
`Boston - New York
`Ethicon Exhibit 2015.001
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2015.001
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


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`Ethicon Exhibit 2015.002
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2015.002
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Isabella Stewart Gardner
`Museum, Boston
`attaché case
`ATP (51" ti" pt”) 11. An Atlciiosiiiwderivcd uucleotitle,
`C1,,l‘l.,,N;Ol-_,P3, that supplies energy to cells through its hy-
`drolysis to ADP.
`lalnrNosmt} 'I'fltijl'llflJfiFIEA'I‘iil-l
`ATP-ase (i'tc-pé'fis, 412) n. An enzyme that catalyzes the hy—
`rlmlysis oF ATP; adenosine tripliosphatase.
`at-raobil-ious lit'rahi‘l'yas) also at-ra-oII-l-ar (—bil'é-ar)
`ml}. 1. Inclined to melancholy. 2. Having :t pcevish disposi-
`tion; surly.
`I< Lat. rim: bill's, black hile [transL ol Gk.
`melmtkholia; see MFLANCZHOLY)
`: .irm, black; sec étar—° + bilis,
`bile] — at’ra-hll’ious-ness n.
`a'trem'ble lastriimlhall adj. Being in a state of shaking or
`trembling, as from fear or excitement.
`a-tra-sia [o—tre’rlia, —7.liE-ol u. 1. The absence or closure of a
`normal hotly orifice or passage such as the. anus or intestine.
`2. The degeneration anti resorption of an ovarian follicle be-
`fore it reaches maturity. [NLat. : Gk. .1—, not, without; see AJ
`-t- Gk.
`lrésu, perforation, orifice”; sec tel-3‘91 —a'tre-sic
`.Ilt) adj.
`A-treus (i’tm’os’. filtrc—as] it. Oh. Myth. A king of Mycenac,
`father of Agamcmnon and Menelaus.
`atrial na-tri-u-rct-tc factor lni'rré-yéTt-l'a‘t’i'lil u. A hor—
`mone produced by [iic right atrium of the heart that; Stimu—
`lates the excretion ol sodium by the kidneys and helps regu-
`lntc blood pressure. [ATRIAL + ”atrium, sodium l< NATRONl +
`LI'IIEI‘IL‘ + I’ACl'flEt-l
`a-tri-o-ven-tric-u-lar (a!tré-éwén-tr‘i’klya-lar) ad}. or. re.
`lilting to, or involving the atria and the ventricles of the heart.
`atrioventrlcular node n. A small mass of specialized muscle
`fibers, located in the wall of the right atrium of the heart, that
`transmits heartbeat impulses from the sinoatrial norle to the
`a-trl-un't [al trE-oml n., pl. a-trl-a (iFtrE-a] or ~urns.
`I. Arcbit. A rectangular court. as: a. A usu. sltylighrecl central
`area in some modern buildings. 13. The open area in the center
`of an ancient Roman house. c. The forecourt of a building,
`enclosed on three or four sides with
`orticoes. 2. Anal. A
`hotly cavity or chamber, esp. either of t e upper chambers of
`the heart that receives blood from the veins and forces it into
`a ventricle. [Lac ritriitm. See iter-‘J — aftri-al adj.
`a-trn-Clctus (e-trélshas) ad}. 1. Extremely evil or cruel; mon~
`strous. 2. Exceptionally had; abominable.
`ls: Lat. atrfix,
`nose, frightful, cruel. See Enter-fl] —a-tro'cious-ly adv.
`Ha'tro'clous-ness n.
`a-troc-l-ty [a-tros’i-té) n., pl. 4195. 1. Appalling or atrocious
`condition, quality, or behavior; Inonstrousness. 2.3. An ap-
`palling or atrocious action, situation, or object. 11. An act of
`violence by an enemy armed Force on civilians or prisoners.
`at-ro-phy (fitfra—tél
`rm, pl. -phles. 1. Patent. A wasting or
`decrease in size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to
`disease. injury, or lack of use: muscular atrophy. 2. A wasting
`away, deterioration, or diminution: intellectual atrophy. ~ u.
`-phied. -pl'ty- Ing. -pl1les. # tr. To affect with atrophy. 7 inir.
`To waste away or deteriorate. [LLaL dtropbin <1 Gk. < atro—
`pbos. ill-nourished :
`.i-, without; see 5—1 + troplrr'g food]
`#a-troph'ie listréf'ik] adj.
`atoro-plne [at'ra—pén’, min) also atom-pin {—plnl n. A poi-
`sonous crystalline alkaloid, CWHHNOJ, obtained from be!-
`ladonna and other related plants and tired to dilate the pupil
`of the eye and as an antispasinodic. [-5. NLat. Armpit, genus
`name of belladonna < Gk. :ttrapos, unchangeable. Sec Arno-
`At- ro-pos (fit’ta-pos', pas} u. Gilt. Myth. One of the three
`the cutter of the thread of destiny. IGk. < atropos,
`inexorable : a-, not; see AJ + tropes, changeable; sec
`At-sl-na {fit—se’nal u., pl. Atsina or mas. 1. A member of a
`Native American people formerly inhabiting the plains of
`northern Montana and southern Saskatchewan, with a
`presetinday population in north-central Montana. 2. The Al-
`gonquian language of the Atsinn.
`att. shirt. 1. Attached. 2. Attention. 3. Law. Attorney.
`at-tach (a—tfich! J 1-. -taened. vtach-Ing. -tacn-es. —lr. 1. To
`fasten, secure, or join. 2. To connect as an adiunct or asso-
`ciated condition or part:
`issues attached to this legislation.
`3. To affix or append, arid: attached riders to the document.
`4. To ascribe or assign. 5. To bincl by emotional ties, as of
`affection. 6. To assign to a military unit temporarily. 7. Low.
`To seize by legal writ. —inlr. To adhere, belong, or relate:
`Prestige attaches to this position. [ME attache“ < OFr. at-
`toeliier, alteration of esttlcliir-‘i' < t-stacbe. stake. of Cote. orig}
`— at-tachla-ole .mlf. —at-tach'nr 1:.
`at-ta-ché [it'n~sli&’, e-tr‘i-l it. 1. One assigned to .1 diplomatic
`mission to serve in :1 particular capacity. 2. An attache' case.
`[FL 4 p.part. of attacker, to attach. See anon]
`attacné case n. A rigid briefcase, use. having a lock.
`attached La-ticht’) rid}. ‘l. Archie Joined to or b
`.1 wall, esp.
`by sharing a wall with another building. 2. Biol: Living in a
`permanently fixer-l state in the adult stage.
`at'tach-men‘t {a—tiieh'mant) u. ‘l. The act of attaching or the
`condition of being, attached. 2. Something, such as a tie or
`band, that attaches one thing to another. 3. A bond, as of
`allectinn, fond regard. 4. A supplementary part; an accessory.
`5. Law. a. Legal seizure of property or a person. b. The Writ
`ordering such .1 seizure.
`atvtack [n-til-J) tr. -tacket!. —tackt1ng. -tacks. — tr. 1. To in
`upon with violent force. 2. To criticize strongly or hustilcly.
`3. To start work on with purpose and vigor: rowel: ll' proli—
`lem. 4. To begin To affect hnrmlnlly; The disease. ”tracked :hg
`nervous system. A am. To make an attack; laundi an assault.
`— it. 1. The act or no instance of attacking; an assault. 2. An
`expression of strong criticism; hostile comment: newspaper
`attacks. 3. Sports. a. An offensive action in a sport or game.
`I]. The players executing such an action. 4. The initial move.
`ment in a task. 5. An episode or onset of a disease, esp. an
`occurrence of a chronic disease 6. The experience or begin.
`ning of a feeling, need, or desire. 7.3. Mars. The beginning or
`manner of beginning a piece, passage, or tone. I). DCClSlVCncsg
`and clarity in artistic expression.
`[FL uttaqim' C. OFr.
`01ml. ’estrzccarc, of Gmc. orig] — at-tacl'tl'er n.
`at-taln (a-tfintl u. Atalned. ~taln-ing. -talns. — tr. 1. To gain
`as an objective; achieve. 2. To arrive at, as by persistence or
`the passage of time. See Syn; at roach. — inrr. To succeed in
`a directed effort or progression. [ME atteigner: < OFr. amin-
`drc, irroign-, to reach to < VLar. *rrrmngere < Lat. attiugerr:
`ad, ad- + mugere, to touch; see tag-‘2] —at-taln'a-bll!-
`i-ty. at-taln’a-bIe-ness u. — atotaln’a-hle adj.
`at-taln-der la-tfmfrlar) u. 1. in the ancient common law, the
`state into which an offender was placed when 3 sentence for
`a capital offense was handed down. 2. Obsolete. Dishonor.
`[ME attaindre, act of atrainnng < OFt. uraindre, to contact,
`officer, attainder. See ATTMN.l
`at-taIn-ment (n-tfin’mantl n. 1. The act of attaining or the
`condition of being attained. 2. Something that is attained.
`at ttalnt (a-rfint’ ) raw. -t.alntoed. -talnt-lng. italnts. 1 . Tu im-
`part stigma to; disgrace. 2. To pass a sentence of attainder
`against. 3. Archaic. To infect or corrupt, as with illness or
`vice. 4. Archaic. To accuse. —n.
`‘l. Ohsoleic. Atrainder.
`2. Archaic. A disgrace; a stigma. IMF. attainren < OFr. niaint,
`impart. of award-re, to affect. See Jet-mm}
`alt-tar lit'ar) also tat-tar (furor) or ot-to (one) u. A fragrant
`essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers: otter of roses.
`[Pent 'atir, perfumed < Ar. ‘iir, perfuntc.]
`At-tar [it’on a-tiir'i. d. e. 1229. Persian poet and mystic best
`known for his allegory Conference: of the Birds.
`At-ta-wa-pls-kat (ét’a-wa-p'is’kat). A river, c. 748 km {455
`mi), of N Ontario, Canada, flowing from Attawapiskat Lake
`into jar-net Bay.
`zit-tempt (stamptll rm. -ternpt-ed, Attempt-lug. -tempt5.
`La. To make an effort; endeavor. b. To try to perform, and“.
`or achieve. 2. Archaic. To tempt. 3. Archaic. To attack with
`the intention of subduing. —n. 1. An effort or a try. 2. All
`attack; an assault. [ME attempts” < OFr. antrmpzur < Lat.
`otrempirire: (16", ad- + teirrpttire, to teen] — at-tempt'a-bll!
`adj. — at-tempt'er u.
`at-tend (a-te'nrll') ,,_ dead-obi. «tench ing, -tond5. - n. 1. To
`be present at. 2. To accompany as a circumstance or follow as
`:1 result. 3.3. To accompany or wait upon as a companion of
`servant. b. To take care of. See Syns at tend“. 4. To take
`charge of. 5. To listen to; heed. 6. Archaic. To wait for: E!"
`part. A intr. 1. To be present. 2. To take, care; give attention»
`3. To apply or direct oneself. 4. To pay attention. 5. To fit
`rnain ready to serve; wait. 6. Obsolete. To clcla or wait. [ME-
`aitemfm < DFr. atendm < Lat. .irierlrlere, to heed : dd, all'
`+ renders. to stretch; see ten-‘J
`at-tan-dance (a-tiln'dansl H.
`'l. The act ol‘ attending. 2.111“
`persons or number of persons that are present. .3. The ll"
`qneucy with which a person is present.
`at‘ten-dant (a-rcn'danr} n. 1. One who attends or waits 0"
`another. 2. One who is present. 3. An accompanying thin?”
`circumstance; a concomitant. —- adj. 1. Being present: 5 NP
`and attendant sailors. 2. Accompanying or Eollowin
`as n l“
`suit: attendant circumstances. — at-tend'ant-ly tldg'.
`at-tond~ee (a-tén’dél.
`it. One who is present at “I
`attends a funcrinn.
`ee Usage Nun: at —ee1.
`at-tendolng la-tén' Trig) ad}. 1. Bring the principal expert-"5'l
`hysician. 2. Being :1 physician on the regular mud":l
`staflPof a hospital. fiat-tcn’dlng n.
`at-tan-tlon (a-rén'shanl n. 1. Concentration of the 1119““r
`powers; is close observing or listening. 2. The ability or p01“
`to concentrate mentally. 3. Ohscrvant consideration; 110nm,
`4. Consideration or courtesy. 5. attantlons. Acts of gnufl‘fsi
`or consideration, esp. by :1 Sultul. 6. A military posture. W1!-
`Lhe body erect and heels to other. — 'nteri. Used as a Ca":-
`tunnel to assume an erect mi itary posture. [ME «transform a
`Lat. aficilllfil attention" < animus, p. art. of alli'itdrfl't
`herd. Sec remain] — at-tcn'tlnn-al mil.
`attention deficit disorder :1. A childhood syner‘"
`characterized by hyperactivity and short attention span-
`attention 51:th n. The length of time that a person can f0"
`attention on an object or idea without diversion.
`at-ten-tlve (mtcnltlvj adj. 1. Giving care or attention; W-‘l‘ch,
`lui: attentive to detail. 2. Market] by devoted attention m t‘.
`pleasure or comfort of otliel's. Sec Syns at thoughtfu -
`ton'tive-Iy atlu. - at-ten’tlve-ness n.
`Ethicon Exhibit 2015.003
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2015.003
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`'B to
`I an.
`or plate in. Specially formulated hard steel plate used {0
`W; warships, vehicles. and fortifications. — at" mot-piat’
`ed (:IrFmar-pifi ’tid) adj.
`-y (Lirl'mo-ré) n", pl. -les.1.a. A storehouse for arms; an
`Isclifll- b. A building {or storing arms and military equip-
`'llcnt. c513. one serving as headquarters for military rcscrvc
`m sunncl. Z. An arms factory.
`F.Hi'lh.‘:'i_u* (iir'mnr) u.
`r‘y it. chiefly British. Var. of armor.
`it [arm'pit’l H. The hollow under the upper part of Line
`3r m at the shoulder.
`urn-est (lirmFrEst') u. A support for the arm, as on 3 PIECE,
`3 ,f furniture or within :1 motor vehicle.
`.strong [Eirln'stréng'L Edwin Howard. ”1890—1954.
`“Mitt. engineer who developed frequency modulation (1933).
`mstrflflg. Louls. "Sai‘chino." 1900—71. Amer.
`M410 greatly influenced the development of ism.
`rEstrOflQ. Nell Alden. I). 1930. Amer. astronaut who as com?
`llmandcr 91f Egolgslgl) became the first person to walk on the
`on (In .
`aii‘llfwres-tle (Hrm'rés'nl)bimr. (e Ein]-tled.f-tllng.f -tles.
`3, To engage in or su jecr ano er to :1 mm o wrcs~
`’11:; in which two opponents sit facing each other with usu.
`right hands Interlockcd and elbows firmly planted and. at-
`or n.
`mn 1 [o fptr‘ce each other”: arm clown. —arm wrestler.
`3|.ny (firing) 21.. pg. }mlels. Ea. Aflargii’ bcglfy officoplc’firv
`' .ed an
`or an war are.
`5:21.: military-land forces of .1 country. c. A tactical and ad-
`mmistmlivc military unit consisting of :i headquarters, two or
`more corps! and auxiliary forces. 2. A large group of peoplu
`organized i'or a specific cause:
`the construction riflflyltffifl'
`Will the (midi. 3. A multitude; a host: rm unity ofirnmers.
`[ME .imier < OFT. «1 Med.Lat. mart/mi < Lain, fern. p.part.
`“funmlre, to arm < «mm, arms. Sec ar—'.]
`arm} anl-i H. Any of various "013;“leer of tin: family Formi-
`cidac t at Inm’c II'L swarms an St]
`515]: on 01: in Insects.
`-worm iat'mE—wfirm'l n. A caterpillar belonging to ex-
`arlgflyof two encra of moth, Psrmldlerm or Spodoptem, large
`smug; of w ich destroy crops and other vegetation.
`Arne (5m), Tgomlas Align-:3“? 111710—18..Biitisli composer
`best known or us song
`rim-hem (lirn’hémg, iii-fl" nLj1ln).iA :31}! of Eslggtglcrlands on tin:
`owel' Rhine R. E E o-
`op. 1.2 .
`m-lnuhem Land lflr'nam). A region of N Australia W of the
`Gulf of Carpentaria.
`ar-nl-ca (Eir’ni-lw) n. 1. Any of various perennial herbs of the
`anus Amim in the .composnc family. having oppositc simplc
`raves. 2. A tincrure of the dried flower heads of the European
`species A. manhunt, applied externally to reduce pain and
`inflammation. l'NLat. Armed, genus name]
`Arena (hr' r16). A river of central Italy rising in the N Apennincs
`and flowing c. 241 km (150 mi) to the Ligurian Sea.
`Ar-nold (fir'nald). A city of E MO, a suburb of St. Louis. Pop.
`Arnold. Benedict. 1741—1801. Amer. Revolutionary general
`and traitor who fled to England in 1781.
`Arnold, Matthew. 1822—83. British poet and critic whose
`works include “Dover Beach” (1867).
`Arnold. Thomas. 1795—1842. British educator and historian;
`headmaster of Rugbi School (1827—42).
`Arnold-son (iirfnalcl-snn), Klas Pontus. 1844m1916. chdv
`islt politician who shared the 1908 Nobel Peace Prize.
`films-berg [iirnz’harg, :irns'hérk). A city of W-ccntral Germa-
`“155E of Minister; founded 1077. Pop. 75,135.
`A'roe islands li'rob). Sec Aru islands.
`”'“ld lilr'fiid', fills-ll 1:. ]Any oflvarious orcnpiaijhfibsgn fl":
`:tum arm 5:, in: u ing rousep .1an SuC'l as tie in en ac la
`and Pllilodcndron. [nsfuml + -om.] war'oid' adj.
`a'ralnt lav-mint!) ma. a-rolnt-ea. a-mlnt-lng. a-roints. Ar-
`a'f'ia‘ic. Brgoric; avaunr.
`"‘3 [HO’Ina) H. 1.2!. A quality that call he peremveri by
`{olfactory sense. See Syns at small. 13. A pleasant charac-
`lfl'm? Odor, as of .1 plant, spice, or food. 2. A distinctive,
`‘Fiflrlglble quality; an aura.- the .H’DMJJ: ofsrrccess. [Alteration
`llflfluunccd by Lm. aroma, spice) of ME rrrwwr, aromatic
`Ic tcr ,
`:fl’flfmfc :101'}. < Lat. nro'mnm, pl. of .21“de < Gk. 51r-
`2:512:33: lliiF'J-natfigiikl mgfl. flaring an aromn;_ fragrant
`. e 111g.
`, re atmg to. or containing one
`:12de? Slxicnrlaon rings characteristic of the benzene scrit's
`m“ re atcd prgrimc groups. —- n, An aromatic plant or sub-
`ar-qfc‘ "3I‘ o-mat’I-cal'ly .Jtilt’. ~3r'o-matlte-ness "H
`Wfin‘a'tlc‘l'ty [iir’a-ma-risFi-té, a-ro'Ina-l
`fr. Aromatic
`Bill-1:) fratcrl'r-lracrrft. csplthc distinctive structurc or properties
`“IE CICInica com oun's.
`El- ;naltlze lo—ro’marfiz’) ill-m. -tlzed. -tiz-ing. -tiz-e5.
`StaumIIl-lke aromatic n}- fmgmnr, Z. City)». To convert a sub-
`iii-7.5.!lsllfziun)“l "roman: compound. —avro’martI-zaftion
`mos'took la-rifosfiak, roost). A river rising in N ME and
`9"”"1: c. 225
`Wick. Cflnadm kl“ ii iii mi) in {in St. john 11.
`In. New Brun-s
`a-rose (o-réz’) u. P.t. of arise.
`a-round (a-round’) .rdt». 1.3. On all sides: (fifty {3'01th lying
`around. b.
`In closu:
`to all sides from all tliiuctions: a field
`l'JtJrclr-retl around with trees. 2. in a circle or with .1 circular
`motion: spun around twice. 3. In circumference or perimeter:
`two miles around. 4. In succession or rotation. 5. In or to-
`ward the opposite direction or position: wheeled around.
`6.3. T0 or among various places; here and there: wander
`around. b. To a specific place: Coma around again. 7. In or
`near one’s current location: waited around for the next flight.
`8. From the beginning to the end: frigid weather the year
`around. 9. Approximately; about: weighed around 30
`pounds. —prep. 1. On all sides of:
`trees around the field.
`2. In such a position as to encircle or surround: a sash around
`the waist. 3.a. Here and there within; throughout: around the
`country. b. In the immediate vicinity of; near: She lives
`around Norfolk. 4. On or to the farther side of:
`the house
`around the comer. 5. So as to pass, bypass, or avoid: got
`around the difficulty. 6. Approximately at: woke up around
`seven. 7. In such a way as to have a basis or center in: an
`economy focused around harming. —adf. 1. Being in exis-
`tence: Our old dog is no longer around. 2. Being in evidence;
`present: 15 the store manager around? _. idiom. been around.
`Informal. Having had many and varied experiences: an extra:-
`utiue who has been around. [ME : prob. 21-, in; see A—2 +
`round, circle; see ROUND 1.]
`a-round-the-clock (a—round’tba-klék’) adj. Var. of round-
`a-rouse (a-rouz’) 1/. a-roused. a°rous-lng. a-rous-es. —tr.
`1. To awaken from or as if from sleep. 2. To stir up; excite.
`— intr. To be or become aroused; stir. [< ROUSE, on the model
`of pairs such as RISE, muss] — a-rous’al n.
`Arp (lirp), Jean or Hans. 1887—1966. French artist noted for
`his abstract reliefs and three-dimensional sculptures.
`Ar°péd (ir’pid). d. 907. Hungarian national hero who found-
`ed the first Hungarian dynasty (c. 884).
`ar-pegogi-o (.‘u-péiIé-é’, -pEjI6) 11., pl. -05. Mus. 1. The play-
`ing of the tones of a chord in rapid succession rather than
`simultaneously. 2. A chord played or sung in this manner.
`[ItaL < arpeggiare, to play the harp < arpa, harp, of Gmc.
`orig. See HARL]
`ar-pent (‘dr-pfiN' ) 7:. Any of various French units of land meas—
`urement, esp. one used in parts of Canada and the southern
`United States and equal to about 0.4 hectare (0.85 acre). [FL
`< OFr. < Lat. arepennis, half acre. See per1'.]
`ar-que-bus (ar'ka-bas, -kwa-) n. Var. of harquebus.
`arr. abbr. 1. Arranged. 2.a. Arrival; arrive. b. Arrived.
`at" rack (irlak, a-rék’) n. A strong alcoholic drink of the Mid-
`dle East and the Far East. [Ar. ‘araq, sweet juice, as in 'rmzq
`at—tamr, fermented juice of the date]
`ar-ralgn (a-ran’) 2m). -raigned, -raign-lng. -raigns. 1. Law. To
`call (an accused person) before a court to answer the charge
`made against him or her by indictment. information, or com-
`plaint. 2. To call to account; accuse. [ME arreinen < OFr.
`arm'sm'er < VLat.
`'adratiéndre, to call to account : Lat. ad-,
`ad— + Lat. rati6-, ratién-, account; see REASONJ — ar-raign’-
`er 7:. — ar-raign/ment n.
`Ar-ran (ir’an). An island of W Scotland in the Firth of Clyde.
`ar-range (a-rini’) u. -ranged. -rang-Ing. -rang-es.
`—— tr.
`1. To put into a specific order or relation; dispose. 2. To plan
`repare for. 3. To bring about an agreement concerning;
`setr e: "It has been arranged for him by his family to marry
`a girl of his own class" (Edmund Wilson). 4. Mus. To reset (a
`composition) for other instruments or voices or for another
`style of performance. — rim. 1. To come to an agreement.
`2. To make preparations; plan. [ME meager: < OPE. nreugirr:
`m, to {-3. Lat. ml“, sec nn—l
`-l- Tangier, to pm: in a lint: l< rung,
`line; see sker-z‘).] — ar-rang’er n.
`Syns: arrange, marshal, order, organize, sort, systema-
`tize‘ The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to distrib-
`ute 'or dispose persons or things properly or methodically”:
`arranging figures in numerical sequence; marshal all relevant
`facts for presentation; ordered my chaotic life,- organizing
`fund-raising efforts; sorted the sweaters by color; systematiz—
`ing rules into a cohesive whole. Ant: disarrange.
`ar'range'ment (a-rinj’mant) 11. 1. The act or process of ar—
`ranging. 2. The condition, manner, or result of bring ar-
`ranged,- disposal. 3. A collection of things that have been ar-
`ranged. 4. A provision or plan made in preparation for an
`undertaking. Often used in the plural. 5. An agreement or
`settlement; a disposition. 6. Mus. a. An adaptation of a com-
`position for other instruments or voices or for another style of
`performance. b. A composition so arranged.
`ar-rant (fir/ant) adj. Completely such; thoroughgoing: an ar-
`mnt fool. [Vac of ERIKANTJ — ar'rant-ly adv.
`ar-ras (fir/as) n. 1. A wall hanging; a tapestry. Z. A curtain or
`a wall hanging, esp. one of Flemish origin. [ME, after ARR/ts.]
`Ar-ras (atlas, s-riis’). A city of N France SSW of Lille; noted
`in the Middle Ages for its tapestry. Pop. 41,736.
`ar-ray (a-rzi’) rm}. ~rayed. -ray-ing, -rays. 1. To set our for
`display or use; place in an orderly arrangement. 2. To dress in
`finery; adorn. in. 1. An orderly, often imposing arrange-
`armor plate
`Louls Armstrong
`"a Logo
`Neil Armstrong
`oi boy
`Z pat
`ou out
`a pay
`(31': uses
`fir care
`o‘o bo—ot
`a father
`it cut
`(“2 pet
`fir urge
`6. be
`ch thin
`i pit
`th this
`i pie
`hw which
`Ir pier
`:ch vismn
`6 pot
`a about,
`6 toe
`a paw
`Stress marks:
`' (primary);
`’ (secondary), as in
`dictionary (dik’sho-nér’é)
`Ethicon Exhibit 2015.004
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2015.004
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Gustave Courbet
`Slalom ski co ursc
`coun-tri-fied also coun-try-f‘ied (kun’tt‘f-Ficl’} adj. 1. Re.
`sumblmg or having the cliatncieristics of country life; rural.
`2. Locking sophistication.
`calm-try llu‘ii‘i'trE} it, pl. etrles. La. A nation or state. b. The
`territory of Al nation or state; land. is. The people of .1 nation
`or sun .; populace. Z. The land of a person‘s birth or citizen-
`ship. 3. A region, territory, or large tract of land distinguish-
`able by features of topography, biology, or culture. 4. A dis-
`trict outside ol cities and towns; a rural are-.1. 5. informal
`Country ITI'LlSiC. —-:m‘j. 1. of, relating to, or typical
`()1 the
`Country. 2. Of or relating to country music.
`[lyiE coirirrri' ~f.
`OFr. roitirer < VLat. *(termi comm-Em, (land) opposite,
`lore < Lat. contra, opposite. Sec Kom*.]
`country and western 11. Sec country music.
`country club n. A suburban club for social and sports activities,
`usu. featuring .1 golf course.
`ingenuousness or ruslic ways
`country cousin it. One whose:
`may bctnusc ul’ entertain city dwellers.
`coun-try-dance (kfiti’tredans’) H. A loll-i dance of English
`origin in which two lines 01 dancers face each other.
`country gentleman n. A 1mm who owns a country estate.
`coun-try-man {kuti’ttE-monl n. ‘l. A person from ouc'é own
`country; a compatriot. 2. A native Or an inhabitant of a par,
`ticulnr country. 3. A man who lives in the country.
`country mile )1.
`liii‘ormrii. A very great distance.
`country music it. Mus. Popular music based on the folk style
`of the Southern rural United States or on the music of cow-
`boys in the American West.
`counvtry-seat (kun’trE-set’) n. An estate or mansion in the
`coun-try-slde (kfin’trésid’) n. 1. A rural region. 2. The in—
`habitants 01 a rural region.
`c?" adj. Throughout a
`coun-try-wide (kfiii'trE-wid'} Hill).
`whole country; nationwide: a comitryitri'dc search.
`noun-tryowom-ari lkfin’tré-wo‘r’nn'an) n. 1. A woman from
`one‘s own country; a compatrior. 2. A woman from :1 par-
`ticular country. 3. A woman who lives in the country.
`coun-ty (koiin-‘tél r:., pl. -ties. 1. An administrative subdivi—
`sion of 3 state in the United States. Ea. A territorial division
`exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions in
`Great Britain and Ireland. 1.1. The tcrritory under the jutisdic-I
`tion of a count or car]. 3. The people llvlng in a county. [ME
`comma, territorial division (— OFr. route, the territory of a
`count < Medici. comr'riitirs < LLnt., the office of count <
`Lac, retiriue < comes, comit-, companion. Scc ei-‘.]
`— coun’ty adj.
`county agent it. A government employee who serves as a COnv
`sultant and adviser in a chiefly rural county on such matters
`as agriculture, education, and home economics.
`county fair :1. A fair usu. held every year in a county.
`county palatine n., pi‘. counties paiatine. The- domain of a
`count palaiinc in England or Ireland.
`county seat ii. A town or city that is the administrative center
`of its county.
`county town it. Clan-fly British. A county scat.
`noun-ty-wide lkoun’té-wid") min.
`t? only. Throughout a
`whole county: found or intuition: countywide.
`coup (ken—u) IL, pi. coups (loin). 1. A brilliantly executed SLIHI'
`:i mastcrstrokc. 2. A coup d'etat. [Fr., stroke < OFr.
`calf; -< LLat. wi‘pns. Sec corrll
`coup oe grace (ko‘n' d; grits!) n_, pl. coups de grace. 1. A
`dcathblow delivered to end the misery of :i mortally wounded
`victim. Z. A finishing stroke or decisive event. [Fr.
`: coup,
`stroke -l-
`tile, of + grdce, mercy.]
`coup do main (cl: man!) 71., pl. coups de main. A sudden
`action undertaken to surprise an enemy. [Fr.
`: coup, stroke,
`blow + dc, of. + main, hand]
`coup d’é-tat ids-til!) 1.2, pl. coups d'e‘tat or coup d'états (d5-
`iiil). The sudden overthrow of a government by at usu. small
`group of persons in or previously in positions of authority.
`: coup, blow, stroke + 416’, of + e'mr, state]
`coup de thé-a‘t-tre (do tfi-i‘i'rra] 11.. pl. coups do théétre. 1. A
`sudden, dramatic turn of events in a play. 2. An unexpected
`and sensational event. esp. one that reverses or negates :i sit-
`uation. [Fr.
`: coup, stroke 4- do. of + rbe'rii're. theater]
`coup d'oeil
`ldmfyai u., pl. coups d'oeil. A quick survey; it
`glance. [Fr.
`: coup, stroke + chi, of + cell, :3ch
`coupe‘ (kdhp) H. 1.3. A dessert ol ice cream or fruit—flavored
`ice, garnished and served in a special dessert glass. 13. The
`stemmed glass in which a coupe is served. 2. A shallow bowl-
`slinpcd dcssgrt dish. [Fr., (up --’. L-Lfll. ctrppri‘J
`coupez (ho—op)
`ii. Var. of coupé 2.
`cou-pé (krroipfi'l ii. 1. A closed four-wheel carriage with two
`seats inside and one outside. 2. Also coupe (ktfiap). A closed
`two-door automobile. [Fr. < p.part. of coupcr, to cut < coup,
`blow. Sec coon]
`Cou-pe-rin {ko‘o-pn—ram, ktfop-rfihl’l, Francois. 166871733.
`French composer who was court organist to Louis XIV.
`cou-ple [kifip’all
`ii. 1. Two items at the same kind; :1 p.111“.
`2. Something that ioins or connects two things together; :1
`link. 3. {used ii'itf) .1 sing. or pl. P.) a. ‘l‘wo people united, as
`by marriage. b. Two people together. 4.
`informal. A few;
`l'l‘lys. A pair of forces (11: cqum
`several: .1 cirriplc of (1.]:1'5. 5.
`magnitude acting in parallel but opposuc directions. _,.I
`-pled. —p[ing. -p|es. — ii'. 1.11» hnl-t mgr-titer; connect. 2.8. Ti,
`join as spuu
`:Jimi‘ry. b. To join in sexual union. 3. Elect. To
`link (ti-m L1ILllll'S or currents) :|S by magnetic lllElllCIlt1n_
`—mir 1. To from parts; min. 2. To unite sexually; copulate,
`3. To loin chemically. —..'rl';'. informal. Two or law. 1MB -'
`-.: Lat. iidpiilir, hniid, pnir.|
`Usage Nutmwmn used to refer to two people who lunc-
`rion socially at a unit. as in d innrricd couple. the word coupf‘.
`may Lil-ti: eiihci' a singular or : plural verb. depending (in
`whether the members are considered individually or colluc.
`tivcly: The couple i'l'i'J‘l' mnri'n'd last rt't't‘k. Only one can“!
`"in; minccmmrm‘ for. \‘(ihcn n pronoun follows, they and tin)"
`l‘lrL' more common than it and its: The cotr'ple tlr't'itli‘i'l
`spend ibur (less cni'i'inionl)‘ its) remitron m Huh. 0 Crilics
`have sometimes maintained that r! couple ofis loo inexact to
`lie appropriate in formal writing. But the incxactitude of ,:
`coupli- of may usefully suggest that rl1E‘ writer is indifferent to
`the precise number of items involved. The usage should he
`considered iinnhiectionnble on all levels ol style.
`:1 device for
`cou-pler (lti'ipflar) n. 1. One that couples,
`coupling two railroad cars. 2. Mns. A device Connecting two
`organ keyboards so that they may he played mgcll‘ml‘.
`con-plot {kfipl'lir} H. 1. A unit of verse consisting of two Slic-
`cessive lines lisu. rhyming and having the same meter. 2. Two
`similar things; a pair. [Fr.
`-£ 0Fr., dim. oi couple, couple. Sci.-
`‘E. The act of forming couples. 2. The
`cau-pling [kfip’lingl n.
`act of uniting sexually. 3. A device that
`links or connecrs.
`4. Electron. 'l‘ransfei' of enet y from one circuit [0 another.
`5. The body part of LI. four ooted animal that connects the
`hindquarters to ihe loi-equartcts.
`cou-pon (lto—o'pén', kyo‘uh) 71. 1. A negotiable certificate til:-
`tached to .1 bond that represents a sum of interest due.
`2.3:. One of a set 01 detachable certificates that may be torn
`off and redeemed as needed. 1'). A detachable part, as of :in
`seiuent, Lhnt entitles the lJL‘RTL‘l’ lo Calrllitl butlllflfli, such
`as :1 rniuud. C. A certificate accompanying .1 product that may
`be redeemed for a cash discount. (1. A printed form to he used
`:is an Order blank or for requesting information or obtaining
`a discount. 3. A detachable slip calling for periodic payments.
`as for merchandise bought on an installment plan. [Fr. < OFL
`coipori, piece cut all C wiper, to cut 6; colp, blow. Sci: court]
`cont-age [lu'u'ih kind-l ii. The state or quality of mind or
`spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes will:
`self-possession and resolution; bravery. [ME comge -: OFr. *3
`VLar. ‘cortiri‘cxmi
`-C Lat. cor, heart. Sec kerd-‘.]
`cou-ra-geous (ka-td’jos} luff. Having or characterized by
`courage, valiant. Sec Syns at brave. — cou-raFgoous-ly adv.
`acou-ra'geous-riess ii.
`cou-rante (lio‘u—i-iimf)
`ii. 1. A l7ll1-ccnmry French dance
`characterized hy running and gliding steps to an accompani-
`in triple iime. 2. Mus. The second movement of the
`classical baroque suite. [Fr. < fem. pt.part. of coiirir, to run
`*1 OFr. cotii‘ri'
`.:; Lat. curt-ere. See Eta-rs ‘.]
`Cour-an-tyrie also Cu-ran-tijn (kor'an-tin’, kart). A rivet
`rising in SE Guyana and flowing c.
`.724 ltiii (-150 mi) to the
`Atlantic Ocean.
`Cour-bet (ktTor-bfi’, -bé’), Gustave. 1819—77. French painter
`known for his l'CflllsIlC depiction of everyday scenes.
`courvgette (ktmr-zhiit’l
`ii. Cliicfly British. A zucchini.
`clitll., dim. ol' colil'ge', gourd -( UPI. calloiii'dc < Lnt. CHCHV'
`cou-ri-er [ko'ur’firon kin-L, kill-L) it. La. A messenger. ‘51?-
`one on official diploniaiic business. 1:. A spy carrying scttcl
`information. 2.a. A personal attendant hired to make fir‘
`rangeineurs for n journey. b. An employee ofn travel 2;;ch
`serving as a guide lot tourists. [Fr. coiii-i-ii-r -.‘ OFr. -C Gill"
`corriirrc ~1 sari—err, to run at Lat. cmrmt. See kers-‘.
`courvlan (item-(lain 1

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