April 1995
`Engineering Aid 3
`DISTRIBUTION STATEMENTA: Approvedfor public release; distribution is unlimited.
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 1
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 1
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`discriminate against anyone.
`Although the words “he,” “him,” and
`“his” are used sparingly in this course to
`intended to be genderdriven or to affront or
`DISTRIBUTION STATEMENTA: Approvedfor public release; distribution is unlimited.
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 2
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 2
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`PENSACOLA FL 32509-5237
`04 Jun 96
`Specific Instructions and Errata for
`Training Manual
`This errata supersedes all previous errata.
`No attempt has been made to issue corrections for errors in
`that do not affect
`typing, punctuation, and so forth,
`accuracy or readability.
`3. Make the following changes:
`Replace “Naval Publications and
`Forms Center” with “Aviation
`Support Office”
`Replace figure 3-14 with figure
`3-14 A & B
`Replace “DOD-STD-1O0OC” with “MIL-
`Replace figure 5-12 with figures
`5-11 and 5-12
`Replace figure 7-22 with figures
`7-21 and 7-22
`Replace caption in figure 14-20
`with “Sample field notes from
`cross-section leveling at first
`three stations shown in figure
`Replace 1200/3.7 with 3.7/1200
`Replace 800/-5.0 with -5.0/800
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 3
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 3
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 4
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 4
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`is the systematic space
`Drawing format
`arrangementof required information within the drafting
`sheet. This information is used to identify, process, and
`file drawings methodically. Standard sizes and formats
`for military drawings are arranged according to
`DoD-STD-100C, Engineering Drawing Practices, and
`MIL-HDBK- 1006/1, Policy and Procedures for Project
`Drawing and Specification Preparation. With the
`exception of specific local command requirements,
`DoD-STD-100C and MIL-HDBK-1006/1 are your
`guidelines for preparing SEABEE drawings.
`Most of the documents applicable to these
`standards have recently been revised and updated in
`order to gain like information and to share uniformity
`of form and language within the Naval Construction
`Force and between DoD organizations. Other
`influencing factors are the current widespread use of
`reduced-size copies of both conventional and
`computer-generated drawings and exchange of
`Standard drawing sheet sizes are used to facilitate
`readability, reproduction, handling, and uniform filing.
`Blueprints produced from standard size drawing sheets
`are easily assembled in sets for project stick files and
`can readily be folded for mailing and neatly filed in
`project letter size or legal size folders. (Filing drawings
`and folding blueprints will be covered later in this
`training manual.)
`Finished format sizes for drawings shown in
`figure 3-14, view A, are according to ANSI Y14.1
`(HORIZ) (vert)
`NOTE: Rounded corners
`are optional on
`all drawing forms.
`a a
`so |
`| se
`oog i
`i 569
`+ o Oo
`+ g oO
`oa wu
`a 9 %
`5 |

`| 28
` Xx
` t
`Figure 3-14.—Guide for preparing horizontal and vertical margins, sizes, and finished drawing format.
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 5
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 5
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 6
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 6
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`Figure 5-11.—Alternative method of extending to top view projection lines.
`Figure 5-12._American standard arrangement of views in a six-view third-angle multi-view projection.
`view always lies in the plane of the drafting surface and
`does not require any rotation. Notice that the front,right
`side, left side, and rear viewsline up in direct horizontal
`Use the minimum numberof views necessary to
`show an item. The three principal viewsare the top,
`front, and right-side. The TOP VIEW (also called a
`PLANin architectural drawings) is projected to and
`drawn on an image plane above the front view of the
`object. The FRONT VIEW (ELEVATION) should
`show the mostcharacteristic shape of the object or its
`most natural appearance when observed in its
`permanentor fixed position. The RIGHT-SIDE VIEW
`(ELEVATION)is located at a right angle to the front
`and top views, making all the views mutually
`SPACING OF VIEWS.— Views should be
`spaced on the paper in such a manner as
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 7
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 7
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 8
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 8
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`Figure 7-23.—Expansion joint for a wall.
`Figure 7-24.—Expansion joint for a bridge.
`13/4" Jf
`Figure7-21.—Constructionjoint between wall and
`footing with a keyway.
`Figure 7-22.—Useof a contraction joint.
`incident to shrinkage of the concrete. Atypical dummy
`contraction joint (fig. 7-22) is usually formed by cutting
`a depth of one third to one fourth the thickness of the
`section. Some contracting joints are made with nofiller
`or with a thin coat of paraffin or asphalt and/or other
`materials to break the bond. Depending on the extent
`of local temperature, joints in reinforced concrete slabs
`may be placed at 15- to 25-ft intervals in each direction.
`Expansion Joints
`Figure 7-25.—Expansion joint for a floor slab.
`Wherever expansion might cause a concrete slab to
`buckle because of temperature change, expansion joints
`{also called isolation joints) are required. An expansion
`joint is used with a pre-molded cork or masticfiller to
`separate sections from each other, thus allowing room
`for expansion if elongation or closing of the joint is
`anticipated. Figures 7-23, 7-24, and 7-25 show
`expansion joints for a variety of locations. Expansion
`joints may beinstalled every 20 ft.
`Most structural concrete is made by placing
`(also called CASTING) plastic concrete into
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 9
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 9
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 10
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 10
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`By enrolling in this self-study course, you have demonstrated a desire to improve yourself and the Navy.
`Remember, however, this self-study course is only one part of the total Navy training program. Practical
`experience, schools, selected reading, and your desire to succeed are also necessary to successfully round
`out a fully meaningful training program.
`THE COURSE: This self-study course is organized into subject matter areas, each containing learning
`objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations to help you
`understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-day requirements and experiences of
`personnel in the rating or skill area.
`It also reflects guidance provided by Enlisted Community Managers
`(ECMs) and other senior personnel, technical references, instructions, etc., and either the occupational or
`naval standards, which are listed in the Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower Personnel Classifications
`and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS18068.
`THE QUESTIONS: The questions that appear in this course are designed to help you understand the
`material in the text.
`improve your military and professional knowledge.
`In completing this course, you will
`Importantly, it can also help you study for the Navy-wide advancement in rate examination. If you are
`studying and discover a reference in the text to another publication for further information, lookit up.
`1991 Edition Prepared by
`EAC Andres M. Embuido,
`EACS Reynaldo N. Azucena, and
`EACS Gary L. Davis
`1995 Revision
`EAC(SCW) Michael R. Mann
`Published by
`NAVSUPLogistics Tracking Number
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 11
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 11
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`Sailor ’s Creed
`“l am a United States Sailor.
`| will support and defend the
`Constitution of the United States of
`America and | will obey the orders
`of those appointed over me.
`the fair treatmentofall.”
`| represent the fighting spirit of the
`Navy and those who have gone
`before me to defend freedom and
`democracy around the world.
`| proudly serve my country $ Navy
`combat team with honor, courage
`and commitment.
`| am committed to excellence and
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 12
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 12
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`1. Mathematics and Units of Measurement.............
`2. Drafting Equipment ............ 0.0. cece eee eee
`3. Drafting: Fundamentals and Techniques;
`Reproduction Process .............000ceceeeeeeeeee
`4. Drafting: Geometric Construction................--
`5. Drafting: Projections and Sketching ................
`6. Wood and Light Frame Structures...............00.
`7. Concrete and Masonry... 2... 0... eee 71
`8. Mechanical Systems and Plan...................+.
`9. Electrical Systems and Plan.............-.-.00:-
`10. Construction Drawings ...........000c cence nee eeeae
`11. Elements of Surveying and Surveying
`Equipment ........... 0.00. c cc cee cee e eee ee ee eeeee
`12. Direct Linear Measurements and Field Survey
`Safety... 0... ccc cece eee ene een neeennees
`13. Horizontal Control..............0 0. cece eee ee eee
`14. Direct Leveling and Basic Engineering Surveys.......
`15. Materials Testing: Soil and Concrete................
`16. Administration .............0.000 00 c eee e eee eee
`I, Glossary... 0.6... ccc ccc cece teen eee eens
`II. Engineering Technical Library..................---
`III. Useful Mathematical Symbols, Formulas, and
`Constants ..... 0.0.0. c cece cece cece eee eeeeeeenees
`IV. Useful Drafting Symbols............0.0.00 000 e ee eeee
`V. Sample Survey Field Notes,............0000000e00e
`VIL References ...... 000 e cece eee cece cence eneene
`INDEX... 0... eee ee nee tte eee INDEX-1
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 13
`JIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 13
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`The illustration indicated below is included in this edition of
`Engineering Aid Basic through the courtesy of the designated company.
`Permission to use this illustration is gratefully acknowledged.
`ELE International,
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 14
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 14
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`horizontal would be parallel or perpendicular (or
`nearly so) to a prominentvisible outline, the angle
`should be changed to 30°, to 60°, or some other
`angle. If two adjacent sectioned surfaces are
`the hatching should be in opposite
`directions, as shown in figure 5-34, view B.If still
`a third surface is included, it should be hatched
`at another suitable angle to make the surface
`clearly stand out separately from the other
`surfaces (figure 5-34, view C). Note that the
`hatching lines on one surface are not permitted
`to meet those on an adjacent surface.
`In drawing section lining, use a sharp,
`medium-grade pencil (H or 2H). Space the lines
`as uniformly as possible by eye. As a rule,
`spacing of the lines should be as generous as
`possible, yet close enough to distinguish the
`sectioned surface clearly. For average drawings,
`space the lines about 3/32 in. or more apart.
`Diagonal hatching on an auxiliary section
`should be drawn at 45 degrees to the horizontal,
`with respect to the section. Figure 5-35 showsthis
`In a revolution or other view of an object in
`other than the normal position,
`the diagonal
`hatching on a section should be drawn at
`45 degrees to the horizontal or vertical axis of the
`object as it appears in the revolution. Figure 5-36
`showsthis rule.
`Axonometric Projection
`Axonometric single-plane projection is
`another way of showing an object in all three
`Figure 5-35.-Diagonal hatching on an auxiliary section.
`Figure 5-36.-Diagonal hatching on a revolution.
`dimensions in a single view. Theoretically,
`axonometric projection is orthographic projection
`in that only one plane is used and the projection
`lines are perpendicular to the plane of projections.
`It is the object itself, rather than the projection
`lines, that is inclined to the plane of projection.
`RIC DRAWING.— Figure 5-37 shows a cube
`most frequently used type of axonometric
`projection. The cube is inclined so thatall of its
`surfaces make the same angle (35°16°) with the
`plane of projection. As a result of
`inclination, the length of each of the edges shown
`in the projection is somewhat shorter than the
`actual length of the edge on the object itself. This
`reduction is called FORESHORTENING. The
`degree of reduction amounts to the ratio of 1 to
`the cosine of 35°16’, or 1/0.8165. This meansthat
`if an edge on the cubeis 1 in, long, the projected
`edgewill be 0.8165 in. long. As all of the surfaces
`make the same angle with the plane of projection,
`the edges all foreshorten in the same ratio.
`Therefore, one scale can be used for the entire
`layout; hence the term isometric, which literally
`means “one-scale.”
`Figure 5-38 shows an isometric projection as
`it would look to an observer whoseline of sight
`was perpendicular to the plane of projection. Note
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 15
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 15
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`> F
`igure 5-37.-Isometric projection of a cube.
`that the figure has a central axis, formed by the
`lines OA, OB, and OC. The existence of this axis
`is the origin of the term axonometric projection.
`In an isometric projection, each line in the axis
`forms a 120-degree angle with the adjacentline,
`as shown. A quick way to draw the axis is to draw
`the perpendicular OC, then use a T square and
`30°/60° triangle to draw OA and OBat 30 degrees
`to the horizontal. Since the projections of parallel
`lines are parallel,
`the projections of the other
`edges of the cube will be, respectively, parallel to
`these axes.
`A rectangular object can be easily drawn in
`isometric by the procedure known as box
`construction. In the upperpart of figure 5-39,
`there is a two-view normal multi-view projection
`of a rectangular block. An isometric drawing of
`the block is shown below. You can see how you
`build the figure on the isometric axis and how you
`isometric drawing. Because you lay out
`identical dimensions, it is an isometric drawing
`rather than an isometric projection.
`Non-isometric Lines.— If you examine the
`isometric drawing shown in figure 5-39, you will
`note that each line in the drawingis parallel to
`one or another of the legs of the isometric axis.
`You will also notice that each line is a normalline
`in the multi-view projection. Recall
`that a
`normallineis a line that, in a normal multi-view
`is parallel to two of the planes of
`projection and perpendicular to the third. Thus,
`lay out the dimensions of the object on the
`Figure 5-38.-Use of an isometric axis.
`Figure 5-39.-Use of “box construction” in isometric
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 16
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 16
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`Figure 5-40.-A non-isometric line (AB) in an isometric
`a NON-ISOMETRIC LINEis a line that is not
`to any one of the three legs of the
`isometric axis. It is not a normal line in a normal
`multi-view projection of the object.
`The upperpart of figure 5-40 shows a two-
`view normal multi-view projection of a block.
`Thoughthe line ABis parallel to the horizontal
`plane of projection,
`it is oblique to both the
`vertical and the profile planes. It is therefore
`not a normal, but an oblique, line in the multi-
`view projection, and it will be a non-isometric
`line in an isometric projection or drawing of the
`same object.
`The line AB appears in its true length
`in the top multi-view view becauseit is parallel
`to the plane of the view (the horizontal plane);
`it will appear as a non-isometric line,
`and therefore not
`in its true length,
`in an
`isometric drawing, as shown in the bottom
`part of figure 5-40. It follows that you cannot
`transfer AB directly from the multi-view
`projection to the isometric drawing. You can,
`however, transfer directly all the normallines in
`the multi-view projection, which will be isometric
`lines appearing in their true lengths in the
`isometric drawing. When you have donethis, you
`will have constructed the entire isometric draw-
`ing, exclusive of line AB and of its counterpart
`on the bottom face of the block. The end points
`of AB and of its counterpart will be located,
`however, andit will only be necessary to connect
`them bystraightlines.
`Anglesin Isometric.—In a normal multi-view
`view of an object, an angle will appearin its true
`size. In an isometric projection or drawing, an
`angle never appearsin its true size, Even an angle
`formed by normal
`lines, such as each of the
`90-degree corner angles of the block shownin the
`bottom part of figure 5-41, appears distorted in
`The same principle used in transferring
`a non-isometric line is used to transfer an
`angle in isometric. The upperpart of figure 5-41
`shows a two-view multi-view projection of a
`block. On the top face of the block,
`the line
`AB makes a 40-degree angle with the front
`edge. The line AB is an oblique (that is, not
`normal) line, which will appear as a non-isometric
`line in the isometric drawing. You locate the end
`points of AB on the isometric drawing by
`Figure 5-41.-Drawing an angle in isometric.
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 17
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 17
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`measuring distances along normal lines on the
`multi-view projection and laying them off along
`the corresponding isometric lines on the isometric
`drawing. The angle that measures 40 degrees on
`the top multi-view view measures only about
`32 degrees on the isometric drawing. Note,
`however, that it is labeled 40 degrees on the
`isometric drawing. This is because it actually is
`a 40-degree angle as it would look on a surface
`plane at the isometric angle of inclination.
`Circles in Isometric.—Acircle in a normal multi-
`view view will appear as an ellipse in an isometric
`drawing. This is shown in figure 5-42, view A.
`A procedure that maybe used to construct an
`isometric circle is shown in figure 5-42, view B.
`The steps of that procedure are as follows:
`1. Draw the isometric center lines of the
`circle. Then, using those center lines, lay off an
`isometric square with sides equal to the diameter
`of the circle.
`2. From the near corners of the box, draw
`bisectors to the opposite intersections of the center
`lines and the box. The bisectors will intersect at
`four points (A, A’, B, B’), which will be the
`centers of four circular arcs.
`3. Draw two large arcs with radius R, using
`Points A and A’ as centers, Draw the two smaller
`arcs with radius r, using Points B and B’ as centers.
`If the above discussion seems familiar,
`should. It is simply an approximation of the four-
`point method you studied in the previous chapter.
`it can be used only when drawing
`isometric circles on an isometric drawing.
`Noncircular Curves in Isometric.— A line that
`appearsas a noncircular curve in a normal multi-
`view view of an object appears as a non-isometric
`Figure 5-43.-Method of drawing a noncircular curve in
`line in an isometric drawing. To transfer such a
`line to an isometric drawing, you must plot a
`series of points by measuring along normal lines
`in the multi-view view and transferring these
`measurements to corresponding isometric lines in
`the isometric drawing.
`The upperpart of figure 5-43 shows a two-
`view multi-view projection of a block with
`Figure 5-42.-A circle on a normal multi-view view appearsas an ellipse in an isometric drawing.
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 18
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 18
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877


`an elliptical edge. To make an isometric drawing
`of this block, draw the circumscribing rectangle
`on the top multi-view view,
`lay off equal
`intervals as shown, and draw perpendiculars at
`these intervals from the upper horizontal edge of
`the rectangle to the ellipse. Then draw the
`rectangle in isometric, as shown below, and plot
`a series of points along the elliptical edge by
`laying off the same perpendiculars shownin the
`top multi-view view. Draw theline of the ellipse
`through these points with a french curve.
`Alternate Positions of Isometric Axis.— Up
`to this point,
`the isometric axis has been
`used with the lower leg vertical. The axis
`may, however, be used in any position, pro-
`vided the angle between adjacent legs is always
`120 degrees. Figure 5-44 shows how varying the
`position of the axis varies the view of the object.
`Diagonal Hatching in Isometric.— Diagonal
`hatching on a sectional surface shown in isometric
`should have the appearance of making a 45-degree
`angle with the horizontal or vertical axis of the
`surface. If the surface is an isometric surface (one
`that makes an angle of 35°16’ with the plane of
`projection), lines drawn at an angle of 60 degrees
`to the horizontal margin of the paper, as shown
`in figure 5-45, present the required appearance.
`To show diagonal hatching on a non-isometric
`surface, you must experiment to determine the
`angle that presents the required appearance.
`Figure 5-45.-An example of diagonal hatching in isometric.
`axonometric projection category are dimetric and
`trimetric projections; however, these types are used
`less frequently than isometric projections and will
`not be discussed further in this training manual.
`TION.— TWO other subclassifications of the
`We have seen that an object may be drawn
`showing length and width on a single plane. Depth
`Figure 5-44.-Various positions of isometric axes.
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 19
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2012, p. 19
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877

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