slope of the curve at the point
`approaches the slope of the
`— as-ymp-tot-le
`sara (yo)-"t= Lik
`ate-moya \iji-ta-"moi-a,
`,a-\ n [ates sweetsop (fr. Tag) + cherlmoya]
`adj — as-ymp-tot-l-calely \-ti-k(o1G\ adv
`(1914) 3 a white-pulped
`tropical fruit of a tree that is a hybrid of the
`asyn-aprsis \,fi-so-'nap-sos\, 1, pi -ap-ses \-,séz\ [NL 4a- + synapsis]
`aweetsop and the cherimoya
`(1930) : failure of pairing of homologous chromosomes in meiosis
`a tem-po \4-'tem-(,)pd\ adv or adj [It] (1834) : in time — used as a di-
`asyn-chro-nous \(,)i-‘sin-kro-nos, -'sin-\ ad/ (1748)
`1 + not-synchro-
`rection in
`musie to return to the original tempo
`nous 2: of, used in, or being digital communication (as between com-
`\()a-'tem-plo-)ral\ adj (1870) : independentofor unaffect-
`puters) in whichthere is no
`ing requirementfor transmission and in
`ed by time |
`which the start of each character is incivicually signaled by the trans-
`aten-o-lol \o-"te-na-dl, -101, # [perh. fr. antihypertensive + -olol (as in
`mitting device — asyn-chro-nous-ly adv
`propranolol)| (1972) : a beta blacker CyqgH22N203usedin the treatment
`asymohro-ny \-kra-né\ or asyn-chrosnism \vkroyni-zam\ nm (1875)
`of hypertension
`: the quality or state of being asynchronous ¢ absence or lack of con-
`ATF abbr [Bureau off Alcohal, Tobacco, and Firearms
`currence in time
`Ath-a-bas-can \,a-tho-"bas-kan\ or Athva:bas:kan \-'bas-\ aio Athra-
`as-yn-det-Ie \ya-s"n-"de-tik\ aa! (ca. 1864) > marked by asyndeton —
`pas-kan \-'pas-\ or Ath-a-pas-can \-"pas-\ n [dthabasea, a Cree band,
`as:ynedet-lcalely \-tikk(o-e\ adv
`fe. Cree dial. aéapaskaw, name for
`the area east of Lake Athi
`asyn-de-ton \a-"sin-do-,tin, (,)4-'sin-\ 2, pf -tons ar “ta \-da-to\ [LL ir.
`li, (Where) there are reeds one after
`another) (1846) 1: a family of
`Gk, fr. neut. of asydefox uncer
`ndetas bound togeth-
`American Indian languages spoken pri
`rily in western Canada, Alas-
`fro sndein te
`fr, ave- + dein to bind — more
`ka, and the U.S. Southwest 2: 4 member of a people speaking an
`DIADEM](1555) :
`on of the conjunctions that ordinarily join co-
`ordinate words or clauses (as in “Ll came, I saw, | conquered”)
`Ath-a-na-sian \,a-tha-'né-zhon, -shen\ adj (1586) : of or relating to
`lat \at, 'at\ prep [ME,
`{r. OF at; akin to OHGaz
`at, Lad]
`(bef, 12c))
`1 —
`Athanasius or his advocacy of the homoousian doctrine against Arian-
`used as a function word to indicate presence or occurrence
`in, on, or
`near staying ~ & hotels G~ a party> (sick ~ heart> 2 — used asa
`Athanasian Creed n (1586) : a Christian
`creed originating in Europe
`AF astrelabe,
`function word to indicate the goal of an indicated or iinplicd action or
`tos, fr. astr- +
`about A...
`and relating exp, to the Trinity and In
`motion <aim ~ the target} <crediters are —~ him againd 3 — used as
`n\n IMPetheisme,
`Gk atheos
`ct instrument
`a function word to indicate that with which one is Gecupled or em-
`: 1 archaic:UNGODLINESS,+ theos god] (1546) WICKRD-
`lies before the
`ployed <~ work> ¢~ the controls> ¢good —~ chess> 4 — used as a
`i disbeliof in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that
`function word to Indicate situation in an active or passive state or con=
`tes astrology
`dition ¢~ liberty> ¢~ rest} 6 — used us.
`function wordto indicate
`asirologia, fr,
`atheist \"a-ihe-ist\ » (1551) : one whobelieves that there is no deity —
`the means, cause, ory
`¢ <sold ~ auctlon> <laughed ~ myJoke>
`¢ 2: the div-
`athe-is-tic \,4-ihe-'is-tik\ or atheds-tiecal \,i-theis-ti-kal\ adi —
`«act ~ your own discretion> 6a — used as a function wordteindi-
`ets on human
`athesissthcalely \ctl-k(a-e\ aay
`cate the rate, degree, or position in a-scale or series Cthe temperature
`cts — asetro-
`\'a-tha-lip, -tha-\ 7 [ME, fr. OF setietine, fr. aethele nobility,
`~ 905 ¢~firt> b—used ava function word toindicate age or pusi-
`akin to ONGada! nobility] (bef. 12¢) : an Anglo-Saxon prince or no-
`DE adv
`tion in time <¢will retire ~ 65>
`bleman: «
`the heir apparent or a prince of the royal family
`Jat also att \at\ n, pl at also att [Lao] (1955) —‘see kip at MONEYtable
`8) of celestial
`Athe-na \a-"thé-ria\, or ‘Aineerig \neé\ # IL Athena, fr, Gk Athené) (14e)
`Satabbr Vairtight 2atmosphere 3 atomic
`: the Greek goddess of wisdom — compare MINERVA
`At.synebol astatine
`alh-e-nae-um or athe-ne-um \,a-thané-om\[Lo dtenaeurm,
`AT abbr
`1 air temperature 2 ampere-turn 3 automatic transmission
`at- — see aD-
`ient Rome for the studyof arts, fr, Gk Athénaion, a temple
`inaut)] (1929)
`fr. dthéné] (1799) 1: a bullding er room in whieh books,
`‘so : a trainee
`ata-brine \'a-to-bron\ » [fr. Atabrine, a trademark] (1933) : QUINA-
`periodicals, and newspapers are kept for use 2: a literary or scientific
`constr (1928)
`atac:tic \(,)a-tak-tik\ ad) [ISV %a- + -taetie) (1957) : of, relating to, oF
`athe-o-rot-l-cal \\a-lhé-a-'re-ti-kal, =thir-"e-\ aed (1969) = not based on
`s for travel in
`being a polymer exhibiting no stereochemical regularity of structure
`or concerned with theory
`\-tik\ or as-
`athero- comb form [Gk athéra]:atheroma <atherogetile>
`i polypropylen 7) — compare ISOTACTIC
`a-)lé\ adv
`At-a-lan-ta \,a-to-lan-ta\ » [L, fr, Gk Atalanté] (14c) : a fleet-footed
`ath-ero-gen-e-sia \,a-tha-ro-je-narsas\ a (1953)
`the formation of
`skilled in as-
`huntress in Greek mythology who challenges her suitors to a race and
`is defeated by Hippomenes when she stops to pick up three golden ap-
`ath-ero-genelc \-je-nik\ adj (1954) : relating to or causing atherogene-
`ples he has drepped
`c \-mik\ adj
`sis Can ~ dict
`s> 2: enor-
`at all acy (1d4e) ? invany way or respect ;
`to the least extent or degree
`ath-ero-ma \,a-tha-'rd-mo\ ”, p! -mas also -ma-ta \-ma-to\
`Dunder any clroumstances (doesn't smoke af all>
`atheramar-, atheroma,
`fr. L, a tumor containing matter resembling gru-
`ft-a-man \,a-to-'man\ # [Russ] (1835) > HETMAN
`athera gruel] (1875) 1:
`fatty degeneration of
`at-a-mas-colily \ja-ta-"mas-(JkO-\ n [Virginia Algonquianatramusce]
`the inner cont of the arteries 2: an abnormal fatty deposit in an ar-
`(1743) 3 any of a genus (ZepAyranthes) of American bulbous herbs of
`ut 93 million
`tery — ath-er-oema-tous \-"rd-mo-tos\ adj
`the amaryllis family with pink, white, or yellowish flowers; eyp
`5 one
`ath-ero-scle-ro-sis \,a-tha-ro-sklo-'ré-sas\, 1 [NL] (1910) : an arterio-
`. fr, AF, fr. L
`(Z. atamasce) of the southe
`tmU.S, with while flowers, usu. tinged
`acterized by atheromatous deposits in and fibrosis of the
`with purple
`idy of objects
`inner layer of the arteries — ath-ero-scle-rot-le \-skla—ri-tik\ ad)
`atavism \'a-to-vi-zom\ » [FP afavisme,
`fr. L atavus ancestor, fr. ar-
`physical and
`athirst \o-"thorst\, ad? [
`OF aftiyrst, pp. of efthyrstan to suffer
`(prob. akin to ara daddy) + avex grandfather — more al UNCLE] (1833)
`fr, afofl, fre
`rsfan to thirst — more at OF] (bef. 12c)
`@: recurrence in an organism of a trait or character typical of an an-
`. 1858) : pho-
`having a strong eager desire (I that for ever
`cestral form and tisu. due to genetic recombination 6 + recurrence
`feel ~ for gle
`or reversion to a past slyle, manner, outlook, approach, or activity ¢ar-
`i-gro-for\ n
`ath-lete \lath-
`a (ME, fr. L athlete, fe, Gk athlétés, fr.
`chilectural ~> 2; one that manifests alavism ? THROWBACK — ata-
`: [ISV] (1890)
`athlein to contendfora pr
`fr. athfon prize, contest] (15c) 2 a person
`Vis+tic \,a-ta-"vis-tik\ ad/ — at-a-viseti-calely \-ti-k(ale\ ady
`hysical prop-
`whio is trained or skilled In
`exercises, sports, or games requiring physi
`lenomena —
`atax-la \o-"tak-sé-a, (,)a-\.n [Gk, fr. a- + fassetn to put inorder) (1670)
`cal strength, agility, or stamina
`:an inability to coordinate voluntary muscular movements that
`athlete's foot 1 (1928) : ringwormof the fect
`symptomatic of some central nervous system disorders and injuries
`athslet-ic \ath-le-tik,
`ad/ (1636) 1: of or relating to ath-
`and not due to muscle weakness — called also éncoordination — atax-
`cial turf
`letes or-athletics 2
`acteristic of an athlete; es 1 VIGOROUS, AC-
`Ie \esik\ adi
`565) : having
`4°: used by athletes — ath-let-l-cal-ly
`atax-la—-teban:givec-ta-sla \-)te-lan
`very <~ re-
`\stiek(a- le) adv — athelat-leclem \-"le-19-,si-zom\ 9
`(1961): an inherited systernic disor
`tte-ly adv —
`ath+let-les \ath
`Ne-\ a pl but sig or pl in constr (17A9)
`ting in loss of motor
`Pathological changes in the nervous:system ri
`s engaged in by athletes 2: the practice
`> and Andro-
`coordination and by increased susceptibility to cancer esp. of lymphoid
`or principles of athletic activities
`athletic supporter » (1927): a supporterfor the genitals worn by men
`at bat # (1941): an official turn_at batting charged to a biseball player
`participating in sports or strenuous activitles
`except when the player walks, sacrifices, is hit by a pitched ball, or is
`at-home \ot-'ham, ‘at-ham\ ad? (1951) 1: intended or suitable for
`interfered with by the catcher <three hits in five at bats>
`one's home €an ~ dress> 2 : being or occurring at one's home <~
`ATC abbr air traffic control
`atepast of BAT
`at home a (1745) : wreceplion given at one's home
`4\n [Gk Ate] (1583): a Greek goddess personify-
`Ate \ui-te, "a-(,)t
`-athon #4 comb form Lnarathon] : event or activilylasting a long time er
`ing foolhardy and ruinous impulse
`las loyal>
`involving a great deal of something Ctallcathen>
`“ate n suffix (ME -ai, fr. AP, fr. canes, ~eetam, inase, & neutoofl -atus,
`ch, as well as
`Vathwart \o-"thwart, mat afien ihort\ prep (lac) 1: Achoss 2 *
`pp. ending]—1 sone acted upan (in a specified way) <distillate> 2 [NL
`-atum, fr. L] : chemical compound or complex anion derived from a
`Speeney to ¢a procedure ditectly ~ the New England prejucices
`—R. Gi, Caled
`(Specified) compound or clement <phenolare>; esp ¢ salt or ester of an
`"athwart adv (ca. 1500)
`1: adress wep,
`an oblique direction 2: in
`acid with a name ending in -fe and not beginning with dydros Cborate>
`opposition to the right or expected cc
`<and quite ~ goes all deco-
`“ate n suffix [ME -ar, fr, AF, tr. L -
`a, stem vowel of 1st con). +
`rum —Shak.>
`sulfix of verbal
`1 : off
`unction > rank 2
`group of p
`athwart-ship \-,ship\ adj (1775) : being across the ship fromside toside
`sons holding a (specified) office or rank or having a (specified) func-
`¢~ and longitudinal framing>
`tion <vicavate> 2: state : dominion : jurisdiction <emirate> <khan-
`athwart-ships \-,ships\ adv (1718) across the ship fromside to sideey
`“ale aed suffice (ME -at, fr. L. -atus, fr. pp. ending of 1st conj. verbs, fr. -a-,
`stem vowel of Ist conj, + -fs, pp. suffix — more at -Ep] : marked by
`\o\ abut \*\ kitten, F table \or\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \a\ mop, mar
`q having <craniate)
`\ch\chin \e\bet
`\é\easy \g\go \i\hit
`\i\ice \j\ Job
`“ate vb suffix [MIE -aten, fr. L -atus, pp. ending] + act on (in a specified
`\o\ sing \G\ go \6\ Jaw \di\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \i\ loot \u\ foot
`Way) <insulafe> { cause to be moslified or affected by <camphorate>
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision, beige
`\k, ", ce, ue, *\ see Guide to Pronunciation
`cause to become Cuctivete> t furnish with <capacitate>
`Nichia Exhibit 1012
`Page 4
`a t
`ylos inviola-
`place of ref-
`; the protec-
`+ protection
`by a nation
`. the insane
`ik\ adj [Gk
`med, fr. a- +
`su asymmel-
`F groups —
`¢ Bielevateg
`» fr. estraterto
`route : STRAY.
`ide 7 astride a
`stretched wide
`n each side of
`lying ~ a riy-
`* state of being
`‘stringens, prp.
`ht — more at
`tissues : STYP-
`2 of anastrin-
`~ comments);
`ILOGY — as-
`ved cell of the
`la-ta_ \-ma-ta\
`t domein the
`vigator makes
`ton ~> 2
`Nichia Exhibit 1012
`Page 4

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