WO 2004/047421
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`Exhibit 1009
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`Exhibit 1009
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`WO 2004/047421
`Exhibit 1009
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`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`I IIIII IIIIIIII II IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll 1111111111111111111
`(43) International Publication Date
`2 December 2004 (02.12.2004)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2004/103772 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification 7:
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`18 May 2004 (18.05.2004)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`19 May 2003 (19.05.2003) US
`26 November 2003 (26.11.2003) US
`25 March 2004 (25.03.2004) US
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): DON(cid:173)
`NELLY CORPORATION [US/US]; 414 East Fortieth
`Street, Holland, Michigan 49423 (US).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): UKEN, John, T.
`[US/US]; 7730 Steele Avenue, Jenison, Michigan 49428
`(US). KARNER, Lee [US/US]; 2974 N. 168th, Holland,
`Michigan 49424 (US). HOOK, Richard, R. [US/US];
`7035 Michael Drive, Hudsonville, Michigan 49426 (US).
`LYNAM, Niall, R. [US/US]; 248 Foxdown, Holland,
`Michigan 49424 (US).
`(74) Agent:
`Charlevoix Drive, SE, Suite 207, P.O. Box 888695,
`Grand Rapids, Michigan 49588-8695 (US).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, Nl, NO, NZ, OM, PG,
`TN, TR, TT, TZ, lJA, lJG, US. UZ, VC, VN, YlJ, ZA, ZM,
`(84) Designated States (unless othen•vise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, lv1W, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
`[ Continued on next page J
`- --
`~ (57) Abstract: An interior rearview mirror assembly (10) for a vehicle includes a reflective element assembly portion (13) and at
`least one cap portion (16) adapted to attach to the reflective element assembly portion. The reflective element assembly portion
`includes a reflective element (14). The reflective element assembly portion comprises a first molding that encompasses at least a
`M perimeter portion of the reflective element. The first molding is formed by molding a first resinous material having a tool shrinkage
`O factor equal to or greater than about 1 %. The cap portion comprises at least one second molding formed by molding a second resinous
`> material having a tool shrinkage factor of less than or equal to about 1 %. The cap portion preferably includes internal structure for
`;;;,-,-- supporting at least one accessory.
`Exhibit 1009
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`WO 2004/103772 A2
`I IIIII IIIIIIII II IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll 1111111111111111111
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted
`a patent (Rule 4. l 7(ii) j for Lhe following designations AE,
`AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ.
`CA, CH, CN, CO. CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK. DM. DZ, EC, EE,
`EG, ES, FI. GB, GD, GE, GH, GM. HR, HU, JD, IL, IN, JS,
`JP, KJ<:, KG, KP, KR, KZ. LC, LK, LR, LS, L1; LU, LV, MA,
`MD, MC, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NJ, NO, NZ, OM,
`PG, PH. PL, PT, RO. RU, SC, SD, SE, SG. SK. SL, SY. TJ,
`TM, TN, TR. TT, TZ, UA, VG, UZ, VC, VN. YU. ZA, ZM,
`ZW, AR/PO patent (BW; GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA,
`SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG. ZM, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ,
`BY. KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ. TM). European patent (AT, BE,
`BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR), OAP/ patent
`(BF, BJ. CF, CG, CJ, CM. GA, GN, GQ, GW. ML, MR, NE,
`SN, TD, TG)
`as to the applicants entitlement to claim the priority of the
`earlier application ( Rule 4.l 7(iii)) for all designations
`as to the applicants entitlement to claim the priority of the
`earlier application ( Rule 4.17( iii)) for all designations
`as to the applicant's entitlement to claim the priority of the
`earlier application ( Rule 4.17( iii)) for all designations
`of inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv))for US only
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`Exhibit 1009
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`WO 2004/103772
`The present application claims benefit of U.S. provisional applications, Ser. No.
`60/471,546, filed May 19, 2003 (Attorney Docket DONOl P-1093); Ser. No. 60/525,537,
`filed Nov. 26, 2003 (Attorney Docket DONOl P-1129); and Ser. No. 60/556,259, filed Mar.
`25, 2004 (Attorney Docket DONOl P-1147), which are hereby incorporated herein by
`reference in their entireties.
`The present invention relates generally to the field of interior rearview mirror
`assemblies for vehicles and, more particularly, to interior rearview mirror assemblies which
`incorporate an accessory or feature, particularly an electronic accessory or feature.
`The base level mirror for a vehicle is often a prismatic mirror assembly, which may
`provide a low cost mirror for the vehicle. The mirror assembly is often economically
`assembled by snapping or inserting the toggle assembly and prismatic reflective element into
`the casing at the front or bezel portion of the mirror casing substantially immediately after the
`casing (which may be formed of a hot molded polypropylene or the like) is formed and while
`the casing is still hot and pliable. As the casing cools, it shrinks to secure the reflective
`element in place in the casing. Because the reflective element is inserted into the casing
`20 while the casing is hot (such as after being freshly molded), the timing for the insertion
`process may be limited. Thus, it may be difficult to install or insert other accessories or
`components into the casing before the casing cools and shrinks.
`It is often desirable to provide an electronic feature in the mirror assembly, such as a
`compass sensor and/or compass display, a tire pressure monitoring system and/or display
`and/or the like. In order to facilitate the addition of accessories or other components in the
`mirror assembly, the mirror assembly may typically have a casing and a separate bezel
`portion, which allows the accessory or accessories or the like to be installed into the casing
`(via its front opening) after it has cooled, and then allows the reflective element and bezel
`portion to be installed at the front portion of the casing. The bezel portion may be snapped to
`the casing or may be otherwise attached to the casing via sonic welding or the like to secure
`the bezel portion to the casing and to secure the components or accessories and the reflective
`Exhibit 1009
`Page 0703


`WO 2004/103772
`element at or within the mirror casing. Although practical, this involves a less economical
`two-part, non-unitary casing and bezel design.
`It is typically preferred to have the unitarily formed casing and bezel portion so that
`the reflective element is inserted into the casing while the casing is hot and pliable. However,
`it is also desirable to provide additional features or functions to the mirror assembly.
`Therefore, there is a need in the art for an improved mirror assembly which overcomes the
`shortcomings of the prior art.
`The present invention provides an interior rearview mirror assembly which has one or
`1 o more cap portions which attach or secure to a rear portion of a mirror holder. The mirror
`holder comprises part of a reflective element assembly portion comprising a mirror reflective
`element and a bezel portion or the like that preferably encompasses at least a perimeter
`portion of the reflective element, thereby at least partially securing the reflective element in
`the reflective element assembly portion. The cap portion or portions may include one or
`15 more electronic accessories or circuitry to provide additional features or functions to the
`mirror assembly. The additional features or functions may thus be back-loaded into the
`mirror holder after the mirror holder is formed and after the reflective element is attached at
`the bezel portion or front portion of the mirror holder.
`According to an aspect of the present invention, an interior rearview mirror assembly
`for a vehicle comprises a mirror holder having a front portion and a rear portion, a reflective
`element positioned at the front portion of the mirror holder and received at least partially
`within the front portion of the mirror holder, and at least one cap portion. The rear portion of
`the mirror holder has at least one opening therethrough and the at least one cap portion is
`attachable to the rear portion of the mirror holder generally at the at least one opening. The at
`least one cap portion includes circuitry for at least one accessory. The at least one cap
`portion provides a rear cover for the mirror holder generally over the at least one opening.
`According to another aspect of the present invention, a method of manufacturing an
`interior rearview mirror assembly portion includes forming a first molding by injection
`molding a first resinous material in a mold. The first resinous material has a tool shrinkage
`factor of at least approximately 1 %. The first molding is at an elevated temperature when the
`first molding is removed from the mold. A reflective element is provided and positioned at
`the first molding before the first molding has cooled to approximately ambient temperature.
`The first molding at least partially encompasses a perimeter portion of the reflective element
`to form a reflective element assembly portion. The first molding is allowed to cool and
`Exhibit 1009
`Page 0704


`WO 2004/103772
`shrink to retain the reflective element at the first molding. A cap portion comprises a second
`resinous material, which has a tool shrinkage factor of at less than or equal to approximately
`1 %. The cap portion includes at least one accessory. The cap portion is attached to the
`reflective element assembly portion after the first molding has cooled and shrunk. The cap
`portion is attached to the reflective element assembly portion such that the accessory is at
`least partially within the mirror assembly.
`The accessory may comprise a compass sensor and/or display, a tire pressure
`monitoring system receiver/control circuitry and/or display, an antenna, a garage door opener,
`or any other accessory and/or accessory display and associated circuitry. For example, the
`1 O
`circuitry may comprise compass display circuitry and the reflective element may have at least
`one port or icon or character etched or otherwise formed thereon, and preferably with an
`element of the circuitry aligned with / juxtaposed with the at least one port or icon or
`character etched or otherwise formed on the reflective element. The display circuitry may
`include at least one illumination source or lighting element for projecting illumination
`through a corresponding or appropriate port or icon or character on the mirror reflective
`The cap portion or portions may be detachably attached to the mirror holder or first
`molding or bezel portion, such as via accessible detents or snaps or the like, and may be
`detachably removable from the mirror holder or first molding or bezel portion for service or
`replacement. However, the cap portion may alternatively be non-detachably attached, such
`as by adhesive attachment or by heat staking or by ultrasonic welding or the like.
`Therefore, the present invention provides an interior rearview mirror assembly which
`may include one or more electronic accessories or features. The accessory or feature may be
`installed at the rear portion of the mirror holder or bezel portion opposite the reflective
`element, and may be installed after the reflective element is inserted into the freshly molded
`or hot mirror holder or bezel portion and after the mirror holder has cooled and shrunk to
`secure the reflective element. Preferably, the accessory or feature may be mounted or
`positioned at, within or on one or more cap portions (preferably also with any associated
`wiring, interconnects and/or connectors and the like) which may be secured to the rear
`portion of the mirror holder and which may form a rear wall or surface of the mirror holder.
`The cap portion may be snapped to or attached to the mirror holder (which has the reflective
`element already inserted/installed therein) after the mirror holder has cooled, such that the
`assembly may be completed at a facility or assembly line that is remote from the facility or
`line at which the reflective element and mirror holder are assembled together. The present
`Exhibit 1009
`Page 0705


`WO 2004/103772
`invention thus facilitates the addition of an electronic accessory or feature into a low cost
`mirror assembly with minimal additional investment to add the accessory or feature. The
`present invention may thus easily accommodate various features which may be selected by a
`These and other objects, advantages, purposes and features of the present invention
`will become apparent upon review of the following specification in conjunction with the
`FIG. 1 is a front perspective view of an interior rearview mirror assembly in
`accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is an exploded perspective view of the interior rearview mirror assembly of
`FIG. 1;
`FIG. 3 is an exploded perspective view of another interior rearview mirror assembly
`in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 4 is an exploded perspective view of another interior rearview mirror assembly
`in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 5 is an exploded perspective view of another interior rearview mirror assembly
`in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 6 is a perspective view of a reflective element assembly portion of the mirror
`assembly of the present invention, with the reflective element removed to show additional
`FIG. 7 is an opposite perspective view of the reflective element assembly portion of
`FIG. 6;
`FIG. 8 is a perspective view of a cap portion of the mirror assembly of FIG. 5;
`FIG. 9 is a perspective view of a cap portion and circuit boards of FIG. 5, as
`FIG. 10 is a rear perspective view of another interior rearview mirror assembly of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 11 is a rear elevation of another interior rearview mirror assembly of the present
`FIG. 12 is a front elevation of an interior rearview mirror assembly, having directional
`heading or compass display in accordance with the present invention;
`FIGS. l 3A-D are enlarged elevations of customized compass displays in accordance
`with the present invention;
`Exhibit 1009
`Page 0706


`WO 2004/103772
`PCT /US2004/015424
`FIG. 14 is a front elevation of another interior rearview mirror assembly, showing
`another compass display in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 15 is a front elevation of another interior rearview mirror assembly, showing
`another compass display in accordance with the present invention; and
`FIG. 16 is a front elevation of another interior rearview mirror assembly, showing
`another compass display in accordance with the present invention
`FIG. 17 is a front elevation of another interior rearview mirror assembly having a
`compass and temperature display;
`FIG. 18 is a front elevation of another interior rearview mirror assembly, having a
`garage door opening system display and user inputs in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 19 is a front elevation of another interior rearview mirror assembly, having a
`compass display and a tire pressure monitoring system display in accordance with the present
`FIG. 20 is a front elevation of another interior rearview mirror assembly, having a tire
`pressure monitoring system display in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 21 is an enlarged front elevation of another tire pressure monitoring system
`display in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 22 is a front elevation of another interior rearview mirror assembly, having a
`telematics module and display in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 23 is a front elevation of another interior rearview mirror assembly, having a
`telematics module and display in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 24 is a perspective view of a cap portion for an interior rearview mirror assembly
`in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 25 is an enlarged perspective view of a light actuator of the cap portion of FIG.
`FIG. 26 is a perspective view of another cap portion of the present invention;
`FIG. 27 is an upper perspective view of an interior rearview mirror assembly of the
`present invention, with microphones positioned along an upper cap portion;
`FIG. 28 is a sectional view of an interior rearview mirror assembly having a battery in
`accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 29 is an exploded perspective view of another interior rearview mirror assembly
`in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 30 is a rear perspective view of the mounting assembly of the mirror assembly of
`FIG. 29;
`Exhibit 1009
`Page 0707


`WO 2004/103772
`PCT /US2004/015424
`FIG. 31 is a sectional view of the mounting arm and mount of FIG. 30;
`FIG. 32 is a rear perspective view of another mounting assembly of the present
`FIG. 33A is a sectional view of an electrochromic reflective element assembly portion
`in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 33B is a sectional view of another electrochromic reflective element assembly
`portion in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 34 is a perspective view of another interior rearview mirror assembly and a
`windshield accessory module in accordance with the present invention; and
`FI GS. 35A-D are perspective views of different accessory modules of the present
`Referring now to the drawings and the illustrative embodiments depicted therein, an
`interior rearview mirror assembly or modular prismatic rearview mirror assembly 10 for a
`vehicle includes a reflective element assembly portion 13 including a mirror holder 12 and a
`reflective element 14 (FIG. 1) positioned at and at least partially within the mirror holder
`and/or bezel portion, that preferably is molded from a polyolefin material, such as a
`polypropylene material or the like. Mirror assembly 10 includes a plastic molded cap or cap
`portion 16, preferably molded from an ABS material, an engineering resin material, such as a
`filled or unfilled nylon material, or the like (and may be integrally molded with metallic or
`ceramic materials or inserts or the like to provide mechanical bracing and enhanced structural
`rigidity). Cap portion 16 is mountable or attachable to a rear portion or open portion 12a of
`mirror holder 12, and may include an accessory or feature or the like, such as a printed circuit
`board 18 having an electronic accessory or circuitry thereon or integrated therein or attached
`thereto. Cap portion 16 may be snapped or otherwise mounted to or attached to the open rear
`portion 12a of mirror holder 12 to install or back-load the printed circuit board and/or
`accessory within the mirror holder 12 of mirror assembly 10. Cap portion 16 may be
`detachably mounted or attached to the mirror holder, such as via accessible detents or snaps
`or the like, and may be removable or detachable from the rear portion of the mirror holder,
`such as for service or replacement of the cap portion or one or more accessories of the cap
`Various cap portions of the present invention may be provided with different options
`or accessories, and may be selected to mount to or attach to a universal or common mirror
`holder to form different mirror assemblies having different content. The present invention
`Exhibit 1009
`Page 0708


`WO 2004/103772
`thus allows an automobile manufacturer to order or purchase common or standard mirror
`holders or reflective element assembly portions and different or custom cap portions and to
`assemble the mirror assembly with the desired cap portion and content at the vehicle
`assembly plant. The automobile manufacturer may even choose to purchase the mirror
`holders (which may include the reflective element) from one source and the cap portions
`from another source, and may complete the mirror assembly at the vehicle assembly plant or
`at another facility, such as a mirror assembly plant or the like. The present invention thus
`allows an automobile manufacturer to order or purchase the mirror holder and reflective
`element (and maybe the toggle assembly and mounting assembly as well, such as shown in
`FIGS. 6 and 7) from a mirror specialist, and the cap portions and accessories (such as shown
`in FIG. 9) from an electronics specialist. The cap portion may snap or otherwise attach to the
`mirror holder to complete the assembly of the rearview mirror assembly.
`Because the cap portion or portions may be purchased separately, the present
`invention lends itself to aftermarket applications or to dealership or consumer
`customizations/personalizations, where a cap portion having the desired accessories or
`appearance or design may be purchased and installed to a mirror holder to alter or upgrade
`the mirror assembly of the vehicle. It is envisioned that such an upgrade could be made to a
`base mirror that does not originally include any electronic accessories, whereby the cap
`portion could provide electrical content to the mirror assembly. In such applications, the cap
`portion may connect to a power source or the like of the vehicle (such as via a wire or cable
`that extends between the mirror assembly and the headliner or an accessory module of the
`vehicle when the mirror assembly is installed in the vehicle) or the cap portion may include a
`battery or self-contained power source to provide power to the accessories and circuitry
`contained within the cap portion, such as discussed below with respect to FIG. 28.
`In an afterrnarket application, cap portions may be provided as aftermarket cap
`portions, and a consumer may purchase a desired cap portion, which may have desired
`content or features and/or may have a desired color or texture or appearance or the like, and
`may readily remove the existing cap portion from the mirror of their vehicle and replace it
`with the new cap portion. For example, the cap portion and/or the mirror holder may have
`snaps or clasps that may retain the cap portion and the mirror holder together, but that may
`release or detach such that the cap portion may be detachable from the mirror holder by a
`user. The cap portion may be pulled or detached from the mirror holder and a new cap
`portion may be pressed or snapped into place on the mirror holder to provide the vehicle
`Exhibit 1009
`Page 0709


`WO 2004/103772
`owner with the new cap portion having the desired content or functions or features and/or the
`desired appearance or the like, as discussed in detail below.
`Reflective element 14 may comprise a prismatic reflective element having a wedge
`shaped prism with a reflective coating on its rear surface, such as described in U.S. Pat. Nos.
`6,318,870; 5,327,288; 4,948,242; 4,826,289; 4,436,371; and 4,435,042; and/or U.S. pat.
`application, Ser. No. 10/709,434, filed May 5, 2004 by Lynam for MIRROR REFLECTIVE
`ELEMENT (Attorney Docket DONOl P-1152); and/or U.S. provisional application, Ser. No.
`60/525,952, filed Nov. 26, 2003 by Lynam for MIRROR REFLECTIVE ELEMENT FOR A
`VEHICLE (Attorney Docket DONOl P-1130), which are all hereby incorporated herein by
`reference. Reflective element 14 may include one or more displays which may be laser(cid:173)
`etched or otherwise formed thereon, such as via an applique or the like on the surface of the
`reflective element or such as a display on demand type of display (discussed below). The
`display may include one or more display elements, such as illumination sources, such as
`vacuum fluorescent (VF) elements, liquid crystal displays (LCDs), light emitting diodes
`(LEDs), such as inorganic LEDs or organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs),
`electroluminescent (EL) elements or the like. Optionally, the prismatic reflective element
`may comprise a display on demand or transflective prismatic element (such as described in
`PCT Application No. PCT/US03/29776, filed Sep. 19, 2003 by Donnelly Corp. et al. for
`1109(PCT)); and/or U.S. provisional application, Ser. No. 60/525,952, filed Nov. 26, 2003 by
`DONO 1 P-1130), which are all hereby incorporated herein by reference) so that the displays
`are viewable through the reflective element, while the display area still functions to
`substantially reflect light, in order to provide a generally uniform prismatic reflective element
`even in the areas that have display elements positioned behind the reflective element.
`For example, as shown in FIGS. 1-5 and 12, prismatic reflective element 14 may
`include a compass display 14a and/or other display, such as a passenger side inflatable
`restraint status display 14b (FIGS. 2-4) or the like, formed or etched on the reflective
`element. For example, the compass display 14a may include ports 15a, such as icons,
`characters or directional headings (N, S, E, W), etched or formed in the reflective coating of
`the reflective element (such as via removing the reflective coating of the reflective element to
`form a desired port or icon or character and/or such as by utilizing aspects described in U.S.
`Pat. No. 4,882,565, issued to Gallmeyer, which is hereby incorporated herein by reference) to
`allow light from corresponding illumination sources or elements 19a (such as light emitting
`Exhibit 1009
`Page 0710


`WO 2004/103772
`diodes or the like) to pass through the reflective element to illuminate or back light the
`appropriate port or icon or heading character for viewing by the driver or occupant of the
`vehicle, such as similar to the compass systems disclosed in U.S. pat. application, Ser. No.
`10/456,599, filed Jun. 6, 2003 by Weller et al. for INTERIOR REARVIEW MIRROR
`SYSTEM WITH COMPASS (Attorney Docket DONOl P-1076), which is hereby
`incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and as discussed below.
`As shown in FIG. 5, the reflective element 14 may include an anti-scatter film or
`sheet or tape 14c applied over its rear surface. The tape 14c may be adhered or otherwise
`attached to the rear surface of the reflective element so as to limit shattering or scattering of
`the mirror glass if the vehicle is involved in an accident. Also, the reflective element 14 may
`include a display applique 14d that may be adhered or applied to the rear surface of the
`reflective element in the general region of the display 14a (and/or at the region of other
`displays at the reflective element). The display applique 14d may comprise a diffusing
`element or material, such as a white diffusing material with a smoked front or the like, to
`diffuse the light emitted by the display elements so that a person viewing the display 14a will
`not readily discern the individual lighting elements or filaments, but will view substantially
`uniform illumination provided by the lighting elements or filaments.
`Interior rearview mirror assembly 10 may include a toggle assembly 20 and a
`mounting portion 22, which may be pivotally connected to toggle assembly 20 and mounted
`to the vehicle to provide pivotal movement of the mirror holder and reflective element
`relative to the vehicle. Toggle assembly 20 may include a toggle member 20a, which may be
`actuated or moved by a user to adjust the mirror holder and reflective element relative to the
`vehicle. Optionally, toggle member 20a may comprise a soft touch surface or portion, such
`as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,318,870 and 6,349,450, which are hereby incorporated herein
`by reference. Such a soft touch surface or portion preferably comprises a soft touch material
`(such as a thermoplastic elastomer or other similar thermoplastic materials, such as
`Santoprene or the like), preferably having a Shore A durometer value of less than about 110
`Shore A, more preferably less than about 90 Shore A, and most preferably less than about 70
`Shore A, that may be molded over a rigid or harder material or structure, such as by utilizing
`aspects described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,349,450, which is hereby incorporated herein by
`reference. The toggle assembly or the mirror holder may also include a pivot joint or pivot
`element 20b, such as a socket and/or ball member, molded or formed thereon or attached or
`mounted thereto, in order to provide pivotal movement or adjustment of the mirror assembly
`relative to the mounting arm or portion. The mounting portion 22 may be mounted to the
`Exhibit 1009
`Page 0711


`WO 2004/103772
`vehicle, such as to an interior surface of the vehicle windshield or to a header portion of the
`vehicle or the like, via any mounting arm and button or any other mounting arrangement or
`construction, such as the types disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,499,850; 6,318,870; 6,315,421;
`6,227,675; 5,671,996; 5,813,745; 5,673,994; 5,820,097; 5,708,410; 5,680,263; 5,582,383;
`5,576,687; 5,555,136; 5,521,760; 5,330,149; 5,100,095; 5,058,851; 4,930,742; 4,936,533;
`4,436,371; 4,524,941; 4,435,042; and/or 4,646,210; and/or PCT Publication No. WO
`03/095269 A2, published Nov. 20, 2003 for REARVIEW MIRROR ASSEMBLIES; and/or
`PCT Publication No. WO 03/099614 Al, published Dec. 4, 2003 for MODULAR
`REARVIEW MIRROR ASSEMBLY, which are hereby incorporated by reference herein,
`10 without affecting the scope of the presen

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