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`Petitioner Barco's Exhibit 1003
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`Petitioner Barco's Exhibit 1003
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`H07 - 168544
`(19) Japan Patent Office (JP)
`JPA H07 4 168544
`(12) Unexamined Patent Application Publication (A)
`(1 1) J PA Publication Number
`(43) Date Published July 4, 1995
`(51) Int.Cl.
`G09G 5/00
`ID Code
`510 B
`7459—5L G09F
`In—house sorting no.
`9471-5G G06F 15/00
`Technology Indication Section
`Examination has not been re uested. No. of Claims 3 FD 9 a es in total
`(71) Applicant: 390002967
`Natsu Kopu Ltd.
`1-2-1 Tobio, Atsugi City, Kanagawa
`H05 — 342203
`(21) Application No.
`(22) Application Date December 15, 1993
`(72) Inventor: Tadaya Nakamura
`l-2-1 Tobio, Atsugi City, Kanagawa
`(54) [Title]
`(57) [Abstract]
`[Object] Create a control system allowing a registered
`user to input information at any location without
`technical constraints to display advertisements and
`information on the preregistered display devices
`[Constituent Features] The system is structured by
`registering a plurality of slave stations each having a
`storage means which can receive and transmit data in
`the communication range and a display device
`connected to a plurality of terminal devices via a
`master station. Display contents are prepared using
`display content preparation support software operated
`within the system, and display conditions, such as
`location and time, are set using posting support
`software operated within the system. The processing
`is performed by selecting audio, text, and pictures in
`the guide displayed by the system to appropriately add
`the display contents for the personally prepared
`portion to be converted to allow the system to display.
`The conditions for the posting reservations and the
`costs are decided by sequentially limiting the location
`and time. After editing and adjusting for the available
`display time at the slave stations and overlapped
`reservations during the multi-reservation time frames
`established by the system, the slave stations store the
`information and then execute the reserved display.
`The execution records are created in a transmittable
`[Effect] An individual can advertise on a group of
`display devices globally at the level operable by
`ordinary persons; slave station owners can widely
`solicit advertisers; and system operators can
`Petitioner Barco's Exhibit 1003
`Page 10 of 19


`[Claim 1] An advertising, etc. display control system 10 for
`advertising facilities comprising a plurality of fixed or mobile
`registered electronically controllable display devices la, 1b, -—-,
`as slave stations 1, and a master station 2 selectively organized
`and configured with a central control unith controlling a
`central processing unit 2a or a group or a plurality of groups of
`central processing units 2A, each unit individually and the
`group, adapted to display advertisements or information at any
`of the slave stations 1 by inputting and transmitting the display
`reservation information m prepared from a plurality of terminal
`devices 3 via the master station 2 which transmits the data to the
`slave station 1, wherein the advertising, etc. display control
`system is characterized such that the display reservation
`information In for a slave station 1 available for reservation is
`prepared by using display content preparation support software
`4, which assists the preparation of display data, including audio,
`text, or videos, for the display reservation information m, and
`display content posting support software 5, which assists the
`selection of a single or plural slave stations 1 to be reserved for
`display specified in accordance with certain standards, setting
`the display duration t and posting reservation time frame T, and
`display related procedural processing P, including editing of
`multiple display reservations, calculating and collecting fees or
`costs c; a display reservation with a specific slave station 1 is
`completed by inputting at any specific terminal device 3 directly
`or via a prescribed storage medium n upon storing the
`information on the storage medium n; and the display of the
`display reservation information In is executed at the specific
`slave station 1 under the set conditions reserved from a specific
`terminal device 3 via the master station 2.
`[Claim 2] The advertising, etc. display control system
`characterized by updating the display time information 6 of the
`display content posting support software 5 by dividing the
`display reservation cut off period for the selected specific slave
`stations 1 into several periods, sequentially distributing and
`editing the display reservations to be displayed in the same
`posting reservation time frame T received during each of the 15‘
`to the Nth reservation periods, while distributing the idle time 2t
`remaining in the posting reservation time frame T before and
`after each of the reserved display runtime t1 during the
`reservation period to adjust for overlapping display reservations,
`setting the display duration t for each of the display reservations
`by adding the idle time t2 to the display runtime t1 at the end of
`the final reservation period, and successively registering the
`display reservation status with the master station 2.
`[Claim 3] The advertising, etc. display control system
`characterized by providing the slave stations 1 with a storage
`means 7 accompanied by a transceiver 7a, enabling the slave
`stations 1 to store the transmitted contents 8 from the master
`station 2 before the display control system 10 executes and
`completes the reserved display of the transmitted contents 8 in
`the posting reservation time frame T at the slave stations 1, and
`enabling the slave stations to store the execution records 9 for
`the completed display before transmitting them to the master
`station 2, the applicable records for individual reservations
`among the transmitted records being subsequently transmitted to
`each of the preregistered addressees 3a.
`[Detailed Description of the Invention]
`[Industrial Applications] The present invention relates to
`H07 - 168544
`user to display advertisement and information, while allowing him
`to manage his budget, by inputting the information at a
`prescribed terminal device installed at a given location for
`display on a group of registered display devices of any number
`to be remotely communicated to a single or plurality of display
`devices optionally selected from among the group of display
`[Background Art] Conventional methods for placing
`advertisements and information (hereinafter referred to as
`advertisements) include: a) producing, and posting or
`distributing a single or plural printed materials displaying the
`information one wishes to display at a specific location or non-
`specific multiple locations, b) unilaterally transmitting
`advertising as audio broadcasting, or image/video advertising
`using a group of display or notification devices, including
`radios, cable broadcasting systems, and television sets to the
`general public or the persons located at a specific location, or c)
`exclusively displaying advertisement on a single display device
`by using a device, such as an illuminated advertising board, an
`electronic signboard, a liquid crystal display, or the like.
`[0003] Conventional technologies for b) and c) above have
`been disclosed as the following advertising technologies: 1)
`anyone can know the registered display contents at an
`unspecified location by way of a prepaying means (Japanese
`Unexamined Patent Application Publication No. HOI-l 15262),
`2) the advertisement information stored on an electronic medium
`is displayed on a specific display means using a prepaying
`means by inserting a coin or card to display the information real
`time during a specific display period (Japanese Unexamined
`Patent Application Publication No. H02 -47766), 3)
`communication data display technology comprising a data
`conversion means, a storage means, and a display means which
`compresses and converts the communication data for
`advertisements (Japanese Unexamined Patent Application
`Publication No. H02-181 818), and 4) information notification
`technology which displays the display contents using text and
`images by way of a remote data transmission, and additionally
`provides audio (Japanese Unexamined Patent Application
`Publication No. HOS-216420).
`[0004] Additional disclosure includes 5) electronic billboard
`technology using a broadcasting system comprising a master
`station and a plurality of slave stations wherein an information
`provider prepares information contents and transmits to the
`master station, and specified slave stations display the contents
`on their display devices after confirming that the contents
`transmitted by the master station are indeed addressed to the
`slave stations (Japanese Unexamined Patent Application
`Publication No. H03-1 17123), and 6) such information
`transmission is performed by satellite communication (Japanese
`Unexamined Patent Application Publication No. 860-85631).
`Additional disclosure includes 7) a system which displays
`information in a transportation vehicle (disclosed in the Denpa
`Shimbun article “A New Vehicular Video Service System
`Using Liquid Crystal Displays” published on February 14,
`1989), and 8) technology similar to 7) that provides non-specific
`information to the general public in a transportation vehicle by
`receiving the information transmitted from the outside (Japanese
`Unexamined Patent Application Publication No. H02-223985).
`[0005] The latest prior art applicable to b) and c) above shows,
`“non-specific” being the keyword, that all display contents can
`Petitioner Barco's Exhibit 1003
`Page 11 of 19


`H07 - 168544
`can see the advertisements before their eyes at a specific
`location, such as a telephone box, by prepaying; the information
`providers can display information on a specific display device
`real time by prepaying; the communication and information
`companies can have the benefit of compressing the entrusted
`information to efficiently transmit and display the information;
`and the broadcasting system and transportation vehicle
`information network professionals can manipulate information
`provision and display to provide the public with unspecified
`[Problem to be Solved by the Invention] The conventional
`advertising method a) described above, however, is wasteful
`because the advertising media are expended or disposed of after
`use, and the conventional method b) has the same restrictions as
`those of the technologies l) and 2) in which a beneficiary or an
`information provider seeking profits from advertising can
`transmit or receive advertisements, even if he is not a
`professional, if prepaid, i.e., he can merely receive profits to the
`extent that he can confirm. In order to increase profits from
`advertising in a wider area, an advertiser has no choice but to
`specify the conditions, such as a certain postng time frame and
`display duration, and to depend on the specific contracted
`professionals who exclusively select and use specific facilities for
`a broadcasting area or a transportation vehicle, which did not
`allow the advertiser to advertise to the general public in a few
`limited, selected regions to aim for the maximum economic
`[0007] In other words, if an end user transmitting advertisements
`in a wide area is located in Kyushu and wishes to advertise using
`advertising facilities located in Tokyo, for example, he would
`outsource the task to a professional, leaving the decisions on the
`advertising means and specifications to the professional.
`In the
`case of displaying an advertisement on broadcasting display
`devices, since advertisements are normally displayed for short
`time periods, a mid-sized advertisement not conforming to the
`broadcasting conditions cannot be displayed. In the case of
`advertising on an outdoor display device, an advertisement is
`posted continuously by securing the right under an exclusive
`long-term contract over several months to several years, and thus
`the advertising space cannot be made available to someone who
`wishes to place another advertisement for a short period of time.
`Even if the contractor wishes to suspend the advertisement, he
`cannot do so unless he terminates the contract prematurely or the
`other party agrees to such suspension. Even if a regionally
`located small enterprise wishes to utilize a distant, centrally
`located outdoor display device, it could not to do so at an
`appropriate location on a

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