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`Inside JavaTM 2
`TX 5-045-888
`Platform Security
`Page 3 of 13
`The Java“ Series
`Ken Arnold and James Gosling, The Java“
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`ISBN 0—201-48558~3
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`ISBN 0-201-31002-3
`Patrick Chan, Rosanna Lee, and Doug Kramer,
`The JavarM Class Libraries, Second Edition,
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`ISBN 0-201-48552—4
`Li Gong, Inside the Java” 2 Platform Security
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`James Gosling, Frank Yellin, and The Java Team,
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`Henry Sowizral, Kevin Rushforth, and Michael
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`Kathy Walrath and Mary Campione, The IFC Swing
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`ISBN 0-201—43321-4
`Seth White, Ma‘ydene Fisher, Rick Cattell, Graham
`Hamilton, and Mark Hapner, JDBC'“ API Tutorial
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`Lisa Friendly, Series Editor
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`ISBN 0—201—43328—1
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`Inside avam 2
`Platform Security
`Bonn ' Amsterdam - Tokyo 0 Mexico City
`An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
`Reading, Massachusetts 0 Harlow, England . Menlo Park, California
`Berkeley, California 0 Don Mills, Ontario 0 Sydney
`Architecture, API Design,
`and Implementation
`Page 5 of 13
`Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA, 94303, USA.
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`ISBN: 0-201-31000—7
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-CRS-03UZOIOO99
`First Printing, June 1999
`. 73
`Page 6 of 13
`How This Book Is Organized .
`Acknowledgments .
`Computer and Network Security Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . .
`1.1 Cryptography versus Computer Security .
`1.2 Threats and Protection .
`1.3 Perimeter Defense .
`1.3.1 Firewalls .
`. xii
`. xiii
`. . . . 1
`. 2
`. 3
`. 4
`. .. 6
`. 6
`. 7
`. 7
`. 8
`1.4.3 Static versus Dynamic Models .
`1.4.4 Considerations Concerning the Use of Security Models .
`1.5 Using Cryptography .
`1.5.1 One-Way Hash Functions .
`1.5 .2 Symmetric Ciphers .
`. .
`1.5.3 Asymmetric Ciphers .
`1.6 Authentication .
`1.7 Mobile Code .
`1.3.2 Inadequacies of Perimeter Defense Alone .
`1.4 Access Control and Security Models .
`1.4.1 MAC and DAC Models .
`1.4.2 Access to Data and Information .
`1.8 Where Does Java Security Fit In .
`. .
`. 9
`. 10
`. . 11
`. 12
`. 13
`. .. 14
`. .. 15
`. 17
`. . 18
`Basic Security for the Java Language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
`2.1 The Java Language and Platform .
`. 22
`2.2 Basic Security Architecture .
`. 23
`2.3 Bytecode Verification and Type Safety .
`. 25
`2.4 Signed Applets .
`. .. 27
`2.5 A Brief History of Security Bugs and Fixes .
`. . . ,
`Page 7 of 13
`3 JDK1.28ecurityArchitecture........................... 33
`3.1 From the Beginning .
`. 33
`3.2 Why a New Security Architecture .
`. 34
`3.2.1 Sandbox Restrictions on Applets Too Limiting .
`. 34
`3.2.2 Insufficient Separation Between Policy and Enforcement .
`. 35
`3.2.3 Security Checks Not Easily Extensible .
`. 35
`3.2.4 Locally Installed Applets Too Easily Trusted .
`. 36
`3.2.5 Internal Security Mechanisms Fragile .
`. 36
`3.2.6 Summary .
`. 37
`java.securi ty.Genera'l SecurityException .
`. .. 37
`Security Policy .
`. 38
`CodeSource .
`. 41
`. .. 85
`. 43
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`3.5.1 Testing for Equality and Using Implication .
`Permission Hierarchy .
`3.6.1 java.security. Permission .
`3.6.2 Permission Sets .
`3.6.3 java.security.UnresolvedPermission .
`3.6.4 java.io.FilePermission .
`3.6.5 java.net.SocketPermission .
`3.6.6 java.security. BasicPermission .
`3.6.7 java. util .PropertyPe rmi ssi on .
`3.6.8 java.lang.RuntimePermission .2).
`3.6.9 java.awt.AWTPermission .
`3.6.10 java.net.NetPermission .
`3.6.11 java. lang.ref'lect. ReflectPermission .
`3.6.12 java.i0.SerializablePermission .
`3.6.13 java. security.SecurityPermi ssion .
`3.6.14 java.security.AllPermission .
`3.6.15 Implications of Permission Implications .
`Assigning Permissions .
`3.7.1 Positive versus Negative Permissions .
`Protecti onDomai n .
`Securely Loading Classes .
`3.9.1 Class Loader Hierarchy .
`3.9.2 java. 1 ang . Cl assLoader and Delegation .
`3.9.3 java.secur‘ity.SecureClassLoader .
`3.9.4 java.net.URLC'|assLoader .
`3.9.5 Classpaths .
`java.lang.SecurityManager .
`_. 3.10.1 Example Use of the Security Manager .
`g :3._19.2~Unchanged APIs in JDK 1.2 .
`3.101’3‘rpéprecated Methods in JDK 1.2 .
`Page 8 of 13
`java.secur"i ty.AccessControIIer .
`3.11.1 Interface Design ofAccessController .
`3.11.2 The Basic Access Control Algorithm .
`3.11.3 Method Inheritance .
`3.11.4 Extending the Basic Algorithm with Privileged Operations .
`3.11.5 Three Types of Privileged Actions .
`. .-.
`3.11.6 The Context of Access Control .
`3.11.7 The Full Access Control Algorithm .
`3.11.8 Securi tyManager versus AccessContr‘oI 1 er .
`3.11.9 A Mini-History of Privileged Operations .
`Summary and Lessons Learned.
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`4 Deploying the Security Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
`Installing JDK 1.2 .
`. 113
`Policy Configuration .
`. 115
`4.2.1 Configuring System-Wide and User-Specific Policies .
`. 115
`4.2.2 Configuring Application-Specific Policies .
`. 116
`4.2.3 Configuring an Alternative P01 1' cy Class Implementation .
`. 117
`4.2.4 Default Policy File Format .
`. 118
`4.2.5 Policy File Examples .
`. 122
`4.2.6 Property Expansion in Policy Files .
`. 123
`Digital Certificates .
`. 125
`Helpful Security Tools .
`. 130
`4.4.1 Keystore Databases .
`. 130
`, 4.4.2 Keytool .
`. 133
`4.4.3 Policy Tool
`. 139
`4.4.4 Jarsigner .
`. 143
`4.4.5 Code Signing Example .
`. 148
`Managing Security Policies for Nonexperts .
`. 150
`. 174
`Customizing the Security Architecture. . . . .
`Creating New Permission Types .
`Composite Permissions .
`Customizing Security Policy .
`. .
`Migrating JDK 1.1-Based Security Managers .
`5.4.1 JDK 1.1 Security Manager Classes .
`5.4.2 Accommodating JDK 1.1 Security Managers on JDK 1.2 .
`5.4.3 Modifying JDK 1.1 Security Managers for JDK 1.2 .
`Security Exceptions .
`.. .
`. 173
`Fields and Methods .
`Page 9 of 13
`Static Fields .
`. 176
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`. 182
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`7 ProgrammingCryptography........................... 191
`Design Principles .
`. 192
`Cryptographic Services and Service Providers .
`. 193
`7.2.1 Installing and Adding a Provider .
`. 197
`Cryptography Classes .
`. 199
`7.3.1 java.secur1'ty.Secur1'ty .
`. .. 199
`7.3.2 'java.security.Prov1'der .
`. .. 200
`7.3.3 java.security.MessageDigest .
`. .. 200
`7.3.4 java.secur‘jty.5'ignature .
`. .. 201
`7.3.5 Algorithm Parameters .
`. 204
`7.3.6 java. security. Key and java. security. spec . KeySpec .
`. .. 207
`7.3.7 java. security. KeyFactory and java. security. cert.
`Certifi cateFactory
`7.3.8 KeyPai r and KeyPai rGenerator .
`7.3.9 java.secur'jty.KeyStore .
`Randomness and Seed Generators .
`. 225
`Private Object State and Object Irnmutability .
`Privileged Code .
`Serialization .
`Inner Classes .
`Native Methods .
`Signing Objects .
`Sealing Objects .
`Guarding Objects .
`6.11.1 Examples of Using GuardedObject .
`7.4.1 java.security.SecureRandom .
`Code Examples .
`7.5.1 Example 1: Computing a Message Digest .
`7.5.2 Example 2: Generating a Public/Private Key Pair .
`7.5.3 Example 3: Generating and Verifying Signatures .
`7.5.4 Example 4: Reading a File That Contains Certificates .
`Standard Names .
`. .
`7.6.1 Message Digest Algorithms .
`7.6.2 Key and Parameter Algorithms .
`7.6.3 Digital Signature Algorithms .
`7.6.4 Random Number Generation Algorithms .
`7.6.5 Certificate Types .
`7.6.6 Keystore Types .
`Algorithm Specifications .
`7.7.1 SHA—l Message Digest Algorithm .
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`.. .
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`7.7.2 MDZ Message Digest Algorithm.
`7.7.3 MDS Message Digest Algorithm .
`7.7.4 Digital Signature Algorithm .
`7.7.5 RSA—Based Signature Algorithms .
`7.7.6 DSA KeyPair Generation Algorithm .
`7.7.7 RSA KeyPair Generation Algorithm .
`7.7.8 DSA Parameter Generation Algorithm .
`8 FutureDirections
`8.1 Security Management .
`8.2 JDK Feature Enhancement .
`8.3 Java Authentication and Authorization Service .
`8.3.1 Subjects and Principals .
`8.3.2 Credentials .
`8.3.3 Pluggable and Stacked Authentication .
`8.3.4 Callbacks .
`8.3.5 Access Control .
`8.3.6 JAAS Implementation .
`8.4 Conclusion.
`. ., .
`Page 11 of 13
`Inside Java
`0 006 447 737 7
`"The book is ofenormous consequence and panama. yuluc.
`platform security represents an advance of major proportions, and the
`information in this book is captured nowhere else.”
`—Peter G. Neumann, Principal Scientist, SRI International Computer
`Science Lab, author of Computer—Related Risks, and Moderator of
`the Risks Forum
`”Pr0found! There are a large number of security pearls. I enjoyed and
`was very impressed by both the depth and breadth of the book.”
`—Stephen Northcutt, Director of Research for Intrusion Detection
`and Response, SANS Institute
`- Policy configuration and digital certificates
`- Security tools, including Key Store andJar Signer
`- Ways to customize the Java security architecture with new
`permission types
`- How to move legacy security code onto the Java" 2 platform
`Inside java" 2 Platform Security is the definitive and comprehensive
`guide to the Java security platform. Written by the Chief Java Security
`Architect at Sun, it provides a detailed look into the central workings of
`the Javaw security architecture and describes security tools and tech—
`niques for successful implementation.
`This book features detailed descriptions of the many enhancements
`incorporated within the security architecture that underlies the Java 2
`platform. It also provides a practical guide to the deployment of Java
`security, and shows how to customize, extend, and refine the core secu—
`rity architecture. For those new to the topic,
`the book includes an
`overview of computer and network security concepts and an explanation
`of the basic Java security model.
`You will find detailed discussions on such specific topics as:
`- The original Java sandbox security model
`' The new Java 2\platform permISSIon hierarchy
`- How Java security supports the secure loading of classes
`- Java 2 access control mechanisms
`_ Epggéaéaie BS
`3%“ mg
`e“ Eva.
`¥ =V~ H ‘ -' '- a
`cover degg” by Simone R- Payment
`Cover art by Sara Connell
`aText printed on recycled paper
`Add'son’l/Ves’lcylS an'mprmt
`0f Addison WESIeY Longmanz lnC-
`9 780201 310009
`5 3 49 5
`I S B N D - E [I 1. - 3 1. U I] U - 7
`$34 95 Us
`In addition, the book discusses techniques for preserving object security—
`such as signing sealing, and guarding objects—and outlines the Java
`cryptography architecture. Throughout, the book points out common
`mistakes and contains numerous code examples demonstrating the
`usage of classes and methods.
`Li Gong,
`internationally renowned computer security expert and
`Chair of the Java Security Advisory Council,
`is Chief Java Security
`Architect and a Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems, Inc. He is an
`Associate Editor of/IC/l/I Transactions on Information and System Security
`and Thejournal ofComputer Security, and served as Program Chair of the
`IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy and the ACM Conference on
`Computer and Communications Security.
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