`Thedictionary entries are based on the First Edition of The Random
`House Dictionary of the English Language
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`Son Limited.
`The “A Dictionary ofthe English Language”section ofthis book (Webster’s Encyclopedic UnabridgedDictionary) is based onthefirst
`edition of The Random House Dictionary ofthe English Language, the Unabridged Edition, copyright © 1983.
`Atlas ofthe Worid, copyright © 1993 by John Bartholomew & Son Limited. Reprinted by arrangementwith John Bartholomew &
`A ManualofStyle, copyright © 1986 by Crown Publishers, Inc. Excerpted andreprinted by arrangement with Crown Publishers, Inc.
`Krevisky, Joseph and Jordan L. Linfield—The BadSpeller’s Dictionary, copyright © 1967, 1963, by Innovation Press. Reprinted by
`Stein, Jess, Ed—Rhyming Dictionary, copyright © 1960 by Random House,Ine. Reprinted by alrangement with Random House;Inc.
`Webster’s Crossword Puzzle Dictionary, 1986 edition, copyright © 1963 by Fawcett Publications, Inc. and copyright © 1964 by
`Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc. Reprinted by arrangement with Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc.
`arrangement with Random House,Inc.
`Copyright © 1989 by dilithium Press, Ltd.
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`This 1989 edition is published by Gramercy Books,a division ofdilithium Press,Ltd., distributed by Outlet Book Company,
`inc., a Random House Company, 40 Engelhard Avenue, Avenel, New Jersey 07001,
`Random House
`New York ¢ Toronto * London « Sydney ¢ Auckland
`‘Printed and boundin the United States of America
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Webster’s encyclopedic unabridged dictionary of the English language.
`I. English language—Dictionaries,
`ISBN 0-517-68781-X
`15 1413 12


`alone, e as in system, 7 as in easily, o as in gallop, w as in circus; 2'ag in. button (but/en), fire (Pr), cradle (krad/*l). See the full key inside the front cover-
`factor analysis
`every facet of the argument. 4. Archit. any of the faces fac/ing ham/mer,
`a hammer for dressing stone
`esence: t0 flee from the face of the enemy. 24. face to
`of a column cut in a polygonal form.
`65. Zool. one of
`or concrete, having a row of teeth at each end of its
`pr e, a. facing one another; opposite: We sat face to
`lenses’ of a com ound arthropod eye.
`head at right angles to the direction of the handle.
`the corneal
`fac ‘at the table,
`b. in contact with; near: face to face
`-—0.t. 6. to cut facets on,
`[< F facetée little face. See fac/ing tool’,
`a lathe tool for smoothing a plane
`ae death.
`¢. in conflict with; to a critical point. 25.
`wir5the face of. See fly! (def. 20). 26. in the face of, FACE, -ET] surface at right angles to the axis of rotation.
`fly ™ site of; notwithstanding: She persevered in the face fa-cete (fosét’),
`facetious; witty. fa-cin-o-rous(fo sin/ar as), adj. Archaic. atrociously
`a. in SP obstacles.
`b. when confronted with: They were
`[< L facét(us), courteous, elegant, witty] —fa-cete/ly, wicked.
`[< L facinords(us) criminal, atrocious, equiv.
`ifmany ‘in the face of disaster. 27. lose face, to suffer
`adv, —~fa-cete/ness, 7.
`to facinor- (s, of facinus bad deed, akin to facere to do)
`steadseryesment, humiliation, or disgrace: IZ was impos- FA-Ce-tLAe (fo s6/shs 6), 7.
`(construed as pi.) 1. + ~dsus -ov8]
`retreat without
`losing face.
`28. make a face
`amusing or witty remarks or writings, 2. coarsely fa-con-ne (fas/a ni’,
`fas’a na’), adj. 1. (of a fabric)
`sible to
`in distaste or contempt; contort one’s face, Witty books,stories, etc.
`having a small and elaborate pattern. —7. 2. a fabric
`[< L, pi. of facétia something
`to scowl, arecovered that he ashegoing along,
`the child
`-Witty. See PACETE, -rA]
`having a faconne pattern or motif. 3. the small and
`When h
`29. on the face of,
`to outward appear- fa-ce-tious (fa se/shas), adj.
`1. not meant
`to be
`elaborate pattern on a faconne fabric.
`[< F faconné,
`made aferficially; seemingly: On the face of it,
`there ken eriously or iterally. 2. amusing; humorous: enteso facgonner to work, FASHION; see -EX]
`was no hope for a comeback.30. put on a bold face,
`serious intent; concerned with that which is non- faemletake cima 18),
`-le-ing, —n. 1
`. characterize
`y a
`ey pive the appearanceof confidenceor assurance: Hvery-.essential, amusing, or frivolous: @ facetious person. fe nai! > Sot Me
`to 8

`an exact copy, as of a book, painting, manuscript, etc.
`one knew thathehadbeetfred, een thoughhe Bulon@ [RACETE. + FoUs:
`-~fa-ee/tious-ly, 2)» method of transmittingdrawings, printed material,
`- ol.
`adv. —fa-ce/tious-ness,
`bold disgraceoF humiliation: ishe tried 10save,faceby —Syn, 2. comical, funny, droll, jocular. See humorous, CiebYPegaOtaeucetelegraph.3. dropout
`ing that she’d
`been ill
`cou n't remember what
`face-to-face (fis/to fas’), adv. 1. in a position with
`facsimile of.
`fac simile make thelike, equiv. to
`sermised. 32. set one’s face against, to disapprove
`the fronts or faces turned toward each other, esp, when L fac Gate.oa Verney + simile, n. use of nous, of
`strongly of; Oppose: The mother set her- face against her
`close together: The two buildings stood face-to-face on
`similis like; see siMILE]
`daughter's engagement. 33. show one’s face, to make
`ihe walkway. tit in a yee involving close faeetog or —Syn. 1. replica, reproduction. 1, 4. duplicate.
`face.TDsuch an ouilandishoutfit, 84. toone’s face, in etBewiththefrontsOFacestardeaeeeoedirest mitting the fransiaitting ar blackeand-white pictures,
`earance; be seen:Iwould be ashamed to show my direct opposition: to sight oul an issue face-to-face. facsim/ile tel/egraph, a telegraphic device per-
`his face Opposition: a face-to-face confrontation of an adversary.
`drawings,and printed material for reproduction at a
`t, 35. tolook toward or inthe directionof: to face the face’ towrel, a smalltowelfor the face.
`face of fact,(fakt), n 1,that which actually oxists; reality;
`. 36,
`toward or per!
`a view of:

`have no basis in fact.
`2. something
`he pbuilding faces 19th street. The bedroom faces ihe park.
`stock, bond, or otherfinancial instrument or document.
`known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is
`“977. to confront directly: to be faced with a problem; toface 2. apparent value: Do not accept promises at face value.
`now a fact. 3, a truth known by actual experienceor
`“future confidently,
`to confront courageously, face’ wall’. See breast wall.
`observation; that which is known to be true: Scientists
`fol. by
`down or out): He
`gather facts to combat idle conjectures and superstitions.
`the fu
`poldly, or impudentty 6
`fa-clal (f5/shol), adj, 1. of the face:
`facial expression.
`f'"ching said to be true or supposed
`to have
`cougly situation. 39. to oppose or tomeet defiantly: to
`cream, —n. 3. a massage A
`happenetile The
`ftom byoil? eensoe afitanly
`always face down his detractors. We must face out
`for the face: a jacial
`face fearful odds. Army faces Navy in today’s football or other
`event or circumstance. as distinguished from its legal
`ame. 40.
`to cover or partly cover with a different beautify the face.
`effect or consequence. Cf.
`question of fact, question
`in front: They faced the old wooden house with ML facialtis). See FACE,
`of law.
`6. after the fact,
`Law. after the commission
`1. to finish the edge of a garment with facing.
`-aul] fa ‘cially, ade.
`of a crime: an accessory after the fact,
`7. before the
`_Uo®, tara the face of(a playing card) upwards, 43. to fa/clal an’gle,
`fact, Law, prior to the commission of a crime: an
`cen the surface of (a stone oF the like). 44, ™om:
`the angle formed Orhognathous
`accessory before the fact.
`im fact, really;
`ress or Smo
`‘9 cause (soldiers) to turn to the right, left, or in the byaline fromnasionto
`In fact, it was @ wonder that anyone came at all.
`[< L
`pposite direction. 45. Ice Hockey. (of a referee) to put Pon ‘vith the plane of the
`something done, deed, n. use of neut. of
`ACD,Facial angle; AB, Axis
`facius done, ptp. of facere to do] —fact/ful, adj.
`the puck) in play by dropping it between two opposing Frankfurt horizontal.
`players each having
`of face; CD, Axis of skull
`fact-find-ing (fakt/fin/difig), adj.
`1. engaged in
`his stick on the ice and facing the gg7eial in/dex
`yoal of the opponent.
`determining facts: a fact-finding committee, mn. 2.
`Be"46, to turnor be turned (often fol. by to or toward): gael: pe ratio thebreadthof & face ° is determination of facts: The fact-finding was obstructed
`She faced toward the sea.
`air of cranial doves.consisting ofSnotor’ fibers.‘that
`by unwilling witnesses.
`to be placed with the
`ront in a certain direction (often fol. by on,
`innervate the styloh: ‘oid.
`the posterior belly of
`the Fac-tice (fak/tis),
`Trademark. n. a rubberlike sub-
`to, OF
`ward): The house faces on the street. The barn faces
`the msclesof the face and ear,
`the lacrimal
`stance produced by vulcanizing vegetable oils with
`uth, 48. to turn to the right, left, or in the opposite
`and sublingual glands,
`sensory fibers
`sulfur or sulfur chloride.
`frection: Left facel 49. Ice Hockey, to face the puck
`that conduct impuises from the anterior two-thirds of fac-tion (fak/shon), m. 1. a group or clique within a
`(often fol. by off). 50. face up to, a. to acknowledge;
`the tongue,
`the soft palate,
`the pharynx, and the
`larger group, party, government, organization, or the
`ae PeMitauptohisprobiems,(ME favelalnewray/gia,Pao. Seeth
`He refused
`face up to
`his problems.
`fa/cial neural/gla, Pathol. See tic douloureux.
`a < VL *facia, r. L facits ractzs]
`-~face/a-ble, (f4/shé end’), n. Math., Obs. operand.
`[< CSfactaOtIttow, equiv.
`L faciend(um)
`thing done (ger. of facere), equiv.
`tO sae.tion-al
`(fak/sho n°l),
`1. of a faction or
`faci- (s. of facere) + -endum ger. suffix]
`atures, Facn, COUNTENANCE, VISAGE refer
`to the frontof the {usually human) head.The race is -tacient,
`a learned borrowing from Latin meaning
`e combination of
`features: a face with
`“spat makes or causes
`(something),” used in the
`al.iam, n.
`tedJustice.Se x0
`bones. COUNTENANCE, a more formal word, denotes the
`face as it is affected by or reveals the state of mind, and sortontCe of jompouns words:Jeorifacient.ty & facetious (fak/shes), adj.
`1. given to faction; dis
`nce often signifies the look or expression on the face:
`faci- (s of facere) + cent: “ENT
`sentious: A factious nobility undermined the
`2. pertaining to or proceeding from faction: factious
`mexpressive countenance, VISAGE, still more formal, £
`Seb Bz!
`fers to the face as seen in a certain aspect, esp. as a-cLes ({5/shé 62’), n., pl, facies.
`1. general ap-
`[< L factios(us) fond of doing, busy, of a
`vealing seriousness or severity: a stern visage.
`pearance, as of an animal or vegetable group. 2.
`company or party, equiv.
`to facti- (see FACTION) +
`pearance, aspect, mien.
`7. exterior.
`facade. Geol.
`the composite nature of sedimentary deposits
`-dsus -ous] —-fac/tious-ly, adv. —fac/tious-ness,7.
`reflecting the conditions and environment of
`their sa¢.ti-tious (fak tish/as), adj, 1. artificial; contrived;
`ce/ bow’ (bd), Dentistry. a device for determining origin.
`3. Med, a facial expression characteristic of not spontaneous or natural: factitious laughter; factitious
`a disease or pathological condition.
`[ME < L: form,
`2. made; manufactured: @ decoration of
`relationship of the maxillae to the mandibular joint.
`ce/ brick’,
`figure, appCarance, face, akin to facere to make]
`factitious flowers and leaves,
`[< L factitius, var. of
`brick for facing
`a wall.
`9 2.4gae-ile (fas/ili. a br cing all. or, esp. Brit., -il), adj. 1. moving, acti cL et
`uantity of such bricks.
`3. a variety
`of such bricks.
`S7il Or, esp.
`-il), adj.
`moving, acting, Yacricius made by art, artificial, See Fact,

`working, proceeding, etc., with
`ease: facile fingers; @
` ~_fge.ti/tious-ly, adv. —-fac-ti/tious-.ness, 1.
`the king, queen, or jack of playing facile mind.
`2. easily done, performed, used, etc.: @ Syn, 1.
`engineered.’ —Ant. 1.
`Jacile victory; a facile method, %. easy or unconstrained,
`genuine, sincere
`ce-cen-tered (fas/sen/tord), adj. Crystall.
`(of a
`as manners or persons;affable, agreeable, or complaisant; fae-ti-tive (fak/ti tiv),
`rystal structure) having lattice points on the faces of
`easily influenced: Facile people are pleasant to be with, but
`to verbs ae, bx oes the 4Riedof Sking: or
`unit cells. Cf. body-centered.
`one tires of their shallowness,
`[late ME < L facilis)
`renlokng in a certain WayanRe nat take 2 direct
`e/ gear’, Mach. a disklike gear having teeth cut
`that can be done, easy, equiv. to factere) (to) do, make
`the face ‘more or less radially and engaging with a + cilis 18] ~“facrile-ly, adv, ~—fac/ile-ness, Teaf
`cating aneaeCotonraeaeruePhen made
`pur or helical pinion the axis of which is at right aaan smooth, flowing,
`fluent; glib, superficial. pin ping,
`f< NL factiiie(us), equiv to factit- (s. of L
`fa. de Eeeavic le’
`Jastitare to do often, practice, declare (someone) to be)
`hammer for therough, droing MettePrinces(vitJepnyagt: Be fs/o 16 is ea) taeven,
`having one flat face and one
`eye; it
`fact’ of life’,
`1. any aspect of human existence oF
`Q-hard-en (fas/hir/d°n),
`to harden the fa-ci-lis de-scen-sus A-ver-no (fa7ki lis
`des ken’-
`“of a human situation that must be confronted of
`ce of (metal), as by chilling or casehardening.
`& wer/nd; Eng. fasfolis di sen/sos
`=o vir/nd),
`regarded as unalterable or presently existing: Old age is
`@1ess (fas/lis), adj.
`1. without a face: a faceless Latin. (the) descent to hell is easy; itis easy to take
`gq fact of life. War is a fact of life in our times, 2. facts
`arition. 2, lacking personal distinction or identity:
`the downward path. Vergil,
`Aeneid, 6:126.
`of life,
`the facts concerning sex,
`reproduction, and
`Geeless mob,
`3, unable to be identified; concealing fa-cilitate (fo sil/i tat/), vt, -tated,
`-tat-ing- birth: fo teach children the facts of life.
`e's identity: a faceless kidnapper.
`[FACE + -LESs]
`to make easier or jess difficult; help. forward (a1 fac-tor (fak/ter), n.
`1. one of the elements contribut-
`e-lift (fis/lift/), n.
`1. See face lifting. —v.t. 2.
`action, a process, etc.): Careful planning facilitales
`“ing to a particular result or situation: Unknown factors
`Perform a face lifting upon.
`fyee)twerk oy assisttheprogress of(person).
`frustrate our desire to make exact predictions. 2. Math.
`e lift/ing, plastic surgery on the face for ele- Uragurgty) tn
`one of two or more numbers, algebraic expression’: or
`HeeSageing tissues and eliminating wrinkles and ga.ejj4d-ta-tion (fo
`the like, which when multiplied together produce a
`signs of age.
`1 (fasil/i ta/shon), 7.
`the act or given product; a divisor: 6 and 3 are factors of 18.
`e” mold /
`process of
`2. Physiol.
`the lowering of
`3. Biol. a gene, allele, or determiner for hereditary
`Idea rola’,
`a drawing or templet for forming a
`resistance in a neural pathway to an impulse, resulting characters.
`4. Biochem. any of certain substances
`“Off Groen the wreath of a stair.
`from previous or simultaneous stimulation.’
`[racrti- necessary to a biochemical or, physiological process,
`th (fis/Ot/, -of/), n.
`tare + -10N]
`esp. those whose exact nature and function are unknown.
`the act of
`Ice Hockey.
`56 of puck, as at the start of a game or period. fa-cili-ty (fo sil/ité), n., pl.
`1. something 5. Com. a business organization that lends money on
`v. phrase face off]
`designed, built, installed, etc., to serve a specific func-
`accounts receivable or buys and collects accounts
`ate (fas/plat/), n. 1. (on a lathe) a perforated tion affording a convenience or service:
`transportation receivable. 6. an agent; a personwho acts or trans-
`pmounted on the live spindle, to which the work is
`facilities. This town needs more educational facilities,
`acts business for another, 7. Chiefly Brit. an agent
`2. Also called face. Electronics.
`the glass 2. the quality of being easily or conveniently done or
`OF salesman entrusted with the possession of
`Sed cathode ray tube upon which the image is performed,
`something that permits
`the easier
`for sale; an agent or merchant earning @ commission
`yeu and having its inner surface coated with performance of an action, course of conduct, etc.:
`by selling goods belonging to others.
`8. a person
`moF nt material
`that glows when excited by a
`10 provide someone with every facility for accomplishing Who or business organization that provides money
`[race + PLATE!]
`@ task.
`4. freedom from difficulty; ease: facility of
`for another’s new business venture; one who finances
`a cosmetic powder used esp. by Understanding.
`|B. Neadiness or ease due to skill, apti-
`another's business.
`Law. Gn some States)
`nen; actors, ete., to give a mat finish to the face.
`tude, or practice; dexterity:
`to compose with great
`2 person charged as a garnishee.
`10, See factor
`€Y (f/sor),
`hich f
`6, an easy-flowing manner: facility of style. of production.
`11. Scot.
`the steward or bailiff of
`«brew u bee ee. SE at which
`7. ready compliance: Her facility
`in cooperating made
`an estate. —~v.t, 12. Math. to express (a mathemat-
`Xpecteq” 2 Plow inthe face. 3. Brit. Informal, an
`her an excellent employee.
`[late Mi facilite <1. facilitas.
`ical quantity) as a product of
`two or more quanti
`CR “ertyor difficulty, dilemma, or defeat.
`gee racium, -1T¥]
`ties of like kind, as 30 = 2-3-5, or 22.
`-— y? = @+¥
`(x — y). Cf, expand (def. 4a).
`[late ME facto(u)r <
`Prestige”offs?savin), ads,
`1. serving to save
`“ment, protection, etc., as an outer layer of stone dif- factorPpae, for Performer. pe poroR]
`facing (f4/sifig), n.
`1. a covering in front, for orna-
`Drestige or djeen: on.
`2 any act that saves
`ferent from that of the rest of a wall. “3 a lining epplied
`tor ship; a ii/i-ty,
`to the edge of a garment
`for ornament or strengt! ening,
`* a
`. fac-tor-age (fak/ter ij), m. 1. the action or business
`(tastit), n., ¥., -eted,
`-et-ing or (esp. Brit.)
`as a cuff or as material turned inward for a
`Surfaces 7. i. one of the small, polished
`facings, coverings of a different color applied on the
`of a factor. 2. the allowance or commission paid to a
`Mentof of a cut gem. 2, a similar surface cut on
`collar, cuffs, or other parts of a militarycoat.
`factor. {racror + -aGE]
`to. gz rock by the action of water, windblown Mil. the act of turning to face in a given direction in fac/tor anal’/ysis,
`the use of one of
`- aspect; phase: They carefully examined response to a command.
`[race + -1nG!]
`several methods for reducing a set of variables to a
`agRONUNCIATION KEY: act, able, dire, Art; ebb, Squal; if,
`Ice; hot, Gver, Order, oil, BOOK, GOze, oUt; up,
`lirge; Chief; sifg; shoe;
`thin, that; zh as in measure.

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