`NCSU Libraries Online Catalog: Inside Java 2 platform security : architecture, API design, and implementation
`Library Catalog
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`http://catalog.| 1050269
`Inside Java 2 platform security : architecture, API design, and
`Inside Java 2
`n Li 1
`Plalform Sunritv
`- -\Pll|e.~|';n: —— '
`Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1999.
`Browse Related subJeCts
`shelf 2
`Description: xiv, 262 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
`Java (Computer program languagefi
`Computer security13
`The book is of enormous consequence and potential value.
`The Java 2 Platform Security represents an advance of
`major proportions, and the information in this book is
`captured nowhere else. - Peter G. Neumann, Principal
`Scientist, SRI International Computer Science Lab, author
`of Computer-Related Risks, and Moderator of the Risks
`Forum Profound There are a large number of security
`pearls. I enjoyed and was very impressed by both the depth
`and breadth of the book. - Stephen Northcutt, Director of
`Research for Intrusion Detection and Response, SANS
`Institute Inside the Java 2 Platform Security is the
`definitive and comprehensive guide to the Java security
`platform. Written by the Chief Java Security Architect at
`Sun, it provides a detailed look into the central workings
`of the Java security architecture and describes security
`tools and techniques for successful implementation. This
`book features detailed descriptions of the many
`enhancements incorporated within the security
`architecture that underlies the Java 2 platform. It also
`provides a practical guide to the deployment of Java
`security, and shows how to customize, extend, and refine
`the core security architecture. For those
`Content provided by Syndetic Solutions, Inc. Terms of Use
`jmore [4
`000 0120lcam 32200301 3 4500
`003 DLC
`005 19990708112155 . 0
`008 99052451999 maua b 001 0 eng
`la 99031645
`|aDLC |cDLC IthCcYBP |d0rLoB—B
`959 9 9
`|aQA76.73.J38 |bG65 1999
`982 9 9
`|a995.8 |221
`IaGong, Li,
`100 1
`245 1 0 IcLi Gong. IaInside Java 2 plat-Form security 2 Ibarchitecture, API design, and implementation /
`260 |c1999. IaReading, Mass. : IbAddison-Wesley,
`laxiv, 262 p.
`: Ibill.
`|c24 cm.
`4440 |aThe Java series
`504 IaIncludes bibliographical references (p. 245-250) and index.
`ItComputer and Network Security Fundamentals --
`ItBasic Security 'For the Java Language -—
`ItJDK 1.2 Security Architecture --
`ItDeploying the Security Architecture --
`|tCustomizing the Security Architecture --
`ItObject Security —-
`|tProgramming Cryptography -
`ItFuture Directions.
`Page 1 of 2


`NCSU Libraries Online Catalog: Inside Java 2 platform security : architecture, API design, and implementation
`IaJava (Computer program language)
`IaComputer security.
`|ae7/2e/1999 |b01/12/2699
`Address and Phone Number: 2 Broughton Drive, Raleigh, NC 27695—7111 (919) 515—3364 |
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