IEEE 100
`The Authoritative Dictionary of
`IEEE Standards Tern1s
`Seventh Edition
`llt'.li'.C 100
`Published by
`Standards Information Network
`IEEE Press
`thorized licensed use limited to· United States Patent and Trademark Office. Downloaded on October 04.2018 al '13:24 27 UTC !rum IEEE Xplore. Restrict,011s .:q-..p


`Trademarkc-i and disclaimerc.
`11:EF hdin'1'S tlii' 111/inmr11i,m in tlii.1 p11hli,·at11111 I.\ wc1111..Uc u1 uf !/_\ 1iuh!i/'/1!J,ll! dote. Sllih in/onnuri,m 11· suhjc1"1
`ft1 ('hirnge wirh,111111,1/.'(·(' /1:)'.E is nut rr·.11!u11.11hlc ;;1, (/11\' in,Nh-1·1"11'!// ,Tr,,rs
`J'h(' lnst/11111' u(Flccl!·l,·,.ri und Fl1·t 111•1,'1,·.1 E11.~·111cc1·f,;g
`t\1' }',,d. NT, /!l(dti-_1() 1),---,. f-'S-1
`3 r'c11! A1'1'!1llt'
`C,i;,rrigh! ,t: 2()()() h1 rhc I 11.1r111111' 11/' F!en1·i1 ,ii ,111d L!(·cr, 111/1 .1 Cng1111_'f.'I s. Inc . .-~ii rtg/Jfs /"/.'S01ed. f'uhlishl'd
`Decc111h,'r ]{}()(/. J'1ii1!e,i i11 rhe l_im11'd Srur1•s oj',-\u1c11<(1
`,\:'r, par! o( 1/ii.1 p11!1lwti1inn nw,r /Je l"l'/J/'fh/11,·cd 111 ill/\' /()r111
`the 1iri,11 111·/111,n 11,'rmissio11 , I 1/ic euhf i.1//0
`in an cle1 /runic rcf!·i,,1·0/ 1·,-_11em nr oth1'1'\\"1.\'i', 1n1!1nur
`T1, orda IEEE P11'SS 1mhli,u11,1n1. 1·,1/! I-SOl!-(;78-JLl:L
`/-'rim. ISBN /1-/3,"i/-2()/!/-2
`ISBN 0-7381-3926-2 SE/27
`S<:'e other st,uilhm!:; anct ~ta111liircb-rL·lated product lisri11gs :11· http //~1a11d:1rd~.iccc".1irg/
`The puhlnlll'r hdic1 c.1 that the 11/f;HliW!ion 1111d '..!llid(/i//'1' ,r.:ll'c11 111 1/11.1 11·ork s1'f'\'/' ,1s ,111 c-11/w1u ['lllt'llf 1,) u.1<'! s.
`u/1 /hlrT/1',\' 11111.l'f l'l'l_r ll/'011 lheil' rn1·11 .1kn'/ ,111.! 11ulgo11,·11t 11"/11'11 1!1<1k111g /1.11' rr/ ii. T/11, /!11h/11-/1er r/u1'S 11,•f il.\'.l'/1111('
`<!II_\' lral1i!tt_1· /(I 1111y,,lic,J;,, ,111y los.\ ,11 d<11110,f.!J' 1·w,.1c,I 1!_1· ,Ill_\' ('/"Iii/" fl/' f!l!//\l·iun 111
`r/11_· wur/.:, 11·ht'fh,0 r .1111'11 c1ror
`or 0JJ/o'.1.1·io11 1.'i th,· 1crnlr "/ lll'P,li::,.'11( c ,11 /Ill\' ufh('/" c11uS1'
`\111· (ll!d ull .11,.-i, !iuln'/111· 1.1 t/11·1 fa:1111,,I
`T/11s work IJ puhlishcd 1rirh 1h1' w1dast1111d1n"<; rl1ur th,• /Fl·F 1s w;111/y111,1.:. 111J,,r111<1!1,,n 1i1,.,,11,_,1t 1!1i.11111/1ii1,,11n11
`no! a//1'/II/Hl!I~ to re11dcr r.'ll,t/lll<'(Til1tf ,,r other 111·,1fc.1.11,•11a! .'ii'/ t·i(·,,s. l(.1uc Ii 1·1·11.·1, cs c1u· l'Cc/tl/r('d. tlil' .1.1si.\lU//t e
`,Jf an 11ppropri,1t1· p10_1;,ssiu11<1! d1ould he sough!, T/111 !!:-LE I.\' 11,i/ 1e.1r1(>t11·ih/e /01 1//1, sl!tr('!?l,'11/S a111! up1111011Y
`11th·a11,·ctl 111 rhis p11h/ic11rion
`thorized licensed use limited to: United States Patent and Trademark Office. Downloc1ded on Oc!olJer 04,2018 <1l ·1 J·24·27 UTC from IEEE Xpiore. Reslnct1ons app1


`island cffecl
`island cf'fcl'I (t'lectro11 tuhcJ Tlie n:~lri,·tl(lll cit the L"lllh,1011
`fn,m !111: ..::ithode tu cc1tain small .11<.'a:-. ol it (1,lan;h) \\·hen
`the• grid vnltil?l' i~ lnw<.'r 1h.111 ;1 ,:c1tai1\ \'alu<.'
`1 S!d ]!l(Ji i,"·11
`islanding ( I l (ulilil_\·-inlerconncth'll slntic pnwl·r conn•rkrsi
`Operatinr1 (\r tbe pol',<'T t·n111·l'l"l<:'r and p,1r1 of 1he utilin: !Pad
`wluk i.,nlatcd from i!ll' rc111;undcr or tli<.' ckdric u1i111~· ,y~·
`(2) (\\indfarm ~cnerating ~tationsl 011tr,1tion 1)1 lll!ll·11tii11:,
`electric gencr'.ltinn ,~qu1prnent. 1ntli 111 11.1111,,ul :1 p1,n1nn 1,( .111
`ekclri,· utili1y s;- ~lern. 1s.obt..::d !n1111 tli<: r,·Jl1l11llik1 nt th,· 11td·
`,.J>E'.::><.i1 111'-l"f.1'1"111
`(31 ,\ ,·011diti"11 in 11hi,·h :t 1'•>Ili<>11 u1· li'L' utilil;> ,:-~1e111 1'1:11
`..:nlllillll'i hoth load :111d di\111lml<"d r,·,,,u1c,·, ienu1ih ,·11,,.1~
`i!iLi.:d \1·hil<'! 1~ub1,:d lr,>m tl1<.' n:rn;ii1tdn of \he utilrl) ,_v.,!l"lll
`,i::,,_1 . .2rn1<1
`(sec_:, 11
`ISM apparatu" {indu~lrial. .'ici1·ntilic. and nwdirnl appa(cid:173)
`rah1~: eleflrom:ig,wtk comp,1tibilit_rl Aprarntu, 111tcndctl
`for gcn,:ratin\: r.idi1>-f're4uc1Ky ,:r1ngy tnr i11du~11 i,il. ,cit'ntitic:
`or 111ed1cal purpll~es. \1'(' 11/sr• ;,:knrnm;1g11i.:l1l· c11111pmib1l1t_1
`I.~.,.!. !7(ll
`d.\: L
`lnttrn~Hional Org:m1zatil'll i'ni Sta11d;udi?.at1011
`ISO 5<'('
`i~ocandcla line {illuminating l'ngint'L·ringJ .·\ 1111,: 11k>1tcd .i1;
`anv apprnpn:tlc set nf C:OlH<hn:ites 11, ,lw\\ din:ct1,>1h m sp:1c.:.-.
`ahout it source of light. in \1hid1 !hL' i111cn,.,ity i., tilt• ,anw. 1\
`.~cTiL·~ nf \t1d1 L'\ll"I L·~. u~uall:, i"ur ..:qu:d 111ue111<;'1lb <1! llllL·n·
`(}:-:1:C/lEI ! l.2hj
`,i1}. i~ L-,dkd ctll i,1).::1ndel:\ d1,tgram
`isotl'raunir map S, ,· 1sohnaurnc rnap
`i~ochronou~ (I) Th:.: 1i1nL' du1:ll·!LT1.,lil· llf an cven1 Pl" ,11.:n;il
`rt'c'urrin.!.'. at hnown. perindi,: 111nt' iJl\('rv:1h
`!l.\\,iC, KX(C .. (1-!(N.l
`{2) A lOllllllllllii..'alHlll .>ll°l'dlll [LlilSp{1rt tl1,ll j, Llllih1nn i111i111t·
`Tilt' deliver~ ul 1l1c Sli'talll nl 111l•1rn1:tt1011 1, ren1r(cid:173)
`ring at rcg11l:1r intc>rv~!I,
`iC/Ud/C0\1 \ K02.9;1- l'.l<,l."iw, ,',r,{J~-'i-10%
`(J) Tht: ,:ssenual clwrnc1t·r1sti.: ,1J ~1 1i11K·-,rnk or ;1 ,;1,;'llal ,ucli
`that the llllk' imen·als bctwel'n um,L·c11r11-c .,i;!mhcu1r Ill·
`~1<1.nces ei!her h;1ve the ~amt.' duralion l.ll' dur;ll1011, 1hat .ire
`i1ncg1,i1 muliiple., of th;,: ~hone.,t du1;111c)ll
`l 3\J.J.-1 lJtJ.~
`~Cii\-1\1 i
`(4) Uniform in time {i.c:: .. ha, ing tqu;d duration 1 :md rcc::urring
`<1t regulai illlerv:ils.
`{C/l'vJ.r>,,J J l \lJ.~;1-2P(XI
`ism.:hronous <"hanncl ,\ rclation~hip between ,, talkf'r ,rnd 1l11c
`or Jl1<11"L' li~teiwr~. idcr1tilicd by ~1 d1ilnnd irnrnhcr Unc p,t1..h:1
`for t'ach ch<1rnwl is senl during each isochr,11wu, c.1ck. <.'htlll·
`nl'I number~ are a.,~ig1wd u~111g 1hc i~nchn111tH1~ r,·~rn1rce
`m~111,1g:t,rnent facilit1e.,
`.;(.'/,\,J\.fJ I J<I-J. I\J\l.'i
`isochron1,11s t~de An npnutin~ mode (,r tilt' bu., thal hcgin~
`ufter a c;rck ~tart i\ ~cnt. and end, 1.1,l1en a ,uhx1io11 ~ap i,
`di.:lt:Cled During :\I\ i~11chro11(>\h L·yck. unly 1~1\ch1,\JH1Lh SU·
`I 2'i
`b:tc::tirnl', ln:t) UCL'UL An 1.,lll'iHl!ll!)IJ', L') ck bt'!cin~ C::\t'I"\
`,C/r>,li\l) L1''·1-l 1_)lJ~
`fU. 011 averatc'c>
`ism:hronou!oi gap ( l) Tl1c per ind ul" idk bu, hdlll"L' !h,· ,t~u1 ,11
`arhi11·~1tio11 l",u .in i~nchw11u1l'i ,11h,ll.:twn
`,. t '/i'l'l:\1 ! I Jli-1-1 '-Jo_;;
`!21 F,w ;in 1,Pchrnno11~ ,ub:wti,111. th,c p,:riod ol itlk bu, 1h.11
`prccedL:~ arhirr,11it1n.
`\('/ivll\11 1~94,1-2U!Jtl
`isochronous Pl'riod ,\ period !!lat bi:!!i11s .ifli:r ..t cvcle ~1;11(
`padet is sent iuH1 t'nds wh,:11
`,uh:1.:11011 .i.':1p 1, dekt !rd
`Durint~ an is:(ichrnnou\ 1wri11rl. (1t1ly is(,chn,miu, .,uh,1L·11(111~
`may lKcur. An 1\od1ronuus p,;riud l"t·pi11~. ,111 <1w:1,1~c:. L"V,:J)
`] 25 /H.
`(('/:\1i\·J i ).\l),1..i.20()1_!
`isochronou~ resourn· m,urnger (I) Thi: 11ude !hit\ COIIU!ll\
`th.: faciliti,> nt.'etkd to man.i~c 1'tKhrnll1H1, l"l'.,1111n·<'~
`parl1c11lar. the isnchronmi-
`re.,mir1..'(· 111:mag,~1 rncludt·, ilw
`BLIS_ i'vlA'\JAGER_JU. HANLlW!l)'l'H_.-\V.-\!LABIJ-: :rnd
`CHANNELS_,\ VAil.ABLE re.1.c1sicrs. 111 add11ion. i1 then.' 1s
`no bu., m:mager on the lnc:11 bu,. rhe 1,oclm1nnu~ re."1urn·
`rn;magn ma) als,\ plTl01m lirllllc-d pm~er !ll,1J1:t(Cl"lll1'lll ;md
`,,;,:Jcc1 ct nudL· !O be llw qck rna~cer.
`(C/MfVll 13')..J..J'J'l:'i
`i~olated \·quipnitnt ground
`the BlrS_\1,\NAGl·:R_JIJ.
`th,t! 1rnpk11ie11b
`l2J ,\ 11<,d,·
`:111d BRO,\DCi\S"LCtL\Nl'.!EL 1c.·µhtc.-r, bomc nf wlllcl1
`/Krrllil the cot1pn;Hi\'t' ,iliPl'alit,n 111 1~ochrnnous n,,nurcc..:~1
`Sub\CcjUClll h> e<1dJ bu~ l'C~l'I, one iwKhl'OIIOU~ n:,mff(T !ll.tll(cid:173)
`,l)!er j, ,L·k.:ted rri,m all nnd,'\ capahk pf !bis fu11nio11
`isod1ronnu~ !>-l'nirc O('lci :\ .~in~k iKll't of da1,1 pa\~~·d iwd1~
`l,('t,1c'L·11 illl' 1.)()/)B l<1yer ciud tht i,s\1clm111q1l'. ~Cf·
`1,1cc Lh<:r il'ol
`(LH/Ci kXll.2.n-1 1JiJ.l
`i~ochr11nf,u~ ~t·rvin' LJ.~er ([St I /'he cn1ny tli,u u~ ... -, th,· 1,u ... ·h-
`1\)Jh'LL, WI', il·,· prnv1ded hv ihc 1)()1.)B Li~TI !I) !1;m~1·t11,(wh(cid:173)
`r,,i1uu, sn\ iL,· ,oc·lc'l, ,11.,·1
`.ti\ ,,,1:11,11\li,.-d ,.,uLhirnH>lh nJJl·
`1L.ivl/C1 1,,r;1J2.(\.J 1N.I
`i:-,od1n111ou~ spt't'd gt1H'rni11~ (gas turhinesl Governing IVilh
`,tc:ady-,1~1tc \jlc:c,i ri.:gul.11i,n1 of v.;~,:mictlly 1.~·1u JJ1.t);'11i1udl'.
`(PbT-:DP(i1 1'.il. 2S..'.-1%Sw
`iso,:hrlllHIII~ suh.-irtion (1) :\ co111pk1c link bycr opcrat1u111:11~
`h111,11i1111 ;md 1~1K·l!r,111ou~ p:1..:kl'l,1 that 1, sent ,mly durill!:' ,Ill
`(C/\-L\!1 1_:;9.1.1,J(J:i
`isolLilrn11nu~ J't·11,1d.
`12J \Vi1h111
`,:ililL't J L'(111cll,·n:llc:d
`,ct 01 :1 p:Khl·t ,IIHI the .>!ap 1h;u prn.:eJnl 1t
`I yq.i·2(/(lll
`bun,n modi: ll'..llllt'fa luhl·S) ,'\ lnw·rlOi.,i.: J"l'tlll'll-i1L'c1111 rru1dc>
`ot nper'.\11(111 urll1zin.~ Olli) hack-~cinerct! elecl1<1Jh trnm the
`t;u'c!<":I tu d,~riv,· Ill<! ,i.e11cil, with dw beam electron~ .,pc(·ul:;rl')
`re!lt'L't<:d b_\· !he d..::ctws(al1l· lkld near th,: raq,ct hL·i11g .>:t'p:1~
`r,ited ;rnd l"l'jt.'Ctcd S,,. ,rls,, L'<l!llera tube
`11::Dl 1-1-~ I
`i"ol•lel'lrk point;'\ rnndition 11f 11L'l electrii.· ni:ut1alit_1' of a col(cid:173)
`ll•id. ,ntli n:.\pl'.l t Ill its ',tll'Juuwling mnliu111. Sn' 11/,(' J(lll
`iEEC/PI:1 jJ I\JJ
`isokernunil' kYd (light11ing) Tile Jvcr.11:l· ,mnual numh•.:r 111
`thunder·:,hlrlll da:,.,. SI",' ,,/,11
`,lilLTt-~lr"i,k,: µ1(JI\.Tllilll
`("f&D/PE1 11n1
`isokenmnk linl·~ l..irsc'~ 1,n a rn,q, c.in11e(. 11ll!:' poinH h,inn.c>. tlw
`,,111K J..,:r;umil' lnt·I
`i Sl 'B/\'t') l/'/X- ]'!'J(1
`i"nkl'ratmi1· map .'\ nup ,hu\\'i11g c>qu,d il'\·els llf 1hu11derstonn
`ildl\Jh L.,u:111\ ,howtl in llll~llll .1n11u:tl chtv., oi thund,~r,Turin
`~1l·ti\·i11 S1,r.1m·111· 1v1ci.:r.iunic nwp .. \,,, ,!ls,, J..ern1m1C kl'el
`(T&!J/1'1·> 751-199ll
`i,olah•d (.-\I Ph_\ .,iL-all_v ,,epar·:ncd. ckc::tricdly and rnccha111,·ally,
`fnm1 ;tll ,mirL·e, nl ck.:irici! ,:m:rg;,. Sttcil ~i.:p;Jr;1tiu11111,ty 1101
`d111111wtc the: dli:~·b u! deurical iutluctioJJ. (BJ _'\nt l"L':td11\
`:ll"Lt'\~I hk !t) p,·1 ~1J1Js un le.,., -'l'\'Cial nwun~ for a(\_'t''~ arc u~etl.
`( PE/U\.D/1,\/NESC/lT) .~ I h- I 9S7, 52-'l- i 992, ]( i!J9U.
`45X-l 1.!90. )X6j .. i6S-Jl/i'7. ("2.2-1960. C2-l~)t)7
`isolatl.'d htrnding nel\1ork IIB:\:l (Al A h"ndin[! nclw<ll"k llw!
`11.h :i si11\•k point or' u\111wctt011 l,i11Fle-pnint g1uu11d11,1 ,:j.
`lhn !Ill' comn11111 hl•IHlin;, nelwmk ICH'.'-Jl or am,lher 1.\ol.11L'd
`h1,11d111g 11c1w1)rk IHI Typtc:illy ;t ~y,tem~k\cl gr,1undin1:i !O·
`polo~y ll.\ed h\ the 011gin,d (:quipm,;nt m;inuf'ctc!Ur,:r 10EJ\1)
`lo d..:,..:n~it11L: 1b equip111c:n1 111 su~pi.:...:1cd ,_ar J..w.,w11 ~i\c.· L·11-
`11nl!!mi.:11t.ll 1~suc., sudi as Jn.,wer lau!t ;md ~urge. lit!l1111i11.l'
`:111d !!l'llll1Hlinf1 pn!e11t1:tl f'lst' Th\' 18:\ n'tJUir<', lk· ti~<' or ;1
`,111gk-p<•!IH l'Ullllt:Cl](JJl l,1c:itin11 (;d.~I) k111ll\ll i111he !dL'pl!Ulit'
`tll(lu~tr\' :\s .1 .:..•1n11n,/ "111du11 11<1 1J11nJa..:i.: IIK 1-i.:q pfllii.: build·
`II\~' lllt'l:1ll1L·, 11)1,· Cl\i\', .\',,11 Th1;' 11'1'.'-J n1;1\ :d.,,, lw klH\\<-11
`i11 1lw puhliL· tt·lcph,111~· 11e1,,·orh ;.i, ,111 1.1,,/ .. 111:,/ ~round /J/,1/Jr·
`1JA/T1Sl.::J 11()().jU<JI)
`i.,olaled ln t'lt',alion Eln;ll<'d .,u!'huenil: ~(' \hat pe1,01b lll;l)'
`(NESCi c·2-1q,17
`ql"i:ly 1,:ilk u11tk111c:itl1.
`i,olalnl {'.ipacilor hank ,\ cap,Ki!n1 h:1111,. tha1 !\ JWI in par;1lkl
`\1i111,11h,·1 c,tp;tL'itnr t1,1rik..~
`1T&I.J/PEJ 1n_;(i.J(J•J.2
`i\olatf'd eondudor lignorpd eundudor/ In ,1 inultipk ,·nndu,·.
`1(11 \yStclll, ~I umdt!l"IPr e1thc·1 :,Cn\,~Jbk nr ill,l(c.'l''i~l1'k. !lit'
`char~i: nt 1,hi,J1 1, llUl d1:111,•,ed :111d ro \\hicl1 1Hi L·orn1ecliPn
`I,, Jllitd,: in lhL' UJllfV' Ill clw dl'!l'!"lllllLtli(lll nt ,111y OIH.: ul" 111,,
`l':1paci1.incL'' !1/ the 1~'rn:11111ng l'ulldtK·1or, o! tlw .,y.,km
`1S1dl(J(J) ":!.'j(l.jl.J(i("I
`i~ulatcd equipment ground A11 1,nl;ikd ~·qn1pmen( gn1undi11g
`... ·,i11Jul"to1 ru11~ in the ~;lflh' conduit nr r:1u:>w,1:,· :t\ the ,uppl_1
`rJ1i., c"nduct01 1~
`i11,ul:.11ed 1rom the mctalliL
`thor1zed licensed use llt1lited 10: United Slates Patent and Trademark Office Downioarled on Octobr;r 04.2018 al 13 24 27 UTC from IEEE Xp!ore Res!rict1or1s <J[JP

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