`- - - - -----
`Copyright © 1977 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`Philippines Copyright 1977 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster's new collegiate dictionary.
`Editions for l 898-1948 have title: Webster's collegiate dictionary.
`I. English language-Dictionaries.
`PE1628.W4M4 1977
`ISBN 0-87779-348-4
`ISBN 0-87779-349-2 (indexed)
`ISBN 0-87779-350-6 (deluxe)
`Previouseditions copyright© 1973, 1974. 1975, 1976 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`Previouseditions Philippines Copyright 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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`Isa-la• \-.is\ n (LL, fr. Gk Esaias. fr. Heb Y.!sha'ay6hU]:
`ia.al-lo•bar \(')I· sa.1-.i-.bar\ n [ISV is- + al/- + -bar (as in isobar)/
`: an imaginary line or a line on a chart connecting the places o
`equal change of atmospheric pr~sure within a specified time -
`is-al,lo,bar-ic \,i-,sa1-.)-'biir-ik, ·'bar-\ ad}
`la,ba \iz-'bii\ n [Russ izba 1 : a Russian log hut
`ISBN abbr International Standard Book Number
`ISC abbr 1 Intemational Space Congress 2 lntemational Student
`Conference 3 interstate commerce
`lsch,emia \is·'kC-mC-.i\ n [NL ischaemia, fr. ischaemus styptic, fr.
`Ok ischaimos. fr, ischein to restrain + haima blood; akin to Gk
`echeb1 to hold - more at SCHEME]: localized tissue anemia due to
`obstruction of the inflow or arterial blood -
`isch,emlc \·mik\ adj
`la-chi-um \'is-ke-:>m'\ n. pl is,chia \·.i'\ [L, hip joint, fr. Gk JSCh,Dn]
`: the dorsal and posterior of the three principal bones composing
`tither haJf of the pelvis -
`is,chi-al \-:,!'\ adj
`-ise '\,lz'\ vb sufft.X, cliiefl>: Bri~ : ·IZE
`ls-en-tro,pic '\,is->n-'trO-p1k, -'trii.p-ik\ adj: of or relating to equal
`or constant entropy; esp : taking place without change of entropy
`<an ,._ expansion> -
`us-en,tro,pl-cal-ly VtrO-pi-k(a-)lC, -'trii.p-1-'\
`lseult \is-'illt, iz-\ n roF !soft, Iseut}: 1sot.DE
`·ish \ish\ adj sufflX {ME, fr. OE •isc: akin to OHO -isc, -ish, Gk
`-iskos. dim. suffix] 1 : of, relating to. or being -
`chiefly in
`adjectives indicating nationality or ethnic g_roup <.Finnish> 2 a
`: characteristic of <boyish> <mulish> b (l): having a t<;iuch or
`trace of <summerish>: somewhat <purplish> (2) : haVlng the
`approximate age of < forty.ish> (3) : being or occurring at the
`approximate time of <eight ish>
`!sh-ma.el \'ish-mf-.il'\ n [Heb Yishmd'e'/] 1 : the outcast son of
`Abraham and Hagar according to the account in Genesis 2 : a
`social outcast
`lsh-ma.el•lte \-a-,lit\ n 1: a descendant of Ishmael 2: ISHMAEL
`2 -
`lsh-ma-el,it-lsh \·JH-ish\ ad:f -
`lsh-ma,el-it-ism \-Jit-jz.
`=\ n
`is\n.glaas '\'iz-~-,glas, 'i-rir)-\ n [prob. by folk etymology fr. obs.
`D huizenblas. fr. MD huushlase, fr. huus sturgeon + blase bladder]
`1 : a semitransparent whitish very pure gelatin prepared from the
`air bladders of lishes <as sturgeons) and used esp. as a clarifying
`agent and in jellies and glue 2 : MICA
`Isla \'i-s:.s\ n [L fad-, /sis, fr. Gk, fr. Egypt Jst] : an Egyptian
`nature goddess and wife of Osiris
`isl abbr island
`la-lam '\is-'liim, iz•, -'lam, 'is-,. 'iz-,\ n [Ar is/Om submission (to the
`w111 or God)] 1 : the religious faith ol Muslims including belief in
`Allah as the sole deity and in Muhammad as his prophet 2 a
`: the eivilimtion erected upon lslamic faith b : the. group of
`modern nations in which Islam 1s the dommant religion -
`lam-le \is-'!iim-ik, iz-, -'lam·\ adj- h,.tam,ics \-iks\ n pl but sing
`or pl in constr
`la-lam•lsm \is-'Jiif'n.,iz-.irn. iz-'lli.m-, ·'lam-; 'iz-1.im-\ n : the faith,
`doctrine, or cause of Islam -
`ls,lam,ist \-::,st\ n
`la-lam-lze \'iz-la-.miz; is-'llim.,iz, iz.'lli.m-, -'Jam-\ vt -lzed: -iz-ing
`: _10 make, I_sJamic; . esp .. ; to c_on-.:~rt to Islam -
`\.iz·l~m:.- za-sh.in; is-Jam-;.., 1z-Jam-, -Jam·\ n
`lis-land \'i•bnd'\ n {alter. of earlier iland, fr. ME, fr. OE igland;
`akin to ON eyland island; both fr. a prehistoric NGmc-WGmc
`compound whose first constituent is represented by OE ig island
`(akin to OE ea river, L aqua water) and whose second constituent
`is represented by OE land] 1 : a tract of land surrounded by
`water and smaller than a continent 2 : something resembling an
`island esp. in its isolated or surrounded position 3 s : SAFETY
`ISLAND b: SAFETY ZONE 4: a superstructure on the deck of a ship
`(as an aircraft carrier) 6 : an isolated group or area; esp : an
`isolated ethnological grnup
`2Jsland Yt 1 s : to make Into or as if in•o an island b: to dot
`with or as if with islands 2 : ISOLATE
`ls-land.er '\'i·l.in-d.ir\ n : a native or inhabitant of an island
`island universe n : a galaxy other than the Milky Way
`lisle \'i(:i)I'\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L insu/a]: ISLAND, esp: a small
`Zisle vr isled; isl-ing 1: to make an isle of 2: to place on or as
`if on an isle
`is-let \'i-1:;it\ n : a little island
`islet of Lang.er,hans \-'llii]-::<r-,hinz, •,hiin(t)s\ [Paul Langerhans
`tI888 G physician}: any of the groups of small slightly granular
`endocrine cells that form anastomosing trabeculae among the
`tubules and alveoli of the pancreas and secrete insulin
`ism \'iz-:;im\ n [-ism~· a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory
`-Ism \,iz-::im\ n suffu ME -isme. fr. MF & L; MF, partly fr. L -isma
`(fr. Gk) & partly fr.
`-ismus. fr. Gk -ismos: Gk -isma & ·ismos,
`fr. verbs in -ftein -ize] 1 a: act : practice: process <criticism>
`<plagiarism> b: manner of action or behavior characteristic of
`a {specifiedJ person or thing <animalism> 2 a
`: state : con(cid:173)
`: property <barbarianism> b
`: abnom1al
`state or
`condition resulting from excess ofa (spccilied) thing <alcoholism>
`or marked by resemblance to (such) a person or thing <mongol·
`ism> 3 a
`: doctrine
`: theory
`: cult <Buddhism> b
`: ad(cid:173)
`herence to a system or a class of principles <stoic1Sm> 4
`: characteristic or peculiar feature or trait <colloquialism>
`isn't \'iz->nt\ : is not
`iso,ag,glu-tl,na,tion '\'1-(,)so-:.-,gliit·~-'li-sh:m\ n : agglutination
`ofan agglutinogen of one individual by the serum of another of the
`same species -
`iso-ag.glu.ti-na-tive \-'gli.it->n-,at-iv\ adj
`iso-ag,glu,ti,nln \.I-(,)sO-:.-'~iit-•n-.in\ n : an agglutinin specilic
`for the cells of another individual of the same species
`iso-ag-gl1.1-tln,o,9en '\'1-(,)so-,ag-lii-'tin-a-j.in'\ n : a substance ca(cid:173)
`pable of provokmg formation of or reacting_ with an isoagglutinin
`iso-aUox-a,zine \,l-(,)so-~·1ak-s>.zCn\ n [iso- + a/lantoic +
`oxalic + azine] : a yellow solid C 10H6N401 that is the parent
`compound of various flavins (as riboflavin)
`iso-an•ti-body \,i-C.ho-'ant·i-,biid-e\ n : an antibody against an
`antigen present in some members of a species that is produced by
`a member of the species lacking that antigen
`,, a•<
`• abut
`" loo,
`j joke
`Isaias •
`iso,an.ti.gen Vant-i-j:,n\ "[ISV]: an antigen capable of inducin_g
`the production of an 1soantibody -
`iso•an•ti,gen•lC \"f-{,)sO-.ant·I·
`'jen-ik\ adj -
`iso•an,ti-ge,niC·i•ty '\-fa-'nis-.it-C\ n
`iso,bar \'i-s:.-,biir\ n [ISV is- + -bar (fr. Gk boros weight); akin to
`Gk barys heavy - more at GRIEVE] 1 : an imaginary line or a line
`on a map or chart connecting or marking places on the surface of
`the earth where the height of' the barometer reduced to sea level is
`the same either at a given lime or for a certain period 2 : one of
`two or more atoms or elements having the same atomic weights or
`mass numbers but di!Terent atomic numbers -
`l&O·b&r•IC \,i-s:>(cid:173)
`'biir-ik, -'bar-\ adj
`iso,bu-tyl-ene \,i-sO-'byi.iPl...en\ n [ISV} : a gaseous butylene
`c.H1 used esp. in making butyl rubber and &asoline components
`iso,chro-mat.ic \,i-s:,..krO-"mat-ik'\ adj : ORTHOCHROMATlC
`iso-chron \'i-s>,krall\ or iao,chrone \-.krOn'\ n [JSV is- + -chron
`(fr. Ok chronos time)]: a line on a chart connecting points at which
`an event occurs simultaneously or which represents the same time
`or time dilTerencc
`lso-chro-nal '\i-'sak-r,n-•1,,i-s>'krOn·'\ adj[Gk isochronos. fr. is-.+
`: uniform m
`: having equal duration
`iSO·Chro,nal-ly \-~1-e\ adv -
`: recurring at regular intervals -
`iso,chro,nism \i-'sii.k-r::i-,niz-.im, ,i-s:i-'krO•'\ n
`,i·s:>-'krO-\ adj [Ok
`: 1socHRONAL -
`iso-chro,nous-ly adv
`11so,cli-na_l \,i-s~'kl!n·•l_\ adj [I~V]: r.elating to, having, or indicat(cid:173)
`1so-ell-nal.ly \-•t-e'\ adv
`ing ~uahty of mchnat1on or dip -
`2isochnel n : 1soc1.1N1C LlNE
`lso-cline '\'i·s:>-,klin\ n: an anticline or syncline so closely folded
`that the rock beds of the two sides have the same dip
`iso,clin,ic \,1-s:.-'klin-ik\ adj [ISV] : !SOCLINAL- iso.elln,i,cal-ly
`\-'kJin-i-kfa-)le\ adv
`lsoclinic line n : a line on a ma_p or chart joining points on the
`earth's surface at which a magnetic need.le has the same inclination
`to the plumb line
`iso,cy,a.nate \,i-SO-'sI-a-.nat, -nat\ n [ISV] : a salt or ester or
`isomeric cyanic acid HNCO used esp. 1n plastics and adhesives
`iso-ey.cllc \-'sI-klik, •'sik-lik\ adj [ISV} : having or being a ring
`composed of atoms of only one element; esp : CARBOCYCLIC
`lso•dl·&•met-ric \-.di->'me-trik\ adj [ISV] : having equal diame(cid:173)
`ters<- cells of plant parenchymatous tissue>
`tso-dose \'l·s:.-.dOS\ adj [ISV]: of or relating to points or zones m
`a medium that receive equal doses of radiation
`lso,dy.nam•lc \,I-so-di-'nam-ik\ adj [ISV] 1 : of or relating to
`equality or uniformity of force 2: connecting points at which the
`magnetic intensity is the same <- line>
`lso-elec•tric \,i-sO-i-'lek-trik\ adj [ISVJ 1: having or representing
`z.ero di!Terence of electric potentia1 2 ; being the pH at which the
`electrolyte will not migrate in an electrical lield <the ..., point of a
`lso-elec-tron.ic \-i-Jek-'trlin-ik'\ adj [ISV1 : having the same
`number of electrons or valency electrons -
`\-1-k(.i-)li'!\ odv
`lso-•n-zy.mat-ic \"f-sO(cid:173)
`lso,en,zyme \-'en·.zim\ n : 1sozYME -
`.en·:z>"mal-ik, -zi-'\ adj -
`iso-en-zy.mic '\·en-'zI-mik\ adj
`lao-ga.mete \,i-sO-ga-'mct, -'gam-.et'\ n [JSV] : a gamete indistin·
`guishabk in form or size or behavior from another gamete with
`which it can unite to fom1 a zygote -
`lso-ga,met-ic '\-ga-'met-ik\
`lsog,a-mous \i•'siig-:.-m.is\ adj [prob. fr. (assumed) NL isagamus,
`fr. is- + -gamus -gamous] : having or involving isogametes -
`lsog.a,my \-mC'\ n
`iso.ge.ne,ic \.l•sO-ja-'nC-ik\ adj Us· + -geneic (as in syngeneic)}
`: SVNGENE!C <an - graft>
`iso-gen-ic \.'jen-ik\ adj Lis· + gene + -icj : charac1erized by
`essentially identical genes <identical twins are ->
`iso,gloss \'i-s>,gliis. -,g16s\ n [!SY is- + Gk gltissa language: -
`more at GLOSS] 1 : a boundary line between places or regions that
`differ in a particular linguistic feature 2 : a line on a map
`representing an isoiloss -
`iso,gloss,al \,l•sa-'gliis-al, ·'glO-s.il\ adj
`tiso-gon-lc \,i-s>'gin-ik\ or iso-go.nal \i-'sii.g-;in-•J. ,i-sa-'glln-\ adj
`nsv is- + Gk g6nia angle - more at .GON] : of, relating to, or
`having equal angles
`2isogonic or iso_aonal n : 1SOGON1c LINE
`lisogony, fr, is- + -gony)
`; exhibiting equivalent
`lisogonic adj
`relative growth of parts such that size relations remain constant -
`isog-o-ny \i-'siig-a-ne\ n
`iaoi,onlc line n : an imaginary line or a line on a map joining
`pomts on the earth's surface at which the magnetic decimation is
`the same
`iso,oram \'i-s:.-,gram\ n : a line on a map or chart along which
`there is a constant value (as of temperature, pressure, or rainfall)
`iso-hel \'i-sO-,hel\ n [is- + Gk hmos sun - more at SOLAR}: a line
`drawn on a map or chart connecting plac.es of equal duration of
`lso-he,mol.y.sis \,i-sO-hi-"mii.1-:>-s:>S\ n [NL] : lysis of 1he red
`blood cells of one individual by antibodies in the serum of another
`of the same species
`isO•hy.et \,i-sO-'hi-:,t\ n [JSV is. + Ok hyetos rain - more at
`ttYET.]: a line on a map or chart connecting areas of equal rainfall
`iso,hy-et,al \-.it-.il\ adj
`iso-la.ble '\'i-s>l:>-b~l alro 'is-:,..'\ also lso,lat,able \·Jat-:.-b.iJ\ adj
`: ca_pab!e of being isolated
`1isO·late \'i-s>Jlit also 'is-:,..\ vt -lat-ed:-lat-ing [back-formation fr.
`isolated set apart, fr. F isoli, fr. It isolato, fr. isola island, fr. L
`insufa/ 1 ; to set apart from others; also : QUARANTINE 2 : to
`select rom among others; r?sp: to separate from another substance
`<h chin
`1J smg
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`0 liaw
`Oi coin
`Ii cot, cart
`I life
`th this
`th thin
`"' vision
`a back
`i bake
`• kitten " further
`• less • ''" • ,m
`y '" yil ''" ,, furious
`' roo,