
`SONY Exhibit 1023
`SONY Exhibit 1023


`Dedicated to the memory of
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`Library of Congress Cataloging—in—Publication Data
`Random House unabridged dictionary.
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`1. English language~Dictionaries I. Flexner,
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`faoci-es (fa/she czl, -shez), n., pl. fa~ci-es. 1. general
`appearance, as of an animal or vegetable group. 2. Goal.
`the appearance and characteristics of a sedimentary do.
`posit, esp. as they reflect the conditions and environment
`of deposition and serve to distinguish the _depos1t from
`contiguous deposits. Cf. metamorphic facues. 3. Med.~
`a facml expression characteristic of a disease or patho_
`logical condition. 4. Archaeol. a distinctive phase of a
`prehistoric cultural tradition.
`[1350—1400, for an earlier
`sense; ME < L: form, figure, appearance, face, akin to
`facere to make]
`to harden the surface
`face-hard-en (fas/hiir/dn), v.t.
`of (metal), as by chilling or casehardening.
`face-less (fas/lis), adj.
`1. without a face: a faceless
`apparition. 2. lacking personal distinction or identity: a
`faceless mob. 3. unidentified or unidentifiable; conceal—
`ing one’s identity: (1 faceless kidnapper.
`[1560—70; FACE
`+ —LESS] —face/less-ness, n.
`(fas/lifV), n. 1. Also, face/ lift/ins. facel-
`lift/ing. plastic surgery on the face for elevating sagging
`tissues and eliminating wrinkles and other signs of age;
`rhytidectomy. 2. a renovation or restyling, as of a room
`or building, intended to give an attractive, more up-to—
`date appearance. —v.t. 3. to perform a face-lift upon.
`4. to renovate or restyle in order to give a fresher, more
`modern appearance: Our old offices have been face—lifted
`with new furniture. Also, face’lift’.
`[1920—25, Amen]
`face’ mask/.
`1. Sports.
`the protective equipment,
`usually made of steel or plastic, that guards the face, as
`the steel cage worn by a baseball catcher or the molded
`plastic covering worn by a hockey goalkeeper. 2. any of
`various similar devices to shield the face, sometimes at—
`tached to or forming part of a helmet, as that worn by
`workers engaged in a hazardous activity. Also, face/-
`[1905-10; FACE + MASK]
`face-nail «as/new, at.
`to secure with nails driven
`perpendicular to the surface. Cf. toenail (def. 4).
`face-off (f55/69, -of/), n. Ice Hockey. 1. the act of fac-
`ing the puck, as at the start of a game. 2. an open con—
`[1895—1900; n. use of v. phrase face off]
`face-plate (faa/plét’), n. 1. (on a lathe) a perforated
`plate, mounted on the live spindle, to which the work is
`attached. 2.
`the part of a protective headpiece. as a
`diver’s or astronaut’s helmet, that covers the upper por-
`tion of the face, often of transparent material and some—
`times movable.
`3. Also called face. Electronics.
`glass front of a cathode ray tube upon which the image
`is displayed. 4. a protective plate, as one surrounding
`an electric outlet or light switch. Cf. switch plate.
`[1835—45; FACE + PLATE‘]
`face! pow/den a cosmetic powder used to give a mat
`finish to the face.
`fac-er (f51531), n.
`1. a person or thing that faces. 2.
`Informal. a blow in the face. 3. Brit. Informal. an un-
`expected major difficulty, dilemma, or defeat.
`FACE + 4:19]
`something that saves
`(fas’sa/ver), n.
`one’s prestige or di
`gnity: Allow him the face—saver of re-
`signing instead of
`being fired.
`[1940—45] ~face/-sav/-
`ing, 71., adj.
`(fas/it), n., v., -etoed, -et-ing or (esp. Brit.) -et~
`ted, -et~ting.
`-—n. 1.
`one of the small, polished plane
`surfaces of a cut gem. 2. a similar surface cut on a frag-
`ment of rock by the action of water, windblown sand, etc.
`3. aspect; phase: They carefully examined every facet of
`the argument. 4. Archit. any of the faces of a column
`cut in a polygonal form. 5. 2001. one of the corneal
`lenses of a compound arthropod eye. 6. Anal. a small,
`smooth, flat area on a hard surface, esp. on a bone. 7.
`Dentistry. a small, highly burnished area, usually on the
`enamel surface of a tooth, produced by abrasion between
`opposing teeth in chewing. —v.t. 8.
`to cut facets on.
`[161525; < F facette little face. See FACE, -ET]
`‘300618 (fa séV), adj. Archaic.
`< L facétus clever, witty] —fa-cote’ly. adv. ——fa.
`cete’ness, n.
`face angle
`outer or upper side of a fabric; right side. 16. the acts
`number of faces (usually used in combination): a sweet-
`falcial an/glo, Craniom. the angle formed by a line
`ing, striking, or working surface of an implement, tool,
`faced child; the two—faced god.
`[1490—1500; FACE + 43D“)
`from nasion to prosthion at its intersection With the
`etc. 17. Geom. any of the bounding surfaces of a solid
`plane of the Frankfurt horizontal.
`figure: a cube has six faces.
`18. Also called working
`face-down (adv. fas/doun’; n. fas’doun/), adv.
`face. Mining. the front or en
`with the face or the front or upper surface downward:
`fac’ial in/dex, Craniom.
`(i of a drift or excavation,
`the ratio of the breadth of a
`or was last mined.
`where the material is being
`face to its height.
`He was lying facedown on the floor. Deal the cards face—
`down on the table. —n. 2. Also, facel-down/. Infor~
`Print. a. the working surface of a type, of a plate, etc.
`falcial nerveh Anat.
`either one of the seventh pair
`mal. a direct confrontation; showdown.
`[1930—35; (def. 1)
`See diag. under type. b. Also called typeface. any de—
`of cranial nerves compos
`ed of motor fibers that; control
`FACE + oown‘; (def. 2) n. use of v. phrase face down]
`muscles of the face exce
`sign of type, including a full range of characters, as let—
`pt those used in chewing.
`ters, numbers, and marks of punctuation, in all sizes:
`face! geafl, Mach.
`a disklike gear having teeth cut
`Caslon is one of the most popular faces. See table under
`on the face more or less radially and engaging with a
`fa/cial neural/gia, Pathol. See tic douloureux.
`typeface. c. Also called typeface. the general style or
`to it.
`spur or helical pinion, the axis of which is at right angles
`appearance of type: broad or narrow face. 20. Naut,
`fa/cial tis/sue, a soft, disposable paper tissue esp. fbr
`Aeron. the rear or after side of a propeller blade (op—
`cleansing the face or for use as a handkerchief.
`posed to back). 21. Fort. either of the two outer sides
`that form the salient angle of a bastion or the like. See
`diag. under bastion. 22. Crystall. any of the plane sur-
`faces of a crystal. 23. Electronics. faceplate (def. 3). 24.
`Archaic. sight; presence:
`to flee from the face of the
`enemy. 25. face to face. a. facing or opposite one an—
`other: We sat face to face at the table. b. in an open, per-
`sonal meeting or confrontation: The leaders spoke face to
`face about a reduction in nuclear arms. 25. face to
`face with. in close proximity to; narrowly escaping; con-
`fronting: face to face with death. 27. fly in the face of.
`See fly (def. 21). 28. got out of someone’s face (usu—
`ally used imperatively) a. Southern US. go away!; leave.
`b. Slang. to stop bothering or annoying someone. 29. in
`the face of, a in spite of; notwithstanding: She perse-
`vered in the face of many obstacles. b. when confronted
`with: They were steadfast in the face of disaster. 30.
`loss face, to suffer disgrace, humiliation, or embarrass-
`ment: It was impossible to apologize publicly without los-
`ing face. 31. make a face. to grimace, as in distaste or
`contempt; contort one’s face in order to convey a feeling
`or to amuse another: She made a face when she was told
`the work wasn’t finished. The children made me laugh
`by making faces. 32. on the face of It. to outward ap—
`pearances; superficially; seemingly: On the face of it,
`there was no hope for a comeback. 33. put on a bold
`face, to give the appearance of confidence or assurance:
`Everyone knew that he had been ired, even though he
`put on a bold face. Also, put a be 1! face on. 34. save
`face, to avoid disgrace, humiliation, or embarrassment:
`She tried to save face by saying that the bill had never
`35. so! one’s face against.
`to disapprove
`strongly of; oppose: My parents have set
`their face
`against my becoming an actress. 36. show one's face,
`to make an appearance; be seen: I would be ashamed to
`show my face in such an outlandish outfit. Just show
`your face at the party and then you can leave. 37. to
`one's face,
`in one’s presence; brazenly; directly: Tell
`him to his face‘ hat he’s a liar!
`--v.t. 38. to 100'
`toward or in the direction of:
`to face
`the light. 39. to have the front toward or permit a view
`of: The building faces Fifth Avenue. The bedroom faces
`the park. 40.
`to confront directly:
`to be faced with a
`problem; to face the future confidently. 41. to confront
`courageously, boldly, or impudently (usually fol. by down
`or out): He could always face down his detractors. 42.
`to oppose or to meet defiantly: to face fearful odds; Army
`faces Navy in today’s football game. 43.
`to cover or
`partly cover with a different material in front: They
`faced the old wooden house with brick. 44. to finish the
`edge of a garment with facing. 45. to turn the face of (a
`playing card) upwards. 46. to dress or smooth the sur-
`face of (a stone or the like). 47. to cause (soldiers) to
`turn to the right, left, or in the opposite direction. 48.
`Ice Hockey. (of a referee) to put (the puck) in play by
`dropping it between two opposing players each having
`his or her stick on the ice and facing the goal of the op—
`—-U.i. 49. to turn or be
`turned (often fol. by to or to—
`ward): She faccd toward the sea. 50. to be placed with
`the front in a certain direction (often fol. by on,
`to, or
`toward); The house faces on the street. The barn faces
`south. 51. to turn to the right, left, or in the opposite
`direction: Left face! 52. Ice Hockey.
`to face the puck
`(often fol. by off). 53. face down, to confront boldly or
`intimidate (an opponent, critic, etc.). 54. face off. Ice
`Hockey. to start a game or period with a face—off. 55.
`face the music. See music (def. 9). 56. face up to, a.
`to acknowledge; admit: to face up to the facts.
`I). to meet
`courageously; confront: He refused to face up to his prob—
`[1250—1300; (n.) ME < AF, OF < VL ‘facia, for L
`fociés moms;
`late ME facen, deriv. of the n.]
`—face’a~blo, adj.
`1. FACE, COUNTENANCE, VISAGE refer to the
`front of the (usually human) head. The FACE is the com—
`bination of the features: a face with broad cheekbones.
`COUNTENANCE, a more formal word, denotes the face as
`it is affected by or reveals the state of mind, and hence
`often signifies the look or expression on the face: a
`thoughtful countenance. VXSAGE, still more formal, refers
`to the face as seen in a certain aspect, esp. as revealing
`seriousness or severity: a stern visage. 2. appearance,
`aspect, mien. 7. exterior. 14. facade. 43. veneer.
`face/ an/gle, Geom.
`the angle formed by two succes-
`sive edges of a polyhedron.
`for determining
`face’ bowl
`(b6), Dentistry. a device
`the relationship of the maxillae to the
`mandibular joint.
`Also, face/bowl.
`face/ card/,
`the king, queen,
`amusing or witty re-
`fa-ce-tioae (fa se/shé e1),
`marks or writings.
`(1520—30; < L, pl. of facétia some-
`thing witty, See mom‘s, -IA]
`face! time/, 1. a brief appearance on television. 2. a
`brief face-to-face meeting, esp. with someone important.
`faoce-tious (fa sélshas), adj. 1. not meant to be taken
`seriously or literally: a facetious remark. 2. amusing;
`lacking serious intent; concerned with
`something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a face—
`tious person.
`[1585—95; FACETE + -IOUS; see FACETIAE]
`—fa-coltlous~ly, adv. —-fa-ce’tious-ness. n.
`-—Syn. 2. See humorous.
`fac/et joint/, Anat. any of the four projections that
`link one vertebra of the spine to an adjacent vertebra.
`face-to-face (fas/ta fasl), adj.
`1. with the fronts or
`faces toward each other, 2. involving close contact or
`direct opposition: a face—to-face confrontation.
`fa‘ 0” (fA saw), n., pl. -90ns (—soN/). French.
`fas ion; manner; style. 2. workmanship; makE-
`fa-con-ne (fas/e 115/, fns’e na’), adj.
`11 a
`having a small and elaborate pattern.
`the Sf“: FT
`having a faconne pattern or motif. 3.
`elaborate pattern on a faconne fabric.
`conné. ptp. of faconner to work, FASHION; see -EE
`F.A.C.P., Fellow of the American College of Phys“1
`Also, FACP
`or jack of playing cards.
`(of a
`face-cen-tered (fas’sen/terd), adj. Crystall.
`crystal structure) having lattice points on the faces of the
`unit cells. Cf. body-centered.
`face-cloth ‘
`(fas’kloth’, —kloth/),
`n., pl.
`(~klot/hz/, -klothz/, —k16ths/, —kloths/). washcloth. Also
`called, Brit, face! flan/nel.
`[1595—1605; mes + CLOTH]
`faced (fast), adj. having a specified kind of face or
`face! tow/oi, a small towel for the face.
`face-up (fas/up’), adv. with the face or the front or
`upper surface upward: Place the cards faceup on the
`[1960—65; FACE + UP]
`face val-ue (ffis’ val/ydo for 1; fés’ val’yoT) for 2),
`1. the value printed on the face ofa stock, bond, or other
`financial instrument or document. 2. a
`arent value:
`Do not accept promises at face value.
`[18 —80]
`fa-cia (fa/aha).
`ammo n... 1.-.“--. ”-0
`dye, separating the cell
`s mechanically in a v1
`218. imparting a positive or negative charge to 083:6
`fluoresce, and then passing the cells through fillers” _,
`field to deflect them into appropriate contalno
`A150. F.A.C.S. Fellow of the American College
`—n. 1. rm nvnpf mm. m. Ara Lani; n.,;nimg.
`fac-sim-i-le (fak sim/o 16), n., v., 49¢
`or m
`fac-ile (fas’il or, esp. Brit, -il), adj. 1. moving, acting,
`workin , proceedin , etc, with ease, sometimes with su-
`perficia ity: facile mgers; a facile mind. 2. easily done,
`performed, used, etc.: a facile victory,- a faczle method.
`3. easy or unconstrained, as manners or persons. 4. af.
`fable, agreeable, or complaisant; easily influenced: a fac—
`ile temperament; facile people.
`[1475—85; < L facilis
`that can be done, easy, equiv. to fac(ere) to do, make +
`-ilis qua] —faclile-Iy, adv. ——facllle-ness, n.
`—Syn. 1. smooth, flowing, fluent; glib. 2. superficial.
`3. bland, suave; urbane.
`aing’keps; Eng.
`fa-ci'le prinvceps (fa/ki Ie/
`lé prin/seps), Latin. easily the irst or best.
`fa-cI-Iis de-scen-sus onerono (rs/k1 lis des ken/—
`sons ia‘ wen/n6; Eng. fas’e lis di sen’ses e vfirl’no),
`(the) descent to hell is easy; it is easy to take the
`downward path. Vergil, Aeneid, 6:126.
`fa-ciloiotate (fe sil’i tau), v.t., -tat-ed, -fat-ing. 1. to
`make easier or less difficult; help forward (an action, a
`process, etc.): Careful planning facilitates any kind of
`work. 2. to assist the progress of (a person).
`FACILIT(Y) + -Arn‘] —fa-cllIi-ta/tive, adj.
`fa-cilsi-ta-tion (fa sil’i ta’shen), n. 1. the act or pron.
`ess of facilitating. 2. Physiol. the lowering of resistance
`in a neural pathway to an impulse, resulting from previ-
`+ JON
`ous or Jsimultaneous stimulation.
`[1610—20; FACILITATE
`fa-cil-i-ta-tor (fa si]/i til/tor), n. 1. a person or thing
`that facilitates. 2. a person responsible for leading or
`coordinating the work of a group, as one who leadsa
`group discussion: Each committee will meet with its
`[1815—25; FACILITATB + —OR2]
`fa-cil-i-ty (fe sil/i to), n., pl. -ties. 1. Often, facllltles.
`a. something designed, built, installed, etc., to serve a _
`specific function affordin
`a convenience or
`trans ortation facilities; 2 ucational facilities,- a new re—
`search facility. b. something that permits the easier per-1'
`formance of an action, course of conduct, etc.: to provide ,
`someone with eve
`facility for accomplishing diask; to,
`lack facilities for’handling bulk mai. 2. readiness orw
`ease due to skill, aptitude, or practice; dexterity: to com
`pose with great facility. 3. ready compliance: Her facil-,
`ity in organizing and directing made her an excellent su
`pervisor. 4. an easy—flowing manner: facility of style.
`the qualit of bein easil or conveniently done or per-
`. Often, acilit as. Informal. a rest room, esp.
`one for use by the ublic, as in a theater or restaurant.
`7. freedom from di ficulty, controversy, misunderstandé
`ing, etc.: facility of understanding.
`[1375—1425; late M ,
`facilite (< MF) < L facilitas. See FACILE, —ITYl
`fac-ing (fa/sing), n. 1. a covering in front, for 0m?
`ment, protection, etc., as an outer layer of stone on
`brick wall. 2. a lining applied to the edge of a garmel;
`for ornament or strengthening. 3. material turned 9“,
`ward or inward, as a cuff or hem. 4. facings, coverifig
`of a different color applied on the collar, cuffs, or 0'5 8
`parts of a military coat.
`[1350—1400; ME; see FA

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